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if he attempts to find the answer (if it has ever been answered), or, better, directs the interrogator to a way that enables him to find the answer himself..

Bring unfamiliar objects, as the cocoa nut, cotton ball, etc., into the class room for study, and explain their construction and uses made of them. If the teacher has no friends in the South, he can procure some of these small curiosities with very little expense by consulting the "exchange column" of some paper and writing to a southern


The newspaper gives many sketches and notes of great value on this subject and a scrap book for the preservation of such articles may be made of much interest as well as profit. Goldthwaite's Geographical Magazine occupies a unique position in educational literature in this line, inciting enthusiasm in the kindred science, geology, as well as in

The ability to bound every state and country in the known world, locate and give the population of its capital and a dozen other towns and cities, some of which seldom hears of in after life, is no longer considered a sure test that one is well versed in geography. Statistics very important in their place but to the average pupil it is of far greater importance to know why the New England towns abound in mills and factories, why so many towns have sprung up in Southern California within the last decade, than to be able to give the exact population of geography. each of these according to the last census. The skeleton It should enter largely into our perusal of topics of the of the subject is now made subordinate in importance to the exact population of each of these according to the last census. The skeleton of the subject is now made subordinate in importance to the living tissue.


Children will more readily learn the definitions of the natural divisions of land and water from nature than from

day; any one who has closely watched the Hawaiian situation, the Matabele trouble, or even the progress of Coxey's army has learned geographical facts that, by association with events, will remain permanently in his store of knowledge.

Geography cannot be mastered in the common school, the text book; if there is a creek or pond in the vicinity of the high school, the college, or the university; life is too the school house, a skilful teacher can familiarize them short to complete the study. And only the teacher who with the term "island," "cape," "bay," etc., at noon adds to instruction in the foundation an interest in general while they think they are only playing. From the erosion reading and a zeal to add to knowledge of the science in of a small stream at the time of a freshet they may learn this reading, who inspires to independent thought and inhow canyons are formed. vestigation, can expect to furnish to the world scholars in BESSIE L. PUTNAM.

The teacher should see that no term used in the lesson geography.


is passed without its meaning being understood by each pupil. If such terms as "caravansary," "vermicelli," "jerked beef," etc., occur, the lesson is not learned until their signification is known; when pupils are once impressed An English workman and a college professor were with the fact that this is expected as part of the lesson, they walking together through the streets of a town where one will consult the cyclopaedia or dictionary, if accessible; if of the great universities of Great Britian is situated. They not, the teacher must supply the information. And here passed one of the buildings of a college. "What is that let me urge the importance of encouraging pupils to ask manufactory?" said the workman, pointing to it under a questions; where this habit is not permitted they fall into a mistaken impression as to its character and purposes. listless manner of studying and reciting every time, soon "That," the professor replied, "is a manufactory of power." taking "what is in the book" for granted, with the conclu- Power! Is not that what all of us are trying to gain and sion that when that is learned their responsibility ends;-use? Does not the merchant want the faculty of perceiving this habit is fatal to progressiveness or original thought. possible markets and the power to make them actual marWhat if they do occasionally ask something that the kets? Would he not think it a labor saving, money-makteacher cannot answer immediately? The greatest scien- ing investment that doubles his capacity? True education tists this world has ever produced have said "I don't is the drawing-out and training and strengthening of the know" on more than one occasion. Is the teacher hum- capacities and faculties with which we are packed full. bling himself in making such a confession? No; that is not The youth with a real education, i. e., with his capacities

so disciplined that he can make the best use of his facul- horizon is broadening. Her interests have been deepened She is a more useful member of society. ties, starts out in life with a greater capital than the chil- and freshened. dren of Jay Gould. He owns it. He owns himself. He She is an indispensable factor, the largest factor in the is his own capital, and need incur no liabilities. intellectual life of the United States, in our literature, in

The most

Another secret of success lies in the application of power. reform and in all religious activities. Without her the "Providence," Bonaparte confessed frankly with his Na-Columbian Exposition and its congresses could not have poleonic cynicism, "is on the side of the heaviest battal- been. She is already the virtual mistress of this country. ions." He lied; but in his falsehood lay a half-truth. The In the next century she will be actual master. other side of his epigram is the full truth that it is best for lucrative investment our millionaire philanthropists and the heavy battalions to be on the side of Providence. So intelligent parents can make is in providing the most libin education. There are signs that seem as if the center of eral patronage and support to every good school for girls gravity were providentially shifting from the boys to the and university for women. Next to religion, education is girls. If the frame of the mother be strong, runs the the best-paying thing in the world.- The Interior. Hawaiian proverb, her sons will make laws for the people.

In all countries civilization and society have advanced in proportion to the progress of woman. In America the


BY HENRY A. FORD, A. M., Detroit, Mich.

cause of man has been the cause of woman, and the more man has done for woman the more he has been enabled to In recent years we have heard a great deal of Appercepdo for himself. The better we educate our girls, the more tion. The term itself is an old one, though new in promwe shall reinforce the intellectual and moral forces of so-inent use in education, and certainly new compared with ciety, and strengthen and broaden the bases of the state. what it describes. It goes back at least to Leibnitz, who Eighty years ago, possibly even as late as forty years used it for "that act of the mind by which it becomes conago, the average education bestowed upon women by most scious of its ideas as its own, perception with the added of the "young ladies' seminaries" was an education of consciousness that it is 'I' who perceive." In this sense it varnish and unreality. The girl came out of school with a appears also in the works of Sir William Hamilton. Later few "accomplishments" and a smattering of shallow knowl- than Leibnitz, by Kant and most of the English philosoedge. She could dance. She could sing. She could phers, apperception is appropriated for acts of voluntary maltreat the piano. She dabbled in painting. She could consciousness accompanied with self-consciousness, and so mispronounce French, and stumble through several short placed at the very base of psychology. Even in the usage sentences of the tongue of polished Paris. If she were ex- of Herbart the term is more than a half-century old. ceptionally fortunate, she picked up some knowledge of considers it "the coalescence of the remainder of a the noble literatures of Greece and Rome. But her edu-isolated idea with an older one, by a modification of one cation was not useful in the sense of being in touch with or the other," and in a related sense as apprehension or and of service to the needs of practical life. It was her recognition. It is in these significations of Herbart that mother that gave her instruction in the things of practical the term is to be understood generally in pedagogic disusefulness in her sphere of life. cussions.



To-day what a change! The sister is barred out from The Herbartian psychology has been much discredited nothing that the brother may know. She has shown her- by writers of our day. It has been called, often unjustly self worthy of a fair chance, and able to make her brother it must be said, "exploded psychology," its presentations hustle. Her education is not merely elegant and orna- "glib Herbartian jargon," and its methods "hideously fab. mented with accomplishments. It includes them still, but ulous performances." It is not a little singular that while it adds more. It comprises more or less thorough acquaint- his general system has thus been falling into disrepute, ance with art and music, and history, and literature, and there should be a revival or survival of his tenet of apperscience. But feminine education adds more practical ception. I suspect, however, that this is true rather among studies, such as sociology, and politics and philanthropy educators than among specialists in psychology. The and hints as to housekeeping. The results are that woman's great work of Professor Ladd, of Yale University, "Psyeducation is to-day as never before practical in its aim, chology, Descriptive and Explanatory," a book of the last practical in its character and practical in its outcome. It month, barely mentions apperception, and honors it with has helped to make woman a force in American life. Her no discussion.

The fact is, as a little inspection and reflection shows, right beginning, but we do say that bright, interesting and this is a new term-rather an old term in new uses-for a inspiring opening exercises are a very great help. We venerable and well-known thing. Very early in the dis- should try to have a certain freshness and novelty about cernment of principles of pedagogy it must have been ob- these exercises; not "the same old soup," and the verses served that anything well learned must be learned in its that, repeated day after day, have lost all their beauty and relations. I was giving this as a rule of prime importance attractiveness and are now but a meaningless jargon. It in the teachers' institutes long before I heard of Herbar't is very easy to slip into a certain order of opening exerterm for a treatment of the principle. And by whatever cises and hold to it, but it is a great mistake. We can name it goes, the fact or principle must be deemed of prime easily teach a sufficient number of hymns and songs to adimportance in school and private practice. We know a mit of considerable variety, while in the matter of Bible thing only as we place it in relations; we enlarge and en- verses, maxims, "memory gems," etc., we can be adding rich our culture as we multiply relations, and establish new constantly to our stock, and thus preserve the interest. ones for facts perhaps long held in memory. The child But in the time allotted to opening exercises the mornlearning a word associates it with a sound or synthesis of ing talk should always have a place. This admits of endsounds, then with written or printed characters, then or less variety but requires considerable thought and preparaearlier with the thing signified, may be through other tion. A story generally paves the way to the talk. Somewords addressed to ear or eye, but better if possible by times it is a Bible sketch, a bit of history, a little poem, presentation of the thing itself or its visible representation, something from the field of science, or simply a story from and so on. some child's magazine. It is a good plan to make a collection of topics and materials for morning talks. A large envelope in the cover of my school Bible contains my collection of last year. This, of course, I am useing this term, adding occasionally to the supply. Every story has a definite object or teaching. They deal with such objects as honesty, courage, gratitude, unselfishness, thoughtfulness, truthfulness, politeness, etc. In selecting topics we must consider the special needs of the class of children we have.

Human beings, as creatures of education, are differenced largely by their limitations in this respect. Wordsworth, the laureate, scholar and genius, unconsciously points a contrast with the ignorant peasant in the lines:

"A cowslip by the river's brim,

A yellow cowslip was to him;
And it was nothing more."

The rude observer associates the familiar object with form, color, etc., perchance some simple uses in domestic economy; but the poet-how his thoughts and knowledge may range away from it! He says elsewhere:

"Kindergarten stories and Morning Talks," by Sara E. Wiltse, published by Ginn & Co., Boston, is a book containing a number of excellent stories and a great many very good suggestions along this line.

"The humblest flower that grows to me can give Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears." Cowper was given for a poem so unpromising a thing as In the higher classes ask the children to suggest the a sofa; but by his wonderful power of multiplying relations topics, allow a day or two for thought and investigation. he attached one idea or fact after another to this common- and then discuss the subject. Make the morning talk one place article until he developed one of the finest pastoral poems in the language, that known from its origin as "The Task."

Apperception, indeed, simply put, is but perception plus understanding. The teacher need not adopt the name, but the methods of instruction it implies must not be neglected. Well worked, they must issue in a body of education for each pupil which, whether small or large, is thoroughly connected, consistent, intelligible, and usable.



in which the children will express themselves readily and without restraint. It is possible for teachers and scholars to get very near to each other at this hour. Increased sympathy and co-operation are certain to be the outcome. -Educational Journal.


Not long since, I heard an interesting lecture by the eminent professor of agriculture of the University of Illinois, in which the speaker gave numerous instances of the surprising ignorance of pupils and teachers in the country schools, concerning the most common things always at hand to those whose home is in the country. He exhorted

We do not say that the success of the day depends on a the teachers who heard him, to do more to make them

selves familiar with such facts, and to lead their pupils to they not be interested in learning how to set out a tree, know more of the objects right about them.

how to graft one, how to trim one, how to plant flowers, and how to care for them, how to raise vegetables, and what use to make of them?

My own experience has many a time led my thoughts in the same direction. I have, more than once or twice, Then, in another field, how much needs to be done, and tested the teachers at an institute, teachers who were ought to be done, especially for boys and girls in the country! Highly valuable lessons can be given on the various brought up in the country and who taught in the country, occupations of man and the relation of these occupations and I have found that not more than one-fourth of them to each other; pupils can be taught the fundamental and knew the note of the bluebird or of the meadow-lark. They grand lessons that all are inter-dependent; that all useful were equally ignorant concerning many other things quite one is mean and dishonest if he is not willing to give an occupations contribute to our own personal good, and that as familiar and striking. For myself, I passed all my own equivalent for what he receives. We have the best of reaboyhood days in the country; but I did not know, till I sons for knowing that a few simple lessons on business was more than thirty years old, that grapes grew only on dence, either for business or friendship? How many gradtransactions are sorely needed. And how about corresponwood of last year's growth, or that strawberries are prop-uates, even of high schools, cannot write a respectable letagated by runners. It would have been well for me, if ter, even if their lives depended on it! my early teachers had taught me these things, and a mul-tutional and social life; the simplest facts about civil and Besides all this, there remains the vital subject of instititude of others like them, even if we had spent less time political institutions; the rights, privileges, and duties of in locating Lake Tchad, or in mechanically learning some citizens; and the primal lessons of good manners and social intercourse. of the rules of syntax, or in calculating annuities or the ramifications of the arbitration of exchange.

The theme is a very wide one; but what I want to urge on those especially who teach in the country schools is, What I mean is that the good teacher of a country school that they should recognize the vast work belonging to will not conceive his work as having to do with nothing them, outside of books and the few formal studies of the common school. I grant, of course, that these formal but books, and the acquiring of the "three R's" in the studies must not be neglected. But, suppose the reading usual way. And yet, it may turn out that the teacher was made to bear on some of the topics suggested: supwho wisely devotes a reasonable time to those other mat-pose the examples in arithmetic were drawn from some of ters, will find that his pupils will, as a consequence, make the practical affairs; suppose the lessons in language and composition were furnished from the same source; suppose better progress with books and in the mastering of the the child's interest in the school and its work were propthree R's. erly aroused and fostered; might it not turn out that such would help and not hinder the acquisition of the "three work would give a new meaning and value to books, and R's?"-E. C. H., in Public School Journal.


Why should he not make his pupils familiar with the common forms of plant life all about them? Why should they not be able to name the trees they see every day, and to name and describe some of their most distinguishing characteristics? Why should they be suffered to remain Recently the Bernese public teachers petitioned for an ignorant of many of the most obvious peculiarities of ani-improved salary scale. By 2,512 against 1,100 votes mals that appeal to their observation every day of their lives? Do they know the appearance and the note of the most common birds? Can they tell the peculiarities of the foot of a dog, a cat, a pig, a cow, a horse? And so on, of an almost endless number of things to which they would gladly give attention, if they were only led to do so.

new scale of salaries, materially improving the position of
the Bernese teachers, has been accepted by the citizens of
Bern. Considering that no small portion of the Swiss
capital consists of officials in the employ of the State, who
which teachers work, the victory is a notable one.
look with an envious eye on the apparently short hours.
men teachers will henceforth receive 400 francs per annum
more, and the women teachers will benefit at the rate of
200 francs per annum. Half the rise in salary will take ef-

Some useful lessons, too, might easily be given respect-fect from the beginning of 1894, and the other half from ing farming operations, and the care of farms and of stock. the beginning of 1896. Henceforth the men teachers in Of course, nothing very scientific or professional should be Bern will receive from 2,450 to 3,350 francs, and women attempted; but there is enough that is needed, and that is teachers 1,700 to 2,450 francs. In addition to this increase, easily reached, to furnish material for many interesting and the pensions have been raised from 500 to 800 francs. useful exercises. Of course, such work would devolve These pensions are claimable in the case of men after thirty considerable labor on the teacher, in the way of prepara-years' service, and in the case of women after twenty-five tion, especially if he should be as ignorant as most of us years. The additional cost to the town finances is estiare. But this is one of the advantages; his own increase mated at from 30,000 to 40,000 francs per annum, but this in useful and interesting knowledge would well repay him will be somewhat reduced by the raising of the maximum for all his time and trouble. How much a school of coun-number of scholars per teacher from forty to forty-four, try boys and girls might be taught about the raising of and by increasing the number of hours each teacher works fruits and flowers and the simple garden vegetables! Would from twenty-six to thirty-two.



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Four years ago when Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World began to found scholarships in various colleges he said,

"My special object is to help the poor. The rich can help themselves. I believe in self-made men. But it is not the aim of this plan to help people for ordinary money-making purposes. College education is not needed for that. There are higher purposes in $150 life. And my hope is, not that these scholarships will make better butchers, bakers, brokers and bank cashiers, but that they will help to make teachers, scholars, physicians, authors, journalists, judges, lawyers and statesmen. They certainly ought to increase the number of those who, under our free institutions, rise from the humblest to the highest positions.

"I have not entered upon this scheme without care

We give below the names of twenty-six extra good stand-ful thought. It was the dream of my youth. It is ard books, any one of which will be sent free as a premium the conviction of experience. I shall be happy, inwill send $1.50 in advance for the paper for one year and 10 deed, if it should, even in the smallest degree, relieve cents to pay postage on the book.

to each subscriber to the WEEKLY EDUCATIONAL NEWS who

1. Robinson Crusoe.

2. Arabian Nights Entertainments.

3. Swiss Family Robinson.


Don Quixote.

5. Vicar of Wakefield.

6. Dickens' Child's History of England.

7. Last Days of Pompeii.





Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby.
Grimm's Popular Tales.

11. Grimm's Household Stories.

12. Pickwick Papers.

13. Speeches of Webster.


Life of Daniel Webster

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poverty, aid the cause of education and lift into a higher plane of citizenship and usefulness to the State the children of the poor, who, in spite of talent, without such education cannot compete for the nobler prizes of an intellectual career."

Mr. Pulitzer has done a wonderful amount of good by his benefactions for the education of deserving young men and has proved himself a philanthropist of the highest type. Nor has his good work ended.

The trustees of Columbia College have asked for $2,000,000 as a building fund with which to erect a suitable new home for the college on the noble site recently secured on Riverside Heights, overlooking the Hudson, and Mr. Pulitzer has come to their aid by giving his check for $100,000, which now increases the subscription to $550,000.

Mr. Pulitzer, it is said, decided upon the endowment which this sum provides as a permanent memorial of the tenth anniversary of his assumption of the control of The World.

The special purpose for which this sum is given, and for which it is accepted by the authorities of Columbia College, is to provide for the poor boys of the public schools of New York City who win in open competition the collegiate scholarships hereto

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