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ounce of whiskey, in mistake for castor oil. The mistake was only noticed after the turpentine had been swallowed, but nothing was done at the time except to take a dose of castor oil. The patient shortly afterward fell asleep, but was awakened in the course of five hours with sickness of stomach. A little later she vomited, and after the lapse of several hours more she had a convulsion, followed by loss of consciousness. The pulse was weak, feeble, rapid; the face and lips pale; the patient restless, at times delirious and talking incoherently, but capable of being partly roused. Urine had beeen passed in generous quantity. Whiskey, spirit of nitrous ether, milk, and sweet oil were given, and warmth was applied to the body. Vomiting was induced by irritating the fauces. The vomited matters had a strong odor of turpentine ten hours after the fluid had been taken. After free vomiting, consciousness was regained and complaint was made of a burning pain in the right leg. Examination disclosed the presence upon the posterior aspect of the knee of a blister 5 by 12 inches in extent, the contents of which were watery and emitted an odor of turpentine. Gangrene of the superficial parts took place in this area, and fifteen weeks elapsed before the resulting ulcer healed.-Med. Review.

POINTS TO BE REMEMBERED IN ADMINISTERING AN ANÆSTHETIC. Remember the patient is to be "anesthetized," not asphyxiated.

Remove false teeth, if present, and relax all constricting bands about neck and waist.

Instruct your patient how to breathe, and by a few words of assurance secure his confidence.

Too concentrated a dose of chloroform may paralyze the heart at the very first or second breath.

Too concentrated a dose of ether causes strangulation, troublesome secretion of bronchial mucus, and occasionally pneumonia. Have the self-assurance of knowing your business, and do not be disconcerted by outside suggestions.

Give your patient reasonable time to rally from depression, before resorting to hypodermatic stimulation. Remember that nervous haste is a waste of time; anesthetizing the patient is as

much entitled to its due time as the performance of the operation. Do not be flurried by any impatience of the operator.

Intelligent, successful anesthetization is as worthy of just pride as the brilliant operation. Chances and circumstances. have put you in charge of the ether end of the knife.

Study to make each case more successful in every way than the previous one.-Am. Med. -Surg. Bulletin.

How TUBERCULAR PERITONITIS IS CURED BY COELIOTOMY? -Bumn Centralb. für Gynäkologie) analyzed a case of tubercular peritonitis where, after opening the peritoneum and draining off the ascitic fluid, the patient did well.

He believes that the operation sets up changes in which the tuberculous deposits undergo a round-cell infilteration and cicatricial change. The giant cells and epitheloid elements disappear. The serous fluid greatly promotes the growth of the tubercle bacillus, and its removal is, therefore, also beneficial.— University Med. Magazine.

SUCCINATE OF IRON IN JAUNDICE.-Dr. J. D. Wilson, of London, Ont., writes: I have just succeeded in relieving a case of obstructive jaundice, due to impaction of gall-stones, with succinate of iron (P. D. & Co.'s). The patient took one teaspoonful three times a day for ten days. At the end of that time the bladder was empty. Prior to this I tried all the usual remedies for seven months without avail, and had concluded that an operation was the only chance of relief. I am now treating my second case of obstruction with succinate of iron, and feel quite hopeful to have the same result.-Med. Age.

SANDER & SONS' Eucalypti Extract (Eucalyptol).—Apply to Dr. Sander, Dillon, Iowa, for gratis-supplied samples of Eucalyptol and reports of cures effected at the clinics of the Universities of Bonn and Griefswald. Meyer Bros.' Drug Co., St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo., Dallas, Texas, and New York, sole agents.

THE CAUSE OF DEATH AFTER EXTENSIVE BURNS.-Dr. J. Kijanitzin maintains that, after extensive burns, there is found in the blood, organs, and urine, a ptomaine which is not present in the healthy organism. Toxicological investigations with this ptomaine on animals show it to produce paralysis of the extremities of the heart. Atropine is antidotal to this ptomaine. The writer parenthetically refers to the observations of Hutchinson and Lustgarten regarding the beneficial action of belladonna and atrophine in burns. The following symptoms after burns are attributted alone to the development of a ptomaine-viz: fall of temperature, weak action of the heart, slow and superficial respiration, diarrhoea, vomiting, somnolence, and apathy. The ptomaine is developed from the blood and tissues which have been altered by exposuse to the high temperature. It is furthermore contended that the cause of death after burns is due to a 'ptomaine, which, according to its physiological action (particularly of the heart), belongs to the same group as muscarin, neurin and peptotoxin.-Virchow's Archiv.

THE VALUE OF QUININE IN MALARIAL HÆMATURIA.-Prof. H. A. Hare, in a very scholarly paper, concludes that in the milder forms of the disease quinine should not be employed during the hematuria, nor in those cases in which idiosyncrasies exist. In cases which are malignant in their manifestations in other lines than the mere hæmaturia, and depend upon a malarial dyscrasia, then quinine is needed; but in the hæmaturia following prolonged subacute or chronic malarial poisoning, it is not to be given in full doses, but as a tonic, the physician relying upon a change of climate, nutritive foods, tonics, and other drugs to renovate the patient's tissues.-Ther. Gazette, Amer. Jour. Med. Sciences.

SANDER & SONS' Eucalypti Extract (Eucalyptol).-Apply to Dr. Sander, Dillon, Iowa, for gratis-supplied samples of Eucalyptol and reports on cures effected at the clinics of the Universities of Bonn and Griefswald. Meyer Bros.' Drug Co., St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo., Dallas, Texas, and New York, sole agents.

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This preparation, consisting of the Extract of Beef (prepared by Baron Liebig's process), the best Brandy obtainable, Soluble Citrate of Iron, Cinchona and Gentian is offered to the Medical Profession upon its own merits. It is of inestimable value in the treatment of all cases of Debility, Convalescence from Severe Illness, Anæmia, Malarial Fever, Chlorosis, Incipient Consumption, Nervous Weakness, and maladies requiring a Tonic and Nutrient. It is quickly absorbed by the Stomach and upper portion of the Alimentary Canal, and therefore finds its way into the circulation quite rapidly. COLDEN'S LIQUID BEEF TONIC appeals to the judgment of intelligent Physicians in the treatment of

→All Cases of General Debility.<

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It is essentially a Food Medicine which gives tone and strength in cases where other remedies have failed or been rejected. A single trial will convince any fair-minded Physician of the value of this preparation.

By the urgent request of several eminent members of the medical profession, I have added to each wine. glassful of this preparation two grains of Soluble Citrate of Iron, and which is designated on the label. "With Iron, No. 13" while the same preparation, Without Iron, is designated on the label as "No. 2." In order that Physicians unacquainted with


may become familiar with it, we will upon application send a sample bott free (express charges paid), to any Physician in the United States. Please ask your Dispensing Druggist (if he has not already a supply) to order it. In prescribing this preparation physicians should be particular to mention "COLDEN'S," VIZ.. "Ext. Carnis Fl. Comp. (Colden)." It is put up in pint bottles, and can be had of Wholesale and Retail Druggists generally throughout the United States. C. N. CRITTENTON,

General Agent,




Physicians know the great value of the local use of sulphur in the Treatment of Diseases of the Skin. Glenn's Sulphur Soap is the Original and Beat combination of its kind, and the one now erally in use. For sale by All Druggists.

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By far the Best Tar Soap made. Has been on trial among physicians for very many years as a toilet soap and healing agent, and its superior virtues have been unanimously coneeded in all cases where the use of Tar is indiated. None genuine unless stamped A. A. CONSTANTINE'S PERSIAN HEALING PINE TAR SOAP. For sale by All Druggists.

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"Humanised Milk" made with Peptogenic Powder
has just the solubility of mother's milk.

The bulk of food stuffs taken by adults, the fibre of flesh, the starch of cereals and vegetables require conversion into solution in order to be fitted for absorption; the mechanical operation of digestion being simply to increase the surface exposed to the solvent action of the digestive juices.

The infant, however, has but little muscular power and incompletely developed digestive functions. Correspondingly we find that the natural food of the infant is a very thin fluid, containing sugar, fat and mineral elements all in solution, ready for assimilation without digestive change; the albuminoids of this milk are also readily soluble, being coagulable in minute grains, easily yielding to the gastric juice.

The artificial foods are mostly crude and inadequate substitutes for mothers' milk, thick, sweet, easily fermentable and hard to digest.

There is but one successful and practical substitute for mothers' milk, and that is the "Peptogenic Milk Powder," made by FAIRCHILD BROS. & FOSTER, New York City.

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