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Cornell has abandoned term examination and will here- equals 1 time Jennie's age then; hence the time that will after promote on term marks and term tests.

The faculty of the Pierce School of Business now consists of twenty-six instructors and six officers and clerks. Prof. E. R. Musselman, former vice principal of Trenton Business College, and Prof. L. V. Maurer, who so satisfactorily taught the Christian Association classes in commer cial branches at Germantown and elsewhere, and Prof. Francis E. Heller, former manager of Stotz's Emporium, Brodheadsville, are now instructors in the business course.

The Topeka schools began the year's work on September 17, with 401 enrolled in the high school, and over 5,000 in the city. The new high-school is a joy forever.

The Toledo Board of Education has unanimously employed the entire corps of city teachers for a term of two years.-Ex.

elapse must be 6 times Jennie's present age.

If she is 1, 2, 3, 4, or a years old now, the time will be 6, 12, 18, 24 6a years. J. M. PEOPLES.

[blocks in formation]

This is a compound expression and the word "but" connects the clauses.

"There" is an independent adverb used to introduce the

Kansas Wesleyan University has 300 students, and sentence, and the subject of the last clause is understood. Bethel College(Mennonite), at Newton, has 100.

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T. J. M.

But is used as a preposition, meaning except.
T. J. M.

How do these two questions differ?

a. Four times a number equals three times the same number plus 5.

b. Four times a number equals three times the same number, plus 5.

Let N be the number, then

(a) means 4 times = 3 times (N + 5)
(b) means 4 times N 3 times N + 5


In the first case it would be better to use the words, increased by instead of plus. J. M. PEOPLES.

Answered also by E. J. Henninger.


128. Analyze,

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to breeding with reference to intellectual accomplishment. We see by comparing the creature with the elephant, which

A traveling photographer made a daguerreotype of a practically has never been bred in captivity that the equine comparatively obscure man in Illinois in 1851. The man mind is, from the point of view of rationality, very feeble. was Abraham Lincoln, and the picture is the earliest like--From "The Horse," by Prof. N. S. Shaler, in the Novemness of him in existence, and is published for the first time ber Scribner.

in McClure's Magazine for November.

WOMEN AT HER PHYSICAL BEST.-The question as to John Kendrick Bangs' quaint humor is to enliven the pages of The Ladies' Home Journal with a series of twelve the mental and physical ripeness of womanhood is not one articles depicting the club talk of four men about women's that can in its physical aspect be answered arbitrarily, and affairs. Mr. Bangs calls this club "The Paradise Club," I prefer to consider the physical side first, for the sake of its -"paradise," he says, "because no woman nor serpent antithesis, writes E. Barr in the November Ladies' Home

ever entered into it.”

Journal. Climate, heredity, constitutional tendencies, the influence of home, of nurses, of teachers, localities and McClure's Magazine for November opens the promised ossociations are all important factors, and influences on Napoleon series with fifteen portraits of Napoleon in early maturity so variable as to be beyond estimating. But It is manhood, most of them reproductions of famous paintings, quite safe to say that in temperate climates and under orand portraits of his father and mother, and other persons dinarily favorable circumstances, a women is physically at closely related to or intimately associated with him, accom- her highest point of perfection from the age of twenty-five panying an interesting account, by Miss Ida M. Tarbell, of to thirty-five. his career down to the time he assumed command of the army in Italy. The portraits are from a very large and carefully chosen collection made by the Hon. Gardiner C. Hubbard, and Mr. Hubbard himself introduces them with a valuable letter describing the classification and varying merits of the existing portraits of Napoleon.

STRYCHNINE AS AN ANTIDOTE.-According to a note in Cosmos, Paris, September 22, this powerful poison has been recently employed with success to counteract the effects of two others quite as deadly, namely, the venom of the cobra and the poison of poisonous fungi. An Australian physician has demonstrated its value in the former inThe magazine and the newspapers have given a great stance, and a German has used it with remarkable results deal of space to the War in the East, but the views of repin the latter, subcutaneous injections of minute quantities resentative Japanese have not been heard. The Arena for November gives the place of honor to Kuma Oishi, A. M., Ph. D., a famous Japanese scholar, who considers "The Causes which Led to the War in the East," from the stand- STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, SS point of his nationality. In view of possible European complications as the outcome of the conflict, this paper will be read with interest, both in the United States and on the other side of the Atlantic.

of strychnine mushroom poisoning as if by enchantment.


FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that the said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL' CATARRH CURE.


Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D, 1886.

A SCIENTIST'S POOR OPINION OF HORSE INTELLIGENCE. -The mental peculiarities of the horse are much less characteristic than its physical. It is, indeed, the common opinion, among those who do not know the animal well, that it is endowed with much sagacity, but no experienced!! and careful observer is likely to maintain this opinion. All such students find the intelligence of the horse to be very limited. Although some part of this mental defect in the horse, causing its actions to be widely contrasted with those of the dog, may be due to a lack of deliberate training and


A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testiF. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O: monials, free.

Sold by Druggists, 75c.

[ocr errors][merged small]

A complete Protection to Both the Outside and Inside of the book, consisting of Hol's Pa ent Book Covers. Adjustable, medium size (No. 2) alone fitting 80 per cent. of all books published. Material, a species of felt, made on a paper machine, imitation leather, will last a year. Holden's Self-Binders. For repair- | Holden's Transparent Paper ing a loosened leaf or weakened bind- For repairing a torn leaf. ing.

[blocks in formation]

1721 Chestnut, St., Philadelphia. Perfectly fitted Spectacles and Eye Glasses made by individual measurement from Oculists' prescriptions. All work guaranteed.

WANTED Teachers, 8 princi

pals, 2 college presi

Adopted by over 100 CITY AND COUNTY SCHOOL BOARDS IN PENNSYL-dents, 2 Latin and Greek, 3 mathematics, VANIA, and Highly recommended by EVERY ONE OF THEM after a year's test. Pennsylvania State Report (p. 171) says "Our books will last longer than we have been led to infer from reports from other cities; we, however, must attribute this to our having adopted 'Holden's Patent Book Covers.''

Recently adopted by Pittsburg, McKeesport, Wilkes Barre, Buffalo, Syra cuse, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Duluth, Faribault, Moorhead, Minn.; Eastport, Ellsworth, Me.; &c., &c.



1 science, 4 vocal, 5 piano, 3 art, 2 book-
tion, 2 kindergarten, 1 governess.
keeping, 3 assistants, 6 primary, 2 elocu-
Address, with stamp,
Central Teachers Bureau,

Brownsville, Tenn.


Will those patriotic citizens who wish to show their patriotism by owning a flag bear in mind when they buy one that owing to the change in the Tariff Laws, large quantities of Bunting and Flags are being manufactured in Europe for import into the United States, and will soon be offered in competition with American-made goods, and those who believe American Flags should be made in America, of American Bunting, kindly remember that in the making of our Flags. nothing but the best American Bunting is used. This fact coupled with our guarantee of return at our expense if not thoroughly satisfactory' should, we be ing the purchase of a Flag. Send for Catalogue AMERICAN FLAG MFG. CO., Easton, Pá.

Holden Patent Book Cover Co., Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. lieve, receive some consideration when contemplat


Best Grade Copper and Tin

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Price and Terms Free. Name this paper.

Salary for Spare Time

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1.25 1.00


Pen-written Copies (Reproduced). Complete Ed, $1.00: Abridge Ed, 50e. Also Business Practice, Blank Books, College Currency, Diplomas, and other Commercial School supplies. Sample Copies mailed postpaid to teachers at one-third of the above retail price. Catalogues and Price List on application. Address, WILLIAMS & ROGERS, Rochester, N. Y., or Chicago, III.

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Good for 60 Days.

1. We will send the weekly Educational News, a trial subscription, one year for one dollar; six months for 50 cents.

2. For $1.30 and 8 cents for postage, we will send the weekly Edu. cational News for one year and any one of the premium books in the following list, all well bound in cloth:

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10. Æsop's Fables.

4. Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby. 9. Tennyson's Poems.

5. Speeches of Webster.

11. Swineford's Literature for Begin


12. Hints and Helps on English Gram


Please note that the EDUCATIONAL NEWS is a weekly journal during 10 months of the year, and a semi-monthly during July and August. Forty-eight issues, 768 pages, of the paper, constitute a year.

We pay postage on premiums and deliver free to any post office in the United States.

HINTS AND HELPS ON ENGLISH GRAMMAR, a book of 302 pages, bound in cloth, is practically a key to the difficult sentences for parsing and analysis in the grammars of Harvey, Reed & Kellogg, Swinton, and Raub. It is designed. for teachers and private students, and will prove of great benefit on all doubtful points.

Subscribers to the EDUCATIONAL NEWS are entitled to single copies of any of the following, Raub & Co.'s publica tions three-fifths retail price; other teachers at 23 retail. The NEWS and any of these books at three-fifths retail price 6. Grammatical Analysis by Diagrams, Paper,

1. Studies in English and American Literature, Raub, $1.50
2. Literature for Beginners, Swineford,
3. Methods of Teaching, Raub,

(287 pp.). 75

(415 PP.) 1.50

4. School Management, Raub,

(285 pp.) 1.25

5. Tests in Spelling and Pronunciation, Raub, (116pp.) .40

[blocks in formation]

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[blocks in formation]

Educational News Oo., Box 1258, Philadelphia



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Principals of schools and colleges invited to examine these works before adopting others.

Samples of any of above list sent to any address on receipt of price. Circulars and testimonials free on application.


KANSAS BOOK CO., Publishers, Downs, Kansas


[merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed][merged small][subsumed]


Vacancies for September.

$1.50 A YEAR

$75.00 to $250.00 PER MONTH Every day we are requested by authorities to recommend teachers for both present and future can be made working for us. Spare hours turned t openings. During the spring and summer months we are asked by School Boards, Superintend-good account. This is of especial interest and value teachers Never mind about sending stamp. Ad ents, College Presidents and Principals to recommend-often having as high as 25 or 30 in a dress B. F. JOHNSON & CO., Richmond, Va. single day. We have already a large number of excellent openings for the school year beginning in September. Superintendencies, High School and Town Principalships, Grammar, Intermediate, Primary and Kindergarten positions, College Professorships, Academy Principals and Instructors. Specialists in Art, Music, Drawing, Book-keeping, Penmanship, French, German, Elocution, Manual Training, etc. Also several most excellent schools for sale. Now is the time to register if you wish to be in line of promotion and desire a better salary for the coming school year. Send for circulars to

THE TEACHERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, 6034 Woodlawn Ave., (Just South of Chicago University). ORVILLE BREWER, Manager.




$1 Some at higher salaries, some at lower, have been filled $1 O during our 14 YEARS' experience.

TWO Plans-either with or without fee.

Central Educational Bureau (Edw. C. Dixon) 1341 Arch St., Phila.

[blocks in formation]


Constant vacancies. Send stamp for blanks

NORTHWESTERN SCHOOL AGENCY. A first-class Teachers Bureau. We place more teachers in Minnesota than all other agencies combined. Large business throughout the northwest. Send for our new catalogue. R. B. HAZARD, Manager, 457 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn.

The Educational News is published weekly

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Box 1258.


Educational News Co.,

Philadelphia, Pa.

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