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PRACTICES Advertised in this column for

parties who are not agents for the practice, for THREE CENTS PER WORD. Twenty-five words will be inserted one time free for subscribers. For additional words or for subsequent insertions, three cents per word required. Advertisements of books, instruments, preparations, etc. or regular business advertisements inserted in this column for six cents per word; no free words. If answers are to be sent in care of our office, an extra fee of fifty cents for each insertion is charged. An advertisement intended for any particular issue must reach us not later than the 12th of the month preceding. Cash must accompany all orders. In estimating, the name and address must be counted, and every three figures, or fraction thereof, and every letter representing a word counts as a word.

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PHTHALMIC and Aural Practice for sale Twenty-six

Oyears established; Cash office practice. A

to whoever gets it. DR. KIMBERLIN, Kansas City, Mo. Ttracting, for circular, address DR. DUNN, Elma, Iowa. WANTED Town, or village location by regular graduate

HE "Unique" Dental Fulcrum revolutionizes tooth ex

of three years' experience. Would like partnership with older physician. Address "L," Box 92, Polkton, N. C.

WILL give away the unopposed country practice. Rail

road village; thickly settled community; rare chance. Particulars for stamp. DR. G. M. WETHERELL, Scipio, Jen. nings Co., Indiana.


POSITION filled! Le Alma.”

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S.G.P. O.


Hemorrhoids Successfully Treated.

This ointment is rapidly assuming the lead of Pile Remedies. A sample box often cures several cases. Physicians who have ordered their trial order, have ordered again and again, and praise it for its truly marvelous qualities, which the following extracts show plainly. MT. PELIA, TENN. Oct. 2, 1893. FRED. W. STEWART, Oswego, N. Y.

Dear Sir:-You will find enclosed one dollar for which you will please send to my address four boxes of Gypsy Pile Ointment, and oblige. Dr. Chitwood recommended it as the surest and most speedy cure known to him. E. C. JACKSON.

BENTON, MO., June 17, 1893. FRED. W, STEWART, Oswego, N. Y.

Received my last order about fifteen days ago all O. K. I have used up all the suppositories (one doz box). I have been in the practice twenty years, but never found any eye ointment or any receipt equal to your Pile Ointment when used for eye ointment. Please send me half pound box of the pile ointment by mail to M. A. CURTIS, M.D.

BUSHNELL, ILL., Nov. 9, 1893. FRED. W. STEWART, Oswego. N. Y.

Dear Sir:-I find your Gypsy Pile Ointment a that is claimed for it. I have been using it in my practice for over four years, I cannot call to mind a single instance wherein it has disappointed one. You will find enclosed one dollar, please send me the amount in your Pile Ointment, and oblige, R. A. PINKLEY, M.D.


CYNTHIANA, IND. Oct. 30, 1898. Dear Sir:-Find enclosed money order for seventyfive cents, for which please send me that much of your celebrated Pile Ointment. I have used three or four boxes of it, and it does as much, and more than you recommend. I have cured two or three cases of piles of long standing, which had been doctored for years with no success. Please send at once.

Respectfully, L. R. ALLEN, M.D.

EDINBURG, MISS., Jan. 9, 1893. FRED. W. STEWART, Oswego, N. Y.

Dear Sir:-Enclosed find postal note for one dollar for which you will please send me the worth in your valuable Pile Ointment. I find it the best thing I have ever tried. and good for more things than Hemorrhoids. Send by mail at your very earliest convenience, and oblige,

Yours truly, W. T. HUTCHINS, M.D.

EAST JAFFREY, N. H., March 29, 1893. FRED. W. STEWART, Oswego, N. Y.

Dear Sir:-Some half dozen years ago, more or less, I bought quite a lot of Stewart's Gypsy Pile Ointment of you; if you still prepare it, please send me four boxes. I have retired from practice, but occasionally want to use some. I regard it as the best Pile Ointment I have ever used, in a practice of more than forty years. Yours truly, O. H. BRADLEY, M.D.

NOTICE.-I will send a sample box of the ointment free, to any physician writing for same and mentioning MEDICAL WORLD.

I have hundreds of letters from physicians, besides the above, speaking just as highly in its praise. Postage or express charges always prepaid by me. Physicians not wishing to send for it themselves should insist on their druggist sending for it. Tell them I prepay all charges.

There is no advertising on letter or package, Address, FRED. W. STEWART, Oswego, N. Y.


The Requisites of


NE of the first objects of the skillful manufacturer is so to prepare the pill as to secure its prompt and complete solution in the stomach. Without solubility no therapeutic effect can be obtained, but gastric disturbances, together with toxic effects from accumulation, are liable to occur. To insure uniformly good results the excipient must be carefully chosen; it should be compatible to the other ingredients of the pill, unalterable, and should tend to preserve the activity of the medicaments. A certain degree of firmness is necessary, but in a properly prepared pill this is not incompatible with ready and complete solubility in the stomach. The coating of the pill is a very important matter. The coating of the "W. H. S. & Co." pill is thin, transparent, smooth, readily soluble and impervious to atmospheric influences. The pill mass shows its color through the coating, which, while it affords a certain amount of protection against accidents, also enhances the beauty of the pill. But the "W. H. S. & Co." pill has a higher claim for recognition than any thus far stated; only the purest materials, in the exact quantities demanded by the formula, are ever employed. No component is omitted or substituted, either for the sake of economy or on account of difficulty in manipulation. The high reputation enjoyed by the "W. H. S. & Co." pills is due to the fact that they possess all the characteristics of a perfect preparation of this kind, namely, PURITY of medicaments and excipients, PRECISION as to weight and division, UNIFORMITY as to activity and identity, SOLUBILITY of mass and coating, PALATABILITY and ELEGANCE of appearance.

Attention may be directed to the following seasonable formula: PIL. PHENACETINE, CAMPHORÆ ET ATROPINÆ



(Prof. W. H. Thomson.)


Quininæ Sulphatis
Ext. Aconiti Rad. -

Pulv. Ipecac. et Opii

3 grs.

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2 grs. 1-12 gr. 1⁄2 gr.

For the treatment of La Grippe, Dr. W. H. Thomson says he has obtained the best results from the use of Phenacetine and Quinine Compound Pills, given in the following manner:

At the onset of the Grippe, with symptoms of aching in the head or body, and with feverishness, take two or three pills every three hours. On the next day, if symptoms subside, take one pill every three hours.


(Dr. A. H. Smith.)

Atropinæ Sulph.

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grs. 31⁄2

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The above formula has been suggested by Dr. Andrew H. Smith, of New York, who states as follows: In the treatment of Influenza or La Grippe, I have used this formula for the past three or four years, with marked success. I give two pills at the outset, and one every three hours thereafter during the febrile stage, or while pain continues.

The above formula was used in the form of tablets for some time, but, owing to the volatile character of the camphor, it is preferable to use the Soluble Pills, as made by Messrs. W. H. Schieffelin & Co., New York.


Schieffelin & Co.


W. H. Schieffelin & Co. New York

[blocks in formation]

A Powerful Nerve Stimulant, Tonic, etc.


Paralysis, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, Chloral and Tobacco Habits, Sleeplessness, Nerve Exhaustion, Neuralgia, Alcoholism, Painful and Deficient Menstruation, Headache, Hysteria, Convulsions, and Prostration from Fainting, and the Convalescent Stage of Acute Diseases.

DOSE-From ten to thirty drops or more, as often as may be indicated to meet the urgency of the case. Administer in hot water when quick action is desired.



MESSES. B. KEITH & CO., Gentlemen:-The con. tinc. avena sativa has been more successful in the treatment of the opium habit than anything I have ever tried, and I have tried various other remedies, among them the advertised nostrums. J. C. HALLOWAY, M. D. ADAMSVILLE, 0.

MESSES. B. KEITH & CO., Gentlemen:-G. M., aged 33 years. Merchant, had circumscribed peritonitis and thickening for some time. On account of pain and tenderness, his physician prescribed morphine in small doses, but he used it afterwards, of his own accord, until the habit was established. He tried hard to break off, but he would always be taken with great prostration and irritation of the stomach, vomit everything he took and would get down, and finally in about thirty-six hours would take morphine again, and in a short time feel all right. While under its influence he commenced to take whisky and beer to keep from the morphine. He also tried different doctors, but all the same. When I was consulted he would take stimulants and then increase the morphine to keep off big head (as he called it), taking one drachm of morphine every two days. He was miserable, and when trying to quit it said if the suffering and agony of hell was as bad he wanted to steer clear of the place. I tried valerian, and nearly all nerve tonics and nerve stimulants, and to diminish the dose of morphine, but all did no good. I then told him of the avena sativa about which I had read, and he said if he could quit without so much suffering he would, if not, he could not bear the agony, and would take it and die as soon as possible. Tobtained the avena and prescribed it in fifteen drop doses whenever he felt the need of morphine which was four times a day; and for two nights I gave him about a one-fourth grain of morphia, when he said he could do without it he did not suffer any more. Thus he left off taking morphine, and has never taken another dose of it. The first night without morphine he slept reasonably well, and each succeeding night better, until five nights, when he slept well; then I gave him only three doses of the avena for three days, then two doses for three days, then only one dose in the evening for one week. All this time he rested very well, said his suffering was nothing to what he had expected, and that any one could go through it with half grit. [His own language.] Since then he has taken neither avena nor morphine, and is now well and has no desire for any stimulant, and says that "he would not have the habit for the world." He has gained thirty pounds, namely, he has now his original weight. He never was an intemperate man until the morphine was prescribed for him by a physician, through which he was ruined, losing nearly all his property and a great deal of self-respect. He had never been without morphine for more than thirtysix to forty hours since he had contracted the habit, namely, during three years. A. L. JACKSON, M. D.

Send for printed matter on CON. TINC. AVENA SATIVA in the Morphia or Opium Habit, and certificates from different members of the Medical Profession citing cases under their charge treated by it, also REVISED AND ENLARGED MANUAL, to



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No. 75 William Street, NEW YORK CITY.

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Read and Reflect

The noted artist, Michael Angelo, was once asked what he mixed certain colors with and his answer was: "With brains, sir." The secret of the wonderful success of the Imperial Hernia Cure is the fact that brains and plenty of them are in the formula.

Almost any physician taking Heaton's old formula for a guide, might work out one of the inferior compounds of Quercus Alba, Iodine and Carbolic Acid. Once upon a time the Imperial formula was something like this, but brains have wrought a wondrous change. Read on:-Life is short and to the individual who is afflicted with hernia it is all but pleasant.

The decision reached by most physicians of to-day when consulted by such a sufferer, is that nothing can be done in the way of effecting a cure, except by a surgical operation. If the patient will not submit to this he is told that he will probably have to wear a truss the balance of his days.

Doctor, do you know what this verdict of yours means? It means days, months and probably years of suffering, and truly it is an unkind, uncharitable and unfeeling verdict. The modern modus operandii in the treatment of hernia as employed by us, is so simple, yet so very effective, and we are so ready to prove its efficacy that every physician in the land should give it a thorough investigation before he informs his longsuffering patient what can or cannot be done for him.

Laying aside the question of large fees (which are readily obtained) should not the great relief afforded to suffering humanity be taken into consideration? We a sert emphatically that fully 95 per cent of those who willgive our method a few days careful study, will be successful in the treatment of rupture.

It is not necessary to be the possessor of a fine surgical chair or table in order to treat these cases successfully. A comfortable lounge or couch will do very well.

Bear this in mind: The Inperial fluid is thoroughly anti-septic, perfectly safe and painless and decidedly permanent in its effect. It is a scientific combination, the result of extensive research and careful experiment. Drop us a line, Doctor, and we will be pleased to mail you our literature, terms, etc. 4 Exclusive territory is given when desired."




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Worn Day and Night with Comfort. No Displacement.

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FIG. 15.

DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING.-Give circumference of abdomen on line of rupture. State If for single or double, right or left.

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Price to.....

Sent by Mail upon Receipt of Price.


Flavell's Abdominal Supporters.


Physicians, Please give exact circumference of body at K, L, M.

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Elastic Stockings, Etc.


Stocking from A to E,

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" A to G,

66 A to I,

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Knee Cap from E to G,

Directions for Measurement.-Give exact circumference and length in all cases. We allow for expansion.

Goods sent by Mail upon receipt of price, or Express C. O. D.

G. W. FLAVELL & BRO., Manufacturers,

1005 Spring Garden Street,

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