My Courage BookXulon Press, 2007 - 328 sider Are you having one of those days? Do you want to just scream yourself hoarse or bang your head repeatedly against the wall? Are you worried that the very next person that irritates you will cause you to commit a felony? Do you feel like you're at the bottom of a dark hole and there's no hope of escape? Often in our lives, we suffer from trials, tribulations, pain, sorrow, and simply dark, gloomy days. Sometimes it's hard to focus on our blessings, not our problems. And even worse are the days when God just seems impossibly far away. On those days when you need the right words right now, this book will help you to find the words that immediately give you a sense of serenity, calm and peace. A reminder that God loves you and is always with you, no matter what. Here's Instant Inspiration Immediately! Years ago, Patty Wachold learned courage the hard way: through bad choices and wrong paths. She's been a carnival worker, a drug addict, a rape victim and a single Mom; hung out with bikers, hippies and freaks. She's witnessed terrible violence. But she's also met some fascinating and unforgettable people along the way who helped her on her journey, including some angels in disguise sent by God. She hitchhiked all over the west coast in search of answers, only to finally find the answers at home, right where they had always been, in the midst of her loving family and a very patient, forgiving and loving God. She has a B.A. in Journalism and is a published freelance writer. She'd like to work with troubled youths someday. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her parrot, Fred, and loves talking to people about her best friend, Jesus Christ. |
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Denne sides indhold er desværre begrænset..
Table of Contents | 17 |
Blessed Are We | 31 |
Chosen by the Lord | 47 |
Jesus Your Best Friend | 63 |
Faith Like a Child | 73 |
God Keeps His Promises | 81 |
Great Success Through God | 85 |
He is our Healer | 95 |
Overcoming Your Troubles and Tribulations | 169 |
Patience Perseverance and Prayer | 179 |
One of Those Days | 189 |
Quick Fear Not Quips | 191 |
Rejoicing in Righteousness | 199 |
A 5050 Chance | 213 |
Strength Through Weakness | 215 |
Thirsting for God | 227 |
Jesus the Great Physician | 103 |
Inspirational Isaiah | 107 |
Joy and Peace | 115 |
Peace Begins With You | 125 |
Knowledge and Wisdom | 129 |
Love God | 137 |
Cold Winters and Warm Blessings | 145 |
Meek and Mild is Gods Child | 151 |
Nothing is Impossible with God | 161 |
A Light at the End of the Tunnel | 167 |
Waiting for Jesus | 233 |
Victory in Virtues | 247 |
Why? | 257 |
Xamine Your Heart | 271 |
Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed | 289 |
Your Savior is Coming | 295 |
Zion Rejoices | 307 |
To My Brothers and Sisters | 319 |
Almindelige termer og sætninger
according afraid Amen Behold believe beloved Blessed brethren bring called child children of men Christ Jesus Colossians commandments Corinthians darkness death deliver Deuteronomy dwell earth Ecclesiastes Ephesians everlasting evil eyes faith Father fear fruit Galatians give thanks glad glorious appearing glory godliness grace Haggai hate heal hear heard heart Heaven Hebrews Holy Spirit hope Isaiah Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ John judge judgment keep King kingdom knowledge labor light live Lord Jesus Christ Lord of Hosts Lord your God Luke Matthew meek mouth ness night oh Lord ourselves patience peace perfect Peter Philippians pray prayer promise Proverbs Psalm Redeemer rejoice Revelation right hand righteousness Romans salvation Savior says the Lord seek servant shine sins soul strength teach Thessalonians things thirst throne trouble truth understanding voice wait walk whoever wicked wisdom word Zechariah Zion ск