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all the reproaches that he could endure.We love God because he first loved us, and it is vain for us to say that we love God whom we have not seen, if we do not love the brethren whom we have seen; and if we love them, we will not, without the sincerest grief, behold them walking in ways that lead to perdition. Beloved, if God so loved us, will we not love one another? If he hath redeemed us from the lowest hell, nothing will give us greater delight than to pluck our fellow sinners out of the fire of divine wrath. If Christ endured such anguish, and bore the curse of God for our deliverance, will any thing appear to us too grievous to be endured for the sake of precious souls, who must be happy or miserable forever.

Finally, let us constantly depend on Jesus Christ for all needful supplies of grace and wisdom. It is his grace that must quicken us in his way, and animate us with zeal for the salvation of sinners. We must receive that wisdom from him that is absolutely necessary for winning souls. To every one of us is given grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ, and he will not withhold that grace from them that trust in him, which is necessary for any of the services which he requires. Did he give his own blood for the salvation of souls, and

will he withhold his help from those whose prevailing desire it is to promote that work in which he so greatly delights? "It hath pleased the Father, that in him should all fulness dwell, that out of his fulness we may receive, and grace for grace."




I. A DISCOURSE on the Condition and duty
of Unconverted Sinners.

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Part 1. Whether our utmost diligence in
the use of means will ensure our salvation?

Part 2. Whether those who diligently use
the means of grace are more likely to ob-
tain it, than those who neglect them, or who
are careless in the use of them?




Part 3. Directions to Unconverted Per-
sons who are solicitous about their salvation. 45

II. DISCOURSES on the sovereignty of grace
in the conversion of sinners.




Discourse 1. On the religious inclina-
tions or exertions which are to be found
in Persons destitute of saving grace.




Discourse 2. Whether such religious ex-
ertions give them any claim upon that grace
which is absolutely necessary to their salva-


Discourse 3. That it is a doctrine abun-
dantly taught in the Bible, that our salvation
is to be ascribed to the rich, free, and sov-
ereign mercy of God.


III. DISCOURSES on the means to be used
for the conversion of our Neighbors.




Discourse 1. Of the method by which
an ordinary Christian may convert a Sinner
from the error of his way.


Discourse 2. Of the great benefit of

converting a Smner from his errors.




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