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was moved by Dr. Pitman, seconded by Mr. Holmes, and carried nem. con.

Resolution XIX:

“XIX. That every Fellow of the Society shall pay an additional Annual Contribution of One Guinea to the funds of each additional Section to which he may desire to belong;"

omitting the words "desire to " in the last line, was moved by Dr. Pitman, seconded by Mr. Holmes, and an amendment proposed by Dr. D. Powell relative to a Composition Fee being deferred for introduction as a separate Section, was carried nem. con.

Resolution XX:

"XX. That each Member of a Section shall pay an Annual Contribution of One Guinea, which shall entitle him to attend the Meetings of such Section and to a copy of its Publications ;"

moved by Dr. Pitman and seconded by Mr. Gascoyen, was carried nem. con.

A new Resolution, to be numbered XXI:

"That provision be made in the Bye-Laws of the Royal Society of Medicine for a diminution in the Subscription of those who may belong to more than three Sections;"

was proposed by Dr. Douglas Powell, seconded by Dr. Heywood Smith, and adopted nem. con.

Resolution XXII:

"XXII. That the Library and Museum of the present Obstetrical Society be kept separate from the General Library and maintained at the expense of the Obstetrical Section; and that the Members of the Obstetrical Section be entitled to appoint their own Librarian and to the privilege of using the Obstetrical Library and

Museum without further payment than the Annual Contribution of One Guinea ;"

was moved by Mr. T. Holmes and seconded by Mr. Brodhurst. An amendment was then moved by Mr. Michell and seconded by Dr. Webster:

"That this Resolution be expunged from the scheme,"

which was lost, 3 being for it and 15 against, and the original Resolution was then carried nem. con., 18 voting for it.

Resolution XXIV :

"XXIV. That the privileges of the Non-Resident Fellows or Members of the existing Societies be preserved; and that the Royal Society of Medicine and its several Sections be empowered to elect Non-Resident Fellows and Members on such terms as shall be specified in the Bye-Laws;"

was moved by Dr. Pitman, seconded by Mr. Solly, and carried nem. con.

Resolution XXVI:

"XXVI. That the Council of each Section have the entire control of the internal business of their own Section, subject to such general arrangements as shall be made by the General Council of the Society; and that they publish annually, or at such periods as shall hereafter be arranged, the Transactions of their own Section, provided the expenditure of each Section, for Transactions and other special purposes, do not exceed three fourths of the income derived from the Annual Contributions of its Members and from the proceeds arising from the sale of its Transactions;"

was moved by Mr. T. Holmes, seconded by Dr. Cholmeley, and, after some explanation by Mr. Holmes of the reasons which had induced the Committee to raise the proportion of the income of each Section, for their special expenditure, from one half to three fourths, was carried nem. con.

Resolution XXIX :

"XXIX. That each Section retain as Honorary Members those Honorary Fellows or Members of the present corresponding Society who may not be elected Honorary Fellows of the Royal Society of Medicine; and that for the future each Section shall have the power of electing Honorary Members not exceeding ten in number;" was moved by Dr. Pitman, seconded by Mr. Holmes, and carried nem. con.

Resolution XXX:

"XXX. That the power of removing a Fellow from the General Society, or a Member from any of its Sections, be provided for in the Bye-Laws of the Society, in a manner similar to that specified in the Bye-Laws of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society;"

was moved by Dr. Pitman, seconded by Mr. Solly, and carried nem. con.

A motion was then made by Mr. T. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Thomas Smith, and carried nem. con.:

"That this Society, while not objecting to any modification in the details of the scheme now agreed to, does not feel disposed to accede to any essential change in that scheme."

The President stated that another Special Meeting would be necessary for the confirmation of the new Resolutions passed at this Meeting, and that it would be held at the close of the Ordinary General Meeting on April 12th next.

The cordial thanks of the Meeting, proposed by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mr. G. Pollock, were voted to the Delegates of the Society for their assiduous labours on the United Committee; and to the President, proposed by Dr. Webster and seconded by Mr. Solly, for the urbanity, tact, and patience he had shown while presiding at the Special Meetings on the subject of the amalgamation of the Societies.






March 22, 1870.

GEORGE BURROWS, M.D., F.R.S., President, in the chair.

Present-30 Fellows and 4 visitors.

Books were presented from Dr. C. J. B. Williams and Mr. Thomas Bryant, and Sanitary Reports of India from the Secretary for India in Council.

The following communication was read:

On Idiopathic General Cerebritis. By CHARLES ELAM, M.D. (Received February 14, 1870.)


The object of the paper is to indicate the existence of a special inflammatory affection of the substance of the brain, not complicated by any altered condition of the meninges, and differing widely in most of its essential characters from any form of 20


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