THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS, AND OTHER RITES AND CEREMONIES OF THE CHURCH, ACCORDING TO THE USE OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE United States of America: TOGETHER WITH THE PSALTER OR PSALMS OF DAVID. NEW YORK. NEW-YORK BIBLE AND COMMON PRAYER BOOK SOCIETY. New York, June 1, 1832. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that this edition of the Common Prayer Book, Book of Offices, &c., (having been compared with the standard books, and corrected by the same,) is permitted to be published as an edition duly compared and corrected by a suitable person appointed for that purpose, as the canon directs. BENJAMIN T. ONDERDONK, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New-York. PIERCY & REED, Printers. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Mist 8-21-1929 1 The Ratification of the Book 2 The Preface, 5 Tables of Lessons of Holy year, 6 The Calendar, 7 Tables and Rules for the 10 The Order for Daily Evening 11 Prayers and Thanksgivings upon several occasions, to be used before the two final prayers of Morning and Evening Service, 12 The Collects, Epistles, and 13 The Order for the Administra- houses, Page. 4 5 7 • Page 16 The Ministration of Baptism 131 135 717 A Catechism; that is to say, 8 10 19 The form of Solemnization of |