Geschichte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts und des neunzehnten bis zum Sturz des französischen Kaiserreichs: Bd. Bis 1788. 2 vJ.C.B. Mohr, 1842 |
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Adel Aiguillon Amerikaner Aranda Armee Baiern Befehl bekannt besonders Bischof blos Briefe Carl Carl III Choiseul Clemens XIII Clemens XIV Congreß Cornwallis daher damals Desterreich deutschen Einfluß endlich England englischen erst Europa fand Franklin Frankreich französischen freilich Freunde Friedrich Fürsten ganze Geiste geistlichen Geld General Gerichte Geschichte Gesek Gesez gleich Graf groß großen Heer heftig heißt hernach Herzog Hofe Illuminaten Jahre Jesuiten Joseph Kaiser Kaiserin König konnte Krieg Kurfürsten Lande lassen läßt Leben lekten Leute lich ließ Lord North Ludwigs XV machen machte Mann Maria Theresia Maßregeln Minister Ministerium muß mußte nahm neue öffentlich Orden Pabst Paris Parlament Parthei Polen Pombal Portugal Preußen Prinzen Proceß Provinzen Recht Rede Regierung Reichs Reichsrath Reichstag Revolution Romanzoff Russen russischen Rußland Sache schien Schrift Schuß seyn siebenjährigen Kriege Silas Deane sogenannten sollte Spanien Staaten stand Struensee suchte Theil troß Truppen Türken unsern Urtheil Verfassung viel Volk vorher ward Weise wieder Wilkes wollte
Populære passager
Side 413 - If, by the immediate interposition of Providence, it were possible for us to escape a crisis so full of terror and despair, posterity will not believe the history of the present times. They will either conclude that our distresses were imaginary, or that we had the good fortune to be governed by men of acknowledged integrity and wisdom : they will not believe it possible that their ancestors could have survived, or recovered from so desperate a condition, while a duke of Grafton was prime minister,...
Side 639 - British constitution; that it is an essential, unalterable right, in nature, engrafted into the British constitution, as a fundamental law, and ever held sacred and irrevocable by the subjects within the realm, that what a man has honestly acquired is absolutely his own, which he may freely give, but cannot be taken from him without his consent...
Side 639 - This, my Lords, though no new doctrine, has always been my received and unalterable opinion, and I will carry it to my grave, that this country had no right under heaven to tax America. It is contrary to all the principles of justice and civil...
Side 560 - The clay medallion of me you say you gave to Mr. Hopkinson was the first of the kind made in France. A variety of others have been made since of different sizes; some to be set in the lids of snuffboxes, and some so small as to be worn in rings ; and the numbers sold are incredible.
Side 417 - We cannot long be deluded by nominal distinctions. The name of Stuart, of itself, is only contemptible; armed with the sovereign authority, their principles are formidable. The prince who imitates their conduct should be warned by their example; and, while he plumes himself upon the security of his title to the crown, should remember that, as it was acquired by one revolution, it may be lost by another.
Side 533 - I understand that Mr. Lee has lately been at Paris, that Mr. Deane is still there, and that an underhand supply is obtained from the government of two hundred brass fieldpieces, thirty thousand firelocks, and some other military stores, which are now shipping for America, and will be convoyed by a ship of war.
Side 561 - A variety of others have been made since of different sizes ; some to be set in the lids of snuffboxes, and some so small as to be worn in rings ; and the numbers sold are incredible. These, with the pictures, busts, and prints, (of which copies upon copies are spread everywhere,) have made your father's face as well known as that of the moon...
Side 628 - King George, in a fright Lest Gibbon should write The history of England's disgrace, Thought no way so sure, His pen to secure, As to give the historian a place.
Side 561 - It is said by learned etymologists that the name doll, for the images children play with, is derived from the word IDOL. From the number of dolls now made of him, he may be truly said, in that sense, to be i-doll-ized in this country.
Side 561 - ... is totally without foundation. But one is not to expect being always in fashion. I hope, however, to preserve, while I stay, the regard you mention of the French ladies; for their society and conversation, when I have time to enjoy them, are extremely agreeable.