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Thyroid gland, radium in treatment,


relation to pancreas, 407

to sexual life of female, 479

treatment, contraindications for,


x-ray treatment of, 428
Thyroideum siccum, 99, 432
Thyro-oxy-indol, 413
Thyrotoxicosis, 418
Thyroxin, 413, 432

in Graves' disease, 425
isolation of, 413

physiologic activity of, 414

Tinctura aconiti, 49
benzoini, 56
cantharidis, 61
cinchonæ, 63, 357
composita, 63, 357
colchici seminis, 64, 373
digitalis, 67

ferri chloridi, 395
gelsemii, 258
iodi, 73

lavandulæ composita, 79
nucis vomicæ, 78, 228
opii, 82, 260

camphorata, 260
deodorati, 82, 260
rhei aromatica, 91

strophanthi, 96
veratri viridis, 99
Tincturæ, definition, 24
Tincture, definition, 24
Huxham's, 357
of aconite, 49
of benzoin, 56

for inhalation, 515
of cantharides, 61
of cinchona, 63, 357
compound, 357

of colchicum seed, 373
of digitalis, 67

of ferric chloride, 395

of gelsemium, 258

of iodine, 73

as antiseptic, 119

of lavender, compound, 79
of nux vomica, 78
of opium, 82, 260
camphorated, 260
deodorized, 82

of rhubarb, aromatic, 91

of squill, 92

of strophanthus, 96

of veratrum viride, 99

Tinea cruris, 791

trichophytina, 790

Tissue, destruction of, quinine and

urea hydrochloride in, 368

drugs used to destroy, 106

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Typhoid fever, Brand treatment in, 666

prevention of, 559
salol in, 382

twenty-four hour diet for, 620
vaccination in, 559, 560
Widal reaction for, 549

Tyramine, 232, 581

hydrochloride, 235, 472

Tyrosine, 581

Under-weight, 39

Unguentum acidi borici, 47
tannici, 48

as astringent, 145

belladonnæ, 55
chrysarobini, 63
diachylon, 732
hydrargyri, 71, 339

ammoniati, 72, 340
dilutum, 71, 339
oxidi flavi, 72, 340
iodi, 74, 390

phenolis, 84, 120

sulphuris, 97

zinci oxidi, 99.

United States Pharmacopoeia, 21, 22

valuable drugs and preparations
of, 46

Uranium poisoning, 731

Uranium-x, 654

Urea, amount excreted daily, 581

hydrochloride and quinine injection

to destroy tissue, 368

Uremia, hydrotherapy

cated in, 660

pilocarpine in, 185

Uremic coma, 744


convulsions, raw kidney extracts in,


neuralgias, opium in, 269

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endermal method, 558

for boils, 563

for carbuncles, 563

in gonorrhea, 563

in hay fever, 561

in Neisserian disease, 563

in paratyphoid fever, 559, 560

in small-pox, 557

in typhoid fever, 559, 560
method, 558

period of protection from, 559
subcutaneous, 559

Vaccines, 547, 555

antirabic, 564

autogenous, 556

bacillus acnes, 556

protective and curative, 557

Vaginal douching, 532

frequency, 532

solutions for, 533, 799

yeast in, 510, 799

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