Repossessing the LandXulon Press, 2004 - 276 sider This is a wakeup call to examine, by the Word, where modern Christianity is being misled. It also attempts to highlight the scriptural flaws of current evangelical trends and to point the way toward a more realistic Christian experienceQone based on the simplicity of the Gospel, grounded in historical reality. |
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Almindelige termer og sætninger
anointing Behold believe blessing blood body of Christ book of Revelation bread Canaan chapter Christ Jesus Christians church commanded Corinthians death devil disciples doctrine dominionists earth eternal evil faith Father fire flesh fruit fulfilling Genesis give glory God the Father God's word grace hath healing heart heaven heavenly Hebrews Holy Spirit II Corinthians Isaiah Jeremiah Jesus Christ Jews John kingdom land lives look Lord Jesus Christ Lord's Luke Matthew mercy mercy seat ministry Moses Noah offering Old Covenant Old Testament pastor Paul perfect person Peter pray prayer preaching the gospel priest promised Psalm receive restoration resurrection Revelation righteousness Romans sacrifice saith the Lord salvation Satan saved Savior scripture seek sins soul speak spiritual warfare symbolic tabernacle teachings territorial spirit thee things thou shalt told Toronto blessing trust truth verse walk wonderful worship