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son once revised, but for the pleasure of the thing. letter is another proof in favor of my opinion o. f my worthy publisher wanted a second opinion, I mankind. Such you will always find them-selfish hould send the MS. to Rogers and Moore, as men and distrustful. I except none. The cause of this most alive to true taste. I have had frequent letters is the state of society. In the world, every one is from Wm. Harness, and you are silent; certes, you to stir for himself-it is useless, perhaps selfish, to are not a schoolboy. However, I have the consola- expect any thing from his neighbor. But I do not tion of knowing you are better employed, viz. review- think we are born of this disposition; for you find ing. You don't deserve that I should add another friendship as a schoolboy, and love enough before syllable, and I won't. "Yours, &c. twenty. "P. S. I only wait for your answer to fix our meeting."

"I went to see ; he keeps me in town, where I don't wish to be at present. He is a good man, but totally without conduct. And now, my dearest William, I must wish you good morrow, and remain ever most sincerely and affectionately yours, &c "



"8, St. James's street, Dec. 15, 1811.



December 11, 1811.

"I wrote you an answer to your last, which on reflection, pleases me as little as it probably has pleased yourself. I will not wait for your rejoinder; but proceed to tell you, that I had just then been "MY DEAR MOORE, greeted with an epistle of **'s, full of his petty "If you please, we will drop our formal monosylgrievances, and this at the moment when (from cir-lables, and adhere to the appellations sanctioned by cumstances it is not necessary to enter upon) I was our godfathers and godmothers. If you make it a bearing up against recollections to which his imagi- point, I will withdraw your name; at the same time nary sufferings are as a scratch to a cancer. These there is no occasion, as I have this day postponed things combined, put me out of humor with him and your election 'sine die,' till it shall suit your wishes all mankind. The latter part of my life has been a to be among us. I do not say this from any awkperpetual struggle against affections which embit- wardness the erasure of your proposal would occatered the earliest portion; and though I flatter my- sion to me, but simply such is the state of the case; self I have in a great measure conquered them, yet and, indeed, the longer your name is up, the stronger there are moments (and this was one) when I am will become the probability of success, and your as foolish as formerly. I never said so much before, voters more numerous. Of course you will decide nor had I said this now, if I did not suspect myself -your wish shall be my law. If my zeal has already of having been rather savage in my letter, and wish outrun discretion, pardon me, and attribute my offi to inform you thus much of the cause. You know ciousness to an excusable motive. I am not one of your dolorous gentlemen: so now let us laugh again.

"I wish you would go down with me to Newstead. Hodgson will be there, and a young friend, named "Yesterday I went with Moore to Sydenham to Harness, the earliest and dearest I ever had, from visit Campbell. He was not visible, so we jogged the third form at Harrow to this hour. I can promise homeward, merrily enough. To-morrow I dine with you good wine, and, if you like shooting, a manor Rogers, and am to hear Coleridge, who is a kind of of four thousand acres, fires, books, your own free rage at present. Last night I saw Kemble in Corio- will, and my own very indifferent company. 'Ballanus; he was glorious, and exerted himself won-nea, vina ✶ ✶'

derfully. By good luck, I got an excellent place in "Hodgson will plague you, I fear, with verse ;the best part of the house, which was more than for my own part, I will conclude, with Martial, 'nil overflowing. Clare and Delaware, who were there recitabo tibi;' and surely the last inducement is not on the same speculation, were less fortunate. I saw the least. Ponder on my proposition, and believe them by accident,-we were not together. I wished me, my dear Moore, Yours ever, for you, to gratify your love of Shakspeare and of "BYRON." fine acting to its fullest extent. Last week I saw an exhibition of a different kind in a Mr. Coates, at the Haymarket, who performed Lothario in a damned and damnable manner.

"I told you of the fate of B. and H. in my last. So much for these sentimentalists, who console themselves in their stews for the loss-the never to



January, 29, 1812.

be recovered loss-the despair of the refined attach-"MY DEAR Moore, ment of a couple of drabs! You censure my life, "I wish very much I could have seen you; I am Harness: when I compare myself with these men, in a state of ludicrous tribulation.

my elders and my betters, I really begin to conceive

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myself a monument of prudence-a walking statue "Why do you say that I dislike your poesy? I -without feeling or failing; and yet the world in have expressed no such opinion, either in print or general hath given me a proud preeminence over elsewhere. In scribbling, myself, it was necessary them in profligacy. Yet I like the men, and, God for me to find fault, and I fixed upon the trite charge knows, ought not to condemn their aberations. But of immorality, because I could discover no other, I own I feel provoked when they dignify all this by and was so perfectly qualified, in the innocence of the name of love-romantic attachments for things my heart, to pluck that mote from my neighbor's marketable for a dollar! eye.'

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"Dec. 16.-I have just received your letter. I "I feel very, very much obliged by your approbafeel your kindness very deeply. The foregoing part tion; but, at this moment, praise, even your praise, of my letter, written yesterday, will, I hope, account passes by me like the idle wind.' I meant and mean for the tone of the former, though it cannot excuse to send you a copy the moment of publication; but it. I do like to hear from you-more than like. now, I can think of nothing but damned, deceitful, Next to seeing you, I have no greater satisfaction.-delightful woman, as Mr. Liston says in the Knight But you have other duties and greater pleasures, of Snowdon.

and I should regret to take a moment from either. "Believe me, my dear Moore,

H was to call to-day, but I have not seen him.
The circumstances you mention at the close of your

"Ever yours, most affectionately,




"8, St. James's street, Jan. 21, 1812.

my heart instead of my kidneys, it would have been all the better. The women are gone to their rela tives, after many attempts to explain what was already too clear. However, I have quite recovered that also, and only wonder at my folly in excepting "Though I have no objection to your refusal to my own strumpets from the general corruption, carry letters to Mealey's, you will take care that the albeit, a two months' weakness is better than ten letters are taken by Spero at the proper time. Iyears. I have one request to make, which is, never have also to observe, that Susan [a servant in the family] is to be treated with civility, and not insulted by any person over whom I have the smallest control, or, indeed, by any one whatever, while I have the power to protect her. I am truly sorry to have any subject of complaint against you; I have too good an opinion of you to think I shall have occa

mention a woman again in any letter to me, or even allude to the existence of the sex. I won't even read a word of the feminine gender; it must all be propria quæ maribus.'

"In the spring of 1813 I shall leave England for ever. Every thing in my affairs tends to this, and Neither my habits nor constitution are improved by my inclinations and health do not discourage it.

sion to repeat it, after the care I have taken of you, and my favorable intentions in your behalf. I see your customs or your climate. I shall find employ no occasion for any communication whatever, be-ment in making myself a good oriental scholar. I tween you and the women, and wish you to occupy and retrace, at intervals, the most interesting por shall retain a mansion in one of the fairest islands, yourself in preparing for the situation in which you tions of the East. In the mean time, I am adjust will be placed. If a common sense of decency cannot prevent you from conducting yourself towards ing my concerns, which will (when arranged) leave them with rudeness, I should at least hope that your me with wealth-sufficient even for home, but own interest, and regard for a master who has never treated you with unkindness, will have some weight.

"Yours, &c.,

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enough for a principality in Turkey. At present
they are involved, but I hope, by taking some neces
sary but unpleasant steps, to clear every thing.
Hobhouse is expected daily in London; we shall
be very glad to see him; and, perhaps, you will
come up and drink deep ere he depart, if not,
Mahomet must go to the mountain;' but Cam-
bridge will bring sad recollections to him, and worse
the only human being that ever loved me in truth
to me, though for very different reasons. I believe
and entirely was of, or belonging to, Cambridge, and,
in that, no change can now take place. There is
one consolation in death-where he sets his seal,
the impression can neither be melted or broken, but
endureth for ever.
"Yours always,



"8, St. James's street, Jan. 25, 1812. "Your refusal to carry the letter was not a subject of remonstrance; it was not a part of your business; but the language you used to the girl was (as she stated it) highly improper.

You say that you also have something to complain of; then state it to me immediately; it would be very unfair, and very contrary to my disposition, not to hear both sides of the question.



MY DEAR JOHN, 8, St. James's street, Feb. 12, 1812.

"You have probably long ago forgotten the write of these lines, who would, perhaps, be unable to recog "If any thing has passed between you before or nize yourself, from the difference which must natural since my last visit to Newstead, do not be afraid to ly have taken place in your stature and appearance mention it. I am sure you would not deceive me, since he saw you last. I have been rambling through though she would. Whatever it is, you shall be for- Portugal, Spain, Greece, &c., &c., for some years, given. I have not been without some suspicions on and have found so many changes on my return, that the subject, and am certain that, at your time of it would be very unfair not to expect that you should life, the blame could not attach to you. You will have had your share of alteration and improvement not consult any one, as to your answer, but write to with the rest. I write to request a favor of you: me immediately. I shall be more ready to hear little boy of eleven years, the son of Mr., my what you have to advance, as I do not remember particular friend, is about to become an Etonian, ever to have heard a word from you before against and I should esteem any act of protection or kind any human being, which convinces me you would ness to him as an obligation to myself; let me beg not maliciously assert an untruth. There is not any of you then to take some little notice of him st one who can do the least injury to you while you first, till he is able to shift for himself. conduct yourself properly. I shall expect your answer immediately. "Yours, &c.,



"I send you a proof.
and confined to bed with
am now quite recovered.


"8, St. James's street, Feb. 16, 1812.

Last week I was very ill
stone in the kidney, but I
If the stone had got into

"I was happy to hear a very favorable account of you from a schoolfellow a few weeks ago, and should be glad to learn that your family are as well as I wish them to be. I presume you are in the upper school; as an Etonian, you will look down upon a Harrow man; but I never, even in my boyish days, disputed your superiority, which I once experienced in a cricket match, where I had the honor of making one of eleven, who were beaten to their hearts' con tent by your college in one innings.

"Believe me to be, with great truth, &c., &.'




"February 4, 1812.

inquiry, I am convinced these men would have been restored to employment, and the county to tranquility. It is, perhaps, not yet too late, and is surely worth the trial. It can never be too late to employ force in such circumstances. I believe your "With my best acknowledgments to Lord Holland, lordship does not coincide with me entirely on this I have to offer my perfect concurrence in the pro-subject, and most cheerfully and sincerely shall I priety of the question previously to be put to minis-submit to your superior judgment and experience, ters. If their answer is in the negative, I shall, with and take some other line of argument against the his lordship's approbation, give notice of a motion bill, or be silent altogether, should you deem i for a Committee of Inquiry. I would also gladly more advisable. Condemning, as every one must avail myself of his most able advice, and any infor- condemn, the conduct of these wretches, I believe mation or documents with which he might be in the existence of grievances which call rather for pleased to intrust me, to bear me out in the state-pity than punishment. I have the honor to be, ment of facts it may be necessary to submit to the with great respect, my lord,


"From all that fell under my own observation during my Christmas visit to Newstead, I feel convinced that, if conciliatory measure are not very soon

Your lordship's

"Most obedient and obliged servant,


"P. S.-I am a little apprehensive that your adopted, the most unhappy consequences may be lordship will think me too ienient towards these apprehended. Nightly outrage and daily depreda- men, and half a frame-breaker myself.""

tion are already at their height, and not only the masters of frames, who are obnoxious on account of their occupation, but persons in no degree connected with the malcontents or their oppressors, are liable to insult and pillage.

"I am very much obliged to you for the trouble you have taken on my account, and beg you to believe me ever your obliged and sincere, &c."




"8 St. James's street, Feb. 25, 1812.

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"We are not answerable for reports of speeches in the papers,-they are always given incorrectly, and on this occasion more so than usual, from the debate in the Commons on the same night. The Morning Post should have said eighteen years. However, you will find the speech, as spoken, in the Parliamentary Register, when it comes out. Lords Holland and Grenville, particularly the latter, paid me some high compliments in the course "With my best thanks, I have the honor to return of their speeches, as you may have seen in the the Notts. letter to your lordship. have read it papers, and Lords Eldon and Harrowby answered with attention, but do not think I shall venture me. I have had many marvellous eulogies repeated to avail myself of its contents, as my view of the to me since, in person and by proxy, from divers question differs in some measure from Mr. Cold-persons ministerial-yea_ministerial!-as well as ham's. I hope I do not wrong him, but his objec-oppositionists; of them I shall only mention Sir tions to the bill appear to me to be founded on F. Burdett. He says, it is the best speech by a certain apprehensions that he and his coadjutors lord since the Lord knows when,' probably from a might be mistaken for the original advisers' (to fellow-feeling in the sentiments. Lord H. tells me quote him) of the measure. For my own part, II shall beat them all if I persevere, and Lord G. consider the manufacturers as a much injured body remarked that the construction of some of my of men, sacrificed to the views of certain individuals periods are very like Burke's!! And so much for who have enriched themselves by those practices vanity, I spoke very violent sentences with a sort which have deprived the frame-workers of employ-of modest impudence, abused every thing and every ment. For instance;-by the adoption of a certain body, and put the Lord Chancellor very much out kind of frame, one man performs the work of seven of humor; and if I may believe what I hear, have -six are thus thrown out of business. But it is to not lost any character by the experiment. As to be observed that the work thus done is far inferior my delivery, loud and fluent enough, perhaps a in quality, hardly marketable at home, and hurried little theatriacal. I could not reconize myself or over with a view to exportation. Surely, my lord, any one else in the newspapers. however we may rejoice in any improvement in the My poesy comes out on Saturday. Hobhouse arts which may be beneficial to mankind, we must is here; I shall tell him to write. My stone is gone not allow mankind to be sacrificed to improvements for the present, but I fear is part of my habit. We in mechanism. The maintenance and well-doing all talk of a visit to Cambridge. of the industrious poor is an object of greater consequence to the community than the enrichment of a few monopolists by any improvement in the implements of trade, which deprives the workman of his bread, and renders the laborer unworthy of his hire. My own motive for opposing the bill is founded on its palpable injustice, and its certain inefficacy. I have seen the state of these miserable

men, and it is a disgrace to a civilized country." MY LORD, Their excesses may be condemned, but cannot be

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"Yours ever,




"St. James's street, March 5, 1812.

"May I request your Lordship to accept a copy • subject of wonder. The effect of the present bill of the thing which accompanies this note? You would be to drive them into actual rebellion. The few words I shall venture to offer on Thursday will be founded upon these opinions formed from my copies was also sent, with the following inscription in it :own observations on the spot.* By previous

See his first speech.

⚫ Childe Harold. To his sister, Mrs. Leigh, one of the first presentation

"To Augusta, my dearest sister, and my best friend, who has ever loveu me much better than I deserved, this volume is presented by her father son, and most affectionate brother, "R

have already so fully proved the truth of the first the President of the Institution can hardly com line of Pope's couplet,

Forgiveness to the injured doth belong,'

plain of being termed the Arbiter of Play,'-o what becomes of his authority?

"Lord B has no personal animosity to Colonel that I long for an opportunity to give the lie to the Greville. A public institution, to which he, him verse that follows. If I were not perfectly con- self, was a subscriber, he considered himself to vinced that any thing I may have formerly uttered have a right to notice publicly. Of that institution in the boyish rashness of my misplaced resentment Colonel Greville was the avowed director;-it is too had made as little impression as it deserved to late to enter into the discussion of its merits or make, I should hardly have the confidence-per- demerits.

haps your lordship may give it a stronger and "Lord B. must leave the discussion of the more appropriate appellation-to send you a quarto reparation, for the real or supposed injury, to Colof the same scribbler. But your lordship, I am onel G.'s friend, and Mr. Moore, the friend of Lord sorry to observe to-day, is troubled with the gout: B.-begging them to recollect that, while they if my book can produce a laugh against itself or consider Colonel G.'s honor, Lord B. must also the author, it will be of some service. If it can set maintain his own. If the business can be settled you to sleep, the benefit will be yet greater; and as amicably, Lord B. will do as much as can and some facetious personage observed half a century ought to be done by a man of honor towards conago, that poetry is a mere drug,' I offer you mine ciliation;-if not, he must satisfy Colonel G. in as an humble assistant to the eau médicinale.' I the manner most conducive to his further wishes." trust you will forgive this and all my other buffooneries, and believe me to be, with great respect, "Your lordship's obliged and sincere servant, "BYRON."

In relation to the following note of Lord Byron, Mr. Moore says:

"In the morning I received the letter, in its new form, from Mr. Leckie, with the annexed note.


"I found my friend very ill in bed; he has, ! "Not long after the publication of Childe Harold, however, managed to copy the enclosed, with the the noble author paid me a visit, one morning, and, alterations proposed. Perhaps you may wish to putting a letter into my hands, which he had just see me in the morning; I shall therefore be glad received, requested that I would undertake to to see you any time till twelve o'clock. If you manage for him whatever proceedings it might rather wish me to call on you, tell me, and I shall render necessary. This letter, I found, had been obey your summons. "Yours, very truly, delivered to him by Mr. Leckie, (a gentleman well "G. T. LECKIE.'" known by a work on Sicilian affairs,) and came

from a once active and popular member of the almost needless to add, that there was but little "With such facilities towards pacification, it is fashionable world, Colonel Greville,-its purport

being to require of his lordship, as author of Eng-delay in settling the matter amicably."

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"Apr 20, 1912.

lish Bards, &c.,' such reparation as it was in his power to make for the injury which, as Colonel Greville conceived, certain passages in that Satire, reflecting upon his conduct, as manager of the Argyle Institution, were calculated to inflict upon his character. In the appeal of the gallant colonel, there were some expressions of rather an angry cast, which Lord Byron, though fully conscious of the length to which he himself had gone, was but little inclined to brook, and on my returning the "MY DEAR BANKES, letter into his hands, he said, 'To such a letter as "I feel rather hurt (not savagely) at the speech that there can be but one sort of answer.' He you made to me last night, and my hope is that agreed, however, to trust the matter entirely to my was only one of your profane jests. I should be very discretion, and I had, shortly after, an interview sorry that any part of my behavior should give you with the friend of Colonel Greville. By this gen-cause to suppose that I think higher of myself, tleman, who was then an utter stranger to me, I otherwise of you, than I have always done. I ca was received with much courtesy, and with every assure you that I am as much the humblest of your disposition to bring the affair intrusted to us to an servants as at Trin. Coll.; and if I have not been i amicable issue. On my premising that the tone of home when you favored me with a call, the loss his friend's letter stood in the way of negotiation, more mine than yours. In the bustle of buzzing and that some obnoxious expressions which it con- parties, there is, there can be, no rational conversetained must be removed before I could proceed a tion; but when I can enjoy it, there is nobody's! single step towards explanation, he most readily can prefer to your own. consented to remove this obstacle. At his request I drew a pen across the parts I considered objectionable, and he undertook to send me the letter, re-written, next morning. In the mean time, I received from Lord Byron the following paper for my guidance."

Believe me ever faithfully
"And most affectionately yours,


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"With regard to the passage on Mr. Way's loss, no unfair play was hinted at, as may be seen by "MY DEAR BANKES,

referring to the book; and it is expressly added "My eagerness to come to an explanation has, I that the managers were ignorant of that transaction. trust, convinced you that whatever my unlucky As to the prevalence of play at the Argyle, it can manner might inadvertently be, the change was as not be denied that there were billiards and dice, unintentional as (if intended) it would have been Lord B. has been a witness to the use of both at ungrateful. I really was not aware that, while we the Argyle Rooms. These, it is presumed, come were together, I had evinced such caprices; that w under the denomination of play. If play be allowed, were not so much in each other's company as I could




June 25, 1812.

nave wished, I well know, but I think so acute an obs. rver as yourself must have perceived enough to explain this, without supposing any slight to one in whose society I have pride and pleasure. Recollect that I do not allude here to extended' or 'extending' acquaintances, but to circumstances, you will understand, I think, on a little reflection. "I must appear very ungrateful, and have, indeed, "And now, my dear Bankes, do not distress me been very negligent, but till last night I was not by supposing that I can think of you, or you of me, apprized of Lady Holland's restoration, and I shall otherwise than I trust we have long thought. You call to-morrow to have the satisfaction, I trust, of told me not long ago that my temper was improved, hearing that she is well.-I hope that neither poliand I should be sorry that opinion should be re-tics nor gout have assailed your lordship since I voked. Believe me, your friendship is of more ac- last saw you, and that you also are as well as count to me than all those absurd vanities in which, could be expected.'

I fear, you conceive me to take too much interest. "The other night, at a ball, I was presented by I have never disputed your superiority, or doubted order, to our gracious Regent, who honored me with (seriously) your good will, and no one shall ever some conversation, and professed a predilection for make mischief between us' without the sincere regret on the part of your ever affectionate, &c. "P. S. I shall see you, I hope, at Lady Jersey's. Hobhouse goes also."


"March 25, 1812.

"Know all men by these present, that you, Thomas Moore, stand indicted-no-invited, by special and particular solicitation, to Lady Caroline Lamb's, to-morrow even, at half-past nine o'clock, where you will meet with a civil reception. and decent entertainment. Pray, come-I was so examined after you this morning, that I entreat you to answer in person. Believe me, &c."

"Friday noon.

poetry. I confess it was a most unexpected honor, and I thought of poor Brummell's adventure, with some apprehensions of a similar blunder. I have now great hope, in the event of Mr. Pye's decease, of warbling truth at court,' like Mr. Mallett, of indifferent memory.-Consider one hundred marks a year! besides the wine and the disgrace; but then remorse would make me drown myself in my own butt before the year's end, or the finishing of my first dithyrambic. So that, after all, I shall not meditate our laureate's death by pen or poison.

"Will you present my best respects to Lady Holland, and believe me hers and yours very sincerely."




"St. James's street, July 6, 1812.

"I should have answered your note yesterday, but I hoped to have seen you this morning. must consult with you about the day we dine with "I have just been honored with your letter.-I Sir Francis. I suppose we shall meet at Lady Spen- feel sorry that you should have thought it worth cer's to-night. I did not know that you were at while to notice the 'evil works of my non-age,' as Miss Berry's the other night, or I should have the thing is suppressed voluntarily, and your excertainly gone there. planation is too kind not to give me pain. The "As usual, I am in all sorts of scrapes, though Satire was written when I was very young and very none, at present, of a martial description. Believe angry, and fully bent on displaying my wrath and me, &c." my wit, and now I am haunted by the ghosts of my wholesale assertions. I cannot sufficiently thank

"May 8, 1812.

"I am too proud of being your friend to care you for your praise; and now, waiving myself, let with whom I am linked in your estimation, and, me talk to you of the Prince Regent. He ordered God knows, I want friends more at this time than me to be presented to him at a ball; and after some at any other. I am taking care of myself' to no sayings peculiarly pleasing from royal lips, as to my great purpose. If you knew my situation in every own attempts, he talked to me of you and your impoint of view, you would excuse apparent and unin-mortalities: he preferred you to every bard past and tentional neglect. I shall leave town, present, and asked which of your works pleased me I think; but do not you leave it without seeing me. most. It was a difficult question. I answered, I I wish you, from my soul, every happiness you can thought the Lay.' He said his own opinion was wish yourself; and I think you have taken the road nearly similar. În speaking of the others, I told to secure it. Peace be with you! I fear she has him that I thought you more particularly the abandoned me. Ever, &c." poet of Princes, as they never appeared more fascinating than in Marmion,' and the 'Lady of the Lake.' He was pleased to coincide, and to dwell "On Monday, after sitting up all night, I saw on the description of your Jameses as no less royal Bellingham launched into eternity, and at three the same day I saw launched into the country. ** "I believe in the beginning of June, I shall be down for a few days in Notts. If so, I shall beat you up 'en passant' with Hobhouse, who is endeavoring like you and every body else, to keep me out of scrapes.

"May 20, 1812.


than poetical. He spoke alternately of Homer and yourself, and seemed well acquainted with both; so that (with the exception of the Turks and your humble servant) you were in very good company. defy Murray to have exaggerated his royal highness's opinion of your powers, nor can I pretend to enumerate all he said on the subject; but it may "I meant to have written you a long letter, but I give you pleasure to hear that it was conveyed in find I cannot. If any thing remarkable occurs, you fanguage which would only suffer by my attempting will hear it from me-if good; if bad, there are to transcribe it, and with a tone and taste which plenty to tell it. In the mean time do you be happy. Ever yours, &c.

"P S. My best wishes and respects to Mrs. Moore, she is beautiful. I may say so even to you, for I never was more struck with a countenance."

gave me a very high idea of his abilities and accomplishments, which I had hitherto considered as confined to manners, certainly superior to those of any living gentleman.

"This interview was accidental. I never went to the levee; for having seen the courts of Mussulman

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