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A new athletic house for Harvard is being built on Soldiers' Field.

The University of Wisconsin has a course in singing college songs.

Absences are not reported at the University of Chicago until the end of the year. A student having more than thirty is required to take one extra course for the next year.

The McMinnville Oregon College has one of the largest and most complete telescopes in the country.

Japan has two national educational associations with a total membership of over 10,000. The majority of the members are university graduates.

A thesis in course of preparation at the Leland Stanford University, by Sherrill B. Osborne, of Los Angeles, Cal., will deal with "The Economic Significance of Advertising."

Teachers in Baden and other parts of Germany 100 years ago were so poorly paid that they used to go about singing in front of the houses in the evening to earn a few extra pennies.

President Coppee of Lehigh University has announced the senior class roll of honor. The appearance of a man's name on this roll indicates that he has made an average mark of 8 or more on a basis of 10 in all his studies and work during the first three years and a half of his course in the university.

The smallest university in the world is in Africa. It has five students and twelve instructors.

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44. Solve, "Two boats leave a wharf at the same time for the same point; it takes one boat 10 hours to reach it and the other boat sails 5 times as fast going and 10 times as fast returning, when do they meet?

SOLUTION: The second boat will reach its destination in 2 hours while the first boat sails only one-fifth the distance; of the remaining four-fifths of the distance the second boat will sail ten elevenths or forty-fifty-fifths, or eightelevenths of the whole distance, requiring eight-elevenths of an hour, hence the boats will meet in two and eightelevenths hours from the time of starting. J. M. P.


For larger salaries or change of location, address Teachers' Co-Operative Association, 70 Dearborn St., Chicago official capacity during his impeachment? Orville Brewer, Manager.

46. Can the President of the United States act in his T. J. M.

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47. A and B were engaged by a Pennsylvania farmer to dig 100 rods of ditch for $100; and since the part which A was to dig was more difficult of excavation than that which B dug, it was agreed that A was to receive 10 shillings per rod, and B 6 shillings per rod. They each received $50 for their labor. How many rods did each dig?

48. Analyze,

Mt. Marcy is not so high as Mt. Washington.

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Teachers' Drudgery-Savers

As a premium for one one-year cash subscription to this periodical we will send free of charge a copy of the first book named below.

For two cash subscriptions we will send free of charge a copy of NUMBER TWO, named


For three subscriptions, a copy of NUMBER

For four subscriptions, a copy each of NUM-

For five subscriptions, a copy each of all
three books.

A special arrangement with the publish-
ers enables us to make this notable offer, and
also to quote to any old subscriber, on
request, a special cash price on either of
these books.

Smith's New Class Register. By an in-
'genious device the pages are so arranged that the over-
worked teacher can keep a complete record for each pupil
for every day during a whole quarter, also weekly and
monthly average (if desired), and yet have to write the
pupils' names only once for the whole period. Plenty of
space for attendance, deportment, scholarship, etc. Of con-
venient size to carry to and from school in the pocket.
Published at 50 cts.

Time Saver Number Two. Short cuts for
every process in arithmetic.
Not puzzles! But easy
methods, plain, clear and readily learnable by either teacher
or pupil, for reducing the time spent in "doing sums."
How to Become Quick at Figures-is the title of this book.
Published at $1.00.

Number Three. What do you think of a book
that does all the work for you if, as a teacher, you have to
put your pupils through an examination and yet are already
prevented by lack of time from doing well your regular
work? Or of a book that saves the teacher or pupil all the
worry when on pins and needles because of approaching
examinations? A book that contains just the right ques-
tions on all the common school branches (separate depart-
ment for each branch) and also the correct answer to every
question? Craig's Revised Common School Question Book
is just such a book. Published at $1.50.

EDUCATIONAL NEWS Co., Box 1258, Philadelphia, Pa.

Literary Notes.

ALUMINUM MONEY.-Sir Henry Bessemer suggests that instead of the proposed 1 note, aluminum coin of that denomination be made, redeemable on presentation. This coin would be as acceptable as a printed promise to pay, while its durability and freedom from dirt that collects on paper, would make it popular. Aluminum may be slightly alloyed so as to harden and increase its durability, and at the same time raise its fusing point.

In "The Literary Digest" for March 29th there were 45 magazines represented: American, English, Canadian, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Russian. There were 41 daily and weekly papers, some of them from the

Japanese, Chinese, South African, also from India, Hawaii, and New Zealand.

In the "Digest of April 5th are notable articles on nearly every living topic of general interest, from all over the world. The trans'ation and condensations are made especially for it by its regular editorial staff. The number is fully illustrated.

INSTRUCTION IN PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE AT TUSKEGEE.-There are two principal advantages in the large landed domain-1,440 acres-which the Tuskegee Institute has acquired. Nearly all of the students come to the school so poor that they are compelled to work their way through. The school farm affords employment for many of these pupils. On the other hand, it is an important part of the work of the school to teach thoroughly the art of practical agriculture. With nearly a thousand persons liv. ing in the school dormitories and cottages, many of the products of the farm and gardens can be utilized in the school kitchens. Moreover, a considerable area of land is desirable for the best success of the other practical trades and industries that go to make up the industrial side of life and instruction at such a school as Tuskegee. Thus it happens that one portion of the land affords extensive beds of clay, and the students have made all the bricks that have been used in the construction of several new school buildings, beside making brick for sale to outside purchasers.From Albert Shaw's article, "Negro Progress on the Tuskegee Plan," in the April Review of Reviews.

Jane Goodwin Austin was bore at Worcester, Mass., in 1831, the daughter of Isaac Goodwin, of that city. Just after her graduation from school in Boston in 1850 she was married to Loring H. Austin, of Cambridge. Mrs. Austin was the author of many tales for children and stories of New England life. She has been for many years a regular contributor to periodical literature and had among other works published the following: "Fairy Dreams," "Dora Darling," "Outpost," "Cipher," "The Shadow of Moloch Mountains," "Moonfolk," "Mrs. Beauchamp Brown," "A Nameless Nobleman," "The Desmond Hundred," "Nantucket Scraps," "Standish of Standish," "Dr. Lebaron and His Daughters" and "Betty Allen.”

DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.

We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free.

F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.

Sold by Druggists, 75c.

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Address a letter or postal card to




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This Company is managed by a combination of the largest and most influential newspapers in the United States, for the express purpose of protecting their subscribers against unscrupulous and Incompetent Claim Agents, and each paper printing this advertisement vouches for the responsibility and high standing of the Press Claims Company.


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Thousands of New Pretty Designs Flowers, Fruits,
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815% embossed 15c;-4x6 20c;-5x7 35c;-7x8 50c.
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Samples sent free to teachers.
New Price List of School Supplies, Chromos, Plain,
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Speakers, Dialogues, Reports, Aids, and few samples
Chromo Reward Cards free. All postpaid. Address

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The leading School

WANTED AGENTS.-Supply House, of

New York, wants one reliable agent in every county in Pennsylvania. Applications should be made immediately. Splendid opportunity tor teachers.


J. M. OLCOTT, 9 W. 14th St.,




Good for 60 Days.

1. We will send the send the weekly weekly Educational News, a trial subscription, one year for one dollar; six months for 50 cents..

2. For $1.30 and 8 cents for postage, we will send the weekly Edu. cational News for one year and any one of the premium books in the following list, all well bound in cloth:

1. Dickens' Child's History of England. [6. Life of Daniel Webster.

2. Last Days of Pompeii.

3. Ivanhoe.

7. Lucille.

8. Tom Brown at Oxford.

4. Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby. 9. Tennyson's Poems.

5. Speeches of Webster.

10. Esop's Fables.

II. Swineford's Literature for Begin


12. Hints and Helps on English Gram


Please note that the EDUCATIONAL NEWS is a weekly journal during 10 months of the year, and a semi-monthly during July and August. Forty-eight issues, 768 pages, of the paper, constitute a year.

We pay postage on premiums and deliver free to any post office in the United States.

HINTS AND HELPS ON ENGLISH GRAMMAR, a book of 302 pages, bound in cloth, is practically a key to the difficult sentences for parsing and analysis in the grammars of Harvey, Reed & Kellogg, Swinton, and Raub. It is designed for teachers and private students, and will prove of great benefit on all doubtful points.

Subscribers to the EDUCATIONAL NEWS are entitled to single copies of any of the following, Raub & Co.'s publications at three-fifths retail price; other teachers, at 3 retail. The NEWS and any of these books at three-fifths retail price.

1. Studies in English and American Literature, Raub, $1.50
2. Literature for Beginners, Swineford,
3. Methods of Teaching, Raub,

4. School Management, Raub,

(287 pp.). .75

(415 pp.) 1.50
(285 pp.) 1.25

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5. Tests in Spelling and Pronunciation, Raub, (116pp.) .40 W rite to RAUB & CO., Philadelphia, for special introduction rates on these books. Educational News Co., Box 1258, Philadelphia


Every Teacher, Pupil and Supervisor should have a copy of the

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For use in Common Schools, High Schools, Business Colleges, Academies and Self Instruction. It is a Progressive, Educational, Scientific work based upon Scientific Principles, which are actually applied to the Science and Art of Studying and Teaching Penmanship. It is decidedly a new and complete course in the science and study of the art of arts, nothing heretofore having appeared on this plan of teaching writing. Only Three Principles. Simple and easily understood-yet full and comprehensive. It contains 200 elegant illustrative penmanship plates, 140 pp. in Penmanship and Writing, including lessons on the "Science and Art," "Material," "Positions," "Form," "Movement," "Speed," "Muscle," "Measurement," "Angle," "Slant," Copies for Practice, Outline of Courses of Study for all grades of schools. Directions to Teachers, Description, Analysis, and explanation of all the Figures, Small Letters and Capitals with "Rules" for same. 24 pp. in Correspondence; 57 pp. in Business Forms and 100 Models, and a complete course in the Elements of Book-keeping, making a total of 300 pp. It has 100 questions and answers and other questions for review, class use, and study preparatory for examination in Penmanship. Any system of writing can be analyzed by these "Principles and Rules." It is a business course within itself, which no student, teacher or business man can well afford to be without. Size: 5 inches by 9 inches, substantially bound, large plain print, heavy paper and beautiful throughout every page. Owing to a large "outlay" for the plates, manuscripts, etc., we cannot send out Free Copies; but in order to introduce this work into the schools and colleges of the United States, at once, we will send it post-paid, to any address at the above Special Price.

Send draft, money order or postal note. Stamps taken for fraction of a dollar. The work is now ready and all orders will be filled the same day received." First come, first served. Money will be refunded if the book is not satisfactory. Correspondence solicited. Special terms to schools for class use. Agents wanted everywhere.

KANSAS BOOK CO., Publishers, Logan, Kansas


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If you will accept any of these offers and subscribe for the weekly EDUCATIONAL NEWS within sixty days, we will allow you four months' time to make payment of subscription.

If you desire we will send you the paper four weeks free on trial.

We will also send you by mail single copies of any of Raub & Co.'s books that you may wish, at half retail price if ordered within three months. This offer is good only to our subscribers. See list of books on bottom of last page of this paper.

The EDUCATIONAL NEWS will be sent as soon as subscription is received, but at these low rates books and premiums will be sent at the time payment is made.

Box 1258.


Educational News Co.,

Vacancies for September.

Every day we are requested by authorities to recommend teachers for both present and future openings. During the spring and summer months we are asked by School Boards, Superintendents, College Presidents and Principals to recommend-often having as high as 25 or 30 in a single day. We have already a large number of excellent openings for the school year beginning in September. Superintendencies, High School and Town Principalships, Grammar, Interme diate, Primary and Kindergarten positions, College Professorships, Academy Principals and Instructors. Specialists in Art, Music, Drawing, Book-keeping, Penmanship, French, German, Elocution, Manual Training, etc. Also several most excellent schools for sale. Now is the time to register if you wish to be in line of promotion and desire a better salary for the coming school year. Send for circulars to

THE TEACHERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, 6034 Woodlawn Ave., (Just South of Chicago University). ORVILLE BREWER, Manager.

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A number of vacancies awaiting competent teachers. We aim to supply every member with a position.


3486 Positions Filled. First Year Salaries amount to $2,261.850.



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Does not our plan commend itself to you?

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