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berries are a most deadly poison, and nothing now can save him." Just as Philip spake these words, fawn stretched himself out and died. Clara and Edmund cried bitterly, and were very sorry they



had not left him in the woods where they found him; for then, said they, he might have lived happily, and grown up to be a fine deer.

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NE evening, Edward was talking to a lady who visited at his mother's house, about a very large kite, which he said he used to fly higher than the tallest trees. "And what has become of this famous kite?" asked the lady.


Oh,” replied Edward, "it flew to the top of the house, and caught in one of the chimneys; and when it was taken down the paper was torn to pieces; but I am glad the frame was not broken, for when I have money enough, I shall buy some very large sheets of paper, and make a kite quite as good as the one I have lost."

The lady took a few shillings from her purse and gave them to Edward, that he might buy the paper for his kite whenever he chose. Edward turned the money in his hand, but did not speak. Soon after,

the lady went out of the room, and did not see Edward again that night.

The next morning as she was coming down stairs to breakfast, she heard a whispering sound, and she saw Frances, Edward's eldest sister, running to peep, as if to look for some one. Just as the lady reached the parlor door, Edward came forward and put a letter in her hand, and then ran away so quickly that the lady could not find time to speak to him.

She opened the letter, and was astonished to find the money she had given Edward, wrapped up in it. She then read the following words: "Mamma does not permit us to accept money from any visiters: I am very much obliged to you, and should have been glad to buy the paper for my kite; but I cannot keep it without disobeying my mother."

Now, the lady knew that Edward could not write; therefore, that Frances must have advised him to return the money, and that it was not his own doing. But she learned, that Edward had begged his sister to write for him; and she was so happy to find her little friend an obedient boy, that she promised she would ask his mother to allow him to receive the

money; and "I think," said she, "your mother will not refuse, when she hears how well you have obeyed

her commands."

All the children were assembled in the parlor after breakfast, when the lady was telling the history of the money to their mother. They were very much afraid that Edward would not be permitted to keep it; but their mother would not refuse the kind lady's request, and the children showed their joy, by jumping about the room.

Edward was particularly happy, because his mother praised him, and said that she should be able to depend on him for the future. He ran up stairs to put his money in a drawer, for he could not buy his paper that day, as the shop where it was sold was two miles from his father's house.

His brothers and sisters were preparing to have a game at blind man's buff; and they called him to come to play with them. It was Edward's turn to be blinded, and as he was running round the room, he accidentally ran against the window, and broke a pane of glass. This was a terrible accident!

Edward knew that he ought to run directly, and

tell his mother that he had broken a window, as she had commanded him always to tell her of any accidents that happened. But he did not move at first, for he also recollected that he must give all his money to pay for the mending of the window; for their father had made a rule that his children must always pay for what they broke.

Frances thought that it would be better for him to go to his mother immediately. "Oh, yes," said he, "I intend to tell her very soon; but I must wait a few minutes, for I feel ashamed to go into the room at present; father is there, and the lady who gave me the money."

His sister still entreated him to go directly; Edward went up stairs very slowly, for he was considering what he should say to his mother. He at length opened the door, and went round the back of her chair. He stood there for some time, until his mother told him that he shook her chair so much, she could not work; and requested him to go down stairs, to play with his brothers and sisters.

"I have broken a window," whispered Edward. “I am sorry to hear it," said his mother. When his

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