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Kirkliston, on the 7th day of September 1823, being the Sunday after the accounts arrived from Paris, of the death of the Right Hon. John Earl of Hopetoun. By Charles Richie, Minister of Kirkliston. 8vo. 1s. A Sermon preached in the Church of Chemical Recreations; a Series of Amusing and Instructive Experiments, which may be performed easily, safely, and at little expense. To which are prefixed, First Lines of Chemistry; wherein the principal facts of the Science, as sta ted by the most celebrated experimentalists, are familiarly explained. With a Minute Description of a cheap and simple Apparatus; illustrated by Seventy Engraved Figures on the different parts of it. 18mo. boards. 3s. The Leisure of a Lady employed in extracting from the best Authors, Pieces in Prose and Verse, for the Amusement and Instruction of her own Children. Second Edition. 2s. 6d. neatly half bound. On Religion, and the Means of its Attainment. Second edition. 18mo. By the same, 1s. 6d. Essays and Treatises. By James Ferguson, F.R.S. viz. An easy Introduction to Astronomy for Young Gentlemen and Ladies; the Art of Drawing in Perspective made easy; an Introduction to Electricity; Select Exercises; and Tables and Tracts. With an Appendix relative to Electricity, Galvanism, and Electro-Magnetism. By David Brewster, LL.D. F.R.S. &c. A new Edition, illustrated with Copperplates. One volume 8vo. 14s. An Easy Introduction to Astronomy for Young Gentlemen and Ladies. By James Ferguson, F. R.S. Revised by David Brewster, LL.D. &c. A new Edition, illustrated with Copperplates. One volume 12mo. 7s. The Art of Drawing in Perspective, made easy to those who have had no previous knowledge of the Mathematics. By James Ferguson, F. R.S. A new Edition. Revised by David Brewster, LL.D. One volume 12mo. Copperplates. 4s. A Uniform Edition of the works of James Ferguson, F. R. S. comprising Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles; Lectures on Select Subjects; and Essays and Treatises. Edited by David Brewster, LL.D. and illustra ted with Copperplates. 5 volumes 8vo. £3, 3s. An Address to the Associate Congregation, Infirmary Street; in which the principles of the Covenanted Reformation, as embraced and professed by the Secession, are briefly stated and illustrated, from the Acts and Proceedings of the Associate Presbytery and General Associate Synod, and the works of our most approved writers; with an Appendix. By George Paxton, Professor of Divinity, &c. 1s. Poems and Songs. By James Kennedy, Savanha. 5s. A Treatise upon Breeding, Rearing, and Feeding Cheviot and Black-faced Sheep on high districts, with some account of, and a Complete Cure for that fatal malady the Rot. With Observations upon laying out and conducting a Store Farm. By John Fairbairn, farmer in Lammermuir. 8vo. 5s. A Practical Essay on the Manner of Studying and Teaching in Scotland; or a Guide to Students at the University, to Parish Schoolmasters, and Family Tutors. In two Parts. 5s, Watt's Latin Grammar, a new Edition, in which it has been attempted, with the utmost brevity, to correct Mistakes, and supply Deficiencies. By James Melvin, A.M. one of the Masters of the Grammar School, Aberdeen. 1s. 6d. The Latin Præceptor; or, an Essay, intending to serve as a Guide to Learners, in their Latin Compositions. By M. Torrie, Teacher of French, &c. Second edition. 3s. 6d. A Selection of Passages of Scripture, systematically arranged, suited to Sunday Schools. Third edition. By the Rev. Wm. Brown, M. D. Edinburgh. 8d. Discourses suited to the Administration of the Lord's Supper, interspersed with Addresses and Exhortations to the Communicants. Second edition. By the Rev. John Brown, Edinburgh. 12mo. 5s. The New Caliope, No. I. being a Selection of British, and occasionally Foreign Melodies, newly arranged for the PianoForte, and engraved on copper, with Vignettes to each song. By John Beugo. (To be continued quarterly). 1s. The Christian Philosophier, or the Connection of Science with Religion. By Thos. Dick. One thick volume 12mo. 7s. boards. The Oratorical Class Book; with the Principles of Elocution Simplified and Illustrated by Suitable Examples. Intended for the Use of Public and Private Seminaries. By A. M. Hartley, Teacher of Elocution, Glasgow. 12mo. 4s. bds. Henry Fitzroy the Young Midshipman. 18mo. 2s. bds. A New and Greatly Improved Edition of Dr Brown's History of Missions. In Two thick Volumes, 8vo. 26s. bds. In consequence of the large mass of new materials which the Author has obtained, some parts of the work having been almost entirely written over again, in other parts, the omissions on the one hand, and the additions on the other have been so extensive, that it may in a considerable degree be viewed as a new work; it is brought down to the latest dates, and is illustrated with Maps of the Principal Missionary Stations. Sacred Dissertations on the Apostles' Creed. By Herman Witsius D. D. Translated from the Latin, and followed with Notes, Critical and Explanatory. By Donald Frazer, Minister of the Gospel, Kennoway. In Two thick Volumes 8vo. 22s, bds. Average Prices of Corn in England and Wales, from the Returns received in the Week ended Nov. 8. Wheat, 49s. 7d.-Barley, 27s. 10d.-Oats, 20s. 10d.-—Rye, 31s. 8d.—Beans, 35s. 2d.-Pease, 34s. Od. Must. White, 51 to 54 Ditto, old 28 to 25 Fine ditto. 33 to 35 Potato ditto 29 to 31 Flour, per sack 8. s. d. 8 to 10 0,Hempseed . 6 Bran, p.24lb. 1 0 to 1 2 Butter, Beef, &c. 5 Butter, p.cwt. s. d. s. d. 3Belfast, new 27 0 to 30 0 Newry 80 0 to 81 0 45 to 50 Eng. new 2 10 to 2 Waterford. 74 0 to 00 40 to 44 Irish do.. 3 1 to 5 3 Cork,pic.2d, 73 0 to 74 0 Scotch do. 2 11 to 32 3d dry 66 0 to 00 Rye, per qr.34 0 to 36 0 Beef, p. tierce. 3. 8. d. Malt per b. 8 40 to 44 0-Middling 7 36 to 45 0 Beans, per q. 44 to 52 0 English. 0 to 8 9 Mess 75 0 to 80 0 9p. barrel 50 0 to 54 0 Pork, p. bl. 36 0 to 40 0 0 Brown, new 7 to 14 0 Linseed, crush. Mess 54 0 to 55 0 Middl.. 50 0 to 52 0 Bacon, p. cwt. 0Short mids. 40 0 to 41 0 0Sides 58 0 to 40 0 Hams, dry, 54 0 to 56 0 0 Green. 0 to 0 Lard,rd.p.c.. -0 to Weekly Price of Stocks, from 1st to 22d October 1823. . 0 1st. 8th. Course of Exchange, Nov. 11.-Amsterdam, 12: 6. C. F. Ditto at sight, 12: 3. Rotterdam, 12: 7. Antwerp, 12: 6. Hamburgh, 37: 8. Altona, 37 9. Paris, 3 d. sight, 25: 70. Ditto 25: 90. Bourdeaux, 25: 90. Frankfort on the Maine, 1574. Petersburgh, per rble. 8:3. Us. Berlin, 7 : 10. Vienna, 10:16 Eff. flo. Trieste, 10: 17 Eff. flo. Madrid, 37. Cadiz, 36. Bilboa, 36. Barcelona, 354. Seville, 354. Gibraltar, 30. Leghorn, 46. Genoa, 43. Venice, 28 10. Malta, 45. Naples, 391. Palermo, 117. Lisbon, 52. Oporto, 524. Rio Janeiro, 48. Bahia, 46. Dublin, 9 per cent. Cork, 94 per cent. Prices of Gold and Silver, per oz.-Foreign gold, in bars, £3: 17: 6d. New Doubloons, £3 : 15: 0d. New Dollars, 4s. 91d. Silver in bars, stand. 4s. 11¿d. METEOROLOGICAL TABLES, extracted from the Register kept at Edinburgh, in the Observatory, Calton-hill. N.B.-The Observations are made twice every day, at nine o'clock, foreneon, and four o'clock, afternoon. The second Observation in the afternoon, in the first column, is taken by the Register Thermometer. |