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but one inside first, and let this be the only permanent bit problems given for the lesson. The teacher looked the of decoration. We made ours before the days when a astonishment she felt, for this child was noted for her want school-flag became fashionable, and found it not more dif- of perseverence. Mary arose, her face shining; "I was go ficult than the patchwork quilt of our infancy. ing to give up when I looked on the wall and it said: 'You Can if You Will,' and I said, 'I will, then!' and I did."

Autumn leaves and ferns should be used sparingly. Gather them, press them and forget them, until the day of the first snow-storm. Then tuck in a few around the edge of your pictures and watch the effect. You will find out pictures. She overheard this conversation between three who are the observing children.

Another teacher began decorating her room with a few

of her pupils. "What are you going to bring?" "Nothing, A large spray of autumn leaves (pressed under news- the teacher will do that." "Well, if teacher wants the papers) is effective on a white wall-for a time. The room to look pretty, I do, and I shall bring something." same is true of pussy willows, clematis, cat tails and bitter- "So shall I," said the third. Others absorbed the same spirit, and this room was made "pretty" without a word being said on the subject by the teacher.


We know a

A word now about maps and drawings. room where, with occasional restorations, the same draw- The personal appearance of the teacher has its influence ing has been on the board for ten years. The best work also; becoming dresses, outlined aprons, ribbons and dainty should never be allowed to remain longer than a week. handkerchiefs have their moral uses. When it is erased have that done thoroughly. A partially cleaned board will spoil the looks of an otherwise pretty


Cards and specimens of paper-work, have their place in boxes or scrap books. Do not litter the walls with them. A pasteboard palette covered with tin foil, or bright paper, with straight ferns arranged around it, with the ends. of the stems glued to the back makes a pretty change.

Would you make your room attractive-think on these things.-Popular Educator.


A few years ago Dr. Koch, a German physician and scientist, was heralded the world over, as the discoverer of a medicine that would cure tuberculosis. Dr. Koch had

A Japanese panel may be turned and something more artistic painted on the other side. Ours has an orange made a special study of that disease, and, although he did


Some fans are beautiful for decoration.

The boys will be glad to make corner brackets. Have the colors of your room harmonize. If you have not the artistic faculty there is always some one in every village who has, and who may be called upon to assist, Watch nature. Then you will put a few spears of grass

in your vase on the bracket, and the abomination known
as a grass bouquet will not be seen. It is also to be hoped

that you have never even heard of a wall paper fan.
See advertisements and pass by on the other side. How
can a teacher give a lesson on the evil effects of using to-
bacco, for fifteen minutes a week, leaving in sight all the
time a large panel of an old man, who with evident delight,
is discoursing on the merits of his favorite weed to an ad-
miring group of boys?

Our feeling against soap advertisements is less strong,

but no doubt personal talk would have a better effect.
Do not fall into the habit of supposing that any worn out,
broken article is good enough for school.

The appearance of a room has a direct moral force, and aids or hinders discipline.

For example: Only one of a class finished correctly the

not claim that tuberculin, the new medicine, would cure disease, he believed he had made a valuable discovery.

The medicine did not prove a cure for tuberculosis, but it has proven a help in detecting the presence of the disease in the system. The medicine has no effect on the case where the system that is from this disease, but in a disease could not otherwise be detected this medicine will

cause a high fever and rapidly develop the disease. The experiment was given up, as far as the human race is concerned, as no one wished to hasten the ravages of a dis

ease that human skill could not cure.

However, a field has been found for the medicine which

will doubtless prove of great benefit to humanity. Domestic animals, especially cattle, are subject to tuberculosis, and the disease is believed to be transferred to people

through the flesh and milk that is used for food.

The State Board of Health of New York is applying All animals this test to cattle everywhere in the state. found to be infected are killed. Many cattle supposed to be perfectly healthy are found, by administering tuberculin, to be diseased. The state proposes to pay for all animals thus killed.—Exchange.






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to each subscriber to the WEEKLY EDUCATIONAL NEWS who


Are we to have a new era? It looks like it. Judge A. S. Draper, late State Superintendent of Public Instruction in New York and at present City Superintendent of the schools of Cleveland, Ohio, has just been selected as President of the University of Illinois, at a salary of $7000 a year. Judge Draper is not a college graduate, we think, his alma mater being the Albany Academy. He later also took a course at the Albany Law School. The University of Illinois wisely has recognized the fact that what it needs at its head is a business man and a man of strong executive ability. Judge Draper possesses both these qualifications and with fair treatment and active support on the part of his trustees and faculty he will lift the University to a higher plane than it has ever before occupied. It is simply history repeating itself. It has been wholly the executive ability of its president

We give below the names of twenty-six extra good stand-in each case that has given such wonderful progress ard books, any one of which will be sent free as a premium and advancement to Johns Hopkins under President Gilman, the University of Pennsylvania under Provost Pepper, Harvard under Dr. Elliot, and Columbia College under President Low.

will send $1.50 in advance for the paper for one year and 10 cents to pay postage on the book.

1. Robinson Crusoe.

2. Arabian Nights Entertainments.

3. Swiss Family Robinson.


Don Quixote.

5. Vicar of Wakefield.

6. Dickens' Child's History of England.

7. Last Days of Pompeii.




Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby.

10. Grimm's Popular Tales.

11. Grimm's Household Stories.

12. Pickwick Papers.

13. Speeches of Webster.


Life of Daniel Webster


Lifeof Washington.

16. Life of Patrick Henry.

17. Jane Eyre.



[blocks in formation]

Other colleges may be slow to learn the lesson but they must come to it, that what every college needs at its head is not a worn-out, superannuated clergyman, or a dignified scholarly pedagogue who has lost his touch with youth, but a man with warm blood in his veins, a sympathetic heart for his students, power to manage with the least assumption of authority, and executive ability that will enable him to manage men as well as boys. The new era will bring in the college president who has both a tender heart and a business head, who will think less of his dignity and more of the manhood that he ought to instil into his students. When we get this president

the boys will forget to nickname him Prex and play all sorts of college pranks to add to his discomfort; rowdyish conduct will be forgotten, and the students in their efforts to show their appreciation of the professor and the president who has a heart for the boys will

For $4.00, we will send the Forum and the weekly become gentlemen in the highest sense of the term. EDUCATIONAL NEws one year, the cash must accom-May the day come rapidly when we shall recognize pany the order. the important truth that the work of the college is not For three dollars, we win send the EDUCATIONAL NEWS weekly for one year, and Macaulay's History of England so much to make scholars as it is to make thinkers 5 vols., cloth, worth alone $3.75,

and to make men.

students from Delaware.

As is known to most of our readers, the editor of friends, the readers of this journal and others, should this journal has for the past six years been acting as know the truth. President of Delaware College. He took charge of the College when the number of students was sixteen. New York, it is reported, has adopted a compulThe attendance has since risen to nearly one hundred, sory education law. Will her experience be that of which ought to be considered creditable when the the majority of states that have passed such a law? sparseness of population of the State is taken into con- Probably. sideration, as also the additional fact that Johns HopAn exchange in speaking on this question says, kins is within easy reach on one side and the Univer- "Out of sixteen states that have adopted such a law sity of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Lafayette, Swarthmore fourteen find it a dead letter on their statute books. and Haverford on the other, all of which attract What is the trouble with compulsory education? There are several obstacles in the way of the enforceThe progress the College has made in this direction ment of compulsory laws, but the most serious one is as well as in the enlarged courses of study from two that the average American citizen looks upon this as to seven, and the increased number of buildings from a free country and objects to being compelled to do one to six, seems to have awakened jealously in cer- anything he doesn't want to do. He may be indiffertain directions. Various charges were trumped up ent about the education of his children; he may find against the President, among others that the disci- himself too poor to clothe them in the style prevailpline was not good, that the standard was lowered, ing among the mass of children attending school; he that the President gave too much attention to his may need their services at home to help care for the private business. The Board of Trustees ordered an younger children or to perform other light labor, and investigation, to satisfy themselves and to satisfy the whatever his reason he thinks it a good one with critics. Five of the most prominent and reliable gen- which the iaw should not interfere. He won't obey tlemen of the State, members of the Board, were ap- the law if he is not compelled to, and in fourteen of pointed as that committee, with Hon. L. C. Vande-sixteen states with compulsory laws he hasn't been grift, U. S. District Attorney, as chairman.

The committee spent three days on the investigation, examining 34 witnesses, including the Faculty, present students, alumni, and the critics who preferred the charges.

compelled to."

Personal Items.

J. F. Knight has been re-elected superintendent of the schools of LaPorte, Ind., with a substantial in: crease in salary for a term of two years.

After a most thorough investigation and and crossquestioning the committee made a unanimous report, Prof. George F. Wells, for eighteen years one of showing that no that no reliable evidence whatever was presented to establish the truth of any one of the the instructors in the Reading High School, died charges. This report was presented at a meeting of Saturday, May 12, aged about 55 years. He was a the Board of Trustees, on Wednesday, May 9th, native of Bath, Me., and had also been engaged in twenty-two members being present, and after a full teaching in New York, Brooklyn and in the West. discussion it was unanimously adopted and ordered to be printed in the newspapers of the State as the best advertisement the College and its President could have. Of course the vindicated President and his friends rejoice.

Our readers will pardon us for referring to this matter; but the charges of those who have made the attacks have been such malicious and bare-faced falsehoods, that we have felt it necessary that our

Supt. L. H. Jones was recently re-elected superintendent of the Indianapolis schools, at an increased salary.

Superintendent Davidson of Topeka, Superintendent Klock of Leavenworth, and Superintendent Benton of Ft. Scott have been re-elected.

J. H. Garber has been re-elected superintendent of the Pella schools, Ia., at an increase of $100 in his yearly salary.

Supt. L. B. Carlisle, of Chariton, becomes the new ces of the latter, the autocrat of the breskfast table superintendent of Decorah, Ia. was as witty then as now. One day the two were

Leland O. Howard has been appointed entomologist talking of metaphysics, when the bright-tongued little of the Department of Agriculture, to succeed Professor man exclaimed, "I'll tell you, James, what I think C. V. Riley, who recently voluntarily tendered his metaphysics is like. It is like a man splitting a log. resignation. Mr. Howard had been Prof. Riley's first When it is done, he has two more to split."

assistant for fourteen years and has achieved an excellent reputation in his scientific specialty. He is a Cornell graduate and president of the International Association of Economic Entomologists.

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Mr. Robinson, the head master of the Vancouver High School, has received a communication from McGill University, Montreal, offering to affiliate with the Vancouver school, but allowing art students to complete two of their four years' art course in Vancouver.

Major Powell, whose resignation as Director of the Geological Survey was made public recently, will retain the office of Chief of the Bureau of Eth- Prof. H. G. Hunter, principal of the Birdsboro, Pa., nology, a branch of the Smithsonian Institution. Prof. schools, a position which he has so ably filled for 20 Walcott, who succeeds Major Powell, is a young years, has resigned. man, but he has achieved a good reputation as the Chief Geologist of the Survey. He was born near Utica, N. Y., forty-four years ago, and is one of the few scientists of this day who did not have the benefit of a college education. He went through the public schools, was connected with the New York State

G. A. Garrard, recently appointed superintendent of the State Industrial School at Golden, Colo., was at one time principal of the schools of Eldora, Hardin county, Iowa.

Prof. J. C. Hockenberry, of the South Chester, Pa., Geological Survey for three years and then entered public schools, is preparing to spend a year in Euthe bureau of which he now becomes the head. He rope, during which he will take special studies in the is a personal friend of the President, and had the recommendation of Director Powell for his new office, which pays $6,000 a year.

Prof. Henry Morley, LL. D., died May 14, at Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight.

German schools and travel on the continent.

Prof. S. J. Griffin has closed his school at Bremen, Ala., and assumes charge of the West Cullman School, Cullman, Ala.

K. C. Davis, principal of the schools at Austin,

Prof. Morley was born in London on September Minn., has been re-elected.

15, 1822. In 1851 he was associated with Household

Prof. Paul H. Hanus, formerly of Colorado, is said

Words and with the Examiner, of which paper he to be the leading spirit in the Harvard University afterwards became editor. From 1857 to 1865 Prof. Teachers' Club.

Dr. George T. Ettinger, of Muhlenberg College, will have charge of the classics at the Pennsylvania Chautauqua this summer.

Morley was English lecturer at King's College; from Mr. F. R. Strayer, a Senior of Bucknell, has been 1865 to 1889 he was professor of the English lang-elected Professor of Mathematics in the John B. Stetuage and literature at the University College, London, son University, DeLand, Fla. and upon his retirement to Carisbrooke in 1889 he was made emeritus professor. From 1878 to 1889 Professor Morley was also professor of the English language and literature at Queen's College, London; in 1879 the honorary degree of LL. D. was conferred upon him by the University of Edinburgh, and from 1882 to 1889 he was principal of University Hall, London.


Think Questions.

Children should be led to observe every-day phenomena

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes was a classmate of Dr. and to look for their underlying principles. Let a few Clarke at Harvard, and, according to the reminiscen-questions about an ordinary lamp, for instance, serve as a

starter. Why those little round holes in the burner?
What happens when a piece of light paper is held
the lamp? What makes the air rise? Give the
some days to find out the why.


Manual training as a factor in school education dates above back for its origin to our Centennial Exposition, when for pupils the first time a systematic course of instruction in this line of work was shown by the Technical School of Moscow, Follow these with other questions allied to them. When Russia. It was a marked feature throughout the educathe door of a warm room is opened on a cold day, where tional exhibits at the Chicago Exposition. The opening of does the cold air come in and the warm air go out? When the Louisville and Denver Manual Training High Schools a fire burns briskly, what causes the draft? Why does the recently on a magnificent scale would indicate that this is wheel-wright heat the tire before placing it on the wheel? to be a permanent factor in the school curriculum of the Let the children test by experiment. Make haste slowly. future.-Ex.

At last the principle, that heat is usually an expansive force, is discovered. Mr. Pattengill, state superintendent of Michigan, has the Did you ever think how many doors of understanding professional sympathy of the fraternity. His salary has are unlocked by this little key? The child who has mas- been absurdly low-$1,000-and the last legislature contered the principle and who has a goodly number of illus-sidered the advisibility of raising it to $1,500, and the imtrations at hand, does not have serious difficulty when he pression was that the bill passed and he proceeded to draw comes to study ventilation, winds, ocean currents, the his salary on the advance basis, but after nine months it steam-engine, the thermometer, and a hundred other sim- was discovered that the bill failed to pass and he must reple things. turn the money.

We append a few questions that may be used as similar starters.

A Newnam professor, writing to one of the faculty of the Where does the snow melt first-on the upper surface or Taylor College for Women at Bryn Mawr concerning one of next to the earth? Why does the snow disappear from the European fellows at that institution, says: "There are around the base of trees? Place three pieces of cloth on no Greek scholars among our college women such as you the snow some cold, bright morning. Have one black, Americans send over."

one white, and one light brown. What happens during the day? What shapes have snow flakes. Why do some winter days seem so much colder than they really are? How do a cat's teeth differ from those of a cow? Why? How do a cat's eyes differ from your own. Do the stars move in the heavens? In what direction? Do they all move?

Some of these may be systematically followed by others while a few of them are best used to arouse an investigating spirit. If a question cannot be answered by the children, let it remain with them. Years may elapse before the answer is found; but the solution will bring a greater sense of achievement, when it does come. We wrong the when we rob him of the joy of discovery and the achievement.

Educational Intelligence.

The first-rate teacher, with or without pedagogics, must be a first rate man or woman when you begin.-Edward Everett Hale.

AN ANCIENT PROVERB.-He who knows and knows that he knows, is master.

He who knows and does not know that he knows, needs a teacher.

He who does not know and knows that he does not know, needs love.

child He who does not know and does not know that he does sense of not know, is lost.

The Toronto School of Pedagogy, of which Dr. McLellan is the principal, is to be affiliated with the University of Toronto. Degrees in pedagogy will be conferred. On

When school savings banks were started in France, tario is bound to keep at the head of the column as far as most people considered them childishness, and thought the professionalizing of teaching is concerned. that the fashion would soon pass away. The fact is that

The high school and the eighth grade of the burned out

in 1878 there were 10440 banks, 224580 accounts, and $720,000 saved against 19631 banks, 438967 accounts and Ypsilanti school occupy temporary quarters in Cleary Col$2,650,000 saved in 1891.


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