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In this Magazine a great deal has already been said, touching the attacks to which the Chancellor has been subjected in consequence of the procedure adopted by him in regard to certain recent works of a supposed immoral and libellous tendency. So far as the general sense and reason of the matter were concerned, we believe the remarks (of Mr Tickler) on the article in the Edinburgh Review for May last, were accepted as sufficiently conclusive. The writer of those remarks, however, excused himself from pursuing the case into many of its more technical minutiæ, on the ground of his want of skill in the actual authorities of the English courts. An English lawyer of very competent talent and acquirement has stepped forth to fill up the blank thus left; and while it cannot but excite some surprize to find how closely Mr T's views, derived from the exercise of common sense, are identified with those to which this author's professional studies have led, and which the expressed results of those studies establish on an immoveable and unquestionable foundation, a lesson of some importance is at the same time given to all those who have with less modesty, less sagacity, and at least as little positive knowledge as our friend

set themselves to the consideration of this very delicate matter-and more especially to the author of the abovementioned article in the Edinburgh Review, (Mr Henry Brougham?)

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As pamphlets never circulate," we may do a service to this new author by quoting from his production some of those passages, which we think more particularly entitled to the praise of distinct and conclusive argument, embodied in clear and temperate language. We shall suppose our reader to have the Edinburgh Reviewer's article, and that of Mr T. before him on his table, and proceed at once to what, if these writings have been understood, can require no farther preface here.

And first-see how triumphantly our friend's argument, in column second of page 214 of this Magazine for August last, is established by this English lawyer at the very outset of his Tract.

"The first remedy which the proprietor of a work has, against one who pirates it, is by action at law; a remedy which is not, as the reviewer supposes, without its use, such actions being, in fact, often brought. It is, however, in many cases extremely imperfect. The Court of Chancery has therefore assumed jurisdiction, to lend its more extensive powers to the

⚫ Observations on the Practice of the Court of Chancery, in cases relating to Libellous and Immoral Publications; with Remarks on an Article in the Edinburgh Review for May, 1823. London: Joseph Butterworth and Son, 43, Fleet-Street.1823.

See also Tickler's Letter on the Edinburgh Review in Blackwood, No. LXXIX., and his Letter on the Quarterly Review in No. LIII. (July, 1822.)


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protection of the right which the law has given, by issuing an injunction to restrain the publication. This is one of those instances in which the Court of Chancery interferes, not upon any of the peculiar doctrines of equity, but for the purpose of giving effect to a legal right; upon the ground that such a right exists, but that the law does not furnish it with an adequate remedy. Hence the party calling for the exercise of this branch of jurisdiction in his favour, must first prove the existence of the legal right, for which he desires protection. If he fail in this proof, the Court cannot act ; if the proof be defective, he must supply what is wanting; if in attempting to establish his right, he only makes out a case involved in doubt, he must clear away those doubts before he can entitle himself to relief. Now there can be no copyright in a work of pernicious tendency; the author or publisher cannot maintain an action upon it. If, therefore, the work is found to be of this description, an injunction cannot be granted; if, upon inspection, it does not appear clear that its character is innocent, it follows that it is doubtful whether the author or publisher has any legal right; and while this continues doubtful, the Court of Chancery will not interfere in his favour; it will not give him the benefit of the right which he claims, until it is shewn that he possesses it.

"This principle, familiarly expressed by saying that a man shall not take advantage of his own wrong, or that one who seeks relief must come into Court with clean hands, is most commonly exemplified in cases arising out of contracts, the subject-matter of which is illegal or immoral; it holds equally with regard to a claim founded upon the publication of a libel, or upon any other breach of the law. The law which forbids the act cannot consistently recognize it as conferring any civil right; and it wisely judges that as it can only prevent crime by visiting it with punishment, and by taking away temptation, one of the most effective modes of keeping men within the line of duty, is to prevent them from reaping the advantages which they expect to derive from their offences. It therefore refuses to execute agreements that are prohibited; and déclines to assist an author in the perception of the unhallowed profits' which he promised himself, from libelling his neighbour, or from disseminating immorality or sedition. If it

cannot crush the trade of those who speculate in vice and crime, it divests it of its chief attractions, by rendering it hazardous and unprofitable.

"It is true, that in the consideration of cases of this sort, the mind may be embarrassed, by seeing that the defendant, himself one of the offending parties, is permitted to urge a defence founded on his own misdeeds, and to exonerate himself from one charge, by shewing that he is liable to another. The reviewer has adopted this objection, talks of the defendant being estopped from this line of argument, and alludes to the maxim, that a man shall not take advantage of his own wrong, as if he supposed it to forbid such a defence. (1) But nothing can be a more complete perversion of this maxim, than to apply it to one who insists upon the criminality of the act, not as conferring any right upon himself, but as TAKING AWAY THE RIGHT OF THE COMPLAINING PARTY. When the courts refuse to relieve the plaintiff on the ground of the impure origin of his alleged right, it is not out of any favour to the defendant; it is not because he has ANY right, but because the plaintiff has NONE. When the plaintiff's title is found defective, the action necessarily falls to the ground. No farther inquiry as to either party is called for. It is not necessary to enter upon an investigation of the different gradations of their guilt. Whatever the conduct of the defendant may have been, if the plaintiff has no right to complain of it as an injury to him, a Court which has only cognizance of civil injuries must stay its hand. Both parties may be liable in another court, and in another form of proceeding, to the punishment due to the offence of which they are jointly guilty; but if it appear that the defendant, however criminal, has done no wrong towards the plaintiff, that the plaintiff had no right to be invaded, and no property to be injured, the only question which the Court is then competent to consider is disposed of. It matters not, therefore, whether the objection is raised by the Court or by the defendant himself. From whatever quarter it comes, when it is made apparent, it must prevail. The defendant is of course to exercise his own discretion in his defence, and though he cannot be compelled to criminate himself, yet there is no law to prevent him from taking whatever liberties he pleases with his own character. The probability is, that he does himself no injustice; and if he be indifferent to

(1) Page 303.

infamy, he cannot be restrained from an avowal, which, while it frees him from the plaintiff's claim, aggravates the of fence which he has committed, furnishes evidence to assist in his prosecution, and insures for him, if convicted, a heavier weight of punishment."

The Edinburgh Reviewer, however, without combatting this doctrine as far as regards actions at law, boldly took his stand on the position that a doubtful title is enough to entitle a man to crave an injunction in Chancery. This was a point on which Mr T. could do no more than say, that the Edinburgh Reviewer had merely made an assertion without adducing any proof. But the present writer comes with different In the first place, he says, that if the Edinburgh Reviewer be right, all Chancery barristers, and all Chancery solicitors, as well as all Lord Chancellors, from time immemorial have been wrong in practice ;-all have been combined in a conspiracy for scourging the claimants before that court, because all have held the exactly opposite doctrine. But what is the reason of the thing?


"To consider the principle, upon which injunctions should be applied: it is clear, in the first place, that it would be an extremely strong measure to restrain a person from the enjoyment of property, not because it belongs to another, but because another is attempting to make out that it is his. That there should be no right without a remedy, is an acknowledged truth; it is equally fit that there should be no remedy without a right. It lies upon him who complains to prove his title; if he has only half proved it, and thrown uncertainty upon the case, the Court is presented with a choice of difficulties. The defendant may be injured by granting the injunction; the plaintiff by withholding it. When these probabilities are balanced, the grounds upon which the practice of enjoining was

introduced no longer apply. A jurisdic

tion which has for its object to stop a manifest wrong, ought not to be exercised in a case where it is as likely to commit as to prevent injustice. This consideration alone would make the Court stand neuter; but there is another of equal weight. The evil that may arise from refusing an injunction the Court has the power of remedying: the other is without redress. If a plaintiff, unable to obtain an injunction, succeeds in establishing his claim, the delay is compen

sated by giving him a remedy against the defendant for the wrong done to him in the interim. But reverse the case: suppose an injunction granted upon a doubtful title; that those doubts turn out to be well founded, and the plaintiff's right is disproved: no reparation can then be made to the defendant for having been deprived, perhaps for a long time, of the exercise of his legal rights. It is the act of the Court by which he has suffered; and he is therefore without a remedy: he can recover no damages for his loss: he can have no account of the profits which he has been prevented from making. It is not therefore a matter of surprise that in a doubtful case the Court should rather encounter the risk of permitting a wrong which it HAS the power of setting right, than of committing an injury which it CANNOT redress, In an early case (2) where the right of for sale was in question, the Lord Keeper the University of Oxford to print bibles Guildford, though his own opinion inclined against them, only directed a trial of the right at law. "And though the plaintiffs pressed much for an injunction, to stay the University printers from going on with the printing bibles, until the trial had settled the right, yet the Lord Keeper refused to grant it, in regard that in case the right should be found with them, they would by such prohibition re- · ceive a prejudice, that he could not com pensate or make good to them." "A doubtful legal title," said Lord Mansfield, (3) "must be tried at law, before it can be made the ground of an injunction. Injunctions of this kind are rightly and properly refused. IN A DOUBTFUL CASE, IT WOULD BE INIQUITY TO GRANT THEM: because, if it should come out that the plaintiff has no legal title, the defendant


These principles apply with peculiar and overwhelming power to cases of matter in dispute being the privilege patents and copyrights, "where the of exclusive sale, to restrain others is

to give the plantiff for the time all that he is seeking to prove his right to." Above all, in regard to a new book, it is evident that to restrain a man from having the benefit of the first popular thirst and curiosity, is often, and always may be, to deprive him of everything. Yet if he has been so deprived in consequence of an injunction, he can have, as Lord Mansfield says expressly, no reparation.

(2) Hills v. University of Oxford, 1 Vern. 275.

(3) 4 Burr. 2400.

"There is much plausibility in the argument, that, pending the litigation, the, property should be preserved for the benefit of both parties. The French system, alluded to by the Reviewer, of impounding the whole impression till the character of the work is determined, in other respects highly objectionable, would, by imposing the same terms on all, accomplish this purpose fairly. But it would be a singular mode of preserving the property, to tie up the hands of the one party, and allow the other to waste and exhaust it at pleasure; to suffer it to be rendered valueless, and to put the profit into the pockets of him, whose right to it is as doubtful as that of his opponent.

"It may be said, indeed, that a rule partly originating in consideration for the defendant's interest, ought not to be applied to one, who having pirated a book, alleges it to be of immoral tendency. But it is for the criminal courts to deal with such conduct according to its demerits. Infamous as the party may be, the civil tribunals have no power to punish him; they cannot look at the criminality of an act, except when an application for their assistance is founded upon it. If a man thinks fit to deal in libels, the Court of Chancery is not the Court to interfere with his business, and any approach to a power so dangerous and unconstitutional, cannot be too much deprecated. If where an injunction has been granted to restrain the sale of a book, it turns out to be libellous, and therefore not the subject of property, the Court of Chancery will have been guilty of an improper encroachment on the authority of other courts; it will have unjustly inflicted on the defendant, a punishment in addition to that provided by the law; and it will with equal injustice have rewarded the plaintiff for the offence he has committed.

"To revert to the general proposition, that a doubtful legal right is not sufficient to entitle a plaintiff to an injunction; it will be useful to notice a few of the authorities bearing upon it, which have escaped the search of the reviewer. He would have found it laid down in express

terms, in the first book usually put into the hands of a student of the practice of courts of equity. (4) The cases decided upon this ground are numberless. In two upon patents granted by the Crown,(5) the validity of which was questioned, Lord Keeper Guildford declined enjoining, till they had been tried at law: he could not, he said, grant an injunction in any case but where a man has a plain right to be quieted in it.'(6) The rule of requiring a legal right to be made clear by a trial at law, before granting an injunction upon it, was frequently acted on in the time of Lord Hardwick.(7) In a doubtful case, (8) between two patentees, Lord Northington refused to interfere by injunction. In two cases, (9) in which the question of the existence of a perpetual copyright was discussed, he refused to enjoin till after trial, stating that the point was of too much difficulty and consequence to be decided without the opinion of the judges. He pursued the same course in the great case of Millarv. Taylor:(10) after the decision of the Court of King's Bench, the injunction was granted. (11) Lord Thurlow, with characteristic vigour of expression, has thus laid down the rule: The power the Court exercises to grant injunctions is great, and therefore it is cautious how it exercises so large a power; and I will follow my predecessors. I will not say that the Court will not grant an injunction upon particular circumstances, but I am far from thinking, that when a right is doubtful, the Court will grant an injunction. This case arises upon the construction of an Act of Parliament, which is doubtful, whether the defendants have a right to make a cut or not; yet as it is not clear the defendants have not exercised the power given by the Act, I will not interfere. Therefore take nothing by the motion.' (12)-The decisions of the present Lord Chancellor might perhaps be excepted to by the Reviewer, but they will at least shew that he is mistaken in supposing his Lordship to be an authority against himself. In refusing an injunction in a case which occurred in the

(4)" Where the title is doubtful, or disputed, as between devisee and heir at law, or otherwise, an injunction will not be granted." Maddock's Chancery Practice, vol. i, p. 138, 2d edition.

(5) Anon. 1 Vern. 120. East India Company v. Sandys, ibid, 127. (6) 1. Vern. 120. (7) Whitchurch v. Hide, 2 Atk. 391. Lord Tenham v. Herbert, ibid. 483. Anon. 2 Ves. sen. 414.

(8) Baskett v. Cunningham, 2 Eden, 137.

(9) Osborne v. Donaldson. Millar v. Donaldson, 2 Eden, 327.

(10) Reg. Lib. B. 1765, folio 325.

(11) See Bur. 2408.

(12) Field v. Jackson, 2 Dick, 599.

first year after his elevation to the seals, Lord Eldon said, 'The Court ought not to grant an injunction unless there is positive evidence of actual title.' (13) In the first case (14) in which the subject of the copyright of libellous publications came under his consideration, another question was also raised, depending on the legal effect of an agreement, and in perfect conformity with the usual principle, the injunction was refused till that point should be tried at law. In cases of trespass, to which, in modern times, the remedy of injunction has been extended, the rule of requiring a clear legal title is even more strictly observed. The Court,' says the Lord Chancellor, has certainly proceeded to extend injunctions to trespass, but I do not recollect it ever granted on that head, where the fact of the plaintiff's title to the property on which waste was committed, was disputed by the answer.' (15) Thus where the title to land, depending on the validity of a will, is disputed between the heir and devisee, an injunction to restrain the party in possession, insisting on his right, from cutting timber, will not be granted. (16) The implicit deference of an Edinburgh Reviewer is due to the authority of Lord Erskine. His Lordship's view of the nature of the title, which justifies an injunction, may be collected from the case of Gurney v. Longman, (17) where the defendant was restrained from publishing the trial of Lord Melville, the House of Lords having conferred the privilege of printing it upon the plaintiff. He would not, he said, have granted the injunction, unless he had had a strong impression, that he should continue of the same opinion. In this case,' he proceeded, if there had been no direct precedent, I should not have granted the injunction, notwithstanding the strong practice of the House of Lords, without taking the opinion of a Court of Law; according to the authorities upon which I insisted in the case of Bruce v. Bruce, that the Lord Chancellor ought not, unless a clear legal title is established, to grant an injunction.'" (18)

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What follows, however, in regard to patents, is still more deserving of the closest attention. Our friend Mr T. asked "if they could shew any protection of a patent poison?" This shrewd

guess is turned into something very different from a guess, by the passage we are about to quote, in reference to the fiat of the law officers of the crown, &c. In treating of the differences which exist between the cases of a patent and the copyright, he thus expresses himself:

"They differ in this, that a patent must receive the fiat of the law officers of the crown, whose duty it is to reject it if improper, and that it is open to any one, entering a caveat, to contest the grant before it passes the great seal. These previous sanctions, though far from being conclusive, afford some presumption in favour of its validity, and perhaps may have had some influence, together with the respect always paid to usage and long possession, in establishing the practice, by which, when there has been for a considerable time, exclusive enjoyment on the part of a patentee, the Court of Chancery, though the legal validity of his patent may be doubtful, continues his posing the litigation. session, by granting an injunction pendwhen there has been what the Lord ChanThis is done only puted possession under colour of the patent ;' cellor terms, 'a reasonably long and undistion.' In such cases, it is thought less 'an exclusive possession of some durahazardous to extend for a short time longer, the exclusive enjoyment which the defendants have acquiesced in, than to allow it at once to be put an end to, when it may turn out to have been well founded.

"The want of strict analogy between the possession of a corporeal subject, and that of an exclusive privilege, and the difficulty of fixing with precision what length of enjoyment shall be deemed sufficient, have led to doubts as to the propriety of this practice. (19) But whether well founded or not, it is limited to those patents under which there has been a continued enjoyment. With recent patents, unconfirmed by time, THE PRACTICE IS THE


Lord Chancellor, is but of yesterday, When the patent,' says the and upon an application being made for shewn in opposition to it, that there is an injunction, it is endeavoured to be no good specification, or otherwise that the patent ought not to have been granted, the Court will not, from its own notions respecting the matter in dispute,

(15) 19 Ves. 147.

(13) Davies v. Leo, 6 Ves. 787. (14) Walcott v. Walker, 7 Ves. 1. (16) 19 Ves. 155. Smith v. Collyer, 8 Ves. 89. See Hanson v. Gardiner, 7 Ves. 305.

(17) 13 Ves. 493.

(18) 13 Ves. 507.

(19) See Evans's Collection of Statutes, vol. ii. p. 9.

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