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Garden gate, and down to Mr Walters, the bookfellers. The prifoner then perceiving he was followed, turned on the tight hand, went down the fireet, turned again on the right into a paffage which he believed was called Admiralty Paffage, which leads back to Spring Gardens, and into Cockfpur-street. Mr Coleman then followed him into Pallmall, up St James's-ftreet, into Piccadil, along Devonshire Wall, to BoltonBreet. The prifoner then went into houfe, and came out in about five minutes. He then went back to Piccadilly. Mr Coleman afked at the house into which he went, whether they knew him? they faid they did not. Williams then went down St James's-freet, knocked at a door, and Mr Coleman afked whether they knew him there? and they answer ed that they did not. He then turned up, and went, into Bond-ftreet, evidently to tire Mr. Coleman, and to induce him to give up the purfuit. Mr Coleman obferving this, and not knowing he ould have been juflified on the charge Mifs Porter gave in taking him into cuftody, resolved to do every thing in his power to infult the prifoner, in order that he might have a colourable excufe for detaining him; But the prifoner bore every thing with patience, and feemed determined to take no offence. Mr Coleman had fome idea of knocking him down; but changing his mind, he refolved to follow him, and infift on having his addrefs-which he did, going thro' a great number of streets, and crong Oxford ftreet; in the courfe of thefe rounds, the prifoner knocked feveral times at the door of an uninhabited houfe. Mr Coleman told him there was nobody within. He answered very calmly "they will come presently."

At last they arrived at a houfe in South Molton-fireet, where the prifoner knock ed and went in, and was followed by Mr Coleman. Not liking to charge him with being the perfon who was advertifed as the Monster, he asked him for his addrefs. The prifouer wifhed to know why Mr Coleman asked him for his addrefs. Mr Smith, the gentleman of the houfe, faid alio, that fome reafon fhould be affigned for afking for his, addrefs. The prifoner then went into the parlour in the dark; Mr Coleman followed him, and there infifted on having his addrefs; it was given, and written by Mr Smith, viz. No. 52, Jermyn Street. Mr Coleman and the prifoner walked out together, and feparated. In going

home, it occurred to Mr Coleman that he had acted improperly in fuffering the prifoner to efcape, and while he was thus accufiug himself, and walking down St James's ftreet, he met the prifoner again. He fpoke to him, and faid, "I do not think you are the man I took you to be

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you fhould give the ladies an opportu nity of feeing you." He objected, fay. ing it was late. "Yes," replied Mr Coleman," but it is very near." They then walked a little way down the fireet, and when they came oppofite to Mr Porter's, the prifoner faid," This is Mr Porter's." They then knocked at the door, and Mr Coleman and the prifoner entered. On feeing the prifoner, Mifs Sarah and Mifs Ann Porter fainted away. The prifoner faid, "The behaviour of the young ladies is very odd; they do not take me for the perfon advertised, do they?" Mr Coleman faid, "It really is fo." The prifoner faid, they were prejudiced; and appeared much unconcerned. He then went away. It appears that the prifoner was to be found by the addrefs he had given to Mr Coleman, and that he lodged at a common public house. His lodging was fearched, but nothing material was found in them,

Mr Macmanus, one of the officers of Bow-ftreet, produced a light coloured drab coat and a pair of half boots. Thefe, or fimilar articles, had been mentioned in every defcription of the Monster, as this unparalleled offender has tten termed. They were found at his logings, in an ale houfe in Bury-fireét, where fix men, as the witness understood, lay every night in three contiguous beds. He admitted that he found no knife, nor cutting inftrument of any defcrip


Mr Tomkins, the furgeon who ha attended Mils Porter, depofed that the wound must have been given with fome sharp weapon. He defcribed the wound which had been inflicted on this young lady in terms which occafioned a generat thrill of horror through the court. I was, he said, from nine to ten inches. and if it had not been for the intervention of the flays, the violence of the blow was evidently fuch that the weapon must have penetrated to the abdomen!

Here the evidence on this indictment clofed, and the prifoner was called on for his

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Rood an object equally demanding the attention and compaffion of the Court, That, confcious of his innocence, he was ready to admit the juftice of whatever sufferings he had hitherto undergone, arifing from fufpicion, He had the greateft confidence in an English Jury, and hoped they would not fuffer his fate to be decided by the popular prejudice raifed against him. The hope of proving his innocence had hitherto fuftained him. He profeffed himself the warm friend and admirer of that fex whofe caufe was now afferted; and concluded with folemnly declaring, that the whole of the profecution was found ed on a dreadful mistake, which he had no doubt that the evidence he was about to call would clear up to the fatis faction of the Court.

His counsel then proceeded to call his witneffes.

Mr Michell, the firft evidence, is an artificial flower-maker in Dover-street, Piccadilly. The prifoner had worked for him nine months in all; he had worked with him on the 18th of January, the day on which Mifs Porter had been wounded, from nine in the morning till one o'clock in the day, and from half paft two till twelve at night. He had then fupped with the family. He gave the prifoner a good character, as Behaving with good-nature to the women in the house.

Mifs Michell, the former witnefs's fifter, told the fame ftory,

Two other witnesses, domeftics in the fame houfe, likewife appeared in his behalf, but the whole of the evidence on his part proved rather contradictory.

Judge Buller having fummed up the whole of the evidence with the utmoft precifion, the Jury, without hesitation, brought in their verdict, Guilty.

His Lordship then ordered judgment to be fufpended till December feffions, in order to lay the cafe before the twelve Judges, it being the first indictment upon the act of the 6th Geo. I. upon which it was tried.

Meff. Pigot and Shepherd counfel for the profecution, and Mr Knowles for the prifoner.

The Court was uncommonly crowded. The trial lafted from half paft nine in the morning till five in the after

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returned a verdict, finding the defendant "the printer and the publisher, but not guilty of any libel." The Judge refufed to accept the verdict, and fent back the Jury, who foon returned with a general verdict, "Not Guilty." The Judge expreffed his aftonishment, and quoted the opinion of Lord Mansfield,

that the truth of the libel was an aggravation of its guilt." The Jury replied, "My Lord, we are of a very different opinion." The Judge (Mr Justice Henn) thanked God the verdict was that of the Jury, not his. The Jury replied, "My Lord, we have returned a verdic agreeable to our Jaths and our confciences, to which alone we are an fwerable." After the trial, a great number of gentteinen who were in Courts warmly congratulated Mr Griffith on his acquittal, and alfo the Jury on their firm conduct in oppofition to the direc tions of the Judge. The alledged libel afferted, that the Rev. Mr de la Poer Berresford, had afsociated at the late election at Kilmainham, in the direction of a tumultuous mob, had worn election ribbons in his hat and breast, and had uttered oaths and blafphemous expreffions unbecoming the character of a clergyman. Mr Berresford himself, in his crofs examination, admitted the truth of these affertions. If the Jury had followed the directions of the Judge, the defendant would have been left at the mercy of the Judge, and the great bulwark of the conftitution, the trial by Jury-rendered ufelefs. Thus it is hoped, the virtue and integrity of a Dublin Jury, will put an end to the abfurd doctrine refpecting libels, which has been too long maintained, and that the example will be followed by English Juries.



Yefterday the Prefbytery of Ediny burgh met here, when they made choice of the Rev, Dr Henry Grieve, one of the minifters of this city, to be moderator for the enfuing half year. A letter was read, thanking the Prefbytery for the fteps they had fo readily taken in fulfilling the defire of the Prefbyterian Church of Campvere, in the province of Zealand, by ordering the neceflary forms to be gone through to qualify Mr James Likely from Aberdeen to be minister of that Church, and inclofing certificates of his having been amicably admitted accordingly.


Mr Hugh Buchan, Chamberlain of this city, prefented an extract of the minutes of the Prefbytery of Dalkeith, a greeing to the tranfportation of the Rev. Mr James Finlayfon, minifter of Borth wick, to be Minister of Lady Yefter's Church in this city. The Prefbytery ap pointed Thursday the 29th of this month for his admiffion; Mr Walter Buchanan, one of the minifters of Canongate, to preach and prefide upon the occa fion.


NEW EPISCOPAL CHAPEL. June 29. The foundation-ftone of the South Epifcopal Chapel, in the neighbourhood of the Royal Infirmary, was laid by Dr Webfter, with the folemni ties of the plummet, the level, the mallet, and the fquare, in the presence of a refpectable company; among whom we were happy to obferve fo many clergymen of the establishment, and other per fuafions. Several coins, medals, prints, and papers of the latest date, were put into a cavity in the ftone, together with a phial containing a card, on which was the following inscription:

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"May the Maker and Ruler of the World vouchfafe to regard this our undertaking, and, by his gracious Providence, enable us to finish it with fuccefs. May the prayers offered up in it be mercifully heard in Heaven, and the word preached tend to promote peace on earth, and the everlafting interents of men. This we beg in the name of Je fus Chrift, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be the kingdom, the power, and the glory for ever. Amen."


July 24. In consequence of his Majefty's proclamation, came on in the Palace of Holy

rood-houfe, the election of fixteen Peers, to reprefent the Peerage of Scotland in the British Parliament. George Home, Efq; and Robert Sinclair, Efq; two of the principal Clerks of Seffion, attended the Peers, by virtue of a commiffion from Lord Frederick Campbell, Lord Clerk Regifter of Scotland, in order to conduct the election. The Peers were a'fo attended by the Rev. Dr William Robertson, Principal of the Univerfity of Edinburgh, and the Rev. Dr Alexánder Carlyle, minifter of Inverefk, two of his Majefty's Chaplains, and other proper officers.

This election, as was exp cted, ran very clofe: fo much fo, indeed, that the Clerks were unable to return any more than thirteen as duly elected. They were the following, and they had the votes an nexed to their names:

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The Clerks alfo returned the fix following Peers, as having an equal number of votes, viz. 33.

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of Abercorn, both of whom having been Created British Peers fince the Union, the Clerks refused to receive the votes in thefe lifts, agreeable to a refolution of the House of Peers in 1708-9, One of the Peers prefent, the Earl of Kinnoul, being in the fame fituation, did not vote, fo that the Peers who voted were only fixty-three. Before calling the votes, the Earl of Lauderdale entered a proteft againft Lord Napier, as having no right to that title, and that, in the event of his having a majority of votes upon the roll, he should not be returned, but.that the return fhould be in favour of the Peer who fhould have the next greateft number, and who would have been returned if no votes had been given to Lord Napier.

Protefts were likewife tak n againft the votes of the Earl of Caithness, Lord Ochiltree, Lord Belhaven, and Lord Newark, as having, no right to thefe titles.

The Earl of Caithness voted for the Earls of Eglintoune, Moray, Kelly, Galloway, Elgin, Balcarras, Breadalbine, Stair, and Glafgow; Viscount Stormont, Lords Cathcart, Elphinstone, Torphichen, Sommerville, and Napier.

Lord Ochiltree voted for the Earls of Eglintoune, Moray, Kelly, Galloway, Elgin, Balcarras, Stair, and Glasgow; Lords Cathcart, Sominerville, Torphichen, Elphinstone, and Napier.

Lord Belhaven voted for the fame Peers with Lord Ochiltree. They voted only for thirteen.

Lord Newark voted for the Marquis of Tweeddale, Earls of Eglintoune, Strathmore, Kelly, Lauderdale, Elgin, Selkirk, Balcarras, Breadalbane, Glasgow, and Hopeton, Viscount Stormont, Lords Gray, Elphinstone, Elibank, and Kinhaird.

taken by the Noble Lords, who think they
ought to be returned, will be to disquali-
fy the votes objected againft, as, until
these objections are determined, the me-
rits of the election cannot be known.

After the return was made, protefts were entered againft it by the Marquis of Tweeddale, the Earls of Selkirk, Hope, ton, and Lord Kinnaird, in respect they alledged, that they had the greateft number of legal votes, and for other reasons to be afterwards given in, to be inferted in the minutes of election.

The election began at twelve o'clock, and was not concluded till after eight, during which time, as may naturally be tuppofed, where the conteft was fo equal, a good deal of altercation took place, and fome warm expreffions dropped from feveral of the Peers. The Clerks, however, particularly Mr Home, preferved a firmnefs and propriety of conduct which did them much honour; and convinced every one prefent, that the election could not have been intrusted in the hands of gentlemen better qualified to execute fo important a truft. A number of ladies of diuinction attended on the occafion.

The Earl of Lauderdale and Viscount Stormont likewife protefted against the return for reasons which they did not then mention, but which they are to give in in writing.

It is probable the first step that will be


Duke of Buccleugh, Earl of Aberdeen,
Marq. of Tweeddale, Stair,
Earl of Crawford, Glasgow,



Vif. Stormont,

Lord Salton,














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Earl Deloraine,
Vif. Falkland,

Lord Forbes,









Earl Rofeberie fent a list.


Lift of the Members for Scotland elected to ferve in the Parliament fummoned to meet on the 10th of August, and now by Prorogation on the 15th of October


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James Ferguson, Efq; of Pitfour, vice, Geo. Skene,

Lord Frederick Campbell.

Sir Adam Ferguson, vice, W. Macdowall, Esq.
Sir James Grant, of Grant, Bart. vice, James Fer
gufon, Efq

P. Home of Wedderburne, Efq.

Sir John Sinclair, Bart. vice, Hon. James Steuart.
Geo. Graham, Efq; vice, Capt. B. Abercromby.]
Sir A. Edmonstone, vice. Hon. G. K. Elphinstone
Sir Robert Laurie, Bart.

Lord Advocate, vice, Right Hon, H. Dundas.
L.A. Grant, Efq; of Grant, vice, Lord Fife.
Col. Wemyls.

David Scot of Duninald, Bfq; vice, Lord Douglas.
J. Hamilton, Efq; of Pencaitland.

Norman Macleod, Efq: vice, Lord W. Gordon.
R. B. Allardice, of Ury, Efq.

Major Gen. Stewart.

Sir James Steuart, of Coltnefs, Bart. vice, Sir J. S.

Hon. John Hope, vie, Sir W. A. Cunynghame.)
Duncan Davidion, Eiqs of Tulloch, vice, A. Brody,

Major T. Balfour, vice, Col. Thomas Dundas.
Lieut. William Montgomery, vice, D. Murray, Efq.
Hon. Gen. Murray.

J. Shaw, Stewart, Esq.

William Adam, Efq; vice, F. H. Mackenzie. Efq;
Sir Geo. Douglas, Bart.

Mark Pringle, of Fairmilie, Efq.

Sir Thomas Dundas, Bart.
General Grant.

Andrew M'Dowall, Efq.


Mr Callander, of Crighton, vice, Sir D. Carnegie,

Sir John Anftruther, Bart, vice, J. Anftruther, Efq.
Hon. James. Steuart, vice, Sir A. Edmonstone, Bart.
Alex. Brodie, Efq; vice, William Adam, Esq;
P. Miller, Jun. of Dallwinton, Efq. vice, Sir James

Capt.Murray, of Pitkaithly, vice, G. Dempfter, Efq.
Right Hon. H. Dundas, pice, Sir Adam Ferguton,

Mr M'Dowall, of Garthland:

Hon Capt. Maitland, vice, Col. Fullarton.

Sir Hector Monro, of Novar, K. B.

Charles Hope, of Waughton, Efq; vice, Sir Charles

William Grieve, of London, Efq; vice, Major

Sir Archibald Campbell, Bart.

Sir Charles Rofs, Bart.

Col. Nifbet Balfour, vice, Gen. Dalrymple.


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