Discourse: Berkeley Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, Bind 13Indiana University Press, 1990 |
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Side 123
... Modern Dance ( New York : Dance Horizons , 1974 ) 49-50 . 5 Susan Manning , " Modernist Dogma and Post - Modern Rhetoric , " The Drama Review 32.4 ( 1988 ) : 35 . 6 " Terpsichore in Combat Boots , " letters from Sally Banes and Susan ...
... Modern Dance ( New York : Dance Horizons , 1974 ) 49-50 . 5 Susan Manning , " Modernist Dogma and Post - Modern Rhetoric , " The Drama Review 32.4 ( 1988 ) : 35 . 6 " Terpsichore in Combat Boots , " letters from Sally Banes and Susan ...
Side 124
... Modern Lives ( Chicago : U of Chicago P , 1990 ) 86 . 14 In Manning's terms , Graham " set movement that drew ... Modern Dance Forms in Relation to Other Modern Arts ( Pennington , NJ : Princeton Book Co. , 1987 ) , Louis Horst and ...
... Modern Lives ( Chicago : U of Chicago P , 1990 ) 86 . 14 In Manning's terms , Graham " set movement that drew ... Modern Dance Forms in Relation to Other Modern Arts ( Pennington , NJ : Princeton Book Co. , 1987 ) , Louis Horst and ...
Side 186
... modern West , the postmodern West , and the versions of the primitive they have created or endorsed . It seeks to make impossible innocent reenactments of the dramas of us and them that have been staged and restaged in the modern West's ...
... modern West , the postmodern West , and the versions of the primitive they have created or endorsed . It seeks to make impossible innocent reenactments of the dramas of us and them that have been staged and restaged in the modern West's ...
Introduction | 3 |
A Dossier a Performance Piece a LittleUnderstood Emotion | 12 |
The Language of Expression on Natures Stage | 40 |
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advertising aesthetic American argues Baby Barthes become behavior body Bruno CALIFORNIA/RIVERSIDE camera cinema communist contemporary context Crane's crisis critical critique crossdressing culture dance death desire discourse emotions essay Ethel example expression female feminine feminism feminist Freud gender Graham grief Hedda Gabler Herbert Blau heterosexual Hitchcock's film homosexual homosexuals and lesbians hysteria hysterical Ibsen identity ideology individual issues Julia Kristeva Kaja Silverman Kristeva language Laura Mulvey Les Samouraïs lesbians literary male Martha Graham Mary Ann Doane masculine Melancholia melodrama modern Modleski mother mourning narrative Oedipal patriarchal performance Petro play political position postmodern practice Primitive produce psychoanalysis question rape reading realism relation representation represents rhetorical Rosenberg Rosler semiotic sexual social society spectator spectator's suggests television theater theatrical theoretical theory tion trans University Library University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Valie Export Vietnam visual woman women writing York