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The first Bible printed with a date was finished by Faust in 1462.

Type-setting machines were suggested for book work as early as 1842.

Books were printed in Paris from stereotyped plates by Didot in 1708.

Ancient books were sometimes written on slabs of wood, ivory or metals.

The first book printed in America is said to be an almanac, at Boston, in 1639.

The first printed engravings for use in books were done on wood in 1519 in Germany..

The first book to have its leaves numbered was Æsop's Fables, printed by Caxton in 1484.

precious stones that the legitimate work of the binder seems to have been turned over to the lapidary and golásmith. When types were first invented they were made to imitate the letters made by the copyist, and great pains were taken to cause the printed volumes to resemble the work of the monks.

The first book printed by machinery was "Blumenbach's Physiology," which came from the press in 1817. It was worked on Koenig's press, which printed both sides at the rate of 900 sheets an hour.

Gutenberg's Bibles were sold in loose sheets, and each purchaser selected for himself the style and amount of hand illumination he wanted, the kind of binding and the number of clasps and bosses he was willing to pay for.

Paper has been made in China from time immemorial. Outside of China it was first made at Samarcand, in TurThree-fourths of the inventions used in bookbinding are East for 200 years before the Europeans thought of making kestan, A. D., 750. It was imported into Europe from the

due to the ingenuity of American binders.

Chinese printing is certainly as early as A. D. 593, books of that date being now in existence.

it for themselves.

The most ancient books extant are the earthenware tablets from Nineveh. They are usually nine inches by six,

The first printed books had their leaves printed on one and an inch thick, though the sizes vary greatly. Each is side only, the blank sides being pasted together.

Earthenware bricks or tiles, with characters engraved or stamped on them, were undoubtedly the first books.

Many of the early wood-cuts employed in books were painted over by hand, after the printing had been done.

The library of Gottingen has a Bible written on palm leaves. There are 5,373 pages, each made of a single leaf. The first known example of bookbinding in boards, in the modern style, was a Latin psalter, in the ninth century. The first book printed with cast metal types was the "Durandi Rationale." Cast metal types were first manufactured in 1459.

The word book comes to us from the Saxon boc, meaning beech, because the Saxons usually wrote either on

beech boards or on bark.

French bindings excel in taste and finish. English in solidity and strength, American in general excellence. and rapidity of workmanship.

Roman books are often composed of a number of pages of wood strung together with a cord passed through a hole in the corner of each block.

Several books of the second and third centuries have leaden leaves. One such in the British Museum has six leaden leaves, with hinges and a clasp.

The process of bookmaking has from time immemorial been so cheap in China that a book of twenty-five or thirty pages is rarely sold for more than one cent.

covered with cuneiform characters, often very minute. The impressions were made, after which the plates were baked in a furnace.—St. Louis Globe Democrat.

As medi

Harvard college is to try the experiment of having a medical adviser and medical inspector of the university. Dr. Geo. W. Fitz, a graduate of Harvard medical school and instructor in physiology and hygiene in the Lawrence scientific school, has been chosen for the position. As medical inspector he will look after the sanitary condition of the dormitories and other college buildings. cal adviser it will be his duty to observe, as far as he can, the health of the individual student. His first and more formal duties will be to inquire into every case of sickness among the students as soon as he hears of it, and to see that the sick man is being properly attended. Ventilation' everything, in fact, which concerns the health of the university and of its individual members, will be under the oversight and direction of Dr. Fitz.

Cambridge University, England, is reported to have 12,927 living members, or graduates and students combined. Of these 6,826 have taken the M.A., or some higher degree; 3,262 are bachelors and 2,839 are undergraduates, a decrease from last year of 191 members and 73 undergraduates. Oxford had nearly 3,200 undergraduates in 1893-94, which was about the number of students

Many mediæval bindings are so encrusted with gold and at Harvard.


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Believing that the real in educational work is always instructive the editor ventures to draw on his experience of the day occasionally. In conducting an examination of a young man for entrance into college this week he was a little suprised at the applicant's failure to answer some very simple questions in English Grammar. On asking how much time and attention the student was accustomed to give to the subject the reply came, "The teacher gives us only one recitation a week in grammar." Of course the cause of failure became at once apparent.

The laws of the state suppose that this subject receives as much attention as any other, but here is an exception. What is the reason for the exception ? That is a query to which there may be many answers. The teacher may not like the teaching of Grammar.

We give below the names of twenty-six extra good stand-She may find it a difficult subject to teach. She may ard books, any one of which will be sent free as a premium deem it unimportant; but none of these is a sufficient will send $1.50 in advance for the paper for one year and 10 reason for the neglect which has been shown in this cents to pay postage on the book.

to each subscriber to the WEEKLY EDUCATIONAL NEWS who

1. Robinson Crusoe.

2. Arabian Nights Entertainments.

3. Swiss Family Robinson.

4: Don Quixote.

5. Vicar of Wakefield.

6. Dickens' Child's History of England.

7. Last Days of Pompeii.

8. Ivanhoe.

9. Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby.

10. Grimm's Popular Tales.

11. Grimm's Household Stories.

12. Pickwick Papers.

13. Speeches of Webster.



Life of Daniel Webster

Lifeof Washington.

16. Life of Patrick Henry.


Jane Eyre.



19, Anderson's Fairy Tales.

20. Tom Brown at Oxford.

21. John Halifax, Gentleman.

22. Tennyson's Poems.

23. Plain Thoughts on the Art of Living.

24. Esop's Fables.

school, and which has in this case prevented a worthy

young man's entrance to college.

Grammar may not be a favorite study with this teacher but this is by no means a valid reason for its neglect.

The School Journal says, "There is no comparison between the proportion of teachers in city schools and those who do not take an educational paper." Our own experience confirms this. We have made several attempts to bring our own journal to the notice of the teachers of the city in which it is published, but always with a loss. That is, the cost of distributing three thousand samples free has cost us much more than was paid by the incoming subscribers as a result of the venture. We may be wrong but we incline to doubt if ten per cent. of the teachers of this city either take or read an educational journal. We trust we do them injury and that we may be in error in expressing the doubt, but certainly if our experience is a For $4.00, we will send the Forum and the weekly criterion by which to judge, a credit of ten per cent. EDUCATIONAL NEWS one year, the cash must accom-is a liberal allowance. This journal has been pubpany the order.

25. Swineford's Literature for Beginners.
26. Hints and Helps on English Grammar.

These books are all bound in cloth and well printed. They will grace any one's library.

Box 1258.


For three dollars, we win send the EDUCATIONAL NEW weekly for one year, and Macaulay's History of England vola, cloth, worth alone $3.75.

lished regularly in this city for the past eight years, and samples have occasionally been sent to all the principals of schools, but to-day less than 3 per cent.

of the teachers of the city are subscribers, and we for entrance into college well prepared in the fundadoubt if the ratio is larger in the subscription to other mental branches invariably as a rule do well in the educational journals.

Let us here quote from the "School Journal." quote because it might be regarded impolitic and polite to say it for ourselves. The Journal says, in discussing this question,

college work; and, on the contrary, those who have We but an indifferent grounding in arithmetic and Engim-lish grammar are handicapped from the start. Of course not all students find it in their power to secure a higher education, but, this aside, why not see that "Is it that the city teacher 'knows it all?' If so, our students even in the ungraded school are thorough education is a smaller subject than we had supposed in their work as far as they go? The great weakness, it to be. Is it that her problems are so hopeless that as the College professor finds it in the candidates who she doubts the ability of any one to help her solve present themselves, is in a lack of thoroughness and them? This cannot be the reason, for those who do especially a lack of understanding as relates to prinnot take school papers, as a rule, never have taken ciples. The teacher in the high school and still more them. Is it that her problems are all solved for her in the ungraded school has a fertile field for work by the supervising officers who direct her work? here, but alas! one that receives too little culture and

"If this is not true what is the explanation? If attention. Less extended territory and more thorough teaching is not more of a mechanical drive, more of a culture is likely to produce more abundant and more trade, in large cities than in smaller towns, villages, profitable results in education as well as in agriculand rural districts, how are we to explain the fact that ture. the publishers of educational journals and pedagogi

cal books depend upon the more scattered rather than Read our special offers on the outside pages. the more concentrated populations for their patron- Everybody ought to be able to secure a good book at age, while publishers of text-books and mechanical little expense. appliances look to the larger cities? Could any fact better prove the superior progressiveness among rural teachers over their city cousins than their greater willingness to seek and pay for professional help and stimulation ?"

These seem strong words but it is certainly true that the country teacher is as a rule the better patron of professional papers. One reason for this is the fact that the city teacher as a rule considers herself anchored when she takes a position and too often relies on special influence rather than special merit to keep her in place.

It looks now as if the next meeting of the National Educational Association would be at Denver, Colorado, in July next. This will be an excellent opportunity for the teachers of the East to see something of the wonders of the West, and many ought to accept the opportunity.

More and more each year the writer's experience convinces him of the great importance of thorough training in the lower schools. Students who come

Send us personals and news notes on education. They will be gladly received.

Personal Items.

Prof. Bridges, late teacher of mathematics in Metropolitan Business College, Dallas, has been elected principal of the West Dallas public school, Tex. B. F. Nihart, who superintended the Herrington schools last year, has been chosen dean of the normal department of Kansas Wesleyan University, at Salina.

Professor and Mrs. Frederick A. Hillery of Windsor, Vermont, have accepted positions as teachers of language in Chamberlain's Institute, Randolph, N. Y. Prof. J. H. Peacock is principal of public school at Wharton, Texas.

Miss Nannie Pugh, a graduate of the University of Kansas, goes to a chair at Wellesley. Kansas does not confine itself to women of the Mrs. Lease type.

Prof. L. A. Bryan, late of Timpson, Shelby county, Texas, is principal of Center University.

Miss M. Frances Boice has organized a school of from Cornell University in 1885, and was for several elocution, physical expression and languages, at 102 years a teacher in New York city. She afterward N. 19th street, Philadelphia.

Miss Sarah E. Sprague, who has for so many years been identified with education in Minnesota, has accepted the position of professor of literature in Thorp Polytechnic College, Pasadena, Cal.

Miss Nellie Josephine Lockwood, of Burlington, Vt., is the new teacher in charge of the music department. She has studied music in one of the best schools of Ottawa, in the Music School of Utica, N.Y., and graduated from the Potsdam Conservatory of


Prof. E. A. Fritter, of Findlay, Ill., has recently accepted the position as superintendent of the Monticello, Ill., schools.

Miss Alice M. Clarke, of Lowell, Mass., a teacher of much experience and a graduate of the Teachers' College, New York city, is principal of the Model School, at Indiana.

F. S. Morganthaler, eight years superintendent at Huntingburgh, will take the superintendency at Rockport, Ind.

Wells College in Aurora has elected William E. Waters, Ph. D., of the University of Cincinnati, to its presidency, to fill a vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Rev. E. S. Frisbee, D. D. The chair of English literature and rhetoric at Wells has been filled by the appointment of Edward Fulton, Ph. D., lately instructor in Harvard University.

Rev. Thos. K. Beecher, after a pastorate of forty years at Park Church, Elmira, N. Y., has retired from the active duties, and Rev. Samuel Eastman, of Rochester, will hereafter assume the pastorate.

became a student of Leipzig University, and in 1890 was appointed professor of Greek in Wellesley.

W. E. A. Aul, of Nashua, Pa., has accepted a position again in the college at Battle Creek, Mich., where he graduated in 1885.

M. F. Miller is in charge of the schools of Geneseo, Ill., this year, succeeding Superintendent Campbell, who is now superintendent at Joliet.

Herman Krogman, of Saginaw, and a graduate of the class of '94 of the University of Michigan, has accepted the principalship of the high school at Negaunee, Mich.

W. L. Helton will superintend the schools of Lincoln, Kas., at $70 per month.

Dr. Eli F. Brown, who has been superintendent of the schools of Riverside, California, for some years, has decided to return to Indianapolis, as superintendent of the business college of that city.

Charles E. Lowrey, Ph. D., librarian of the University of Colorado, died August 19.




If you are a true teacher, your earnest desire is to see your pupils grow strong and wise, and loving and good. They will imitate you. What are you, yourself?

That little boy, Jack, from Poverty lane, with the pinched face and eager eyes-what is he to you?

You have heard the old story of the poet, how he said, S. B. Sinclair, M. A, formerly principal of the "I get my inspiration in my garden ;" and when a wouldteachers' training school, Hamilton, Ontario, was at be-poet asked to see this garden, the wise man led him to the beginning of the present year appointed lecturer a narrow back yard in a crowded city, where a few strugon psychology and mathematics in the Provincial gling plants bloomed palely; how the would-be-poet looked in ill-disguised contempt at "the garden;" and Normal College, Ottawa. He delivered the opening how the poet, looking reverently upward at God's blue address to the students of the present session, and in heaven, said: "You see my garden is not very wide nor it urged the importance of the solution of the profes- very long, but, ah! it is wonderfully high.”

sicnal problem.

So little Jack should be your inspiration. He is only a

Mrs. Julia Josephine Irvine, who has been chosen dot, but he is wonderfully capable of becoming noble and acting president of Wellesley College, was graduated high through yourself.

First of all, how is your heart toward Jack? I know Cochran, betook themselves to Lenape and near points, teachers who pride themselves on "just hating children." where they spent the day, and at noon lunched at the forks I know "successful teachers" who neither feel love for of the Brandywine. The second party was in charge of Jack nor wish for his love in return. They say, "I will Dr. Philips, Professor J. R. Flickinger and Miss Elvira not be a hypocrite. I will teach him well and discipline Speakman, and they went in carriages to the battle-field of him severely, and thus fulfil my duty. I hate maudlin Brandywine. sentimentality."

If you feel this way, if your heart does not go out to Jack in love and divine pity, become anything that is hon-est, but do not be a teacher.


In less than two weeks the Student's Hall of the University of Pennsylvania will be in course of construction. Workmen are at present engaged on the ground sounding carefully to find what depth of foundations is necessary, and when this important duty is completed the bids for

Provost Harrison will then award the contract with as

little delay as possible, and break ground immediately. He fully anticipates having the structure completely finished and ready for occupancy by the opening of the new year.

Your heart being right, study yourself for Jack's sake. You wish him to be strong in body. Look after your own health. Be strong and cheery, and full of human interest construction will be completed. to him, so that he will not be afraid to laugh, and cry, perhaps, before you. Do not talk at him, but to him. Go to his home, and invite him to yours. You wish him to be Dress as well as you can, and choose pretty colors, for children love them. Arrange your hair becomingly. See that your complexion is clear, by keeping your skin soft and healthy with plenty of bathing, just as you teach The salary of teachers in the suburbs of New York city Jack to become healthy and good-looking by the same is from $480 to $1,000 per year. Many districts keep their process. You want Jack to be wise. How about your- teachers indefinitely, and make a yearly increase in salary self? You will teach him by those grand methods you until a certain maximum is reached.

President Harper, of the University of Chicago, the

have learned. Do you take at least one good educational journal ? Are you reading the best books written in French on education, for the sake of keeping up your Independent writes, is very fond of music and is an accomFrench and benefiting your mind at the same time? And plished musician. It is said that he at one time thought for complete rest and relaxation of mind, are you taking of making it his life study; and, notwithstanding the great eight hours' sleep out of the twenty-four? And what are amount of work he performs, he finds time for his music. you thinking? At Chautauqua, recently, he surprised the audience by his skill on the cornet.

You want Jack to be good. Are you trying to be? You want Jack to be loving. How do you treat your parents and your brothers and sisters? Are you anxious to do them kindnesses, and do you speak tender words at home?

Jack is looking at you yourself, reading you, weighing you. He sees your deficiencies, but he sees also your virtues; for the sake of those he will make up his mind to be noble, and when he has once made up his mind to be so, you have accomplished as much as the noblest poet or artist or genius, for you have inspired a soul.-School Journal.

Educational Intelligence.

Minneapolis schools show an increased enrollment of 3,000 over last year. It is attributed to the adoption of free text-books.

Instruction in cookery has become a feature of most of the summer schools that have grown out of the Chautauqua movement. Mrs. Ewing gave lessons in the art at Chautauqua, N. Y.; Mrs. Lincoln, of Boston, at the Long Island Chautauqua; Miss Barrows, of Boston, at the Maine Chautauqua Union, at Fryeburg; Mrs. Rorer, at the Pennsylvania Assembly, at Mt. Gretna; and Miss Bedford, of New York city, at the Bay View, Michigan, summer school.

The S. W. State Normal School at California, Pa., has opened the Fall term with a good attendance; many improvements are going forward, including a $15,000 gym

Two excursions from the State Normal School, of West
Chester, Pa., left that institution at an early hour Sept. 22,
one in the department of botany, and the other in United
States history. The first party, in charge of Professor nasium.

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