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which the Rev. J. Turner, lately a Wesleyan | tails of the revival. Dr. Steane presided, minister at Malvern, made a short address on John xv. 7. This address produced a very solemn effect, which was never lost. It was hardly an address, but remarks welling up from the deep experiences of a Christian who appeared to live very near to his Saviour. Mr. Turner prayed in the same tone; after which numerous requests for prayer were read from different people, who desired the conversion of unconverted relatives or friends. Silent prayer was requested, during the reading of these petitions, and thanksgiving was afterwards made for answers to prayer offered at the Conference last year. The two subsequent morning meetings were of a similar character, and were conducted by Captain Trotter, Rev. J. Turner, Rev. J. Cox, Baptist minister, Rev. A. Hunter, Presbyterian minister, from the county of Derry, Hon. and Rev. Baptist Noel, and Major Straith. The tone and spirit of these devotional meetings were extremely delightful. The addresses were of the most solemn and spiritual kind; the hymns were sung as if they were praise indeed, and the prayers were truly the outpouring of the heart, with the desire of Jacob "I will not let thee go except thou bless me." There seemed to be "an entering into the holiest by the blood of Jesus," in a way which many had never experienced before, and His presence in a peculiar manner was with His praying servants.

and gave a short exposition, after which Captain Young prayed. Some very interesting facts regarding the revival were elicited in reply to some questions by Dr. Steane, one of which appears to me especially worthy of notice, viz., that there are scarcely any exceptions to the rule that the physical demonstrations only occur among awakened persons who are totally ignorant of the way of salvation. In the evening the meeting was crowded to excess. After silent prayer, and an opening prayer by the Rev. W. Pennefather, the Rev. B. Noel addressed the unconverted. I understand that it was blessed to the awakening of two persons who were present. The Rev. S. Arnold read Rom. v., and the Rev. A. Kelly concluded with prayer.

On the afternoon of the 10th, the Rev. A. Hunter gave an account of the Irish Revival and of the remarkable physical phenomena connected with it. The evening meeting was begun by silent prayer, after which the Rev. C. Skrine gave an address on the subject which had been announced, "What special encouragements are now given to the Church to labour for her Lord?" He was succeeded by the Rev. A. Hunter, who gave a very interesting account of the awakening in his own neighbourhood in Derry, and the transformation of what had been one of the most wicked districts in the North of Ireland. The general view which he gave, as well as the details, were very encouraging; and the interest which attached to the report of one who had been on the spot from the beginning, was enhanced by the fiery energy and the air of truth and reality with which he spoke. The Rev. W. Pennefather concluded with prayer.

On the 11th, after the morning meeting, and a due interval, an extra meeting was held in the school-room to hear further de


On the 12th, after the devotional meeting, during which many persons affected to tears, the Communion was administered in the adjacent church. Nearly 300 persons belonging to eight different denominations received it together, and after its celebration a hymn of praise was sung. It was a beautiful sight to see people of the various branches of Christ's scattered family meeting around His table as one brotherhood. In the afternoon, the Rev. A. Hunter addressed 500 children in the school-room on the work of the Holy Spirit, illustrating his address by incidents from the Irish Revival. In the evening, the Conference assembled for the last time, and feelings of very deep solemnity pervaded the crowded meeting. The Rev. W. Pennefather made an address, after which the Rev. Dickenson, a Moravian minister, offered up a very earnest prayer, invoking the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in eloquent and thrilling language. Various requests for prayer were then read, and Mr. Pennefather urged the establishment of small prayer meetings. The Rev. John Cox made an address on the subject of "The second coming and personal presence of the Lord Jesus Christ." Bearing in mind the differences of opinion on prophecy which exist, he avoided entering into controversy in support of his own pre-millennial views, and concluded by some very earnest words to the unconverted. Captain Trotter offered a very fervent prayer, and pronounced the parting benediction; thus closing a season which had been to very many who were present, one of the highest and purest enjoyment.

This meeting was a practical carrying out of the principles of the Evangelical


Alliance, and much benefit would result to | Scriptures, which were held at different houses between the meetings, produced a genial Christian social intercourse, which had an additional tendency to promote Christian friendship.

the Church of Christ by a multiplication of such gatherings, which bind men together in brotherly love, and which give to prayer the strength of union. Differences did not appear to be recognised or thought of; at all events they were not alluded to; all met as brothers and sisters in Christ, children of one Father, heirs of one inheritance, pilgrims through one wilderness. Several circumstances mentioned in the special requests for prayer showed how much the previous meetings of this kind had done to cement the unity of the Church. A letter from New York was received, stating that Christians in that city were praying for a blessing on the Conference; and a letter was received from New Zealand, saying that the writer had seen a notice in the New York Evangelist of the meeting of Christians, at Barnet, last year, and begged the prayers of the "Conference" for the confirming and revival of Christians in New Zealand. Ministers and laymen of five different denominations took part in the meetings; and I observed that Mr. Pennefather, with true Christian delicacy, allotted the most prominent parts, including the three evening addresses, to his Nonconformist brethren. The small gatherings for prayer, conversation, and reading of the

The meetings were all characterised by three things-a spirit of union, a spirit of prayer, and an ardent desire for the conversion of unbelievers. The last was, doubtless, stimulated by the encouraging accounts from Ireland and other places, which gave all a blessed certainty that "the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save." There was, however, one all-pervading characteristic, which I will conclude by mentioning, and that was the presence of the Holy Spirit and of Him who has promised to be with those who gather in His name. The human element seemed almost entirely absent, and in place of it an indescribable glow of devotion, a filial reverence, a reality of communion, a something rarely before met with, which seemed to make the place of meeting holy ground, to touch each heart with a coal from the altar, and to make Christians love to linger where they had met their Lord in more intimate communion than some of them had ever enjoyed before.

I remain, yours very truly,

European Intelligence.


A recent paper, prepared by C. F. W. Dieterici, Director of the Statistical Department of Berlin, on the present population of the globe, presents some curious facts. Some of the leading results of this exceedingly important document, can hardly fail to be of interest to our readers. We suppose, of course, that the author bases his figures on the last official reports.

The author adopts three different modes of classification :

First, by Totals of the several countries; Second, by Races; and

Third, by Creed or Religion. According to the first mode of classification, the mass of detail given sums up in the following round numbers:

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Average Inhabitants. to the sq. mile. 2,900,000 272,000,000 93 12,700,000 755,000,000 60 8,700,000 200,000,000 22

[blocks in formation]


Average to the sq. mile. 59,000,000 5 2,000,000 1

Round totals 39,000,000 1,288,000,000


The greatest density of population in a kingdom is exhibited in Belgium, where it is 538 to the square mile; single districts in Rhenish Prussia show as high as 700 to the square mile.

Political economy has not yet found a gauge by which to determine how densely people can be crowded, and make a living. In civilised Europe the density is steadily increasing. America promises a similar development in future. The fertility of her soil, and the concentration of mind upon the utilisation of her resources, promise a high capacity of sustaining population. Civilised emigration to Polynesia may tend to a similar development in Aus


tralia. East India and China, although now densely peopled, incline, after a period of stability, toward a decrease rather than an increase, owing to the peculiarities of their civilisation.

In Europe
In Asia
In Africa........
In America......
In Australia


[blocks in formation]

The excess of the latter is attributable to the population of Africa, which, although Ocal Heads, must be classed entirely with the Receding Faces, the same as the dense population of China and Eastern Asia in general.

The preceding strictly scientific classification is followed by the popular classification of races according to the colour of the skin and the formation of the features, the hair, &c., established by Blumenbach. The five races thus established, are distributed as follows:

1. THE CAUCASIAN (28.85 per cent.)—
In Europe, the entire population,
with the exception of the Fins
and Laplands

The chapter on Distribution by Races is prefaced by an interesting sketch of Retzius's new system of Craniology, with its two divisions of Oval Heads and Broad or Cubic Heads-the former including, in Europe, all the Latin and German tribes, 157 millions; the latter, the Slavonic, Magyar, Turkish, and some of the Romanee tribes of the South, 115 millions; in Asia, the Chinese, Hindoos, Arian Persians, Arabs, Jews, and Tungusians are Oval Heads-610 millions; all the rest Broad Heads-145 millions. The estimate of America is, of course, based on aborigines only. In regard to them, the opinion is advanced, that from the islands around Behring's Straits, along the West Coast, including the Russian Colonies, Oregon, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chili, Argentina, Patagonia, and Fire Island, the population consists principally of Broad Heads, while on the East Coast, from Canada downwards, including the United States, the Caribbean Islands, the West Indies, Venezuela, Guiana, and Brazil, the Oval Heads predominate. This would coincide with Humboldt's theory, that the West Coast of America was peopled from Asia. The aborigines would now, probably, not exceed one million. All the 2. rest are emigrants and their descendants, including, perhaps, half a million of Broad Heads; one half of the aborigines being 3. Oval Heads, one million is, therefore, the extent of the Broad Heads of America, and fifty-eight millions of Oval Heads. In Australasia, the Broad and Oval Heads are probably evenly divided, being one million each. The totals are, therefore, as follows:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]



In Asia.-Turks, 15; Arabs, 5;
Persians, &c., 11; Siberians, in
part, 3; foreigners in Eastern
Asia, 2.......

In Africa.-Foreigners in the co-
lonies, and Arabs

In America.-All except the In-

In Australia.-Foreigners on all





4,000,000 58,000,000



THE MONGOLIAN (40.61 per cent.)
Principally in Asia, including
China, the greater part of India,
Central Asia, and part of Siberia 522,000,000
THE ETHIOPIAN (15.08 per cent.)—

The entire population, with the
exception of the Caucasians, as

THE AMERICANS (0.08 per cent.)—-
The Indians of America

THE MALAY (15.38 per cent.)-In
the Indian Islands, 80; East In-
dia, 84; Japan, 35; and Aus-
tralia, 1



.... 200,000,000

Grand Total................1,288,000,000 The division according to creeds is full of interesting detail. The leading sums, taken on the round number of 1,300,000,000 as the total population of the earth, are:

Christians, 335,000,000, or 25.77 percent.
Jews, 5,000,000, or 0.38 per cent.

Asiatic Religions, 600,000,000, or 46.15
per cent.
Mohammedan, 160,000,000, or 12.31
per cent.

Pagans, 200,000,000, or 15.39 per cent.
Total, 1,300,000,000, or 100 per cent.


The 335,000,000 of Christians are again divided into

170,000,000 Roman Catholics, 50.7 per cent.

89,000,000 Protestants, 26.6 per cent. 76,000,000 Greek Catholics, 22.7 per cent.

Total, 335,000,000, 100 per cent.

The conscientious author of the very

elaborate paper from which we have made these extracts is of opinion that although much uncertainty attaches to the positive numbers given under the various heads, yet so manifold have been his sources of comparisons, that the general results in proportions of population, race, or creed, may be adopted as correct.- The Century.






The affairs of Italy still occupy the first place in the public mind; and among the questions agitated by the organs of public opinion, that of the Government of the States of the Church is the most pro minent. All understand that there the greatest obstacle has arisen to the complete emancipation of the Peninsula, and that the success of this noble cause will be suspended so long as the Pope remains absolute ruler of three millions of Italians.

sophisms. Every reader of good sense will easily find all the refutation they need. But a journal which has 50,000 subscribers, Le Siècle, has thought well to reply by the pen of one of its most able editors, M. Louis Jourdan, to the double charge of impiety and ignorance. This reply is solid and energetic.

M. Jourdan does not disguise his convictions. "We are," says he, "among that multitude of persons who think that the Papacy makes a very ill use of its temporal power; and this is evident enough since the people governed by the Pope would dethrone him if he were not sustained by foreign bayonets. We think, and we say, that this temporal power is no less injurious to the Papacy than to religion. We can understand that the clerical corporation, which finds in this state of things honours, influence, riches, dignities, should value it highly; but this proves nothing. Religion is one thing, and the clergy are another. In certain circumstances the clergy are the greatest enemies of religion.

Naturally, the Ultramontane journals put forth all the efforts of their dialectics and their rhetoric to prove that it would be sacrilege to cut off the smallest portion of the Papal power. They accompany their arguments with very gross insults, as is their constant habit. Thus, among other amenities, they say that their adversaries are persons ignorant of the very first elements of theology and history, and so impious that they seek to overthrow the authority of God himself. They add that The Jesuits think they have said everythe subjects of Pius IX. are the happiest thing, when, after having accused us of in the world, and governed with paternal impiety, they add that we are ignorant... tenderness, and that the existing agitation We avow willingly our ignorance; the in the Roman States is the work of miser- wisest of men is ignorant of a thousand able demagogues. In fine, when the Ultra-things. But I can read, and perhaps I montanes are driven within their last en- have studied religion as well as Cartrenchments, they declare that the cause of dinal Antonelli, or the Pope himself." the temporal sovereignty of the Popes is that of civilisation itself, that the fate of all other Crowns is subordinated to this, and that if the subjects of the pontifical dominion are discontented, so much the worse for them; their particular interests ought to yield to the general welfare of Christendom.

It would be perfectly superfluous to refute, point by point, these poor and puerile

The editor of the Siècle applies himself to prove that the temporal power of the Papacy is not a Divine institution. He quotes the words of Christ to Pontius Pilate-"My kingdom is not of this world." He appeals to the testimony of the ancient doctors. "The most illustrious fathers of the Church," he says, "the most venerated saints, the councils of primitive times, are of one mind with the doctrine of


their Master. St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, | great honour on our country. It is, say St. Chrysostom maintain that the Church the Jesuits, a distinguished mark of his ought not to have any temporal power. . . . august benignity. The Apostle St. Peter, who probably was competent to speak on these subjects, since he had received his instructions from Jesus Christ himself, has enjoined the shepherds to feed the flock of God which is committed to them, not by constraint, but willingly, not as being lords over God's heritage, but as ensamples to the flock.'' (1 Peter v. 2.)

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The same writer mentions Tertullian, Origen, Lactantius, and St. Bernard, and concludes with this vehement apostrophe to the Ultramontanes:

"Burn, then, all books or prevent our learning to read, if you wish us to believe your words. The Gospel condemns you in every page, the Fathers contradict you, history is against you. We are in your opinion impious persons. But who then merits the reproach of impiety? Who are those who violate the laws of Christianity? The establishment of any temporal power in the bosom of the Church is opposed to the will of Jesus Christ; all use of material force is impious. Put up again thy sword into his place,' said Christ to Peter. It is plain, not only to us, but to all rightminded men, that if the Papacy wishes to return to the character and to the letter of its institution, it must be purely and simply a spiritual power, without temporal dominion, without the sword, without cannon, rifled or unrifled, without foreign regiments which, in its name, massacre inoffensive people. It is well that everybody should know this!"

M. Louis Jourdan, as you see, steps firmly on his way. He has read the Bible; he introduces texts from it judiciously; and the numerous readers of the Siècle, almost all Roman Catholics, may learn in its columns that the Papacy is not in harmony with Christianity. Unhappily, the editor of the Siècle, and his friends, have neither the piety nor the courage to go one step further. They separate themselves from the communion of Rome without entering any other, and on all important occasions submit to what the clergy impose. What lasting victory can they expect with such illogical conduct?

The individual recently beatified, or canonised, was called Benoit Joseph Labre. He lived in the last century, in the north of France. What were the virtues which have raised him to this high distinction ? We find them detailed in the Decree of Canonisation laid down by the Pontifical Court of Chancery. This Benoit Joseph Labre, instead of devoting himself to honest and regular labour, spent his whole life in begging. He refused, from motives. of abstinence and mortification, to live in a house. He slept on the bare earth in the open air. His garments consisted of dirty rags, fastened with an old girdle, and he never changed them at any season. For nourishment he picked up the refuse which had been thrown into the mud of the streets, and so on.

What sanctity! A being, disgusting, unclean, covered with filth, feeding like the brute, living in idleness, useless to others and degrading himself! Such are the Saints after Rome's own heart; and Pius IX. seriously proposes this man to the French for imitation!! Is it not evident, as one of the religious journals has remarked, that a pious workman, laboriously earning bread, with a suitable lodging, wearing clean clothes, and eating thankfully the nourishment that his work has procured him, answers, much better than this pretended saint, the end for which man has been created and redeemed by Jesus Christ? What a system is that which proposes as models men whose virtue consists in being idle and dirty mendicants.

I will make one other little observation. Since the Pope and his counsellors exalt so highly this extreme poverty, why do they not themselves set the example of it? Why do they live in sumptuous palaces, sit at magnificent banquets, ride in pompous equipages, and live in all the enjoyments of worldly luxury? They do not seek apparently for beatification and canonization like the worthy Benoit Joseph Labre!


There is in France a weekly journal, bearing the name of Rosier de Marie (the "Rose-tree of Mary.") This publication, patronised by the high and low clergy, circulates in a large number of hands. It takes the place of the Holy Scriptures with devout Catholics. It is a meritorious work to read the Rosier de Marie, which conand thinks he is in this way conferring a tains the quintessence of the doctrines

While these grave questions are agitated, the Pope and the Cardinals employ their time in Rome in singular extravagances. Pius IX. has just added


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