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"My friends," said the scholar, "to seem to know a thing, contents you more than to know it really. I resign my charge, and henceforth the parrot shall be your teacher."

And, strange to say, when the scholar left them with the parrot the students were well pleased.-H. Helmick, in May St. Nicholas.

There was never a time in the history of our country when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and sciences generally was so great as now. The con- "MARK TWAINISMS."-Bits of Philosophy from the veniences of mankind in the factory and work-shop, the Calendar of Pudd'nhead Wilson.-Gratitude and treachery household, on the farm, and in official life, require contin- are merely the two extremities of the same procession. ual accessions to the appurtenances and implements of You have seen all of it that is worth staying for when the each in order to save labor, time and expense. The polit-band and the gaudy official have gone by. ical change in the administration of government does not Thanksgiving Day.-Let all give humble, hearty, and affect the progress of the American inventor, who being sincere thanks, now, but the turkeys. In the island of on the alert, and ready to perceive the existing deficiencies, Fiji they do not use turkeys; they use plumbers. It does not permit the affairs of government to deter him does not become you and me to sneer at Fiji. from quickly conceiving the remedy to overcome discrep- Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyancies. Too great care not be exercised in choosing a ance of a good example. competent and skillful attorney to prepare and prosecute It were not best that we should all think alike, it is an application for patent. Valuable interests have been difference of opinion that makes horse-races.-The Cenlost and destroyed in innumerable instances by the employ-tury for May.

ment of incompetent counsel, and especially is this advice

applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" GERMAN BAPTIST ANNUAL MEETING.-The Annual system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class Meeting of the German Baptist Brethren will be held at of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and Meyersdale, Pa., on the Pittsburg Division of the Baltistrength of the patent is never considered in view of a quick more & Ohio Railroad, commencing May 24th, 1894. endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee then due. For this occasion the B. & O. R. R. Co. will sell excurTHE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, sion tickets to Meyersdale and return from all stations on General Manager, 618 F street, N. W., Washington, D. C., its system of lines at a rate of one first class fare for the representing a large number of important daily and weekly round trip. From points east of and including Pittsburg papers, as well as general periodicals of the country, was and Wheeling the tickets will be sold from May 22d to instituted to protect its patrons from the unsafe methods 26th inclusive, and will be valid for return passage within heretofore employed in this line of business. The said thirty days from date of sale. Company is prepared to take charge of all patent business From points west of Pittsburg and Wheeling the tickets entrusted to it for reasonable fees, and prepares and prose- will be sold from May 21st to 26th inclusive, and will be cutes applications generally, including mechanical inven- valid for return passage within thirty days from date of tions, design patents, trademarks, labels, copyrights, inter-sale.

ferences, infringements, validity reports, and gives espec- For time of trains, etc., address nearest Agent of the B. ial attention to rejected cases. It is also prepared to enter into competition with any firm in securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice.

P. O. Box 385.

& O. R. R. Co. or O. P. McCarty, General Pass. Agent, B. & O. S. W. R'y, St. Louis, Mo.; L. S. Allen, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent, B. & O. R. R., Chicago, Ills.; E. D. Smith, Div. Pass. Agent, B. & O. R. R., Pittsburg, Pa.; or 618 F Street, B. F. Bond, Div. Pass. Agent, B. & O. R. R., Baltimore, Washington, D. C. Md.; Chas. O. Scull, Gen'l Pass. Agent, B. & O. R. R., Baltimore, Md.


Literary Notes.

THE SCHOLAR AND THE PARROT.-A learned scholar possessed a parrot which was always in his study. It sat upon the back of his chair and picked up some phrases in Greek and Latin as well as some of the wise comments the scholar muttered as he pored over his books. Every day students came to the scholar in pursuit of knowledge.

It happened that the scholar fell sick, and for many days was unable to attend his class. On recovering, he returned to his study and found the parrot from its perch on the back of his chair holding forth to a much augmented class, which stood lost in admiration.

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The standard price of Victor Bicycles is $125. No deviation, and Victor riders are guaranteed against cut rates during the current year.



G. W. Simmons & Co.,


Have You
Gray Hair?

Agents make from $5 to $50 per day. UNITED STATES SCHOOL FURNITURE Co. One in a residence means a sale to all the neighbors. Fine instruments, no toys, works 74 FIFTH AVE. 307-309 WABASH AVE. anywhere, any distance. Complete, ready for NEW YORK CHICAGO use when shipped. Can be put up by any one, never out of order, no repairing, lasts a life time. Warranted. A money maker. Write W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10, Columbus, O


STUDY. LATIN and GREEK at sight use Our "INTERLINEAR CLASSICS.' Sample pages and Catalogue of Schoo Books, free. C. DESILVER & SONS, Pubs., Phila J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO., 715 Market St., Phila., Pa

Van's Mexican Hair Restorative Pa. Address all orders, wholesale or retail, to

Will restore it to its Perfect Natural Color. This we Positively Guar-
antee. It will remove all Dandruff, Heal all Sores, Stop all Hair from
Falling Out. Cures Baldness, where it is possible to be done, and Cools
Head and Brain. It is no Dye, and is warranted absolutely free from
SUGAR OF LEAD or anything injurious whatever. Money refunded
if it does not do everything that is claimed for it. Sent to any address
on receipt of price, $1.00 per Bottle. Full information free. Agents





Best Grade Copper and Tin

School, College & Academy BELLS

Price and Terms Free. Name this paper

Salary for Spare Time

Paid Teachers: No books or novelties.

Address "R," Lock Box 66, Cleveland, O

TEACHERS WANTED For every department of instruction by the Southern Educational Bureau, Memphis, Tenn. Large number of vacancies eported from the best schools of the South and Southwest.

Room 312, Inter-Ocean Building, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.

CHROMO REWARD CARDS. Thousands of New Pretty Designs Flowers, Fruits, Scenes, Views, Crescents, Shields, Easels, Juveniles, Vases, Ships, Birds, Animals, Balloons, Anchors, &c. Prices for 12 cards; size 3x4 inches 8c;-3x5 120;3415% embossed 15c;-4x6% 200;-5x7% 350;-7xe 50c. All beautiful Reward and Gift Cards no two alike.

Samples sent free to teachers. New Price List of School Supplies, Chromos, Plain, Embossed Frosted, Silk-Fringed Chromo Reward and Gift Cards, Reward, Gift, and Teachers' Books, Speakers, Dialogues, Reports, Aids, and few samples Chromo Reward Cards free. All post paid. Address J. FOUCH, WARREN, PA

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Will those patriotic citizens who wish to show their patriotism by owning a flag bear in mind when they buy one that owing to the change in the Tariff Laws, large quantities of Bunting and Flags are being manufactured in Europe for import into the United States, and will soon be offered in competition with American-made goods, and those who believe American Flags should be made in America, of American Bunting, kindly remember that in the making of our Flags. nothing but the best American Bunting is used. This fact coupled with our guarantee of return at our expense if not thoroughly satisfactory' should, we believe, receive some consideration when contemplating the purchase of a Flag. Send for Catalogue AMERICAN FLAG MFG. CO., Easton, Pá.


A first-class Teachers Bureau. We place more teachers in Minnesota than all other agencies combined. Large business throughout the northwest. Send for our new catalogue. R. B. HAZARD, Manager, 457 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn.

WANTED AGENTS.-The leading School

Supply House, of New York, wants one reliable agent in every county in Pennsylvania. Applications should be made immediately. Splendid opportunity for teachers.


J. M. OLCOTT, 9 W. 14th St.,




1. We will send the weekly Educational News, a trial subscription, one year for one dollar; six months for 50 cents.

2. For $1.30 and 8 cents for postage, we will send the weekly Edu. cational News for one year and any one of the premium books in the following list, all well bound in cloth:

1. Dickens' Child's History of England. 6. Life of Daniel Webster.

2. Last Days of Pompeii.

3. Ivanhoe.

7. Lucille.

8. Tom Brown at Oxford.

10. Æsop's Fables.

4. Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby. 9. Tennyson's Poems.

5. Speeches of Webster.

II. Swineford's Literature for Begin


12. Hints and Helps on English Gram


Please note that the EDUCATIONAL NEWS is a weekly journal during 10 months of the year, and a semi-monthly during July and August. Forty-eight issues, 768 pages, of the paper, constitute a year.

We pay postage on premiums and deliver free to any post office in the United States.

HINTS AND HELPS ON ENGLISH GRAMMAR, a book of 302 pages, bound in cloth, is practically a key to the difficult sentences for parsing and analysis in the grammars of Harvey, Reed & Kellogg, Swinton, and Raub. It is designed for teachers and private students, and will prove of great benefit on all doubtful points.

Subscribers to the EDUCATIONAL NEWS are entitled to single copies of any of the following, Raub & Co.'s publications three-fifths retail price; other teachers, at 23 retail. The NEWS and any of these books at three-fifths retail price 6. Grammatical Analysis by Diagrams, Paper, Cloth,

1. Studies in English and American Literature, Raub, $1.50
2. Literature for Beginners, Swineford,
3. Methods of Teaching, Raub,

4. School Management, Raub,

(287 pp.). .75

(415 PP.) 1.50

(285 pp.) 1.25

7. Practical Rhetoric, Raub,
8. Punctuation and Letter Writing, Raub,
9. Hints and Helps on English Grammar,

5. Tests in Spelling and Pronunciation, Raub, (116рp.) .40
Write to RAUB & CO., Philadelphia, for special introduction rates on these books.

[blocks in formation]

Educational News Co., Box 1258. Philadelphia


Every Teacher, Pupil and Supervisor should have a copy of the

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For use in Common Schools, High Schools, Business Colleges, Academies and Self Instruction. It is a Progressive, Educational, Scientific work based upon Scientific Principles, which are actually applied to the Science and Art of Studying and Teaching Penmanship. It is decidedly a new and complete course in the science and study of the art of arts, nothing heretofore having appeared on this plan of teaching writing. Only Three Principles. Simple and easily understood-yet full and comprehensive. It contains 200 elegant illustrative penmanship plates, 140 pp. in Penmanship and Writing, including lessons on the "Science and Art," "Material," "Positions," "Form," "Movement," "Speed," "Muscle," "Measurement," "Angle," Slant," Directions to Teachers, Description, Analysis, and Copies for Practice, Outline of Courses of Study for all grades of schools. explanation of all the Figures, Small Letters and Capitals with "Rules" for same. 24 pp. in Correspondence; 57 pp. in Business Forms and 100 Models, and a complete course in the Elements of Book-keeping, making a total of 300 pp. It has 100 questions and answers and other questions for review, class use, and study preparatory for examination in Penmanship. Any system of writing can be analyzed by these "Principles and Rules." It is a business course within itself, which no student, teacher or business man can well afford to be without. Size: 5 inches by 9 inches, substantially bound, large plain print, heavy paper and beautiful throughout every page. Owing to a large "outlay" for the plates, manuscripts, etc., we cannot send out Free Copies; but in order to introduce this work into the schools and colleges of the United States, at once, we will send it post-paid, to any address at the above Special Price.

Send draft, money order or postal note. Stamps taken for fraction of a dollar. The work is now ready and all orders will First come, first served. Money will be refunded if the book is not satisfactory. Corresbe filled the same day received. pondence solicited. Special terms to schools for class use. Agents wanted everywhere.

KANSAS BOOK CO., Publishers, Downs, Kansas



VOL. X., No. 20.


Vacancies for September.

Every day we are requested by authorities to recommend teachers for both present and future openings. During the spring and summer months we are asked by School Boards, Superintendents, College Presidents and Principals to recommend-often having as high as 25 or 30 in a single day. We have already a large number of excellent openings for the school year beginning in September. Superintendencies, High School and Town Principalships, Grammar, Intermediate, Primary and Kindergarten positions, College Professorships, Academy Principals and Instructors. Specialists in Art, Music, Drawing, Book-keeping, Penmanship, French, German, Elocution, Manual Training, etc. Also several most excellent schools for sale. Now is the time to register if you wish to be in line of promotion and desire a better salary for the coming school year. Send for circulars to

THE TEACHERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, 6034 Woodlawn Ave., (Just South of Chicago University).


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at Once.

$1.50 A YEAR

$75.00 to $250.00 PER MONTH

can be made working for us. Spare hours turned to go od account. This is of especial interest and value to teachers Never mind about sending stamp. Address B. F. JOHNSON & CO., Richmond, Va.

[blocks in formation]



A number of vacancies awaiting competent teachers. We aim to supply every member with a position.


3486 Positions Filled. First Year Salaries amount to $2,264,850.


Registers the Best Teachers.
postage only; but depends on actual results.
Does not our plan commend itself to you?

Constant vacancies. Send stamp for blanks.

Still under the


Graduating Exercises
1882 to 1892, inclusive.
"The utterances of such men
as Talmage, Gough, Depew-
noble ideas conveyed in charm-
ing expressions.'

Cloth binding, 8vo., 524 pp., price, $1.75, postage prepaid.


Wanamaker's, Leary's, and Office of the School.

To the Reader:

Please read our special offers on last page

of this paper.

If you will accept any of these offers and subscribe for the weekly EDUCATIONAL NEWS within sixty days, we will allow you four months' time to make payment of subscription.

If you desire we will send you the paper four weeks free on trial.

We will also send you by mail single copies of any of Raub & Co.'s books that you may wish, at half retail price if ordered within three months. This offer is good only to our subscribers. See list of books on of last page of this paper.

The EDUCATIONAL NEWS will be sent as soon as subscription is received, but at these low rates books and premiums will be sent at the time payment is made.

Box 1258.


Educational News Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.



Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.

With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have retained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct Interferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.

If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, together with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter.


618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, P. O. Box 385.


This Company is managed by a combination of the largest and most influential newspapers in the United States, for the express purpose of protecting their subscribers against unscrupulous and incompetent Patent Agents, and each paper printing this advertisement vouches for the responsibility and high standing of the Press Claims Company Cut this out and send it with your inquiry,

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. The Summer Session,

Of the National School of Elocution and Oratory, will be held at Grimsby Park, on Lake Ontario, Canada,

July 5-August 15.

Courses in Elocution and Public speech. All departments represented. Send for circular. Geo. B. Hynson, Principal, 1110 Walnut Street, Phila., Pa.


For only 10 cents to pay for a subscription to our 32-page family journal, we will send you, absolutely free

Fine 18k Rolled Gold Ring, Beautiful, Breast Piv, Collar Button, Pen and Pencil, Handkerchief, Key Ring, and Tablet, and 100 Pictures, This great package of goods sent free, as above, Address or we forfeit $100.00.

C. R. VICTOR & CO., 61 Park Place, P. O. Box 1356, New York,


you conducting drills? If so, you need Are you preparing for examination, or

Meese's Facts in Literature.


It is very practical, very convenient, and very low in price. Sent postpaid for ten cents. Address,

Optimist Publishing Co.,
Meyersdale, Pa.



[blocks in formation]


This book is a very important work the planning of Mod el School House Buildings and their practical and economical warming, ventilating and safe, sound and sanitary construction, for Cities, Towns and Villages, contains about 100 plates of illustrations, 11x14 inches in size, giving plans, elevations, perspective views, inciudng 19 plates of detail drawings of Model Public School Houses of every description, also an Indian School, Colleges, Parochial Schools, Convents Canadian and Brazilian Schools, with that should be in the hands of every parent, ofspecifications, etc., etc., 140 pages. A book ficial and professional man. Price only $1.00 in heavy paper binding. Address orders to

Lock Box 1258, PHILADELPHIA, PA.

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