Gospel of the Holy TwelveDisciple of the Master Health Research Books, 1996 - 234 sider |
Almindelige termer og sætninger
angel Art thou asked him saying beasts behold believe blessed blood body bread brethren Caiaphas called Capernaum cast CHAPTER chief priests Christ Church cometh commanded creatures crucified Daughter dead death disciples drink earth Eternal evil Father Father-Mother flesh fruit Galilee give goeth Gospel hands hath healed hear heard heart Herod holy Israel Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus said unto Jesus saith Jews John John the Baptist Judas Judas Iscariot kingdom of heaven light live Lord Mary Mary Magdalene Master mercy Moses mother Mount of Olives parable Passover perfect Peter Pharisees Pilate pray prophets receive repent righteousness sabbath saith unto say unto scribes seen sent servant sheep shew sins Solar Deity soul spake Spirit synagogue temple thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt truth twelve unto thee Verily I say whosoever Woe unto woman word Zacharias