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PRACTICES advertised in this column for

parties who are not agents for the practice, for THREE CENTS FIR WORD. Twenty-five words will be inserted one time free for subscribers. For additional words or for subsequent inertions, three cents per word required. Advertisements of books, instruments, preparations, etc., or regular business advertisements inserted in this column for six cents per word; no free words. If answers are to be sent in care of our office, an extra fee of fifty cents for each insertion is charged. An advertisement intended for any particular issue must reach not later than the 12th of the month preceding. Cash must accompany all orders. In estimating, the name and address must be counted, and every three figures, or fraction thereof, and every letter representing a word counts as a word.

FOR SALE My Property Price $6000. Convenient for



a Hospital. Address, DR. MRS. T. THATCHER. Lima,

OR SALE-Residence and office $4500, and Drug Store $450. One-half cash. Fine location for physician. Will sell separate. DR. B. BEUST, New Albany, Ind.

No. 6, XXX white envelopes printed to order and

150 post-paid fifty cents. Note heads ditto. WILLIAM

KAFROTH, printer, Talmage, Pa.

NOR SALE;-Practice two thousand yearly; house eight

Fooms; wood house; ice house; granery barn 82x42 twostory; all new. Fruit orchard. Wealthy farming community. For terms address, P. HYNDMAN, M.D., Tompkins, Mich.

BEST country practice in New York, given away to pur

chaser of real estate. $2,000 cash required. Address, DE. X, Binghamton N. Y.

ANTED;-A medical student who expects to graduate

Win the Med. Dept. of the Univ. of Penna. in the spring,

is a college graduate-and who passes all necessary credentials as to character and capability; desires a position as assistant to a physician in active practice-a specialist in gynecology preferred. Address X. World Office.

[blocks in formation]


LARZALERE, Poplar Ridge, N. Y.


PLENDID OPPORTUNITY:-Will sell practice of $2,500 and property-in Cumberland Valley; in railroad town. Pay sure, cheap to prompt purchaser. DR. HENRY, Carlisle, Pa.

ADY PHYSICIAN WANTED;-Young, ambitious, active,

Lof genial manner, good references, who has $1,000 cash

to invest for a half interest in a well established office and city practice, with one of the leading lady physicians of Pertand, This is a rare opening for a young physician where practice and profit are both desired. Address, DAVID D. LYNCH, Portland, Oregon.

OR EXCHANGE:-Fine country residence, and practice

Fo worth Three Thousand Dollars. Physician retires. DR.

BOULE, Rossburg, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

WANTEDA Location in Texas North eastern portion

preferred. Address, DOCTOR, Catlettsburgh, Tenn.

WANTED By physician; partnership with established practicioner in city. Can keep books, am stenographer and typewriter. Can aid greatly busy man. Address DOCTOR, Eastham, Va.

$350. BUYS Office furniture, drugs, instruments,

books, driving rigs and good will of $1800 practice in Central Illinois. Address, DOCTOR, Box 38, Illiopolis, Illinois.

EDICAL PRACTICES bought and sold. Assistants and free. Address, THE MEDICAL ECHO, Lynn, Mass.

Mpartners provided. 200 Fractices for sale. Particulars

Uof my property in a growing Nebraska town of 500 in

NOPPOSED:-practice of $3000 yearly, free to purchaser habitants. Address, Dr., Box T., Oak, Neb.


$1500. easy country practice. Fine climate. Med

icus. Care L. 8. DARROW, 951 Fifth St., San Diego; Cal.

MEDICAL PRACTICE worth $2500 per year for sale; ants. Address, Dr. Cowles, Spartansburg, Crawford Co., Pa.

A with or without real estate. Railroad town 800 inhabit

NOR SALE;-Drug store; practice; office and lot; in small sition. Address, G. E. Huddle, M. D. Kempner, Lampasas Co., Texas.

FOR Will introduce purchaser. No oppo

Dr. Walling's


[blocks in formation]

hernia by the injection method. It stands at the head of the list as results have shown.

My Hernia Syringe, with a trocar and canula needle, renders the operation absolutely safe.


Price of fluid per bottle, enough for six cases...........$5.00 One-half bottle, enough for three cases..... Statement of ingredients and directions with each bottle. Trocar and Canula Syringe, with plain extra needle $6.00 The Syringe and a full bottle of fluid $10.00. Elixir of Manna. CURES CONSTIPATION. Is not a simple purgative. Is not advertised to the public. Formula and full directions, price per bottle, 50 cents.

PERTUSSIS TABLETS; Sugar coated:-A rare combination of antispasmodics and germicides, for the abortion and cure of Whooping Cough, based upon a concentration from Thymus Vulgaris, by an especial process from the green herb, gathered at the time of its greatest activity. Sample sent.

Price per box, sufficient for one or two cases...$1.00 Solution of the Tri-bromide of Gold, and the Oxy-bromide of Arsenic:-Invaluable in the treatment of all nervous disorders, gout, rheumatism, consumption, etc.

Solution of the Tri-bromide of Gold and the Oxy-bromide of Arsenic and Mercury:-A specific in the treatment of syphilis.

Price of these solutions, in glass stoppered, dropping bottles, per ounce bottle, $1.00; two ounce bottle, $1.50, with formula and directions.

These solutions of the tri-and oxy-bromides, are far superior to the ordinary solutions or to the bromide salts.

Any or all of these fine preparations, the product of my own laboratory, will be sent postpaid, upon receipt of price.

W. H. Walling, M. D.,

1606 Green St.,

Philadelphia, Pa.

As we give a guarantee packed with each Thermometer.
It will pay to use a Thermometer made by a reliable firm.
Our Thermometers are subjected to a process invented by us,
which effectually prevents all shrinkage in the glass and con-

sequently increased readings. This valuable improvement, in connection with our indestructible index, makes this a perfect Clinical Thermometer.

Large Lens front with a certificate, H.

R. Case, each $1.25

Plain with certificate, H. R. Case, $1.00.


Minute thermometer with certificate, H. R. Case, $1.50.

422 E. 6th Street, N.Y. City.

Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. Bayer & Co.'s
Pharmaceutical Specialties

[blocks in formation]


Piperazine-Bayer = Europhen = Sulfonal-Bayer = Salophen Lycetol


W. H. Schieffelin & Co., New York.

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Passiflora Incarnata.

In the December number of the News, Dr. J. A. Hemming tells what he has used Passiflora for (Bleeplessness). I have used it for the same disease for the last three years with the grandest success; also for convulsions of children due to any cause; also for all complaints arising from teething; even to diarrhoea is benefitted as by magic. All nervous diseases of the bladder in adults, frequency of urinating, or coming away drop by drop, with burning or any spasmodic action of the bladder or rectum, where Bell or Nux should be indicated. I found one-half to one teaspoonful of Passiflora O given every thirty minutes, for a few doses, and then once in two hours or three times a day, acts like magic. It controls restlessness of nervous people better than anything I ever used. W. H. FISHER.

LeSueur, Minn.

Passiflora in Deiirium Tremens,

"In delirium tremens and in the insomnia following the excessive use of alcoholic stimulents it (Passiflora) acts like a charm. It should be given in full doses, say one teaspoonful every two hours, until the desired result is obtained. It is valuable in fretful, teething children, use it both internally and as a local application to the swollen gums. My colleague, Dr. Brewer, uses it in spasmodic incontinence of urine, especially in those cases where the patient is very nervous and complains of a burning sensation when the urine is voided. He also commends it very highly in the treatment of cerebro-spinal meningitis." -[DR. H. M. HENNEL, in Ec. Medical Journal.

Passiflora Incarnata in Insomnia-Spasms.

From a paper, read before the Chicago Academy of Medicine and published in the Medical Era of December, 1892, we extract the following concerning Passiflora:

"It is a neurotic, anti-spasmodic, soporific, anodyne and sedative. It has special action on the ganglionic cells of the gray matter of the cord.

"It exerts a special influence over the ganglia of

the thorax, pelvis and abdominal regions and gener ally quiets the excitement of the medulla oblongats. "In insomnia it acts like a charm, without any unpleasant after-effects. It is valuable in neuroses, and reliable in tonic spasms which are present in great number of cases of spinal meningitis, and it will prevent chronic spasms.

"In the nervous affections following congestion of the cord and ganglionic centers, it produces a quieting effect not produced by any other remedies, in the rapid, irregular respiration, due to irritation of the medulla. It is a specific in pains of the heart, when there is a great fear of immediate dissolution and constant fear of death, with an irregular pulse.

"In the irregular pains of pregnancy its action is sure. "In dismenorrhoea its action is decisive and pleasing, tiding the patient over the menstrual period with comfort.

"In facial neuralgia and neuralgia of the fifth pair of nerves, it is very useful.

"In insomnia from over-indulgence in alcoholic beverages it acts like a charm, given in full doses every hour until rest is produced. It relieves innervation of the nerve centres-sympathetic innervation, especially so in epilepsy, given at night when nightly attacks occur.

"In enlarged prostate, through its action upon the ganglia of the pelvis, it exerts a special action.

"In spasms of children you will be more than pleased with this remedy.

"In the middle stages of typhoid fever, in the initial stages of scarlet fever, where the great restlessness of the patient is so trying to the physician and friends.

"I have here presented quite a number of different manifestations in which the remedy is indicated, all depending in a greater or less degree upon the same conditions. They are only given as pointers, as it were, showing the large number of different manifestations, depending upon the same parts at fault in which it is admissible by its action upon these certain parts of the nervous system, by either not performing their functions or from an over action."

Concentrated Tincture Passiflora Incarnata.

DR. F. G. WELCH, No. 77 W. 45th St.,
NEW YORK CITY, Jan. 1, 1894.

MB. JNO. B. DANIEL, Atlanta, Ga.

Dear Sir: Enclosed find check for another dozen
Oonc. Tr. Passiflora Incarnata. Ship at once and

DR. S. BRUMBAUGH, 421 S. Jefferson St.,
DAYTON, O., Dec. 29, 1893.

MR. J. B. DANIEL, Atlanta, Ga.

Dear Sir: Passiflora received and fully tested, and my verdict is simply this: Passiflora has been given a place on my office medicine shelf to stay. I care for nothing more effectual in all conditions indicating its use. Yours gratefully, S. BRUMBAUGH, M.D. Office of J. H. KIME, M.D.,Physician and Surgeon. BANDON, COos Co., OREGON, Dec. 16, 1893. J. B. DANIEL. Atlanta, Ga.

Dear Sir: Please send me by express five pounds Conc. Tr. Passiflora. The pound bottle received from you about a year and a half ago was the best preparation I have used from this plant. I have used the remedy which was prepared by other reliable drug houses, but the result was not satisfactory.

Respectfully yours,

J. H. KIME, M.D.

E. M. CARRELL, M.D., 675 Brazelton St.,
BOSTON, May 26, 1893.

MR. DANIEL, Atlanta, Ga.

Dear Sir: Send me one dozen bottles of Conc. Tr. Passiflora Incarnata as soon as you can. Enclosed find check. Do as well as you can; I will be quite a Very respectfully,



Office of DR. A. E. NEUMEISTER, KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 10, 1894. MR. JNO. B. DANIEL, Atlanta, Ga.

Dear Sir: I used up the last bottle of the fifteen bottles of Passiflora you shipped me in November, '93. I am well pleased with the tincture. I find it to be A No. 1 and the results from it are the same, when the remedy is indicated. Please ship me three dozen bottles. Very truly yours,


J. L. MCNEELY & Co., Druggists.
COVINGTON, TENN., Jan. 12, 1894.

JNO. B. DANIEL, Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Sir: You will please send us per express
half dozen bottles Conc. Tr. Passiflora. Will make a
larger order next time. Very truly yours,

This Preparation is prepared and sold by JOHN B. DANIEL,
Wholesale Druggist, 34 Wall Street, Atlanta, Ga.


Worn Day and Night with Comfort. No Displacement.



Single Trusses

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FIG. 14

A. Plain, each, $1.50 $1.25
B. Fine,
C. Silk,

DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING.-Give circumference of abdomen on line of rupture. State if for single or double, right or left Goods sent by Mail upon receipt of price, or Express C. O. D., charge for returning added.


No. 1005 Spring Garden Street,

[blocks in formation]

Philadelphia, Pa


STHAVARA For the Hypodermical Treatment of Hernia!
The Sthavara Company has appointed Mr John Hendrey,
of 2615 North Eleventh st., Phila., Pa. sole agent for the sale of
from this date.

Sthavara Fluid has won for itself a reputation for positive and permanent curative powers in all forms of reducible Hernia all over this country and Canada; and the Sthavara Company has great pleas re in having Mr. Hendrey as their sole agent, as he has long been the manager of the Company's business, and therefore e pecially capable to conduct the agency in an active and reliable manner. He will supply the fluid and Instruments the same as has been done heretofore by the Company.

Small Bottle, (sufficient for cure of 2 to 3 ordinary cases,) $2.59
containing 3 times the quantity,

Sthavara Instrument, (3 needles complete in case,)
Trocar and canula Needle (extra)

[blocks in formation]




The Improved Western Leader fitted with Captain Pat. Corners and latest Comstock one piece Silverplated Spring Bottle holders, covered with black, morocco grained, oil filled, solid, water proof leather (cowhide) hand stitched at edges, with sides, bottom and top, cut from one piece, making it dust and water proof.

Contains 24 1 oz., 24 3 drachm and 4 3 oz. heavy bottles. Sundry space 51x4x4, Size of Case 102x6x44.

. Aseptiable Obst, Bags, Leather Lined, Metal Spring Bottle Holder. .

This is a bag 5 inches in depth and 5 inches in width, made in various lengths, as shown below; steel covered frames, nickle spring, double basp lock, with key and nickle name plate. Made of the finest grained stock, lined with smooth leather, inside pocket on one side. On opposite side are springs containing 6 one and one-half ounce bottles held in a removable holder.

14 in. long, $3.25; 15 in. long. $3.50; 16 in. long, $3.75, 17 in. long, $4.00; 18 in. long, $4.50.
Without Six Bottles in removable Spring holder 50 cents less.

If in addition to price of either Case or Bags, Seventy-five Cents additional is sent with Cash order will send express prepaid in full to any Express Office in U. S.

Will send with privilege of examination upon receipt of $1.50 to insure expressage, balance C. O. D. Dealer in all kinds Surgical Instruments and Supplies.

Send for Catalogue of Surgical instruments and Buggy Cases, mailed free.

Fresh Vaccine Virus always on hand, 10 points, 75 cents.


WILLIS H. DAVIS, Keokuk, lowa.


W. P. England, M. D., White Pine, Pa., says: I have used Celerina and am pleased to say that in all cases of nervous prostration, such as follows the use of alcohol, and for all cases of nervous debility, I find it without an equal. After the experience I have had with it I do not hesitate in recommending it to the profession as one of our best nerve tonics.

The action of Celerina on the brain and nervous system is that of an exhilarant and slight narcotic, relieving depressions and lessens irritable nerve conditions. In cases of organic and functional lesions of the heart, an increased steadiness of pulse-beat and diminution of pulse irritation is apparent.

A. J. Wesco, M. D., Seven Mile, O., says: I have tested Celerina and got good results. Man, aged sixty-five years, mechanic, habits very intemperate, will spree for weeks, came to me with nervous system in bad fix; could not eat or sleep. Gave him eight ounces Celerina, teaspoonful three times a day, which placed him on his feet again, and for that I think it par excellence.

Convulsions may frequently be cut short, like magic, by teaspoonful doses of Celerina repeated at short intervals. The nausea as an aftereffect of chloroform or other narcosis, may generally be controlled in the same manner.

T. J. Haile, M. D., Atlanta, Ga., says: Celerina has always acted finely in all cases where I have tried it, especially in those troublesome cases of hysteria, nervous depression and feebleness, and prostration resulting from alcoholic excess. Have found its effects very exhilarating and nourishing. In fact, it is my main dependence in all nervous diseases.

The psychological depressions and neuralgias, so common in the period following a debauch, are lessened or disappear altogether by the use of Celerina..

J. B. Johnson, M. D., 920 N St., Washington, D. C., says: I used Celerina not only as a nervine and tonic, but also found it most excellent, in two drachm doses, in sobering persons who were made drunk by alcoholic drink, and such patients informed me that they were greatly assisted in recovering from a spree by the use of Celerina.

After the removal of alcohol, Celerina, given in doses of from onehalf to one ounce every four hours, is speedily followed by the most characteristic symptoms of improvement.

Dr. Bramwell, Whitley, Northumberland, England, says: I have found Celerina valuable as a nerve stimulant and restorative in a patient suffering from the effects of a severe drinking bout.


full size bottle of CELERINA will be sent) FREE to any Physician who wishes to test it if he will pay the express charges.


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