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Dr. Chas. Gatchell, of Chicago, in his "Treatment of Cholera, says: "As it is known that the cholera microbe does not flourish in acid solutions, it would be well to slightly acidulate the drinking water. This may be done by adding to each glass of water half a teaspoonful of Horsford's Acid Phosphate. This will not only render the water of an acid reaction, but also render boiled water more agreeable to the taste. It may be sweetened if desired. The Acid Phosphate, taken as recommended, will also tend to invigorate the system and correct debility, thus giving increased power of resistance to disease. It is the acid of the system, a product of the gastric functions, and hence, will not create that disturbance liable to follow the use of mineral acids."

Send for descriptive circular. Physicians who wish to test it will be furnished on application, with a sample, by mail, or a full size bottle without expense, except express charges.

Prepared under the direction of Prof. E. N. HORSFORD, by the

Beware of Substitutes and Imitations.

A Vitalizing Tonic to the Reproductive System.




A Scientific Blending of True Santal and Saw Palmetto in a
Pleasant Aromatic Vehicle.

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Prostatic Troubles of Old Men--Pre-Senility,
Difficult Micturition--Urethral Inflammation,
Ovarian Pains--Irritable Bladder.

DOSE: One teaspoonful four times a day.



A SOLUBLE DRY EXTRACT, prepared from Malted Barley and Wheat, consisting of Dextrin, Maltose, Albuminates, and Salts.



is the PROPER SUGAR for use in connection with cow's milk.

The sugar formed by the action of the Ptyalin of the Saliva and the Amylopsin of the Pancreas upon starch is MALTOSE. In the digestive tract MALTOSE is absorbed UNCHANGED. -Landois and Sterling.

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MALTOSE is a saccharose, not a glucose, and is a form of sugar which does not ferment. Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Dr. Mitchell Bruce. "I have never seen any signs of fermentation which I could attribute to the influence of MALTOSE." - Eustace Smith, M.D., F.R.C.S.

MELLIN'S FOOD, prepared according to the directions, is a true LIEBIG'S FOOD and the BEST SUBSTITUTE for Mother's Milk yet produced.










The best endorsement of a business college is the demand for the employment of its students. Goodman's College secured thirty-one students employment in three months. No other college in the South has made such a showing. During the past three years Prof. Goodman has been overrun with requests for his services as an expert accountant by State, city and county officials; large corporations, representing over fifteen millions of capital; banks and many other departments of business. In all his expert work his students are his assistants, he having had eight employed at one time. Recently $50,000 shortage in the accounts of the City of Chattanooga was realized as the result of the work of himself and students, and $75,000 shortage located in the accounts of the Catholic Knights of America.

He retains the management of his college,
and has experienced teachers in charge to im-
part the new methods he comes in contact with
during his various examinations.

Students admitted at any time, and for any
number of months. Address
Nashville, Tenn.


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Beviews and Book Notices.


A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON DISEASES OF THE SKIN, by John V. Shoemaker, A.M., M. D., Professor of Skin and Venereal Diseases MedicoChirurg. College and Hospital, of Philadelphia; Physician to the Philadelphia Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, etc., etc. 8 vo. cloth, pp. 878, with chromogravure plates and other illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged; price $5.00. D. APPLETON & Co., Publishers, New York. 1892.

We were highly pleased with Dr. Shoemaker's work when its first edition was brought out some five years ago, and have derived much benefit by reference to its pages. In the second edition the author has incorporated the various new points of etiology, pathology and treatment that have subsequently been developed, and in this volume we have a faithful representation of the present knowledge of dermatology. Interesting facts in the clinical history of different affections have been added, and the diseases of the skin, having relation to the general state of the economy are well described. Brief descriptions of those microorganisms which have been demonstrated to be exciting causes of certain cutaneous maladies, and a careful consideration of the results of the cultivation of bacteriology in connection with etiology are marked features. The effect of local treatment is briefly discussed; and the most efficient bactericides, their influence in various morbid conditions, and careful details of their application are given in the consideration of the various diseases in which they are applicable. A special section has been added on electricity; and the effect of diet in the production and treatment of cutaneous affections is also alluded to at some length. Attention is given to improved methods in the treatment of the eruptive fevers. Many additions have been made in the chapter on syphilis. A sufficiently full account has been given of the various methods of hypodermic medication that have been advocated in this disease, together with an estimate of their advantages and defects. A section has been added descriptive of the various changes which the nails undergo in consequence of

local or general disease. The recent literature upon the subject of leprosy has been gone over, and the opposing doctrines concerning its contagious and hereditary character have been fully considered. The constitutional effects of carcinoma are briefly described. An account is given of the recent literature upon the etiology of cancer according to the views of Darier and others on the subject of cutaneous psorospermosis. Lupus vulgaris and its relation to other forms of cutaneous tuberculosis receives full attention; and the results of treatment of lupus by tuberculin are described in accordance with the author's experience in the use of this remedy. A number of additional formulæ have been embodied in the work, and take it all in all, it is a most complete and thorough consideration of the present accepted status of dermatology.

INTERNATIONAL CLINICS: A Quarterly of Clinical Lectures on Medicine, Neurology, Pediatrics, Surgery, Genito-Urinary Surgery, Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Laryngology, Otology, and Dermatology, by Professors and Lecturers of the Leading Medical Colleges of the United States, Great Britain and Canada. Edited by JNO. M. KEATING, M.D., JUDSON DALAND, M.D., J. MITCHELL BRUCE, M.D., and DAVID W. FINDLAY, M.D. Vol. I. Third Series, 1893. 8 vo. cloth, pp. 361, price, $2.75. J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, Publishers, Philadelphia.

This is a very interesting series of clinical facts and observations presented by some of the leading medical teachers of the English-speaking people. This volume contains over fifty different articles on some of the more important pathological conditions met with, in every day practice. Among the few that we have had the opportunity of reading may be mentioned the following: A Case of Empyema, by David W. Findlay, M.D.; Traumatic Synovitis of the Shoulder Joint, by William Pepper, M.D.; Cancer of the Stomach, by J. H. Musser, M. D.; Exophthalmic Goitre, by W. O. Moore, M.D.; A Case of Aneurism of Arch of the Aorta, by J. McFadden Gaston, M.D.; Multiple Sclerosis; Traumatic Tremor, Railway Spine, by F. X. Dercum, M.D.; The Surgical Treatment of Gall-Stones, by A. Pearce Gould, M.D.; Extra-Uterine Pregnancy, by Henry C. Coe, M.D.; Hunterian Chancre, etc., by Arpad Gerster, M.D.; Flatfoot, by J. Scott Riddell, M.D.; Deviated Septum, by

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Charles H. Knight, M.D.; Chronic Pharyngitis, by E. FletcherIngalls, M.D. A casual glance at the other articles justifies the statement that it is a work of high order of merit, and will amply repay a full and careful investigation of its entire con


A MANUAL OF DISEASES OF THE EAR. By GEORGE P. FIELD, M.R.C.S., Aural Surgeon and Lecturer on Aural Surgery, St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, London. In one octavo volume of 391 pages, with seventy-three engravings and twenty-one colored plates. Cloth, $3.75. Philadelphia. LEA BROTHERS & Co. 1893.

The frequency of aural affections, the apparent difficulties of treatment and the severity of the results of neglect, all combine to render a plain and authorative volume an acquisition of great value to the student and general practitioner. The work possesses even greater importance to the specialist, since it embodies the experience of a gentleman occupying the chair of aural surgery in the first London school offering instruction on its subject. The demand for four editions testifies to its merit.

REACTIONS. A Selection of Organic Chemical Preparations Important to
Pharmacy in Regard to their Behavior to Commonly Used Reagents.
By F. A. FLUCKIGER, PH.D., M.D. Authorized English edition.
Translated, revised and enlarged by J. B. NAGELVOORT, Analytical
Chemist to the Phar.-Chem. Laboratory of Parke, Davis & Co. (With
Portrait and Autograph Letter of the Author.) GEO S. DAvis, Pub-
lisher, Detroit, Mich. 1893. Price, $2.00.

The well-known ability and established reputation of Prof. Fluckiger are sufficient to insure for this translation of his most recent work, the interest of the entire pharmaceutical world. The American editor approached the work of translation with some hesitancy, but his efforts have received the full endorsement and approval of Prof. Flückiger.

"This volume is a revised and enlarged edition of the German text-not a verbatim translation. Prof. Flückiger kindly favored me with a few additional notes from his pen. It is assumed that there is no necessity for describing apparatus, and that the English reader, no less than the German student, is familiar with chemical manipulations.'

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There can be little doubt as to the reception the book will meet with. It will at once take its proper place in the first rank in pharmaceutical literature.

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