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that a smart pupil in the class does all the prompting, so that it is sometimes hard to tell whether the one standing or the prompter is reading. With certain restrictions this is a very good device; as all are anxiously watching for an opportunity to prompt, while the one reading is just as anxious not to need prompting, and the interest and attention are very marked.

conviction that the chief end of the schools is to study can speak out first. In such cases it very often happens text-books, and the approved methods of testing this study is by frequent examinations. These tests shows to the teacher what the superintendent thinks the children ought to know, and they govern the range of their instruction. The idea of examination is never to go out of the schools, but we must break some new ground in our method of using it. For the present, it will be an improvement if the formal examination be wholly omitted for a year or two, and A device to interest little folks, is teaching recognition superintendents devoted their energies to devising ways of words at sight. Have the children stand with their backs and means to induce the teachers to study the child's to you while you place a word on the board; then at a possessions and needs, and to use the suggestions of the given signal let them turn and see who can name the word course of study in supplying them, so far as they are first. Only familiar words should be used. When one applicable. It may break up the "uniformity" that now pupil does too much of the answering, direct him to remain exists, but uniformity is not the chief end of the school.-quiet and give the others a chance. Public School Journal.



Not long ago I visited a school in which the teacher before asking any one to read aloud, required the class to read the paragraph silently. The advantages of this can hardly be overestimated; because after all have read it carefully to themselves, they have some idea of the modulation and expression to be used. They assimilate, as it were, the sense which is to be conveyed, and will read it more natur

Devices in recitation should secure attention and at the ally. Some teachers make a point of silent reading. Let same time not detract from the learner's progress.

the class read a paragraph, topic or story silently, at the same time with the teacher, and then call upon some one to tell in his own words what he read. This device is useful in geography, physiology, history and other branches, as well as in reading.

As reading is one of the fundamental branches that soon become monotonous unless the teacher resorts to various methods, I shall treat of that first. Some teachers in con. ducting a reading class permit one pupil to read until he makes a mistake. This pupil then takes his seat and the One of the most useful adjuncts to the reading class, is pupil who corrects the mistake reads, commencing where supplementary reading. But until school boards and pathe other stopped. Others allow the pupil to read until trons become more liberal, I shall not discuss it. Let us the teacher sees fit to stop him; and in order to insure the as teachers educate the coming generation (the coming attention of the class, generally stops him in the middle, school boards and patrons) in this one particular-liberalor before the end of a paragarph, telling another pupil to read on; while others divide the time given for the recitation equally among the pupils, giving to each as many


A device that costs comparatively nothing, and one that will recommend itself to every teacher is this: Take a story from an old book or paper, and cut the story up into

minutes as the size of the class and the time will admit. The most common way is to commence at the head of a convenient number of pieces, and distribute them among the class, each pupil reading a paragarph in turn; and with the members of your class. If the paragraphs are numbernever a variation, so continue from day to day. This ed, so much the better; if not, you had better number them method is bound to lead to oppressive monotony, unless so as to avoid confusion during the 'recitation. the teacher, instead of taking the pupils in regular order, call by number upon your pupils to read. The advantages does like the old pedagogue in teaching the alphabet, of this device are: "skip around occasionally."

You can

1. Each child has only a verse or two and he gets it well, thus being able to read his part intelligently.

A great many teachers in conducting a reading class give licence to any member of the class to prompt a 2. No one will know what the story is until each recites scholar when he hesitates at a word. Some teachers re- his part in class. Hence the attention of the whole class quire the would-be prompters to raise hands and gain per-will be centred on the one reciting so as to get the story as mission by a nod before telling; others let anyone tell who a connected whole.

If you have many primary pupils, try to procure for each girl friend, was headstrong and flighty and not doing well, and asked her to exert her influence over her and help reone a box of word cards. They cost but a trifle, and I claim the wayward sister. The teacher told Martha the verily believe that any school board, after seeing the little same thing about Mary and exacted her help to recover ones at work with them, would be willing to pay double their the other sinner from destruction. Neither of the girls price. If the board will not, I know parents will; because was in danger. The teacher did not think they were. She probably meant well enough. She intended to profit each parents manifest more interest in the little tots than in the girl by getting her interested in helping the other. But larger ones. And again, during the first years of a child's she did not think far enough or as truly as she ought. The school life the book bill is very small, hence you will gen-element of deception about the matter and the result was girls compared notes. They discovered that there was an erally find parents not merely willing, but anxious to make not particularly helpful to the teacher. small investments for these beginners.

I have seen parents actually disappointed when told by the teachers to get only a slate and perhaps a primer, for a little one for whom they would gladly spend two or three dollars.-Educational Gazette.


Act the truth. Do not pretend to know things you do not know. Do not insist upon things about which you know you are uncertain. Even a child does not expect a teacher to be the embodiment of all wisdom. If she claims it, he knows she is masquerading; if she admits a doubt, he knows she is acting truly; he sees that he and his teacher have some things in common; she has a stronger hold upon him.

A boy handed up his written spelling lesson for correction. The teacher marked a word as incorrect, which he thought was spelled correctly. He gathered up his cour. age and told her he thought she had made a mistake. She brushed him aside with an indignant remark about doubting her ability to spell. In ten minutes he saw her engaged in profound communion with the dictionary. He gained confidence. She said nothing, but seemed dejected. He put his paper in his pocket and went home, and consulted his dictionary. He had spelled the word correctly. She had lost his good opinion forever. It was a serious loss, but who shall say that she did not pay the proper penalty for her act. She had made a mistake. It was not serious at the outset. It was a comparatively small matter that she had an erroneous impression about the spelling of the word. But persistence after she knew better was acting an untruth. It was utterly inexcusable. It was impolitic too. Suppose she had given him only what was his due and said, "My boy, I was hasty and wrong about that; you were right; I will have to be more careful next time." He would have been exultant, but that would not have humiliated her. She would have gained his respect as well.

In another case, a teacher in this city told Mary, a young miss among her pupils, that Martha, her intimate

There is a mathematical accuracy about the truth. It always fits together. There is no safe compromise ground. The danger signal is upon the border line. Truth or untruth may be acted as well as spoken. It is not necessary at all times to tell all that is true. But whatever is said and whatever is done in the schools, is to be open and straightforward, wholly within the bounds of truth.-A. S. Draper.



An owl once lived in a hollow tree
And he was as wise as he could be.
The branch of learning he didn't know
Could scarce on the tree of knowledge grow.
He knew the tree from branch to root,
And an owl like that can afford to hoot.

And he hooted-until, alas! one day,
He chanced to hear in a casual way,
An insignificant little bird

Make use of a term he had never heard.

He was flying to bed in the dawning light
When he heard her singing with all her might,
"Hurray! hurray! for the early worm !"
"Dear me," said the owl, "what a singular term!
I would look it up if it weren't so late,

I must rise at dusk to investigate.
Early to bed and early to rise

Makes an owl healthy and stealthy and wise!"

So he slept like an honest owl all day,
And rose in the early twilight gray,
And went to work in the dusky light
To look for the early worm at night.
He searched the country for miles around,
But the early worm was not to be found,
So he went to bed in the dawning light
And looked for the "worm" again next night,
And again and again and again and again
He sought and he sought, but all in vain.
Till he must have looked for a year and a day
For the early worm in the twilight gray.

At last in despair he gave up the search,
And was heard to remark as he sat on his perch
By the side of his nest in the hollow tree:
"The thing is as plain as night to me-
Nothing can shake my conviction firm,
There is no such a thing as an early worm."

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Entered at the Post-Office at Philadelphia, Pa., as Second-Class Matter.

Office 1020 Chestnut Street, Room 2.




[blocks in formation]

25. Swineford's Literature for Beginners. 26. Hints and Helps on English Grammar.

These books are all bound in cloth and well printed. They

will grace any one's library.

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This action of the students will have the effect doubtless of leading other institutions to take similar action. No government is so strong as that which a body of students assume to control for themselves, and nothing presents so strong evidence of their determination to prove themselves gentlemen as this

voluntary action to suppress the practice of hazing.

Parents and prospective pupils both have hesitated about patronizing colleges in which hazing is indulged in,and this progressive step at Princeton, which will surely be followed by other institutions, will greatly elevate public opinion in favor of college education. Let the good work go on and may the good example be followed by every other college in the land.

A correspondent asks, Should we read 203,641,017, two hundred three millions, six hundred forty-one thousand, seventeen, or should we read it two hundred and three million, six hundred and forty-one thousand, and seventeen

Some of our later arithmetics give the first of the two readings, and limit the use of and to the decimal point. Why they do so is not clear, either grammatically or otherwise. These groups are units as much as if we said two hundred three cows, six hundred forty one sheep, seventeen hens.

Certainly the majority and the best of authorities would read the expression two hundred and three

For $400, we will send the Forum and the weekly cows, six hundred and forty-one sheep, and seventeen EDUCATIONAL NEWS one year, the cash must accom- hens; or, in the case given, "two hundred and three pany the order. million, six hundred and forty-one thousand, and


For three dollars, we will send the EDUCATIONAL NEWS weekly for one year, and Macaulay's History of Englan seventeen," the word ones or units being understood Ala., cloth, worth alone $3.75.

after seventeen.

It has been supposed by some that limiting the use locate a building at Hollidaysburg at a cost of $40,of and to the decimal point; as 416.05, (four hundred 000, maintain it at a cost of $13,000 a year and give sixteen and five hundredths) would simplify the read- instruction to students at an expenditure of $45 per ing of numbers. This is not true, when, as every one capita. "If the new factor in the system assumes shape knows, that ones, or units, is understood as the basis of every number. Thus, whether we say seventy-five certain legislation will be necessary and a general tax or one hundred and seventy-five, we mean units only levy or some other method must be devised to proat the close of the reading of a whole number. There vide support. State educators find the topic fruitful seems no necessity therefore for the distinction which in interest and the county institute season just beginlimits the use of the word and to the decimal point. ning will find in its consideration a welcome relief to Most people would say, and say correctly, my horse the customary routine programme."

cost me one hundred and forty dollars, not one hundred forty dollars. But even allowing this latter form to be correct, certainly the former is not incorrect.

This is a move in the right direction. Pennsylvania prides herself on her school system, but there is still room for improvement, and the county high school, or still better, a number of them should be established, so that every country child may the same educational privileges as the

We clip the following from the Press of this city: "The subject of a higher form of education to be have secured in the establishment of county high schools city child. The movement ought not to stop with single high school for a county, but a is attracting attention among some of the institutes of a the State, the discussion of a proposition of that cen- sufficient number of such schools to accommodate all tral character receiving an indorsement recently from who may wish to avail themselves of their advantages the Teachers and Directors' Union of Blair. The ad- should be provided. visability of a departure from current methods has

long suggested itself to progressive educators, and this new avenue to results appears to be an open way to advancement that may lead to greatest perfection in the present system if to nothing else.

"The district and graded school outside the limits

of cities and boroughs, where the high school cannot

confer advantages, have had all the drawbacks and none of the opportunities of the free school system. Pupils have been able to reach the secondary or grammar departments and there find the course at an end. Meritorious students, with ambition to gratify and desire to occupy every chance in its bearing on the future, have been denied the essentials to a complete

education, unless they could enter the normal and other colleges. It is this large and growing class that the new movement will benefit.

"The advocates of a county high school argue for a central point in the county system where students may be admitted to the same advantages as those provided for in the cities. In Blair county, for example, where the school property is valued at $254,150, an aggregate independent of Altoona, where the investment amounts to $422,248 more, the proposition is to

The NEWS is published at a loss and has been for

the past ten years. Its editor has given his services gratuitously in order that the paper might live. He has hoped and still hopes that there are enough progressive teachers and school officers to sustain an inexpensive weekly educational journal like this, but his hopes thus far have not been realized. He re

ceives many kind words, but words without works are vain. He hopes that every subscriber will do something towards securing another. Why not help to realize these hopes, dear reader, by securing one or more subscribers at our low special or premium rates? Isn't it your duty? The NEWS is by far the cheapest

educational paper published, counting the amount of

material it furnishes weekly, and there is certainly room for it on your list whether you take a monthly or a weekly educational journal.

Personal Items.

Mr. P. S. Good is the principal of the Graded School at Lacy Spring, Va.

Mr. J. A. Fiedler, of Williamsport, has suspended publication of the Daily Journal of that city.

Mr. J. M. Stradling, of 1326 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, is agent for the Werner Company, for the states of New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and the City of Philadelphia.

Prof. J. W. Farris, of Bannock, is the Democratic nominee for superintendent of public instruction in Idaho.

James D. Horne, of Brattleboro, Vt., has been

Mr. L. G. Firestine is agent of the Werner Com-elected principal of the Lawrence high school, Mass., pany for the State of Pennsylvania. at a salary of $2500 per year. Mr. Horne was formerly sub-master of the Haverhill high school. He went from Haverhill to accept the position of principal of the Brattleboro high school, from which position

T. Bayard Heisel, Esq., late a Delaware teacher, has been nominated on the Democratic ticket in New Castle county, Del., for the Delaware House of Rep


Walt P. Conoway, a former Delaware teacher, and a graduate of Delaware College, has taken up the study of medicine and will attend lectures this winter.

Lieut. Jas. H. Frier, of the 17th U. S. Infantry, in addition to his work as Commandant of cadets at

he is called to Lawrence.

Dr. Dongan Clark, Professor in the Theological School of the Friends' College at Earlham, Ind., who, with ten other advanced Quakers, was baptized last Summer, has been suspended.

Prof. Harry Pattison steps from the principalship

Delaware College does full duty as a teacher of math- of the New Whatcom, Wash., high school into the city superintendency.

ematics in that institution.

Mr. John D. Chipman, of Laurel, Del., has abandoned teaching to take a graduating course of study in Delaware College.

Mr. Raymond DuHadway, valedictorian of the graduating class of Delaware College, 1894, has returned to college to take up post graduate work.

Miss Helen Gladstone has been nominated as one of the governors of the Flintshire county schools under the Welsh intermediate education act.

Prin. Charles F. King of the Dearborn school, who originated the idea of a "summer school of methods," and has been actively engaged in the management of the National Summer School of Methods of Saratoga Mr. W. H. Keeny, a graduate of the first-class, and Glen Falls for ten years, has retired from this fea1878, of the State Normal School at Lock Haven, Pa., is secretary of the School Board at Port Allegany, Pa.

Miss Ella Herrick, County Superintendent of schools, Cameron county, Pa., is a graduate of the first class of the Lock Haven State Normal School. State Supt. J. M. Carlisle of Texas has been renominated by the Democrats of that state for the position of State Superintendent.

Miss Anna Bomberger formerly of Strausstown has removed to Portland, Oregon.

Supt. Jones M. Clapp, of Banner county, Nebr., is also Principal of the Harrisburg schools of the same county.

ture of professional work and will give his attention more and more to methods.

Supt. W. F. Hoffman of Washington, Ind., has resigned. He has been connected with the Washington schools for the past fourteen years.

J. M. Garrett of Des Moines, Iowa, has been elected superintendent of the Centralia schools, Wash. Prof. W. H. Thompson succeeds himself as principal of the high school.

Louise Crouse, a full-blooded Indian, is working her way through the Normal School in Oswego, N.Y., by sewing, scrubbing, washing, &c. Her purpose is to complete the course, help, her younger sister through school, and then study medicine that she

Chas. J. Majory, Ph. D., is principal of the public may work among her own people. schools of Newton, N. J.

Mr. Morgan T. Gum of Frankford, formerly principal at Selbyville, is now principal at Ocean View, ac-teacher added, and the course of study in principal's Del. A new school house has been built, another I department has been improved.

Miss Alice Catlin, the nomince for Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Colorado, companies Governor Waite on his stumping tour.

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