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be tonic or stimulating, cotton is an irritant in various kinds, woolen is an irritant, when new, or newly washed, but this, as it wears off, is probably owing to mechanical structure; linen alone, appears to be cool and healthful. The extraordinary preference given to linen for use on sacred occasions, both in the Old and New Testament, is quite remarkable. It is remarkable in connection with the circumstance, (at least such was the case in my own early experience, and no change has been observed since,) that cotton gives, normally, to the odic pendulum, the same movement as the right hand of an evil man, and linen the same as that of a just man. But the physiological effects of cotton are such, in the normal state, as to render its use of very doubtful propriety. It produces in some an eruption of the skin, in others, there is reason to believe, chronic inflammation of the eyes, in others, a chronic irritation of the lungs, predisposing to consumption. Numbers cannot sleep well in cotton, it produces restlessness and wakefulness. It is considered to be totally unsuitable for dressings for wounds. In my own case, used for socks or sheets, it produces intolerable itching of the feet and ankles; but this I have some reason to believe, is partly at least, an induced state; I have not known of it in others. Is the hurry which every body is in, in this fast age, owing, in part, to the general substitution of cotton for linen? Is the greater prevalence of possession in recent periods owing, directly or indirectly, or perhaps both, to the same cause? I fear that each of these questions would have to be answered in the affirmative. Yet cotton has become so considerably a part of the system of the world, that it would be extremely difficult to relinquish its use. Under these circumstances it is gratifying to know that cotton can be linenized; that is, deprived, by an easy process, of its odical elements, and those of linen substituted. Whether the change will be entirely permanent, under all circumstances, and whether the physiological and moral effects of the linenized cotton will be equal to those of linen, will not be established, to the satisfaction of all, without numerous and varied experiments. In a recent experiment linenized cotton has been washed many times, with the usual application of soap, and of scrubbing on the wash board, without the slightest change; and there is reason to believe that at least, it will not produce the physiological symptoms described above.

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But this is not all. Both cotton and linen, when worn by those affected with chronic diseases, scrofula, erysipelas, gout, &c., imbibe the morbid odics of the several diseases. These react upon the system, &c. But by an appropriate process they can be occluded, and rendered insusceptible of these morbid influences.

INHALATION-SPIRITUAL OXYGEN.-Odicism affords great facilities for the practice of inhalation. The spiritual elements of every article in the pharmacopoeia, can be presented to the lungs, in the most appropriate form, and in any quantity. I have made a few experiments of this kind, especially with spiritual oxygen. In a case of palpitation it afforded extraordinary and unexpected relief. Should its general antispasmodic powers equal those in this instance, it would be an antispasmodic of more efficacy than any at present known; unless, indeed, some circumstance should preclude its employment in large doses. In the instance mentioned, (or instances, for it was employed several times for the same purpose,) it was only of the pendular force of 5"". This might be increased many thousand fold. I have surmised that, as the, heart and lungs are probably its more appropriate sphere of action, in numerous cases of disease, where death is about to take place from exhaustion, the skilful and bold application of this substance, might keep up the action of the heart, carry the system by the crisis, and thus-alas-put off the approach of death for a time.

CLIMATE. For several years the climate of the United States has been entirely changed, so far as it was productive of cholera. Other changes equally extensive, might doubtless be produced. It is believed that influenzas and pestilential colds might in a great measure be prevented. Differences of climate are attributable, in some degree, to different proportions, in the atmosphere, of spiritual oxygen and spiritual ozone. The former of these is combined with the atmosphere, the latter is free. These proportions, there is little or no reason to doubt, can be regulated. The polarization of the normal odic can be determined, and this, if an inconvenience which has hitherto attended its use can be obviated, has a most important influence upon diseases.


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