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The Boston school board made no attempt to elect a woman supervisor at the September meeting. Mrs. Fifield's friends were not sure of the one lacking vote, and the others had no prospect of the two lacking votes. Miss Sarah L. Arnold has never swerved from her original determination not to be a candidate under any circumstances.

Arthur Rotch, of Massachusetts, leaves by his will $100, ooo to public institutions; of this amount Harvard gets $25,000, and the Institute of Technology, $40,000.

The late J. I. Mackenzie, of New York, gave $50,000 for the erection of a building at Sao Paulo, Brazil, to be known as the Mackenzie College, in which "God and his Word should be forever honored."

STANFORD UNIVERSITY.-President Jordan, of Stanford University, is quoted as saying that upon the distribution of the estate of the late Senator Stanford, about $3,000,000 will pass to the university. The remainder of the estate will come under Mrs. Stanford's control, and will be bequeathed by her to the university at her death. A handMrs. Stanford in the spring. An exact duplicate of this some library building to cost $150,000 is' to be built by

Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Gibson, the ladies who offer a site for the Presbyterian College at Cambridge, England, and £20,000 should the removal of that institution from Lon-devoted to the uses of a museum and laboratory for the £20,000 should the removal of that institution from Lon-building will be built one hundred feet away, and will be don to Cambridge be agreed upon, have now decided to natural history department. These buildings will stand in pay the sum charged for the keeping open of the offer of front of the present quadrangle, and will subsequently be

the site for another year.

At present nearly 1,000 girls in the public schools of Philadelphia are studying cooking. While not a regular branch of the grammar school curriculum, each school is allowed to send a quota of pupils to the nearest cooking centre. There are two kitchens established at the Girls'

High School, and every young woman who now graduates from the school receives a course of lessons in the theory and practice of cooking.

The visitor can spend no more delightful afternoon than in one of these bright, cheerful kitchens, where the young

connected with other buildings. These, with a monumental arch eighty-six feet high in the center, will constitute the facade, 1,000 feet long, of a group of buildings, and will be part of the outer quadrangle which will enclose

the present one.

Other buildings to be erected are a memoria! chapel, a girls' dormitory to cost $250,000, and a chemical building to cost $50,000. The intention is to increase the present facilities during the next two years so as to provide accommodations for 2,500 students.

When the new president of Wells College, Dr. William girls of the public schools are being initiated into the mys- Waters, was a tutor at Yale his merry countenance won teries of preparing baked apples and potatoes, beans and for him the pleasant nickname of "Minnehaha," Laughing beets, omelets and oysters, tomatoes and puddings, and-Waters.

a loaf of bread! The kitchens are models of comfort, convenience and completeness. To see a band of young cooks, arrayed in snowy paraphernalia, busily at work is one of the pleasant scenes which greet the visitor these early autumn days.-Ex.

Sweden has but four-tenths of one per cent. of illiteracy while England has nine per cent., and France nine and one-half per cent.

The success of the kindergarten movement in Philadelphia is evidenced by the rapid multiplication of these little Fræbelian schools throughout the city. Requests for a new kindergarten on Main street, between Herman and Duval streets, in the Twenty second section, and an additional division to the Spring Garden Kindergarten, in the Fourteenth section, have been referred to the sub-committee on kindergartens.

FEWER CHILDREN IN A ROOM.-It is obvious that the young woman with fifty-six pupils before her is attempting what no mortal can perform. I suppose it is practicable for one young woman to hear the lesson out of one book of all the fifty children before her during the hours of the school session, and keep a certain amount of watch over the children who are not reciting their lessons, providing the grading is almost perfect, and we are going to be satisfied with "uniform" results. But the new teaching is of quite a different character. It requires alertness, vitality, and sympathetic enthusiasm. It is exhausting. Virtue goes out of the teacher at every moment. What is the possible remedy? To double the number of teachers would not be too much; for twenty-five or thirty pupils individual requires teaching in these days, and no teaching are quite enough for one teacher to grapple with. The is good which does not awaken interest in the pupil.President Eliot.


In 1 hour he rows 33 miles up stream. Rate of current = 4 miles 33 miles 23 miles. He rows down stream 43 miles per hour. He rows down stream 1 mi. in 3 of an hour,


He rows down stream 4 mi. in 6 of an hour,
or 51 and three sevenths minutes.

President Schurman, of Cornell, recently returned from a vacation visit to England, where he carefully observed political conditions and tendencies. He says that the growing power of democracy has made Parliament an assembly of very ordinary men; the average ability in the best of our state legislatures is today as high as that of the House of Commons. "I do not think," he says, "that there is a man in the English Parliament that can compare with Senator Sherman, or with Wilson or Reed." President Schurman thinks that American political institutions Nos. 106, 107 have been answered by Prof. J. M. Peoare the best in the world, and that foreigners are becoming ples and Mr. E. Ellsworth Beams of Chester, N. J. more and more disposed to think the same way. "England is actually looking to us as an example, while fifteen years ago she would have thought such an attitude ridicu

108. Analyze,


one's things best


B. D. E.

"Not to wear one's best things every day is a maxim of lous. With the growth of democracy they fear the omnip-New England's thrift which is as little disputed as any otent power of Parliament and look with envy upon our verse in the catechism. national and state constitutions, which restrict the powers of our state legislative bodies." But while American political institutions are the best in the world, American administration is almost the worst. President Schurman found our civil service looked upon with ill-concealed contempt by foreigners. He looks forward to rapid progress in civil service reform.

Two new buildings, one of eight rooms, another of four rooms, and a four-room addition are in course of erection in Johnstown, Pa., the latter two to be completed in time for the opening of next term.

The Ohio Wesleyan university will devote the $50,000

to wear

is +

x day ❘ every


of thrift | New England's



[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

109. Paid a coal dealer $90 for 12 tous of coal; for stove

donated by Dr. Chas. E. Slocum, Defiance, O., to the coal I paid $5.25 a ton, and for nut coal $4.50; how many

erection of a library, which will be a fireproof building.

Slippery Rock Normal opens with an enrollment of two hundred and sixty students, exclusive of the Model.

For larger salaries or change of location, address Teach ers' Co-Operative Association, 70 Dearborn St., Chicago Orville Brewer, Manager.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

tons were there of each?

Solution. Had the coal all been nut coal it would have cost 12 times $4.50, or $54, or $6 less than the lot cost him. Each ton of stove coal cost him 75 cents more than a ton of nut coal, hence there were as many tons of stove coal as 75 cents is contained times in $6, or 8 tons; and the number of tons of nut coal was 12 tons minus 8 tons, or 4 tons.


112. How do these two questions differ?

S. S.

a. Four times a number equals three times the same number plus 5.

b. Four times a number equals three times the same number, plus 5.

113. The difference between two numbers is 5, and 5 times the first less 2 times the second is 34; what are the numbers?


serve as double windows, giving protection against both heat and cold, and they lend themselves readily to decora. tion. They are neater than marble in meat markets, and A SUCCESSFUL LIFE.-Success cannot be measured by especially adapted for bath halls, hothouses, hospitals refame, wealth or station, writes Edward W. Bok in au arti- frigerating establishments, and buildings in which absence cle on what constitutes a successful life for man and woman of windows would be an advantage. A hothouse of glass in the October Ladies' Home Journal. The life of the hum-bricks is of about ordinary cost, saves fuel, and resists blest woman in the land, if well lived, is as successful as is hail. that of the woman who, with greater opportunities, is unable to make the results of her work reach farther. Some of us must live for the few, as others again must live for Julian Hawthorne has recently bought a large farm in the many. But both lives are successful. Each of us in the mountains of Jamaica, where he intends to raise fruit this world influences some other being, and it is the quality and early vegetables for the northern markets. He has of our influence, and not the number we influence, which also rented a most beautiful residence, Mona, on makes our lives successful in the eyes of God. We may estate near Kensington. believe that we go to our graves unknown and unsung, but not one of us goes out from this world without leaving an impression, either for the good or the bad. And the kind of impression we make while we live, and leave when we die, is the difference between successful and unsuccessful living.

a coffee

RALEIGH AND SPENSER.--It was probably in the autumn of 1589 that he paid his visit to Edmund Spenser, the poet, at Kilcolman Castle. Spenser first came to Ireland about the same time as Raleigh, as secretary to Lord Grey, the chief governor; and he had, like Raleigh, received a grant of lands, including one of the Earl of Desmond's

STEDMAN, CRITIC AND POET.-His sympathy is bound-castles. less, and he has flung the mantle of his critical cordiality Spenser tells the story of how Raleigh introduced him over many writers whom a less genial judge would leave to Queen Elizabeth and gained her ear to the recital of his to the doubtful shelter of their own thin diction. No one poem, "The Faery Queen," with the happy result that she has been kinder to the minor poet on both sides of the At-made him poet laureate with a pension of £50 a year, and lantic. But while he bends to do this, he never seems to that his great poem, forever famous in English literature, sacrifice his equilibrium. His patients with the "stained- soon saw the light. Raleigh was indeed ever ready to use glass poet," as he named them, of the Victorian era has his influence at court for the advancement of his friends. never diminished the value of his analysis of their betters. On one occasion, when he came to crave a favor for auThis is due to a very great extent to the classic strain in other, Elizabeth said to him: "When, Sir Walter, will you his temperament, to the impersonal animus of all his judg- cease to be a beggar?" "When your majesty ceases to be ments. That is to say, there is no trace of time or of place a benefactor," was his courtly reply. - St. Nicholas for in his dealings with the literary topics which have occupied October. so much of his time. He is cosmopolitan to the core.(The Century for October.)

$100 REWARD $100 -The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease Professor Falb, of Berlin, prophesies a very probable that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure collision between the earth and the comet of 1866 on Nov. known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu13, 1899, when the comet will cut the point where the tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's earth arrives every year at that time. But he does not Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the think harm could come of such a collision. blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature

in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its

Hollow glass building-bricks are coming into use. They are blown like bottles in forms-such as cubes, hexagons, etc.--that permit of ready-laying. A bituminous cement, with a base of asphalt, is used with them. The bricks Sold by Druggists, 75c.

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