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discussed during the past month. There
is, we think, a very general impression that,
as a State document, it goes considerably
beyond all former similar documents in the
Christian tone pervading it, and in the
distinct recognition of Christianity as the
faith of the Sovereign and the British
nation. It certainly surpasses all those
expectations which had been founded on
the celebrated declaration of some of our
leading statesmen, that they would main-
tain in India a religious neutrality. There
is, however, one passage which has created
much uneasiness in many minds, and espe-
cially in those who, having held official
stations in that country, know how such
language would have been interpreted in
times past. It is that in which all persons
in authority are strictly enjoined to "ab-
stain from all interference with the reli-
gious belief or worship" of the natives,
"on pain of our highest displeasure." A
clear distinction, however, exists in fact,
and we believe would be recognised by
British law, between what a man does
officially and what he may do in his private
capacity. To subscribe to a missionary
society, to give away a Bible, or to speak
to a Hindoo or Mohammedan of Jesus
Christ, cannot be such an interference as
the Proclamation prohibits on the part of
official persons; or if it be, that prohibition
is such an interference with liberty, both
personal and religious, as never would be tole-
rated either by the common sense of English-
men, or by the common law of the land.

Our venerable friend, the Rev. J. A. James, has sent out a pamphlet entitled "God's Voice from China to the British Churches, both Established and Unestablished." It is one of the most earnest and heart-stirring appeals that has ever been addressed to the Churches of Christ, whether in ancient or modern times, in this or in any other land. May that Holy Spirit who stirred up the heart of the writer to send it forth, carry its arguments and persuasions to the hearts of its readers! Mr. James asks for 100 missionaries, and for a fund to be raised to send them forth. With a charity as comprehensive as it is fervent, he honours all the Churches which have manifested any missionary zeal; and in the concluding pages addresses them all separately, calling them to this new work, and urging them all to take part in it. We wish his little, but most striking and thrilling book may be read and pondered by thousands of Christian people, and by Christian ministers in all parts of the land.

Since Mr. James's pamphlet was written, England has made a treaty with another great Oriental nation; and not China only, but Japan as well, is now open to British Christianity. What we should now like to see would be the wide-spread circulation of the Word of God through these countries, and missionaries traversing them from one extremity to the other; not sitting down long in one place, waiting to build up a church in this city, and becoming pastors in others, but marching on from place to place and scattering the seed broadcast through the land. If our expectations are scripturally founded, in which we are looking for the "Spirit to be poured on all flesh," must not the seed be sown first, or else there is nothing to germinate and fructify when the gracious rains descend?

**Several friends, at the beginning of last year, sent us contributions by which we were enabled to forward Evangelical Christendom to the Turkish missionaries and other devoted servants of Christ in heathen lands. We ask them kindly to repeat their gifts, and we solicit other friends to help us in the same way. The following extracts from letters lately received from missionaries will show how thankful they are for the kindness, and how much they prize the journal. One of them says: "I feel I should be doing very wrong not to take this opportunity of thanking you, in my own name and that of my companions, for your kindness in having sent us your valuable periodical. We have often been much interested in its articles; and we trust our perusal of it, month by month, will not have been without its effects in increasing our sympathy with our brethren in Christ Jesus of every name, and of stirring up our prayers in their behalf." Another writes: "I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks for the copies I have had the favour to receive; the perusal of which gave me so much Christian pleasure and edification as well as instruction. I am sure the exertions of the Evangelical Alliance for the spread of Evangelical Christianity and brotherly harmony will be attended by the Lord's blessing." Postal facilities enable us to send the journal into almost all parts of the world, and we wish our friends would put us in possession of a fund adequate to supply every missionary with it in the four quarters of the globe.

And we add a word to Christian brethren who receive it gratuitously both on the Continent of Europe and in other parts.


With great labour and expense we collect
and publish what you are gratified to read
every month.
You will not think we are
asking too much if, in return, we request
you to send us occasionally a letter of
intelligence respecting Christ's kingdom in

the countries where you dwell. In this way, while you are instructed and edified yourselves, you will edify and instruct your brethren. Let us by love serve one another. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all!

Brief Notices of Books.

Memorial Sketch of the late Edward Bird, B.A., |
Rector of Wyton, Hunts.
The Revival in America. By an ENGLISH EYE-
WITNESS. London: Nisbet and Co. Pp. 44.
THESE little tracts are both of them reprinted
from the Christian Times; and they are both
written by the same elegant and accomplished
pen. The former of the two gives a brief-
indeed, too brief-a sketch of one who was
emphatically "a good minister of Jesus Christ."
That late excellent man, whom we were pri-
vileged to know and love, was fitted by natural
disposition, and still more by Divine grace, to
attract to himself the affections of all who love
Christ; and he was, therefore, almost as a matter
of Christian necessity, one of the earliest mem-
bers of the Evangelical Alliance. His labours were
abundant and his end was eminently blessed.
The other tract is an able and discriminating
account of one of the greatest spiritual phenomena
of our times, as far as it came under the writer's
notice. We wish them both a wide circulation.
Power in Weakness: Memorials of the Rev.
William Rhodes, of Damerham. By CHARLES
STANFORD. London: Jackson and Walford.
Pp. 207.


"A BOOK written by an unknown scribe about
an unknown worthy"-in such modest, not to
say depreciating terms, the author speaks of
himself and of the subject of his memoir. As to
the former, we will only say that now we have
made his acquaintance, the more he will let us
know of him by the productions of his mind,
so cultivated, as well as so richly endowed,
the more will he make us his debtors.
have seldom perused a book of equal size and on
a similar subject with which we have been so
charmed. The material of the volume, moreover,
consisting for the most part of the papers and
letters of the departed, are rich in spiritual in-
struction and of permanent worth. His was one of
those minds of extraordinary power and meekness
-intellectual power and Christian meekness-
which are perhaps destined in the Divine
economy to shine and sparkle all the more
brilliantly in another world, as they are com-
paratively hidden in this. We ought not to pass
over the circumstance unnoticed, mentioned in
the course of the memoir, that the funeral sermon
of this Baptist Minister was preached by the Rev.
R. Allnutt, Vicar of Damerham, who declared "he
esteemed it a privilege, if he could say anything
to enhance and perpetuate the respect enter-
tained for this excellent servant of God, by every
parishioner." "This sermon," it is added by
Mr. Stanford," was printed, and is not only an
interesting memorial of departed worth, but of
living catholicity." May such catholicity on both
sides daily increase among us. O si sic omnes.

The Christian Harp. Designed as a Companion
to the "Foreign Sacred Lyre." By JOHN SHEP-
PARD, Author of "Thoughts on Devotion,"
&c., &c. Jackson and Walford. Pp. 275.
THIS is a collection of pieces consisting of
sketches in verse, of objects and scenes viewed
in travelling; of poetical thoughts on devotional
and miscellaneous subjects; and of hymns, the
latter being principally translations from the
German. The "Christian Harp" is just what
would be expected from the esteemed writer, by
those who have long been edified by his works;
and to many it will be welcome as the visit of an
old friend. He makes no claim to the vocation of
"poet or prophet." There is no "fine frenzy" in his
emotion; no "dusky magnificence" in his language.
He never aims at daring grace or dashing speed;
his lines are never characterised by the "long
resounding march and majesty divine." There
is simply the metrical expression of thoughts
which are drawn from the more ordinary and quiet
stores of good sense, taste, and feeling. Christian
sentiments, kindly affections, and the impres-
sions produced by some of the more beautiful or
interesting aspects of nature, on a highly cul-
tivated mind, are set forth in carefully ae-
lected epithets, and in a diction which, though
sometimes timid, is always clear, calm, and

Christology of the Old Testament, and a Commen-
tary on the Messianic Predictions. By E. W.
HENGSTENBERG, D.D. Translated from the
German by Rev. THEOD. MEYER, and JAMES
MARTIN, B.A. Vols. I., II., III., and IV. 8vo.
Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark.

THIS work is among the most valuable in the
series of translations from the German which has
been issued by the enterprising publishers. Not
that we always agree in his criticisms or in his
commentaries with the author, but that the
volumes contain a storehouse of biblical learning,
and that the theology is of a far healthier tone,
and more Evangelical character, than much that
comes from professors in the German univer-
sities. We noticed the work at the time the first
volume was published, and now that it is com-
pleted we repeat our recommendation of it to the
study of Christian ministers in all sections of the
Church, and of all who are led, whether by duty
or inclination, to the critical investigation of the
Word of God. They will find in it the elucida-
tions of a ripe scholar, and the expositions of a
profound and Evangelical theologian. It is espe-
cially by such works as this that Dr. Hengsten-
berg has made the Christian Church his debtor,
and now that the ecclesiastico-political party to
which he is attached is no longer in power, it will
be a happy circumstance if he should betake him-
self to the preparation of more of a similar kind,

Evangelical Alliance.



THE Church of God is in God the Father, and in the Lord Jesus Christ: it is the company of the faithful, whom God hath gathered together in Christ by His Word and by the Holy Ghost, to honour Him, as He himself hath appointed this Church heareth the voice of the Shepherd. It will not follow a stranger, but flieth from him; for it knoweth not the voice of strangers. Of this Church St. Hierome saith: Ecclesia... Christi,... in toto orbe ecclesias possidens, Spiritus unitate conjuncta est, et habet urbes legis, prophetarum, evangelii, et apostolorum. Non est egressa de finibus suis, id est, de Scripturis : "The Church of Christ, which containeth the Churches through all the world, is joined together in the unity of the Spirit, and hath the cities of the law, of the prophets, of the Gospel, and of the apostles. This Church goeth not forth, or beyond her bounds, that is, the Holy Scriptures." It is the pillar of the truth; the body, the fulness, and the spouse of Christ; it is the vine, the house, the city, and the kingdom of God. They which dwell in it "arc no more strangers and foreigners, but citizens with the saints and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the head corner stone; in whom all the building coupled together groweth into an holy temple of the Lord." This Church "Christ loved and gave himself for it; that He might sanctify it and cleanse it by the washing of water through the Word, that He might make it unto himself a glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blame." Such a Church was the Church of God at Thessalonica; such a Church are they, whosoever in any place of the world fear the Lord, and call upon His name. Their names are written in the Book of Life; they have received the Spirit of adoption, by which they cry, "Abba, Father:" they grow from grace to grace, and abound more and more in knowledge and in judgment: they cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armour of light they are made absolute and perfect unto all good works: they are evermore comforted in the mercies of God, both by the Holy Scriptures, wherein God declareth His gracious goodness towards them, and by the sacraments, which are left unto the Church to be witnesses and assured pledges for performance of the promise of God's good-will and favour towards them.-Exposition of 1 Thessalonians i. 1. Works, p. 819. Parker Soc. Edition.


This is the unity of the Church, that the whole flock may hear the voice of that one Shepherd and follow Him. And that one Shepherd is Christ, the Son of God, and not the Pope. Therefore St. Augustine saith: Per hanc . . . potestatem, quam solum sibi Christus retinuit. . . stat unitas ecclesiæ, . . . de qua dictum est, una est columba mea: "By this power, which Christ (he saith not hath given over to the Pope, but) hath reserved only to himself, standeth the unity of the Church, of which unity it is said, My dove is one."-Defence of the Apology. Works Vol. IV., page 751. Parker Soc. Ed.


The holy Catholic or universal Church, which is the communion of saints, the house of God, the city of God, the spouse of Christ, the body of Christ, the pillar and stay of the truth; this Church I believe according to the creed; this Church I

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do reverence and honour in the Lord. But the rule of this Church is the Word of God, according to which rule we go forward unto life. "And as many as walk according to this rule," I say with St. Paul, "peace be upon them and upon Israel, which pertaineth unto God." The guide of this Church is the Holy Ghost. The marks whereby this Church is known unto me in this dark world, and in the midst of this crooked and froward generation, are these the sincere preaching of God's Word, the due administration of the sacraments, charity, and faithful observing of ecclesiastical discipline according to the Word of God. And that Church or congregation which is garnished with these marks, is in very deed that heavenly Jerusalem which consisteth of those that be born from above.-Conferences between Ridley and Latimer. Ridley's Works, p. 122. Parker Soc. Edition.


BATH.-DEATH OF REV. J. OWEN.-At a meeting of the Committee of the Bath Subdivison, held January 4, 1859, the following resolution (in reference to the departure of the Rev. John Owen); moved by Mr. R. Carpenter, and seconded by Mr. J. W. Little, and resolved unanimously,

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That the committee desire to record its heartfelt regret at the decease of the Rev. John Owen, who, realising the character of a brother in Christ Jesus in an unpretending form of loveliness not frequently seen, has left a savour behind him both sweet and graceful. This committee cannot fail to miss most truly one who has from the commencement of this Alliance been an almost unfailing attendant at its meetings, and whose presence habitually tended to promote that Christian union which is the avowed characteristic of this Alliance. The Committee desire to assure the mourning widow of its lamented friend and member, of its affectionate sympathy, and its earnest prayer that the God of all consolation will enable her to look to Him with unshaken faith and humble resignation."

Colonel WYNCH, Chairman.

WILLIAM GIBBS, Secretary. NEW-YEAR'S MEETING FOR UNITED PRAYER. The year commenced with a devotional service on the evening of the 3rd inst., at Freemasons' Hall, which was largely attended by members of the Alliance and friends of Christian union. The Rev. W. CADMAN, Rector of St. George the Martyr, Southwark, presided, and addressed the meeting. The Rev. Dr. Graham, of Bonn, gave an account of the progress of Evangelical truth in the Rhenish provinces. Prayers were offered by the Rev. J. S. Jenkinson, of Battersea, Rev. Dr. Steane, Rev. W. Hargreaves, and the Chairman. The occasion was felt by all to be hallowed and profitable.

MEETINGS IN PROSPECT.-Arrangements are made for holding public meetings in Brighton, Bristol, and other important places for the purpose of increasing the interest of Christians in the cause of Evangelical union, and extending the organisation of the Alliance. The new secretaries are receiving much encouragement in commencing their important work, and are making arrangements for their promised visitation of the several divisions throughout England and Scotland, to sustain and enlarge the operations of the Alliance, and give information of its progress and usefulness. Never was the mission of all sections of the Christian Church more distinct and emphatic than at present to express their cordial union in the grand and essential verities of the Saviour's Gospel, and forbearance in matters of lesser importance. The cause of oppressed Christians abroad, and the aid of Evangelical Churches in Germany, struggling to preserve the light where the candle of the Reformation once so brilliantly shone, present a powerful claim on our prayers, and show that there is a great work for Christians unitedly to accomplish, which no section of the Christian Church in its individuality could be able to effect.

GALASHIELS.-A conference of the district subdivision was held here on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1858. The committee met privately for the transaction of business in the forenoon and at four P.M. a conversazione took place in the large room of the Abbotsford Hotel, at which were present upwards of sixty ladies and gentlemen. The chair was occupied by Mr. ELLIOT, of Wolflee. Among those present were the Revs. Mr. Murray, Melrose ; Campbell, Melrose; Robertson, Stow; Allardyce, Bowden; Lawson, Selkirk, &c. The Chairman, together with the Rev.


Messrs. Allardyce and Lawson, delivered interesting and earnest addresses. The meeting was in every respect a most satisfactory and pleasant one, and well calculated to advance the cause of the society. In the course of some remarks made by a Mr. T. J. Dunn, of Melrose, he read the doctrinal basis.

In the evening a public meeting was held in Ladhope Church. Notwithstanding the continued inclemency and boisterous. ness of the afternoon and evening, a very respectable audience gathered together, among whom were the Chief Magistrate, Wm. Brunton, of Ladhope, Esq., and other leading men of the town and vicinity, besides a large assemblage of ladies.

The chair was taken by Major BAILLIE, who was accompanied by the Revs. Murray, of the Established Church, Melrose; Campbell, Free Church, Melrose; Allardyce, Bowden; Robertson, U. P., Stow; and Mr. Elliot, Allerley; Mr. Elliot, of Wolflee; Mr. T. J. Dunn, Melrose, &c.

After engaging in psalmody,

The CHAIRMAN rose and said he had received a number of letters of apology from gentlemen in the district whose hearts were truly with them and with the objects of their meeting, though unable from various necessary causes to be present among them. Among them were letters from Mr. J. Elliot, of Boundary Bank, expressing strong attachment to the Alliance; from Mr. Nixon, of Lynwood, who testified to the benefit of the meeting last year at Hawick; from Mr. Dudgeon, Spyland, who recommended the circulation of Evangelical Christendom as the organ of the body; Rev. Mr. Johnston, Wolflee; Rev. Mr. Young, Teviothead; Rev. Mr. Robson, Lauder; Rev. Mr. M'Leod, Lauder ; Rev. Mr. Lumgair, Newtown. He (Major Baillie) had also to deplore the absence of Mr. Malcolm, of Burnfoot, detained by severe indisposition. He then proceeded to explain the nature and objects of the Evangelical Alliance. It was generally admitted and lamented on all sides that there was a want of Christian fellowship and sympathy in the Church. One aim, then, of the Evangelical Alliance was, to promote a better-a more scriptural state of things: to manifest the

union really existing among true Christians. That the Alliance had done much good, none acquainted with the history or proceedings of the society would gainsay. Naturally there was much good done at the very outset, when such a union was inaugurated. It was no small matter for ministers of all Christian denominations to meet together on a common platform, and to agree to a standard basis of the essential doctrines of salvation. Many more have since declared their adherence to these principles at home, as well as on the Continent, where, at the Berlin and preceding similar meetings, was witnessed a spectacle the like of which had probably never been witnessed before. They not only joined in friendly and sacred converse, but sat down at the same communion table together. These surely were no slight or insignificant objects to have accomplished. Major Baillie then proceeded to urge upon his audience the great necessity of union in prayer, and spoke of the sublimity and the efficacy which might attend a great general prayer union, the prayers from all quarters of Christendom ascending at one and the same moment to the throne on high for the extension and union of the kingdom of Christ on earth. We ought to raise no barrier where Christ had raised none, and make no division where He had made none; but by all means we ought to strive to promote that unity on earth which is in heaven, and the blessedness of which we the more approach the nearer we attain to complete union here.

The meeting was then addressed by the Rev. Mr. ROBERTSON, of Stow; T. J. DUNN, Esq., the Secretary, the Rev. Mr. CAMPBELL, of Melrose, and Mr. ELLIOT. We regret that want of room compels us to omit their excellent speeches. They were admirable expositions of the principles and of the practical working of the Alliance, and thoroughly imbued with its spirit. But we cannot conclude this notice without congratulating our friends of this sub-division on the efficient manner in which they conduct their business and promote the great objects of the institution. May they reap a thousand-fold blessing themselves while they thus bless others!





The undersigned Protestants of Holland, taking a deep interest in the religious condition of other countries, especially of Protestart countries, feel themselves constrained

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