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venge, the Vavaooans did not reflect on the probability of there being some stratagem, but continued to follow, and he to retreat, till they passed the first ambush, where Finow lay concealed. They were fast advancing towards the second, when Finow's men, too eager for conquest, rose up and attacked them in the rear. The second ambush, hearing the noise of this attack, immediately started up, and joining Hala Api Api, a hard and close fight was kept up for about a quarter of an hour; when the enemy, finding themselves too strongly opposed, retreated towards the fortress, in which they took shelter, being pursued close up to their doors by the Hapai warriors. Having recovered themselves a little from their consternation, they prepared to renew the combat, and again sallied forth, and commenced a general engagement with spears and arrows, which lasted about three quarters of an hour; then again took shelter within their walls. In the first engagement the enemy had forty men killed, and Finow only two in the last attack they had only one man killed, and Finow none, though several died afterwards of their wounds; but this was only an engagement with arrows and spears, which they are very dexterous in avoiding. Clubs were not used. The enemy were upon a higher ground, where it would not have been prudent to have attacked them with the club, and risked the loss of their former advantages; and the enemy were too much discouraged to venture into the plain. The day was so rainy that no muskets could be well used. In the last affair, Mr Mariner received an arrow in his foot, which passed quite through the broadest part of it. Luckily it

was not a bearded arrow, but the wound was, nevertheless, a very bad one; for the weapon being made of short splintering wood, it broke in, and the Tonga surgeons not having the best instruments in the world, pieces of wood were taken out from time to time, by no better means than cutting down upon them with sharp shells, or bamboo, which rendered the affair very tedious and painful.

The Hapai army being returned to Neafoo, Finow now gave orders that no man should venture out for some time, lest the vigilance and anger of the enemy being now so strongly excited, some should fall a prey to their rashness; but about a week afterwards, a warrior, named Havili, requested leave to go in a large canoe, with an armed party, to the north-west part of the island, to secure a number of hogs, which the enemy kept there in a fencing, observing, that it would be but proper to relish the Vavaoo yams with a little Vavaoo pork! Havili was a man remarkable for laying hold of every opportunity of undertaking secret expeditions by night; and he was thought to have killed more men in his time than any other warrior. The king having granted him leave, he went on board a canoe, with forty stout men, and proceeded towards the place. The enemy, however, had previously sent an additional force to take care of their hogs, thinking, very justly, that Finow might be encouraged to turn his attention to that quarter, from having met with such success in the field of yams. It happened, one night, that part of this guard, sauntering about upon the beach, perceived a large canoe coming towards

them. They immediately sent word to their companions, and, separating into two parties, concealed themselves on either side of the road leading to the fencing. The canoe having reached the shore, half the men landed with Havili at their head, and proceeded towards the place where the hogs were kept. They had no sooner passed the spot where the enemy lay concealed, than the latter rushed out, and attacked them in the rear so suddenly, and with such effect, that fifteen were quickly despatched, the enemy only losing one man, who was killed by Havili. This warrior and his four remaining men effected their escape to their companions in the canoe, and pushed from the shore as quickly as possible. As they were paddling off the enemy called out to them in derision, "What! you wanted some pork, did you?-how do you like your treat?-but stay, here are some fine pigs for you, ready killed" (alluding to the dead bodies), "why don't you come and take them away?” -but Havili and his men, sorely discomfited, returned home without making any farther attempt.


A FEW days after Havili's unsuccessful attempt to secure the enemy's hogs, one of Finow's wives ran away from Neafoo. Being shortly missed by the rest of the women, in searching for her, it was found that one of his son's wives had taken the same step, and it was supposed they had gone together. When this was made known to the king, he left the fortress instantly, accompanied by five or six men, and directed his course along the main road leading to Felletoa, but without any success. He returned very much dejected, and sent to his aunt, Toe Oomoo (the chief of the enemy), requesting to have his wife returned, stating, that it was a war between men, and not women; but his remonstrances had no effect. These women both laboured under the jealousy and tyrannic influence of Möonga Toobo, Finow's favourite wife; and, partly to rid themselves of this, and partly to visit and live with relations whom they had in the opposite garrison, they made their escape, and taking a by-road near the sea-shore. On the morning of their departure, Mr Mariner was at some distance from Neafoo, gathering shaddocks in a thicket: for, although his wound did not allow him to use any active exertions, he

now and then went abroad by the help of a stick. Being up in a tree, he heard a rustling noise in the bushes below, and, directing his attention to the spot, was surprised to see one of Finow's wives. Prompted by curiosity, he came quickly down, and, seizing her by the arm, inquired what caused her to stray so far from the fortress, and to expose her person and her life to the insults and cruelty of the enemy. She replied, that she had only come out for a walk, and was going shortly to return. To this account he objected, that it was too far, and too dangerous a walk for her to take alone, with the risk of meeting Moteita and his followers, who often concealed themselves in those woods, and declared his suspicion that she intended to run away. She immediately fell on her knees, clasped her hands, and begged and entreated most earnestly, that he would not prevent her flight from the dominion of tyranny to the bosom of her relations; and appealed most pathetically to his own feelings and affections towards his mother, or whatever relatives he might have in his own country, and representing how hard and cruelly severe it would be for any one to prevent him flying to them, if it were otherwise in his power. Being moved by the earnestness of her manner, and the unfortunate circumstances of her situation, he raised her up, and promised not to interfere in her escape, nor to divulge the matter to any one, and gave her full liberty to proceed whichever way she thought proper.

Finow had, for a long time past, entertained the idea of seizing upon several of the enemy's women, who were in the habit of assembling at a certain part of the inlet, to gather shell-fish; and.

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