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volume by Austin Lewis, "The Rise of the American Proletarian," in which the theory is applied to a phase of American history. These books sell at a dollar each, and it would be very hard to find anything like the same value in any other publisher's catalogue. Only the co-operation of nearly 2000 Socialist men and women make it possible.

For the reader, who has got so far, yet finds it impossible to understand a study of the voluminous work of Marx, either for lack of leisure or, as often happens, lack of the necessary mental training and equipment, these are two splendid books, notable examples of the work which American Socialist writers are now putting out. While they will never entirely take the place of the great work of Marx, nevertheless, whoever has read them with care will have a comprehensive grasp of Marxism. They are: L. B. Boudin's "The Theoretical System of Karl Marx" and Ernest Untermann's "Marxian Economics." These also are published at a dollar a volume.

Perhaps you know some man who declares that "There are no classes in America," who loudly boasts that we have no class struggles: just get a copy of A. M. Simons' "Class Struggles in America," with its startling array of historical references. It will convince him if it is posible to get an idea into his head. Or you want to get a good book to lend to your farmer friends who want to know how Socialism touches them: get another volume by Simons called "The American Farmer." You will never regret it. Or perhaps you are troubled about the charge that Socialism and Anarchism are related. If so, get Plechanoff's "Anarchism and Socialism" and read it carefully. These three books are published at fifty cents each.

Are you interested in science? Do you want to know the reason why Socialists speak of Marx as doing for Sociology what Darwin did for biology? If so, you will want to read "Evolution, Social and Organic," by Arthur Morrow Lewis, price fifty cents. And you will be delighted beyond your powers of expression with the several volumes of the Library of Science for the Workers, published at the same price. "The Evolution of Man" and "The Triumph of Life," both by the famous German scientist, Dr. Wilhelm Boelsche; "The Making of the World" and "The Ending of the World," both by Dr. M. Wilhelm Meyer; and “Germs of Mind in Plants," by R. H. France, are some of the volumes which the present writer read with absorbing interest himself and then read them to a lot of boys and girls, to their equal delight.

One could go on and on talking about this wonderful list of books which marks the tremendous intellectual strength of the American Socialist movement. Here is the real explosive, a weapon far more powerful than dynamite bombs! Socialists must win in a battle of brains-and here is amunition for them.

Individual Socialists who can afford it should take shares of stock in the great enterprise. If they can pay the ten dollars all at once, well and good; if not, they can pay in monthly instalments. And every Socialist local ought to own a share of stock in the company, if for no other reason than that literature can then be bought much more cheaply than otherwise. But of course there is an even greater reason than that-every Socialist local ought to take pride in the development of the enterprise which has done so much to develop a great American Socialist literature.

Fuller particulars will be sent upon application. Address:
CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY (Co-operative),

264 East Kinzie Street, Chicago, Ill.

Classics of Socialism in handy volumes, just right either for the pocket or the library shelf. Price 50 cents a volume, including postage to any address.

1. Karl Marx: Biographical Memoirs. By Wilhelm Liebknecht, translated by Ernest Untermann.

2. Collectivism and Industrial Evolution. By Emile Vandervelde, member of the Chamber of Deputies, Belgium. Translated by Charles H. Kerr.

8. The American Farmer: An Economic and Historical Study. By A. M. Simons.

4. The Last Days of the Ruskin Cooperative Association. By Isaac Broome.

5. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. By Frederick Engels. Translated by Ernest Untermann.

6. The Social Revolution. By Karl Kautsky. Translated by A. M. and May Wood Simons. 7. Socialism, Utopian and Scientific. By Frederick Engels. Translated by Edward Aveling, D. Sc., with a Special Introduction by the Author.

8. Feuerbach: The Roots of the Socialist Philosophy. By Frederick Engels. Translated, with Critical Introduction, by Austin Lewis. 9. American Pauperism and the Abolition of Poverty. By Isador Ladoff, with a supplement, "Jesus or Mammon," by J. Felix. 10. Britain for the British (America for the Americans.) By Robert Blatchford, with American Appendix by A. M. Simons.

11. Manifesto of the Communist Party. By Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Authorized English Translation: Edited and Annotated by Frederick Engels. Also included in the same volume,No Compromise: No Political Trading. By

Wilhelm Liebknecht. Translated by A. M. Simons and Marcus Hitch.

12. The Positive School of CriminolTransogy. By Enrico Ferri. lated by Ernest Untermann. 13. The World's Revolutions, By Ernest Untermann.

14. The Socialists, Who They Are and What They Seek to Accomplish. By John Spargo.

15. Social and Philosophical Studies. Translated By Paul Lafargue.

by Charles H. Kerr.

16. What's So and What Isn't. By John M. Work.

17. Ethics and the Materialist Conception of History. By Karl Kautsky, translated by John B. Askew.

18. Class Struggles in America. By A. M. Simons. Third edition, revised, with notes and refer


19. Socialism, Positive and Negative. By Robert Rives La Monte. 20. Capitalist and Laborer. By John Spargo.

21. The Right to be Lazy and Other Studies. By Paul Lafargue, translated by Charles H. Kerr.

22. Revolution and Counter - Revolution, or Germany in 1848. By Karl Marx.

23. Anarchism and Socialism. By Georges Plechanoff, translated by Eleanor Marx Aveling, with new Introduction by Robert Rives La Monte.

24. Manifesto de la Komunista Partio. The Manifesto translated into Esperanto by Arthur Baker.

25. Evolution, Social and Organic. By Arthur Morrow Lewis.

For $1.15 we will send the INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST REVIEW one year and any one of these books postpaid. All are now ready.



264 East Kinzie Street




Every reader of the REVIEW should also be a reader of the CHICAGO DAILY SOCIALIST. The REVIEW can comment on the changing world of capitalism only once a month. But these are eventful times and any day may bring forth new and startling developments. The Socialist who depends on capitalist dailies for news of what is happening will be misled. He needs the


And the DAILY SOCIALIST needs him. A co-operative association of workingmen, with plenty of courage but little money, have attempted something that a millionaire would hesitate at, unless he were prepared to risk several of his millions, the estab lishment of a new daily paper in Chicago. They made the start in October of the year 1906, not so many months ago, and they have nearly won out; they have nearly closed up the gap between the weekly receipts and the weekly expenditure. Ten thousand more subscribers will make the Daily safe. We want every subscriber of the REVIEW to help.

The Daily alone is $2.00 a year; the Review alone $1.00. We will send both periodicals one year for $2.25; six months for $1.15.

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Don't put off the matter. The panic is going to make millions of new Socialists, but just now it makes extra efforts necessary to keep our publications going. Let us hear from

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Charles H. Kerr & Company,

264 E. KINZIe street, chICAGO

One Dollar AYear.



A Monthly Journal Of International Socialist Thought




Contributions from both European and American writers are solicited, and while editorially the Review stands for the principles of Marxian Socialism and the tactics of the Socialist Party of America, it offers a free forum for writers of all shades of thought. The editor reserves the right to criticise the views of contributors, but the absence of criticism is not necessarily to be taken as an endorsement.

The Review is copyrighted for the benefit of authors who may wish subsequently to use their articles in book form. Editors of newspapers are welcome to reprint with proper credit any article or paragraph in this issue of the Review, with the single exception of "The Economic Aspects of the Negro Problem".

The subscription price of the Review is $1.00 a year, payable in advance, postage included to any address in the Universal Postal Union. Advertising rate 10 cents per line, $20.00 per page, no discount for time or space. Address all communications to CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, 264 East Kinzie Street, Chicago, U. S. A.



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