THE Th The Sinfulness and Misery of Man. HE Lord looked down from Heaven upon the Children They are all gone afide, they are altogether become filthy: Page Therefore mine own Arm brought Salvation unto me. Jesus Christ is able to fuccour Sinners, having taken away all the dreadful Circumstances that follow the Sinner, SERMON -Him that cometh to me, I will in no wife caft out. 73 The Sinner sensible of his Misery and Helplessness, 74 And perfuaded of CHRIST'S Power and Love, 75 Determines to rest upon him, and venture all his - ibid. To aim at more enlarged Views of the Fulness of Chrift, ibid. Forgiveness of Sins, Adoption, a Child-like Dispo fition, the Care of a Redeemer, a delightful Fel- lowship with the Faithful, a thankful Enjoyment of all God's Creatures, a Hope of immortal Blef- - If any Man be in CHRIST, he is a new Creature. 99 A Change wrought by the Grace of God upon the |