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other part is of a deep black. This fact is the more worthy of notice, as it overturns the reasonings of Buffon, respecting the difference between the animals of Asia, and those of America.

Institute. The prize proposed this year, by the Academie Royale des Sciences,' in the class of Physics, is to determine, by means of accurate experiments, what are the causes of animal warmth, whether chemical or physical? The academy expressly requires that the quantity of caloric emitted in a given time, by a healthy animal; and the quantity of caloric produced by its respiration, be ascertained with the utmost exactitude; also that this caloric be compared with that produced by the combustion of carbon, in forming the same quantity of carbonic acid. The prize will be a gold medal, of the value of 3,000 francs, to be adjudged at the sitting of 1823.

Belzoni. The city of Padua, of which this celebrated traveller is a native, has struck a medal in commemoration of his discoveries, and in testimony of their gratitude for the valuable gift he made to this place, he having presented to it two curious pieces of antiquity, two lion-headed statues of granite, now deposited in the hall of the Palazzo della Ragione.

An Italian translation of his interesting travels, is expected to appear about this time. It will contain some alterations made by the author himself, and will appear in two volumes octavo, accompanied by six numbers of plates. The publisher is Bettoni of Milan.

Lisbon. Abolition of the Punishment of Death. The Portuguese Cortes have, by the application of a long violated principle of justice and humanity, abolished this dreadful punishment, so opposite in its effects to the interests of society, and so degrading to civilization; one which has been so deservedly reprobated by Beccaria, and a number of other eminent philosophers and writers on the criminal and penal system. Public morality would be much better consulted by the adoption of solitary confinement as a punishment for crimes, than it is at present by the spectacle of


Portable Houses.--The Swedish journals speak very highly of certain portable houses, that have been invented by Major Blom, who is celebrated at Stockholm for his knowledge of mechanics. These edifices, which are constructed of wood, may be elevated in a single day, and contain, if not every comfort, at least all that is necessary for a sinall family. In cold weather they are warmed by a stove.

Spanish Literature. - Don Torribio Nunnez, Professor of the University of Salamanca, has collected the various writings of Jeremy Bentham, and formed them into a regular system of politics; such a one as he conceives to be particularly adapted to the wants of his countrymen at the present juncture. The title of this work, which has already met with great commendation, is Sistema de la Ciencia Social Ideado por el Jurisconsulto Ingles Jeremias Bentham, y puesto en egecucion conforme a los principios del autor original, por el Dr. D. Torribio Nunnez, &c.--Marshal De Haro's Account of the Defence of Gerona, Relation Historica de la defensa de Gerona, is a publication that may be consulted with advantage both by the historian and the military tactictioner, and is particularly rich in materials for a narrative of the important events of the late war. Several works have been translated from the English and French: even the Memoirs of Bergami, and the Queen's Trial, have found both translators and publishers But books of more permanent interest are not overlooked, as is proved by an annunciation of a Spanish version of Robertson's Charles V. and of the Principes de la Legislation Universel.The Thirteenth Volume of the translation of Mrs. Bennet's Novels has appeared, containing Rosa ó la nina Mendiga (the Beggar Girl); and a female writer, named Donna Juana Barrera, has translated another English Novel, under the title of Cæcilia ó el Padre y al Hija.-D. Vincente Fernandez Villares has produced a good translation from a French novel of Ducray-Dumenil, called Dias en el Campo ó Pintura Historica de una piquena Familia. --Little original poetry has appeared; nothing indeed worthy of mention, except some political and patriotic Odes, and a performance of D. Rafael de Cæceres, which deserves notice merely from the extravagance of the subject, it being a system of myology in verse. The title of this curious poem is, Exposicion Metrica Succinta y Exacta di todos los Musculos del Cuerpo Humaro 6 sea la Miologia puesta en verso Castellano!

The first volume of an historical work of very superior merit, and indeed of more importance than any produced during the last century, has lately issued from the press at Madrid. It is entitled, La Historia de la Dominacion de los Arabes en Espada, sacada de Manuscritos y Memorias Arabigas and is written by the Academician Josef Antonio Conde, who died last year. The Spaniards have for a long time, been indebted to the researches of the literati of other countries, but have at length, applied themselves to the investigation of this interesting epoch of their national history; and, notwithstanding the number of documents that have been destroyed, enough yet remain to supply the deficiencies, and to correct the errors of the old chroniclers, and thus dispel the obscurity in which the annals of this æra are enveloped. Conde, whose early death is to be lamented as an irreparable loss to Spanish literature, ventured into this immense and bewildering mine, examined the valuable MSS. deposited in the various libraries of Madrid, as well as those in the archives of the Escurial, and, after attentively collating and studying them, produced a work that will confer immortal honour on his memory. The policy of the Arabian conquerors, their military tactics, their government and legislation, their system of taxation, the administration of their police, their institutions for public charity and education, their re

ligious toleration, manners and customs, form the principal objects of the author's attention; and the facts and documents are all original and authentic. He has, moreover, incorporated many fragments from the Arabian poets, partly for the purpose of elucidating events and customs, and partly to give an Oriental air to the whole composition. He has, likewise, derived from Arabic sources of biography, much important information relative to those great men who distinguished themselves, either in literature or in arms. The work is divided into four books; the first of which commences with a brief account of the situation of the Arabians, at the time of their first irruption into Africa. The author then proceeds to describe their attact upon Spain; the government of the Omars; their policy, and their conduct towards the people whom they conquered; the feuds between the Omars themselves; the events which brought Spain under the dominion of the Caliphs of Damascus; and, lastly, he presents a vivid picture of the actions and the characters of the first Arabian conquerors in Spain, during the interval from 710 to 748. The second book treats of the Arabian Monarchy in Spain, (as it existed independent of the Caliphs);of the princes of this powerful dynasty, and the extension of their power, both within and without the peninsula; of the government, manners, wealth, arts and sciences of the Arabians, until the breaking out of the war in 1080, to which period we are brought down in the present volume, which consists of 660 pages in 4to. The third and fourth books will be comprised in the two succeeding volumes, which are partly printed. It was the intention of the author to give a glossary and explanation of all the Arabic words; and also a comparative geography, and a map of Arabian Spain; this, however, he has been prevented from executing by death, which seized him in the midst of his labours.

Russia. According to the latest estimation, there are 350 livving authors in this country, about one-eighth part of whom are ecclesiastics, but the far greater proportion consists of persons of rank. Backmeister, in his Russian Library, computed that, previously to 1817, there existed about 4000 different works in that language. In the extensive collection of national literature belonging to the Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg, there were, in 1800, 3000 works printed in the Russian tongue; among which, only 105 belonged to the class of novels and romances. Since this period, authorship has increased so much, that last year no fewer than 8000 volumes were printed in this language. Translations are very numerous, particularly of dramas, novels, works of imagination, and the belles lettres. There are newspapers and journals, both German and Russian, published at St. Petersburg, Moscow, Riga, Revel, Abo, and other principal cities. At the first of these places there are 15 printing houses, and 10 at Moscow.

A Poetical Journal,--- entitled Die Muse, has teen commenced at Leipzig, by Kind. One of the most important articles that have appeared in it, is a specimen of a translation, by Nordsteru, of Childe Harold, in the Spenserian stanza of the original. the writer, however, is not sufficiently master of this difficult form of versification. In addition to the poetry, this publication is intended to contain theoretical, polemical, and satirical essays.

The Bell and Lancasterian Systems. A work has appeared at Lyons, attacking the system of education pursued in what are called, on the continent, schools of mutual instruction, condemning it as pregnant with danger, and pointing out the mischiefs to be apprehended from its adoption. The title of this work is, L'Enseignment Mutuel Devoile, ainsi que ses Jongleries at I'retintailles Revolutionnaires; ou l'Art d'affranchir l'Education de l'Enfance de toute Influence Morale et Religieuse!

Italian Literature. A voluminous publication has been commenced at Milan: it is intended to form a complete series of the best historical works in every language, and is entitled, Biblioteca Storica di tutti i Tempi, e di tutte le Nazioni. The first work selected by the editor is Muller's General History of the World, in six volumes. Next, the History of the American War, by Botta, an author who has been called, by the journalists of Philadelphia and New York, the Livy of the United States; and who has been universally admired, as one of the most philosophical histo rians of the present age. To these succeeds the eloquent work of Gibbon: a very unfinished and incorrect translation of him had before appeared in Italy; but this has now been entirely rewritten, and completed by Bertolotti, the successful translator of many other English works. Bettoni's Lettere sui Giardini ai Venezia is another publication, from the Milan press, deserving of notice. In these seven epistles (four of which have been before printed,) the writer describes, in an elegant style, the noble garden which has been formed, of late years, in the centre of that city, the naturally romantic situation of which it is well adapted to render still more picturesque, especially should those improvements be made which Bettoni suggests. He proposes that it should be embellished with monuments, statues, temples and other elegant decorations of art. This work is sentimental and poetical.-The Cavalier Luizi Bossi continues to labour indefatigably in the prosecution of his laborious work on Italy, Le Storia d'Italia Antica e Moderna. The twelfth volume has just been published at Milan, by Giegler and Bianchi. It begins with the overthrow of the Western Empire, from the time of the acknowledgement of Theodoric, as king of Italy, to the founding of the kingdom of Lombardy, and finishes with a description of the situation of the provinces, cities, and islands of Italy under the dominion of the Goths and Lombards.-Vita e Commercio Letterario, &c. the Life and Correspondence of Galileo Galilei, a posthumous work of the learned Florentine Senator De Nelli, is an interesting piece of biography of the great Italian astronomer, composed from the most authen

tic sources and original documents, the author having purchased all the manuscripts and letters he could meet with of Galilei, Coricelli, Castelli, Viviani, and other mathematicians of the 17th century. The work, which is in two volumes quarto, is embellished with ten plates: two of them are portraits of Galilei; the first taken when he was 40, the other, 77 years of age. Both of them are engraved under the direction of the celebrated Raphael Morghen. The first volume of the Collezione degli antichi Storici Greci volgerizzati, edited by Sonzogno, of Milan, contains a translation, by Compagnoni, of Dictys Cretensis, and of Dares the Phrygian. In the second, third, and fourth volumes, are the first and second books of Diodorus, also translated by Compagnoni, and the nine books of Herodotus, translated by Andreas Mustoxidi of Corfu, who has added to them a Commentary. The anonymous Storia di America, intended as a sequel to Segue's General History, gives an account of the moral and physical features of the New World. The writer has borrowed much from Humboldt, but has not availed himself of the assistance of Azara and Sobrevielo. In the sixth and last division of his work, he treats of the different dialects of America, and their origin: he considers that their number, said by some to amount to 1264; has been greatly exaggerated, although it is certain that in a single province a variety of dialects are used orally which are not employed in writing. -A work on the science of history, by the Duke di Ventignano, a writer before known to the public by his tragedies, has issued from the press at Naples, under the title of Pensieri sulla Scienza della Storia. In this treatise the author follows the steps of Rio, whom he calls the founder of the Synthesis of History; and he endeavours to systematize this important study, and to reduce it to certain principles founded in the nature of man. In confornity with this theory, he attempts to develop the progress of civilization, and the changes which society and government have successively undergone. - The interesting biographical work entitled Vite e Ritratti d'illustri Italiani, is now closed with the 60th number, containing the Life of Filangieri, by Carnebali, and his portrait, engraved by Caronni. There is another work of nearly a similar nature and title, Ritratti d'illustri Italiani Viventi, of which the fifth number has just appeared, with the portraits of Palette, Perticari, Rossini, Stratico, and Venturi, The sixth number will complete the work. Among the portraits which have already been given are, Appiani, the scene painter, Botta, the historian, Canova, Morghen, Paer, the composer, Pindermonti, Scarpa, Visconti, the archæologist, and Volta.

History of Russia. Castelneau's Essai sur l'Histoire Ancienne de la Nouvelle Russie is an historical work of great research. The labour of collecting materials for such an undertaking, was considerably enhanced, by the rapid succession of the different tribes, who have made themselves masters of this country, from the time when it was first described by Herodotus, until it was in



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