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mense rock hangs so loosely over you, as apparently without support, that it seems to threaten you with instant annihilation. Here is a basin containing a hogshead or two of pure water, which, after the fatigue experienced, is grateful and refreshing. Returning by the same passage through the Diamond Room, you come to the Wilderness, (N.) rough and irregular below, on the sides and above. Either here, or in the Enchanted Room, I do not remember which, there is a column of twenty-five or thirty feet in diameter, called the tower of Babel. The Garden of Eden, (0.) is the last scene. This room is spacious, lofty and its decorations are superb and various. A rock apparently floating over you, called Elijah's inantle; a large white curtain, and a rock called Mr. Jefferson's Salt Mountain, seen at a distance through a colonade, are the most remarkable particulars that I noticed here.

I now returned and regained the mouth of the cave after having been within it two hours and three quarters. But the time was much too short, to enable one on a first visit to give any thing like a full or correct description of it. An English painter, who spent several weeks here, said that years would be required to do any sort of justice to a representation of it by the pencil.

The Saloon, (H.) cannot be very distant from Madison's cave, and had time permitted, I would have attempted to discover a communication between them, by firing a musket in one cave, while the report was listened to in the other. The mention of this, reminds me of the remarkable effect I was told the discharge of a pistol produces in some parts of Wier's cave. The sound is astonishingly loud, and is prolonged and echoed back from distant recesses; and after a considerable silence, it is once and again renewed when you had supposed it exhausted. I had not the forethought to supply myself with the means of making this experi


The temperature of this cave, I am told, is fifty-five, and never varies.

A German of the name of Aymand, was, until very lately, the proprietor of this cave, and his name has usually been given to it. It is now the property of Mr. Bingham, who keeps a good house of entertainment near it; but the honour of the name is certainly due to the discoverer. Mr. Wier made this discovery by pur

suing with a dog a raccoon, which took refuge there, and once entered upon it, he prosecuted it with as much ardour, and at almost as much peril, as Cook did his discoveries in the trackless ocean. The proprietor keeps a lock upon the door of the cave, and charges each visiter fifty cents, which yields him a considerable revenue. Mr. Charles Lewis, who lives near Port Republic, accompanied me in my subterranean excursion, and contributed much to the gratification of it. In following me through the description, I fear you will share more of the fatigues than pleasures; but if I excite yourcur iosity sufficiently to induce you to take this place in your route to Washington, at some future time, I shall have done you an essential service, by enabling you to see and enjoy much in a little space; an important consideration in the economy of a life, whose duration is contracted to a span.

I am, my dear sir, with every sentiment of esteem and respect, yours, as ever.

His Excellency, Gov. Hawkins.

ART. V.-Marine Velocipede.



[Although it is stated in one of the daily journals, that Mr. Kent exhibited this invention to thousands of persons, in the new dock which was opened at Liverpool, on the day of the Coronation, we have great doubts whether any practical good will result from it. John Bull, though "a thinking people," is wonderfully prone to be "Pleas'd with a trifle and tickled with a straw." Mr. Kent's contrivance will follow the fate of its predecessor on land.]

AN exhibition improperly called walking on the water, has been exhibited at Liverpool, by Mr. Kent of Glasgow. The ap

paratus which he uses is represented in the wood-cut above,where a. b. c. are three hollow tin cases of the form of an oblong hemispheroid, connected together by three iron bars, at the meeting of which is a seat for the exhibiter. These cases, filled with air, are of such a magnitude that they can easily support his wieght: and as a. b. and a. c. are about ten feet, and b. c. about eight feet, he floats very steadily upon the water. The feet of the exhibiter rest on stirrups, and he attaches to his shoes by leather belts, two paddles, d. e. which turn on a joint when he brings his foot forward to take the stroke, and keep a vertical position when he draws it back against the resisting water; by the alternate action of his feet, he is enabled to advance at the rate of five miles an hour.

ART. VI.-The Tyrol Wanderer. From an English Journal.

MR. EDITOR-I have been in the habit of travelling a great deal over the world, and though not an author by profession, and never intending to become one, I have yet made it my practice to note down in an Album, whatever I have seen or heard, which struck me as extraordinary. Happening the other day to turn over some of its pages, I fell upon the following history, related to me by the man himself, a few years since, in Washington, in North America, in which city he then resided, and I believe, still lives. He had received a grant from the national legislature of that country, in consequence of services rendered by him to the American general, Eaton, during his incursion upon Tripoli. His story is a singular example of what human ingenuity can do, when operated on by the stimulus of necessity.

Gervasio Probasio Santuari was born at a village near Trent, in the Tyrol, on the 21st of October, 1772. He was brought up in one of the schools of that country, in which part of the learner's time is devoted to literature, and part to the exercise of the agricultural and mechanic arts. He was then sent to college for the purpose of being educated for the Romish church, but not liking his occupation or prospects, he renounced his theological studies, and, young as he was, became a Benedict, instead of a monk. His first employment, after his marriage, was as a sur

veyor of land. Shortly afterwards, however, when Joseph the Second ordered an expedition against the Turks, he entered the army under Laudun, and marched to Belgrade, after which he sustained his share in the siege of Mantua. After the capitulation of that city he deserted from the Austrian army, to avoid the consequences of a duel in which he had been involved. The punishment for such a crime, according to the rules of the Austrian military code, is death. He joined the French at Milan, and went by the name of Carlo Hassanda,, but growing weary of the suspicion which attached to him as a spy, he poisoned the guards by administering to them opium in their drink, and escaped to a village in the south of Switzerland. Here, to avoid detection, he assumed the name of Joan Eugena Leitensdorfer, and having sent word to his family how he was situated, they sent him a remittance, with which he purchased watches and jewellery, and travelled as a pedlar through France and Spain. In this capacity he arrived at Toulon, where his terror and his necessities induced him to embark on board a vessel, which was bound for Egypt. After his arrival he wandered on to Cairo, where the French forces were then quartered, under the command of Menou, and to the agricultural and economical projects of the Institute he rendered considerable aid. In the mean time, our forces landed, and after the victory, which the life of Abercrombie dearly purchased, he conceived that things were likely to take a change, and deserted without scruple to the British army. The English officers encouraged him to open a coffee-house for their entertainment, and he soon collected a sum of money which his enterprizing spirit induced him to expend in the erection of a theatre, where the military amateurs used to perform. Here he married a Coptic woman. On the departure of the English he found it necessary to retire from Alexandria, and abandoning his wife, child, and property, he arrived, after an ordinary voyage, at Messina, in Sicily. At that place, being out of employment, and utterly destitute of resources, he entered as a novice in a monastery of Capuchin friars, and practiced their discipline, and enjoyed their bounty, until an opportunity offered of running away, of which with his usual alacrity, he availed himself and sailed for Smyrna. He soon reached Constantinople, where he was reduced to the last extremity of


want, having wandered about the city for three days and three nights without food or shelter. At length, meeting a Capuchin friar, he begged of him a pack of cards and a pistol, and with the aid of these he exhibited tricks which in some measure retrieved his desperate fortune. About this time Brune, who commanded the French army at Milan, when he made his escape, arrived at Constantinople as the French ambassador; and fearing that he might be recognised by some of the diplomatic suite, he enlisted into the Turkish service. Two expeditions were then on foot; one against Passwan Oglou, in Bulgaria, the other against Elfi Bey, in Egypt. He joined the latter, and on the defeat of the Turkish detachment to which he belonged, saved his head by betaking himself to the desert, and courting protection from the Bedouin Arabs. After this unfortunate expedition he continued to make his way back to Constantinople, and endeavoured in vain to procure from the Russian minister a passport into Muscovy. His next attempt was to obtain re-admittance into the Turkish service, in which proving unsuccessful, he assumed the habit and character of a dervise. These are the functionaries of religion, and always combine with their sacredotal duties the offices of physician and conjurer. To be initiated into this order he made a formal renunciation of Christianity, denounced its followers, for the wrongs and injuries they had done him, professed the Mahometan faith in due form, and to show that he was in earnest, circumcised himself. This being accomplished, he then joined, under the new name of Murat Aga, a caravan for Trebisond, on the southern shore of the Black sea. On the way he practised his profession by giving dimoney, rections to the sick, and selling, for considerable sums of small pieces of paper on which were written sentences from the Koran in Turkish, which he pretended to sanctify by applying to the naked shaven crown of his head. At Trebisond he was informed that the Bashaw was dangerously ill, and threatened with blindness; and he was called upon instantly to prescribe for this grand patient, which, however, he refused to do, unless he was admitted into his presence. To this sovereign presence he was accordingly conducted through files of armed soldiers and ranks of kneeling officers. Having arrived in the sick chamber, the dervise displayed all the pomp and grandeur of his calling, by so

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