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As there may be more of this sort of sacrilege in the present volume-and, it may be, in the succeeding volumes-I think it not amiss to say, that as it was not within the physical power of Washington, time and his public employments alone considered, to compose or dictate the innumerable letters signed by him, it conforms with what is natural and common in such cases, to suppose that other persons must have been frequently deputed to relieve him from a portion of the labor of his correspondence. There is no sacrilege in the supposition. And since existing records show, irrefragably, that a vast number of letters in the handwriting of Hamilton, and with the signature of WashIngton, bear those characters of style which identify authorship, as much as the features and expression of the face, and the play and movement of the body identify the individual man, and that in this manner these letters identify the authorship of Hamilton beyond reasonable doubt, there can be no sacrilege, nor the least shade of defamation or disrespect in ascribing them to Hamilton as their real author in point of composition. The letters so ascribed may have just so much merit, in this respect, as the reader may think fit to allow them; but the authorship has in this way become incontestable; and this fact, in a biography of Hamilton, connecting him with the progress of the Revolution and the foundation of this Republic, I have deemed it a duty, both personal and historical, to state, whenever I have referred to them.

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A series of sermons was delivered in Boston during the last winter, by ministers of various denominations, each presenting and advocating the peculiarities in doctrine and Church government of his own sect. These discourses have been published, and the reader may gather from the volume what the different champions claim to be the peculiar excellences of their several church organizations. The Rev. W. R. Clark answers the question, Why am I a Methodist ? T. B. Thayer follows, and gives reasons for preferring Universalism. The Baptist superiority is advocated by James N. Sykes. The Trinitarian Congregationalists are represented by Dr. N. Adams. Why I am a Churchman? is answered by G. M. Randall, and Dr. Dewey advocates the claims of Unitarianism. The lectures are, in the main, eloquently written, and in neither of them do we note any tinge of Sectarian bitterness. Dr. Adams is specially catholic in his views, at least so far as may be gathered from his lecture. He says:

Some in all denominations, the Congregational not excepted, hold and urge extreme views, both as to doctrine and to order. We may be as bigoted in insisting upon "no forms" as others are who insist upon their forms and order as essential to a standing in the Christian Church and in the Christian ministry. If there be in us one thing more than another which is offensive to our common Lord and Master, it must be a pretentious and lofty carriage toward other denominations of Christians whom, notwithstanding the signal manner in which God has owned and blessed them, we disfranchise, and then, with a due amount of admonition and warning, notify that our doors stand open to receive them.

In addition to these six denominational expositions, the volume contains a lecture, one of the course, by T. Starr King, on what he calls "Spiritual Christianity." He finds something good and something bad in all the prevailing sects. Augustine and Swedenborg, Jonathar. Edwards, Miss Martineau, and Theodore Parker

have, according to Mr. King, their own peculiar merits; and even Dickens, the novelist, is aided by the Holy Spirit, who " discharges immeasurably more of its (His) essence through such a novel as Little Dorrit, than through such volumes as Dr. Breckenridge's Knowledge of God, objectively considered." On this point, not having read the whole of Little Dorrit, we are not competent to form an opinion. It strikes us, however, as an "immeasurably" mean compliment to the Presbyterian divine.

Life Thoughts, gathered from the Extemporane ous Discourses of Henry Ward Beecher, by one of his Congregation. (Boston, Phillips, Sampson, & Co.) Taken from the speaker's lips as uttered in sermons, lectures, and occasional addresses, we have here glowing thoughts, striking figures, and aphoristic sentences that burn as well as blaze. They are not, indeed, all original, nor yet all in strict accordance with the canons of sober rhetoric or straight-laced orthodoxy. But having passed through the alembic of the author's own mind, the result of extensive reading as well as of patient thought, they are well calculated to make the reader think, and will do something more and better than contribute to his amusement.

The New American Cyclopædia. The second volume of this great national work has just reached us. It fully equals the expectations held out by the first volume, noticed in our April number. One decided peculiarity is the prominence given to articles strictly American, (biographical, historical, and geographical.) in which similar works originating in Europe have been meagre and defective. The editors, Messrs. RIPLEY & DANA, have been fortunate in availing themselves of the services of competent writers in the preparation of articles, for which each has his own peculiar adaptation; and the publishers, Appleton & Co., have performed their part of the work in a manner alike creditable to themselves, and to the great enterprise in which they are engaged.

Wyoming, its History, Stirring Incidents, and Romantic Adventures. By GEORGE PECK, D.D. Wyoming is classic ground. Poets and painters, novelists and historians, have united in giving celebrity to its beautiful landscapes, and the memorable incidents connected with its history. Campbell, with poetic daring, described what he never saw, and Halleck and Whittier have sung the beauties of the worldrenowned valley in graceful strains. With an evident love for his subject, and intimately familiar with the localitics he describes, Dr. Peck, in the volume before us, corrects errors into which preceding writers have fallen, and relates many incidents hitherto unchronicled. His truthfulness and accuracy may be relied upon, and nowhere else can be found so complete an account of Wyoming, or so many of the stirring incidents connected with its history. (Harpers.)

An exceedingly gratifying result of the present extensive revival is the increasing demand for religious publications. Men now find time for the perusal of awakening and heart-stirring

books, and there is an increasing demand for tracts, religious periodicals, and small volumes on practical religious duties. It is gratifying, too, that to meet this demand some of the best heads and hearts are engaged in the preparation of volumes of entreaty, instruction, and encouragement for the careless, the thoughtful, and the penitent. A little volume from the pen of J. T. PECK, D.D., entitled, What must I do to be saved? has just been issued from the press of Carlton & Porter. The title indicates its object, which is admirably carried out, and the book may be placed in the hands of all who sincerely ask that most momentous question that ever agitated the human soul, in the full assurance that, with God's blessing, it will lead them to the Saviour.

every-day occurrences. It is only about thirty years since, in the language of the biographer, pamphlets were written and newspapers were hired to revile the railway. It was declared that its formation would prevent cows grazing and hens laying. The poisoned air from the locomotives would kill birds as they flew over them, and render the preservation of pheasants and foxes no longer possible. Householders adjoining the projected line were told that their houses would be burned up by the fire thrown from the engine chimneys, while the air around would be polluted by clouds of smoke. There would no longer be any use for horses, and if railways extended, the species would become extinguished, and oats and hay unsalable commodities. Traveling by road would be rendered highly dangerous, and country inns would be ruined. Boilers would burst and blow passengers to atoms. But there was always this consolation to wind up with; that the weight of the locomotive would completely prevent its

never be worked by steam-power. The London Quarterly Review for March, 1825, has this oracular declaration; the man who wrote it is probably still living:

Kirwan is the well-known nom de plume of an author who has written and published on a great variety of subjects. His caustic and truthful "Letters to Bishop Hughes" have had a wide circulation, and his "Romanism at Home" pre-moving, and that railways, even if made, could sented an array of startling facts relative to the designs and doings of the papacy. A little volume entitled The Happy Home is in an entirely different vein, didactic, and practical, treating of the family relation in its varied aspects of the physical, moral, and religious training of the young, and the relative duties of the several members of the family circle. It is written in a lively style, full of facts and incidents, and worthy of a wide circulation. (Harpers.)

Scripture Lessons, designed for Sunday schools and Families. By CAROLINE R. DEUEL. The estimable author of this little volume is well known as one of the devoted band who have been so long laboring for God at the Five Points, a locality of world-wide notoriety, and at one time the most unpromising field for usefulness that could by any possibility be selected. Yet has it already produced buds, and blossoms, and ripe fruit. Little children have been there gathered into the Sunday school, the depraved and the dissolute of both sexes, and of all ages, have been led to the Saviour, and a moral revolution has been effected through the entire region. A good service has been done for the Church and the world by the publication of these Scripture Lessons. Answers are furnished to the several questions, and we know not where is to be found so much Scriptural knowledge compressed in so small a compass. Adults as well as children may study them profitably, and they will prove a valuable aid in the family circle as well as in the Sunday school. (Carlton & Porter.)

What can be more palpably absurd and ridiculous than the prospect held out of locomotives traveling twice as fast as stage coaches. We should as soon expect the people of Woolwich to suffer themselves to be fired off upon one of Congreve's ricochet rockets, as trust themselves to the mercy of such a machine going at such a rate. We will back old Father Thames against the Woolwich Railway for any sum. We trust that Parliament will in all railways it may sanction, limit the speed to eight or nine miles an hour, which, we entirely agree with Mr. Sylvester, is as great as can be ventured on with safety.

In opposing the project before a Parliamentary committee ridicule was used, and the language of vituperation was freely indulged in; one of the learned gentleman remarked:

When we set out with the original prospectus, we were to gallop, I know not at what rate; I believe it was at the rate of twelve miles an hour. My learned Ireland, that some of the Irish members would arrive friend, Mr. Adam, contemplated, possibly alluding to

in the wagons to a division. My learned friend says that they would go at the rate of twelve miles an hour with the aid of the devil in the form of a locomotive, sitting as a postilion on the fore horse, and an honorable member sitting behind him to stir up the fire, and keep it at full speed. But the speed at which these locomotive engines are to go has slackened; Mr. Adam does not go faster now than five miles an hour. The learned serjeant (Spankie) says he should like to have seven, but he would be content to go six. I will show he cannot go six, and probably, for any practical purposes, I may be able to show that I can keep up with him by the canal. Locomotive engines are liable to be operated upon by the weather. You are told they are affected by rain, and an attempt has been made to cover them, but the wind will affect them; and any gale of wind which would affect the traffic on the Mersey would render it impossible to set off a locomotive engine, either by poking of the fire, or keeping up the pressure of steam till the boiler is ready

to burst.

IN THE NATIONAL for last November we gave an exceedingly well-written sketch of the early struggles and successful career of George Stephenson, the great railroad engineer. Lately But, in the language of the biographer, Stephhis biography by SAMUEL SMILES has been pub-enson's "pluck never failed him," and in 1830 lished in London, and reprinted in this coun- that which was declared to be absolutely impostry. It is a volume of great interest, not only sible was done; his engine, the Rocket, attained as the delineation of a life of untiring indus- a velocity of twenty-nine miles an hour, or try crowned with triumphant and complete suc- about three times the maximum of speed cess, but as carrying us back to the days when deemed by one of the friends of the project the learned men, philosophers, and mathematicians limit of possibility. It was a proud day for declared and proved the absolute impossibility Stephenson, a great day for the world, the beof what is now one of the most ordinary of ginning of a new era. Incalculable are the

benefits resulting from the practical elucidation of Stephenson's great idea, and the world's indebtedness to his perseverance no less than to his genius, can scarcely be overestimated.

Andromeda and other Poems. By CHARLES KINGSLEY. Some of the minor lyrics in this volume are destined to live, and two or three of them have found their way already into several periodicals. Mr. Kingsley is happier in his short pieces than in his longer and more ambitious flights; and, though undoubtedly a poet, his prose is better than his verse. Andromeda is written in English hexameters, and the story is founded upon the old Greek legend. The versification is better than Longfellow's, whose Evangeline is written in the same measure, and Mr. Kingsley's are perhaps equal to any similar attempts that have been made with our rugged English language. But that is not saying much. Spondees and dactyls do not flow naturally in the Anglo-Saxon channel, and the meter will never be naturalized. We copy a few of the concluding verses: As when an osprey aloft, dark-eyebrowed, royally crested,

Flags on by creek and by cove, and in scorn of the anger of Nereus

Ranges, the king of the shore; if he see on a glittering shallow,

Chasing the bass and the mullet, the fin of a wallowing dolphin,

Halting, he wheels round slowly in doubt at the weight of his quarry,

Whether to clutch it alive, or to fall on the wretch like a plummet,

Stunning with terrible talon the life of the brain in the hindhead:

Then rushes up with a scream, and stooping the wrath of his eyebrows,

Falls from the sky like a star, while the wind rattles hoarse in his pinions.

Over him closes the foam for a moment, then from the sand-bed

Rolls up the great fish, dead, and his side gleams white

in the sunshine.

Thus fell the boy on the beast, unvailing the face of the Gorgon;

Thus fell the boy on the beast, thus rolled up the beast in his horror,

Once as the dead eyes glared into his, then his sides, death-sharpened,

Stiffened and stood, brown rock, in the wash of the wandering water.

Passing Clouds; or, Love Conquering Evil, is an English story, reprinted by Carter & Brothers, and issued as one of their fireside library. It is illustrated with several well-excuted wood engravings.

In previous pages of the present number we have given a somewhat extended sketch of the career of a Christian soldier. We have before us the memoir of another, Captain M. M. Hammond, of the rifle brigade, who fell at the storming of the Redan at Sebastopol. It is a duodecimo volume of three hundred and seventy pages, and by those who like this kind of reading will be perused with interest. Captain Hammond was a zealous disciple of the Saviour, and a man of dauntless courage. (Carter.)

New-York is deemed a dreadfully wicked place, scarcely surpassed in every variety of crime by any city in the world. Such is our reputation everywhere. But there is another side to the picture, less frequently noticed but far more attractive. New-York abounds in

philanthropic associations, in benevolent institutions, in charitable establishments. In these respects, also, it may claim pre-eminence. Asylums, alms-houses, hospitals, houses of refuge, homes for the friendless, for the sick, for the sailors, for the aged, for the stranger, for the orphan, for almost every variety of human suffering, abound among us. For the most part they move on noiselessly, and are scarcely known beyond the circle of those who are engaged in their management. Every now and then an "Annual Report" falls in our way, and brings to our notice some new association for doing good, like that now on our table, The Fifth Annual Report of the Children's Aid Society. We had heard of it, indeed, but scarcely knew anything about it, yet has it been for five years doing a great work.

During the past year upward of four hundred and fifty boys and about four hundred girls have been snatched from the paths of temptation, taken from the cellars and garrets, the wharves and dens, where they drank in pollution, and carried to a new country, where they can breathe a purer natural and moral atmosphere, besides the goodly influence which has been exerted on a larger number, as we trust, who necessarily remain in the city.

The report states also that:

The Newsboys' Lodging-House never afforded shelter to so many as it does at the present time. Not only newsboys, but many other homeless boys, who are engaged in various ways during the day, find a comfortable rest there at night.

Our "boys' meetings" are among the best reformatory and instructive agencies now existing in the city. Our industrial schools, especially for girls, are disseminating a healthful moral influence in the right direction.

From the appendix, which contains a number of similar incidents, we make room for one extract, and cordially invoke God's continued blessing upon the Children's Aid Society, and all its patrons and beneficiaries :

Within a few months a poor American workman, a stone-cutter, who lived in Water-street, died, leaving two orphan children, a little girl of seven years, and s boy of perhaps five. No one knew the family, and the children were left to care for themselves. They wan dered around, begging cold victuals, and picking up in any way they were able, their poor living. At length the boy was roving or playing about the wharf, and fell in, and was drowned, and the world was rid of him. Perhaps no one, except the little lonely sister, and one or two of the wharfmen, knew that a poor street-boy had gone. The little girl now had to get her bread alone; she went to hotel-kitchens, and for the sake of the wee bright face the cooks threw her the bones, which gave her a dinner; the kind servants in the basements of rich houses would occasionally drop something into her basket, and so from one and another strange hand the little orphan was fed. At night she slept in the entries of the tenement houses, crouching up in the corners and behind doors. Every day her clothes became more filthy and ragged; her face was covered with stains, and her hair matted with dirt. So she lived for four months, no person in all the great city caring for her, or knowing anything about her. Day after day she wandered around amid this vast multitude alone; even now, when only seven years old, supporting herself among strangers. Perhaps she looked up at the grand honses, and wondered how little girls felt who had a brother and sisters, and who had enough to eat, and slept in beds. Perhaps, sometimes, over her childish mind, in the lonely hours, there crossed a dim instinct of a great powerful Friend, who could take care of her if all others deserted her. It would be strange, if we were not so accustomed to such instances, to find any little creature, in so large a city, so com pletely alone and unbefriended. It is not that the poor are not kind to such unfortunate children-they often give more, in proportion to their means, than the rich, and for this child a hundred poor men's rooms would

have opened at onee; but one misfortune of poverty in a city is the isolation it brings. No one knows his neighbor. A family lives, perhaps, for years without forming a single acquaintance, even with the other families in the same house. If a man dies, he dies alone, and the little ones are left alone.

This little girl was discovered one night, by a policeman, sleeping in an entry, and was taken to the Stationhouse, where Mr. Gerry found her, and brought her to the Fourth Ward Industrial School. She was washed, and scrubbed, and dressed, and came forth a pretty, bright-looking little girl, who interests all who talk with

her. When asked if she got much money in begging,

she answered, “Once-a sixpence !" The little creature has now gone to a good place in the West, where she will at length find a home and friends, and where, perhaps, some day, in happiness and comfort, she will look back on this dreary time of desertion and orphan



Beauty of Holiness, Devoted to the Sanctity of the Heart, the Life, and the Sabbath. Ohio.) This is a periodical which is rapidly gaining with the religious public, having, as we are informed, more than doubled its subscription list during the past year. Here are no mysticisms, or revelations of cloistered piety. Pure and undefiled religion in its practical bearings, and every-day claims on the heart, life, and lip, are every where manifest, and in such a way as to suit the comprehension of the babe in Christ, and not offend the taste of the mature theologian. It is edited by the M. French and Lady.


THE WORLD AT LARGE. A map of busy life,

Its fluctuations and its vast concerns.-COWPER.

The Revolutionists of all the Nationalities celebrated the death of the French regicides, Orsini and Pierri, on the night of the 22d of April, in this city, by a torchlight procession and public meeting in the Park. "The English Lecomp ton," or "Conference Report bill," passed both Houses of Congress on the 30th of April-the Senate by yeas, 30, nays, 22; the House by 112 yeas, to 103 nays. At St. Louis, on the 22d of April, the steamer Ocean Spray was totally destroyed by fire, about four miles from that city; twenty lives were lost. . . . The PostmasterGeneral has determined to continue the Pacific Ocean mail contract for one year on the old terms. The papers and correspondence between Lord Napier and the Secretary of State, relative to the slave-trade, have been presented to the Senate, and ordered to be printed. The House Committee of Patents have reported against an extension of Colt's patent. ... The Rev. Dudley A. Tyng, of Philadelphia, son of the Rev. Dr. Tyng, of this city, died on the 20th of April, from injuries he received on the 13th, while examining a thrashing machine... the 26th of April General Walker's trial for violation of the neutrality laws, was postponed till the fourth Monday in May. A few of his officers had been surrendered by their sureties, and sent to prison. The United States Senate, on Wednesday, May 6, adopted a joint resolution authorizing the President to obtain by force, if necessary, satisfaction from Paraguay for outrages to the American flag. It also adopted a joint resolution giving to the widow of Captain Herndon, who was lost in the Central America, three years' pay, ($7,500.) In the House the further consideration of the French Spoliation bill was postponed till January next.... The annual meeting of the shareholders of the New York Society Library was held last month. The receipts


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of the Society have fallen off considerably, but there has been some retrenchment in expenses. Only one librarian is now employed. The Ladies' Reading Room continues to incease in popularity. The usual number of trustees were elected for the ensuing year. ... The twelfth annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, convened at Baltimore on the 28th ult., and adjourned on the 5th inst. The four newly erected quarantine buildings at Seguine's Point were entirely destroyed by fire, on Sunday, April 24. The incendiaries are unknown. A dinner was given to Charles Mackay, in Toronto, on the 26th ult., at which there was a large attendance of members of Parliament. He left the next day for England, via Quebec. A fire destroying the greater portion of the business district, and upward of fifty houses, occurred at Harbor Grace, N. F., on the 12th ult. Mrs. Phoebe Westlake, a widow residing in Chester, Orange County, N. Y., having been arrested, charged with administering poison to several persons in the village, committed suicide on the 5th of May. Previous to her death she confessed having given poison to weeks previously, and several others.... The a Mrs. Fielder, who died very suddenly about two steamer James Adger, during her trip to Charleston, on the 30th ult., burst her steam chimney, severely scalding the engineer, Mr. Joseph Pollock, and four of the firemen. Three of the latter have since died. One of the inmates of the New York Lunatic Asylum was struck on the head with a crutch in the hands of John Hyland, another inmate of the same institution, on the 1st of May, and killed. . . . The Comptroller's statement of the condition of the financial affairs of the city, makes the total amount of receipts into the city treasury for the past year, from all sources except the sinking fund, $16,256,858 70, and the total amount of expenditures during the same year, $16,280,538 69; an excess of expenditures over receipts of $23,679 99. ... The National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention adjourned at Baltimore to meet in this city in April, 1859. The Kansas Free State Convention, to nominate State Officers, met at Topeka on the 28th ult., and nominated H. J. Adams for Governor, Colonel Holiday for Lieut. Governor, and M. E. Conway for Congress. The Converse Rope Factory

at Montreal, was destroyed by fire on the first of May. The foreman and three girls perished in the flames.

The anniversaries of the various societies held in New York during the past month were well attended; and notwithstanding the hard times through which we have passed, the great majority of them appeared, financially, to be in a most flourishing condition. The Cooper Institute was dedicated to science, art, and the general interests of humanity, by Mr. Cooper, on the occasion of the fourteenth anniversary of the Ladies' Home Missionary Society, in the hall of the Institute, on the night of the 10th of May.... Ren. George Coles, for several years assistant editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal, and also editor of the Sunday School books, died at his residence in this city on the 1st of May. The Commissioners of the New York Central Park have selected four plans in the following order of award: The first prize, of $2,000, to Messrs. Calvert Vaux and Frederic Law Olmsted; the second, of $1,000, to Mr. Gustin; the third, of $750, to Messrs. M'Intosh and Miller, and the fourth, of $500, to Mr. Daniels. At the meeting referred to, the Commissioners adopted a resolution to the effect that they considered themselves at liberty to make such alterations in the plans as they might hereafter

think expedient. The plan of Messrs. Vaux & Olmsted falls within the amount of expenditure estimated by the commissioners, $1,500,000. The main entrance is to be from the Fifth Avenue at Fifty-ninth-street. An Armory, at a cost $14,000, is to be erected in Brooklyn, at the corner of Orange and Henry streets. Petitions for a new Post-office building have been numerously signed. The Brooklyn Common Council have adopted an ordinance in favor of a paid Fire Department, as reported by the Committee, by a vote of 18 to 9. An Act of the Legislature directs the construction of a free bridge across the Harlem River, from the termination of Seventh and Eighth Avenues to the road leading to M'Comb's Dam; the expense $15,000; to be divided between the Supervisors of this and Westchester counties. . . . The steamship Empire City, which arrived at this port last week from New Orleans and Havana, reports having been struck on the 26th ult., at half-past ten, P.M., while in latitude 33° 50, by a typhoon blowing from the northwest, which keeled the vessel over, blew the sails from their gaskets, parted the boat lashings, and tossed the boats up like egg-shells. The sea, during the continuance of the blast-the fiercest part of which lasted fifteen minutes-is described as appearing like a black plain flecked with snowy drifts. . . . From Havana we learn that an investigation of the particulars of the seizure of the American schooner, Cortes, by a British gunboat, on the pretext that she was a slaver, had satisfied Consul Blythe that it was a highhanded outrage. The property taken is valued at sixty-six thousand five hundred dollars. Seven hundred and twenty-seven more coolies had arrived. Two hundred and sixty were lost by death on the passage.

The news from Europe is interesting. Parliament has been occupied with discussions on the passport system, Lords Clarendon and Grey condemning the whole system, contending that instead of affording protection to foreign governments, it was simply a trap for the innocent and ignorant traveler. In the House of Commons the annual financial statement had been made, showing that though the revenue of the past year had been in excess of the ordinary expenses, yet the extraordinary expenditures incurred for the ensuing year would exceed the estimated receipts some £4,000,000. To make up the deficit it was proposed to impose a tax on Irish whisky, and a penny stamp on banker's checks. Lord Derby had stated in Parliament that he should oppose the oaths bill so far as it removed Jewish disabilities. The new India Government bill was debated in the Commons, and the first clause, declaring it expedient to vest the rule of that country in the Crown, was adopted. Mr. Disraeli had announced that a demand had been made upon the government of Naples for. compensation for the imprisonment of Parke and Watt, the two English engineers of the steamer Cagliari. There had been no decision in regard to the international question involved in the affair. The Duke of Malakoff, the new embassador from France to England, arrived at Dover on the 15th of April, and met with a military reception.... It was rumored that Queen Victoria intended paying a visit to Prussia during the ensuing summer or autumn. ... The trial at London of Simon Bernard for complicity with Orsini and others in the attempt upon the life of Louis Napoleon, terminated in a verdict of "Not guilty." The speech of the counsel for the defense, Mr. Edwin James, was very bitter against the French Emperor, and elicited tremendous cheering in the court-room. competing line of telegraph across the Atlantic, to run from the most western group of the Azore Islands direct to Boston, had been proposed. On board the Niagara and Agamemnon the work of coiling the Atlantic telegraph went on rapidly.

.. A

government. ... A Conference of diplomatic representatives had been held at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at which it was resolved to urge on the various governments the propriety of rewarding Professor Morse for his telegraphic inventions.

Our dates from California are to the 20th of April. A law for the better observance of the Sabbath had passed the Legislature. The Assembly had passed a bill to pay fifty thousand dollars to the "law and order" troops enlisted to resist the Vigilance Committee. In the case of the slave Archy Lee, which has created quite From France we learn that forty-two thousand an excitement in San Francisco, the United young soldiers were ordered to join the French States Commissioner had rendered a decision army between the 10th and 20th of June. Minsetting the man at liberty. The agricultural re- isterial changes were again spoken of in Paris. ports from California are very encouraging. Trade was dull and the Bourse heavy. The Paris The papers from Washington Territory and Ore-elections terminated decidedly in favor of the gon contain interesting news regarding the gold discoveries on Frazer and Thompson Rivers, in the British possessions. People were flocking there from all directions, and diggers were said to be making from eight to fifty dollars per day. The accounts appear to be well authenticated. From Panama we learn that the Special Committee of the New Granadian Senate, to whom was referred the Cass-Herran treaty, had reported it with amendments: and, in finally pressing it, the Senate had further amended it to such a degree, that it no longer resembles the original treaty drawn up by General Cass. By way of California we learn that it is the determination of the Mormons to resist the government. Brigham had made a speech, inculcating the obligation of self-denial incumbent upon the Saints, even to the length of destroying their goods and chattels, rather than submit. Meetings had been held in the Territory to sustain him in his course. Orson Pratt had announced the purpose of the Mormons to descend upon Missouri, and retake the lands of which they have been deprived in that State. .. On the 23d of April Port au Platte was blockaded by a Dominican fleet. According to latest accounts, which extend to 3d ult., a few shots had been exchanged between the fleet and the fort on shore. No great damage was done.

Three fourths of the city of Christiana, Norway, had been destroyed by fire. .. A conspiracy against Russia is said to have been discovered. A Hungarian colonel, named Bangya, had confessed his complicity, and been condemned to death. From India we learn that the British forces had met with various successes at different points. Nena Sahib's stronghold had been stormed and taken, but he had escaped. A large sum had been offered for his head. Still later accounts state that the British forces had stormed Iahnsi, driving out the rebels with great loss. A portion of the 37th English regiment was shut up in Azunghi, and in great danger from the Sepoys. The insurgents had made a furious attack on the palace of the Rajah of Kotah, but the place was taken by the Europeans. The general aspect of affairs was again of a threatening description. In China the Anglo-French envoys to Pekin had reached a city in daily communication with the capital, and were well received. The American and Russian dispatches forwarded by these officials were handed to the governor of the place.

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