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one fentiment only can arise respecting the conduct of thofe powers, who, pretending injuries which never exifted, and affecting the patronage of rights which they neither feel nor understand, could have but one object-amidst the diftractions of the British empire, to gratify their own ambition. Succefs, which, fometimes, palliates injuftice, has not, hitherto attended their arms. We have feen your Majefty's enemies driven from India; we have seen their commerce almost destroyed by the animated exertions of your Majefty's fubjects, in Europe and America; and we are confident, that the vigour of our countrymen will rife, proportioned to every new danger. Thofe who have confpired the ruin of Great Britain, may number her people, her fleets, and her armies; but they know not to estimate the energy of a free nation, united in affection, and ardent in defence of their deareft rights; which, under the bleffing of Providence, we dare to hope, will finally defeat the perfidious defigns of all your Majefty's enemies,





HEN Damon was fentenced, by Dionyfius the tyrant of Syracufe, to die on fuch a day, he prayed permiflion, to retire, in the interim, to his own country, to fet the affairs of his difconfolate family in order. This the tyrant intended moft peremptorily to refufe, by granting it, as he conceived, on the impoffible condition, of his procuring fome one to remain as hoftage for his return, under equal forfeiture

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forfeiture of life. Pythias heard the condition, and did not wait for an application on the part of Damon. He inftantly offered himself to durance, in place of his friend; and Damon was, accordingly, fet at liberty.

THE king, and all his courtiers, were aftonished at this action, as they could not account for it, on any allowed principles. Self-intereft, in their judgment, was the fole mover of human affairs: and they looked on virtue, friendship, benevolence, love of country, and the like, as terms, invented by the wife, to impofe upon the weak. They, therefore, imputed this act of Pythias to the extravagance of his folly; to the defect of head, merely; and, no way, to any virtue, or good quality of heart.

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WHEN the day of the deftined execution drew near, the tyrant had the curiofity to vifit Pythias in his dungeon. Having reproached him for the romantic ftupidity of his conduct, and rallied him fome time on his madness, in prefuming, that Damon, by his return, would prove as great a fool as himself—“ lord," faid Pythias, with a firm voice, and noble afpect," I would it were poffible, that I might suffer a thousands deaths, rather than my friend should fail in any article of his honour. He cannot fail therein, my lord. I am as confident of his virtue, as I am of my own existence. But I pray, I befeech the gods, to preferve the life and integrity of my Damon together. Oppofe him, ye winds! prevent the eagerness and impatience of his honourable endeavours! and fuffer him not to arrive, till, by my death, I have redeemed a life, a thousand times of more confequence, of more estimation, than my own; more eftimable to his lovely wife, to his precious little innocents, to his friends, to his country. O! leave me


not to die the worst of deaths in my Damon.' Dionyfius was awed and confounded by the dignity of these fentiments, and by the manner (ítill more fentimental) in which they were uttered. He felt his heart ftruck by a flight fenfe of invading truth; but it ferved, rather to perplex than undeceive him. He hefitated. He would have spoken. But he looked down and retired in filence.

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THE fatal day arrived. Pythias was brought forth; and walked, amidst the guard, with a ferious, but fatisfied air, to the place of execution. Dionyfins was already there. He was exalted on a moving throne drawn by fix white horfes, and fat penfive and attentive to the demeanour of the prifoner. Pythias came. He vaulted lightly on the fcaffold, and, beholding for fome time the apparatus of death, he turned, and, with a pleafing countenance, thus addreffed the affembly." My prayers are heard. The gods are propitious. You know, thy friends, that the winds have been contrary until yesterday. Damon could not come: he could not conquer impoffibilities. He will be here to-morrow: and the blood which is fhed to-day, fhall have ranfomed the life of my friend.O! could I erafe from your bofoms, every doubt, every mean fufpicion, of the honour of the man for whom, I am about to fuffer, I fhould go to my death, even as I would to my bridal. Be it fufficient, in the mean time, that my friend will be found noble--that his truth is unimpeachable that he will speedily approve it that he is now on his way, hurrying on, accufing himfelf, the adverse elements, and the gods. But I haften to prevent his fpeed. Executioner, do your office." As he pronounced the laft words, a buzz began to arife among the remoteft of the people. A diftant voice was beard. The crowd caught the words; and, Stop,

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Stop the execution, was repeated by the whole affembly. A man came at full fpeed. The throng gave way to his approach. He was mounted on a steed of foam. In an instant, he was off his horfe, on the scaffold, and

held Pythias ftraitly embraced. "You are safe," he cried; "you are fafe, my friend, my belovedthe gods be praised, you are fafe! I, now, have nothing but death to fuffer: and I am delivered from the anguish of thofe reproaches, which I gave myself, for having endangered a life fo much dearer than my own." Pale, and almoft fpeechlefs, in the arms of his Damon, Pythias replied, in broken accents, "Fatal hafte! Cruel impatience! What envious powers have wrought impoffibilities in your favour?

But I will not be wholly disappointed. Since I cannot die to fave, I will not furvive you."

DIONYSIUS, heard, beheld, and confidered all, with aftonishment. His heart was touched: his eyes were opened? and he could no longer refufe his affent to truth, fo incontestably proved by facts. He defcended from his throne. He afcended the fcaffold. "Live; live; ye incomparable pair!" he exclaimed. "Ye have borne unquestionable teftimony to the exiftence of virtue: and that virtue equally evinces the certainty of the exiftence of a God, a God, to reward it. Live happy! live renowned! And, O! form me by your precepts, as you have invited me by your example, to be worthy of the participation of fo facred a friendship."




F the king were prefent, Cleon, there would be no need of my anfwering to what you have just propofed. He would, himfelf, reprove you, for endeavouring to draw him into an imitation of foreign absurdities, and for bringing envy upon him by fuch unmanly flattery. As he is abfent, I take upon me to tell you in his name, that no praise is lafting, but what is rational; and that you do what you can, to leffen his glory, instead of adding to it. Heroes have never, among us, been deified, till after their death. And, whatever may be your way of thinking, Cleon, for my part, I wish the king may not, for many years to come, obtain that honour.

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You have mentioned, as precedents of what you propofe, Hercules, and Bacchus. Do you imagine, Cleon, that they were deified over a cup of wine? And are you and I qualified to make gods? Is the king, our fovereign, to receive his divinity from you and me, who are his fubjects? First try your power, whether you can make a king. It is, furely, eafier to make a king, than a god: to give an earthly dominion, than a throne in heaven. I only with, that the gods may have heard, without offence, the arrogant propofal you have made, of adding one to their number; and that they may ftill be fo propitious to us, as to grant the continuance of that fuccefs to our affairs, with which they have hitherto favoured us. my part, I am not ashamed of my country; nor do I approve of our adopting the rites of foreign nati


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