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come, through the single merits of JESUS CHRIST our Saviour.

Bless, we pray Thee, all cur relations and friends. Make them partakers of Thy grace, and of all the promises of Thy Gospel. Have mercy on our native land; and continue to us, if it please Thee, the blessings which we have so long and so unthankfully enjoyed; and dispose us to employ them to Thy glory. Direct, we beseech Thee, the President of the United States and all others in authority, that they may, above all things, seek Thy honour; and enlighten us, O God, to discharge the Christian duties of the stations in which Thou hast severally placed us.

These and all other things needful for our bodies and our souls,--for our temporal and our eternal interests, we humbly ask in the name of our only Mediator and intercessor JESUS CHRIST.

Our Father, &c.

The grace of our Lord, &c.


O LORD, our heavenly Father, we beseech Thee to hear the prayers which we are about to offer up unto Thee. Deliver us from all wandering thoughts; and help us to remember that we are now in the presence of that GOD, unto whom all hearts are open, and from whom no secrets are hid.


O GOD, we pray Thee to forgive the sins of the past day. We acknowledge that we have, this day, left undone many things which we ought to have done; and done many things which we ought not to have done. We have trespassed against Thee in thought, word, and deed. And though we have been encouraged by Thy Gospel to repent of our iniquities, and to serve Thee in newness of life, yet we have many times returned to those sins, of which we profess to have repented; and we have fallen under Thy just wrath and displeasure. But we pray Thee, O Thou GOD of all grace goodness, for the sake of Thy Son, JESUS CHRIST, to pardon all that is past; and to take us, this night, into Thy favour, not weighing our merits, but forgiving our offences, and causing us to place our humble trust in Thy mercy. Deliver us, we pray Thee, from the troubles of a guilty conscience, now that we are about to lie down to rest. Save us, O LORD, from the dread of death, and from the terrors of the wrath to come. Grant unto us, if it please Thee, a quiet night; and make us all to be at peace with Thee, through our Lord JESUS CHRIST. At the same time we beseech Thee, not to suffer that

we should deceive ourselves by any false hope; but give us grace, day by day, to examine ourselves with care and diligence, that we may discover all that is amiss in us. O LORD, deliver us from continuing in any known sin. Save us from every secret iniquity. May we each of us resolve, before we go to rest this night, to forsake, by Thy grace assisting us, every former transgression; and may we now devote ourselves entirely to Thy service.

We further beseech Thee to bless all our relations, friends, and connexions; take both us and them under Thy protection, this night. And have mercy on all those who are in pain, sickness, or any other adversity; do Thou lighten their troubles, and suppcrt them by Thy heavenly grace.

And accept our thanks for all Thy goodness vouchsafed unto us this day. Praised be the LORD for all His mercies; for the health and strength, and food and raiment, and comforts of every kind, which we have enjoyed. But, above all, we desire to bless Thy name for the gift of JESUS CHRIST Thy Son; for the instructions of Thy sacred word; and for the hope of everlasting life. O Lord, grant unto us grace to receive these, and all Thy blessings, with a thankful heart: and let us show forth Thy praise, not with our lips only, but with our lives.

Accept, we beseech Thee, our imperfect supplications and prayers, for the sake of JESUS CHRIST, OUI only Lord and Saviour.

Our Father, &c.

The grace of our Lord, &c.


O LORD GOD, our heavenly Father, assist us now to draw near unto Thee with reverence: and grant us the HOLY SPIRIT, that we may worship Thee in an acceptable manner, through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.

O LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, we thank Thee for all Thy mercies during the past day: and we are now met together both to praise Thee for Thy goodness, and to commend ourselves to Thy protection. Preserve us from all the dangers of this night; and grant us, if it please Thee, such quiet and refreshing rest, that we may be prepared for all those duties of life which are before us.

We also earnestly beseech Thee to pardon the sins which we may, this day, have committed: and to this end, help us now to confess them before Thee, examining ourselves with all impartiality and seriousness. Pardon every evil temper which we have showr. this day, and every rash and angry word which we may have spoken. Pardon also any want of strict integrity in our conduct. Pardon whatever insincerity and hypocrisy Thy holy eyes may have, this day, seen in any of us. Pardon our want of due watchfulness over ourselves, and our too great readiness to cast blame continually on others. Pardon all our disobedience to Thy laws; pardon also our want of submission to Thy providence, and of zeal in Thy service.


For these, and all other sins, which we have any us, either on this day, or at any other time, committed,

we here unite in imploring mercy, through the name of our most blessed Saviour. O LORD, forgive us, for JESUS CHRIST's sake. Lay not any of our past sins to our charge; but blot them out from Thy remembrance, for the sake of Him who hath died for us. Give us penitent and contrite hearts; and let us lie down this night in Thy favour.

We also implore Thy blessings on all our friends and relations. Watch over them, we beseech Thee, by Thy good providence; teach them all to live in Thy fear, and to hope in Thy mercy. Bless the land in which we live, and especially the faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Have pity on those who are deprived of the comforts which we enjoy; and are lying down this night in pain, sorrow, and affliction: grant them patience under their sufferings; and make them at length partakers of Thy heavenly kingdom. And teach us, O LORD, to have compassion on the afflicted; and to pray for them and to do good unto all men; and to live in peace and harmony one with another.

We offer up these our imperfect prayers in the name of JESUS CHRIST, our only Lord and Saviour.

Our Father, &c.

The grace of our Lord, &c.

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