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"Without question," the Watchman says, "it must be an exaggeration to say that the Lutheran Church in Sweden is the most despotic ecclesiastical body in existence, not excepting even the Papacy."

No doubt this is strong language, and it may possibly be exaggerated language; but the Watchman would have done Dr. Steane a service, and all the other readers of that journal, had he shown in what the cxaggeration consists. The comparison with the Papacy is, no doubt, distasteful, but is it not warranted by facts? Popish Tuscany prosecuted, condemned, and banished the Madiai for becoming Protestants; Protestant Sweden prosecutes, condemns, and banishes six women for becoming Roman Catholics. Where is the difference? But this is not all. Sweden goes beyond Rome in the way of intolerance, for she prosecutes, ruins by heavy fines, and banishes for life, her fellow-Protestants. At this moment Olaus Nilsson is a wanderer in the wide world, under sentence of perpetual exile from Sweden, his native country, for having avowed himself a Baptist, and endeavoured to spread his views.*

All Christendom rings with these melancholy facts; they are the opprobrium and the grief of our common Protestantism. They make us blush and hang our heads in the presence of Popery, and paralyse our arm when we would rescue our persecuted brethren from her iron grasp. And since these facts cannot be contradicted, why should our Swedish friends take umbrage at the language which, as the consequence, insists on the pre-eminent intolerance

of their Church? Let them be assured we find no pleasure in speaking of it in such terms. On the contrary, we regard it as a most painful necessity, but a necessity which, if we are to speak of it at all, we cannot avoid. As we love our brethren of the Swedish State Church-and we saw too much that was excellent and worthy in many of them not to love them sincerely-we intreat them to take in good part the remonstrances of the Christians of England, America, and other countries, and to address themselves carnestly and with united vigour to the removal of this reproach.

The animadversion of the Watchman on the other point is expressed in the following terms: "We wonder not at this opinion from one who immediately afterwards, with perfect seriousness, says a maid servant even

cannot change her domestic service without the permission of the clergy. A parishioner may not change bis residence into another parish without the clergyman's permit; and two parishioners from different parishes may not intermarry if either of the two clergymen refuses a certificate. It is surprising that the writer could believe such evidently unfounded accounts."

Whether the writer manifested an easy credulity, or whether the statements he has made are unfounded, let the reader determine when he has considered what shall now be laid before him.

A document of which the following is an exact copy was given to Dr. Steane by a gentleman of high position in Stockholm, with whom he and his companion transacted business in that part of their errand which related to Religious Liberty:


necessary to be obtained previous to moving from one parish to another by all ranks, and to be delivered to the clergyman of the parish in which the party (he or she) may intend to take up their residence.

"A, was born [the place and date of birth].

Was christened [the date and place of christening].

His or her parents [their names, rank, and occupation].

"Belonged at his or her birth to [name
of the parish].

"Came to this parish [the time when].
"Leaves this parish [the time when].
"Can read the Bible [well, or ill].
"Knows Dr. Luther's Catechism, with
his explanations [yes, or no].
"Understands the way of redemption
[yes, or no].

"Has attended the sacrament [yes, or

"Has attended the Church service [yes, or no].

"Has attended the annual catechising
[yes, or no].

"Is of good character [yes, or no].
"Nothing to prevent [him or her] enter-
ing the matrimonial state.
"Has had the small-pox.

"Is entered in the tax-list this year for
this parish.

"Date of the certificate. "MEM.-The tax-list for next year is not completed.


This document, it is submitted, settles the

* See statement of facts from America in a preceding page.


it, and that in the case of the dependent classes, as they are generally called, it is usually demanded when service is sought, nor is it safe to be without that powerful document. Its presence serves, in many cases, instead of a passport, and the want of it may lead to arrest for vagrancy."

question in dispute. The power which it vests in the clergyman is to an Englishman's apprehension both inquisitorial and intolerable. To what extent the power may be used is not the point, but its existence. It has, however, been employed to prevent the marriage of persons living in different parishes, who had become Baptists. In one It is submitted, then, to the candour of of the clauses it will be seen the clergyman the Watchman whether the evidence lies in certifies that there is "nothing to prevent favour of Dr. Steane's statements or against [him or her] entering the matrimonial them. He is respectfully asked when he state." Now in cases not a few, clergymen expresses his "surprise that Dr. Steane have refused, and still refuse, to certify this could believe such evidently unfounded where the contracting parties are Baptists, accounts," first, how it appears that those and the consequence is the solemnisation of accounts are evidently unfounded, and, marriage becomes to such persons a practical secondly, whether they are unfounded, and impossibility. Will the Watchman commit this priest's certificate is, after all, a myth? himself to the denial of this statement? If In conclusion, Dr. Steane desires to rethere be a legal remedy against the clergy-iterate that he is actuated in what he has man's refusal, it is more than could be published already, and in what he has made certain by Dr. Steane's inquiries, written now, by no other desire than to though he asked the question often, and of elicit truth. He sincerely hopes that in well-informed persons. The replies he the preceding lines he has said nothing that obtained were conflicting and sometimes can be deemed disrespectful to his friends contradictory. But on the supposition that in Sweden; and he would be far from there is, it involves a suit both too operose doing them such a disservice as to suppose and too expensive for poor people to under- that they will regard the calm statement of take. what he believes to be true, though that truth may be painful, as incompatible with sincere Christian friendship. many things in his own country, and in his own Church, which are no doubt open to just animadversion. Such animadversion, when made in a kind spirit, we ought none of us to deprecate, but rather to welcome. It is by such an interchange of ideas and sentiments that we serve one another in love, and serve at the same time the cause of righteousness and truth. May Sweden, nobly distinguished as she already is in the history of Protestant nations, become nobler still, and surpass, by God's help and blessing, her former greatness; and may her Christian people, under that gracious visitation with which they are now privileged, be enriched with all the fruits and virtues of His Holy Spirit!

As to the case of domestic servants, it may be enough to say that Dr. Steane and his friend were told by a lady in Stockholm that she herself had been at the communion with about two hundred maid servants, simply qualifying themselves by that act to effect a change of situation; or, in other words, to obtain the clergyman's certificate. Dr. Steane's statement would be made literally correct by substituting the word certificate for permission.

One testimony more on the case of the certificate generally shall be added, in the form of an extract from a letter written to Dr. Steane by one who is thoroughly competent to speak on the subject. He says, Every Swede knows the power possessed by the clergy through the Prest betyg, or clerical certificate. The fact is unquestionable that every adult Swede must have

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ABROGATION OF THE CONVENTICLE LAW. By the Stockholm Watchman, of the 27th November, we learn that the Conventiele Law of 1726 is no more, the King having confirmed the proposal of the last Diet. Members of the Lutheran Church may now meet together for religious exercises, subject to the presence of a clergyman, churchwarden, or magistrate, should either of these authorities desire to attend; and in

There are

the event of the authority attending discovering anything unlawful or disorderly, he may at once dissolve the meeting. The meetings may not be held during church hours, but by special permission; and any one who is not an ordained clergyman addressing such meetings in a way which can be considered as leading to separation from the Church, may, by the Church Council,


be prohibited from again speaking in the parish. Those who arrange and conduct meetings in church hours, without special permission, or continue to teach after being prohibited, shall pay a fine of not less than fifty nor more than three hundred dollars, to be equally divided betwixt the accuser and the poor of the parish, or, in default of payment, to be imprisoned.

Such is the amount of religious freedom as yet granted to our brethren in Sweden. It is a beginning, however small; but, according to my view, the new statute places the Separatists from the Church in a worse position than before.

That something is to be done with regard to Separatists appears from the fact that the Ecclesiastical Minister has, according to the "Norrlands Correspondent" required, through the bishops, information regarding

the Separatists in their respective dioceses, that he may learn how many they are who have left the communion of the Church, what reasons are given for their separation, what doctrines differing from those of the Lutheran Church they have embraced, how far they have organised themselves as Churches, and who the persons are who are looked upon as leaders in such communities.

Reports on all these points are to be furnished by the parochial clergy.

These returns, if carefully and faithfully made, will surprise many, and surely prepare the way in Sweden for a change of the laws affecting those who leave the National Church.-Yours affectionately, GEORGE SCOTT.

Liverpool, Dec. 8, 1858.

Asiatic Intelligence.



London, Dec. 13, 1858.

My dear Dr. Steane,--Your readers will recollect reading in Evangelical Christendom for September last, of the baptism of a learned Jew, Mr. J. Abraham, "an inquirer of long standing, who had been instrumental in leading others to inquire after truth," and of the baptism of his wife and infant son in the number for October. I am happy to inform you that this Jewish family have continued steadfast in the faith, and that Mr. Abraham is giving every proof of his sincerity, and of his earnest desire to make known the riches of Divine grace, and to lead souls to the foot of the Cross. The reaction consequent on the cessation of the late war, and the monetary crisis, which, like a hurricane, having laid waste many a fortune in the United States of America, swept across the Atlantic and the continent of Europe, blasting the hopes of many, and carrying penury to numberless familics, reached as far as Asia Minor, and inflicted a severe blow on the growing prosperity and rapidly-increasing commerce of Smyrna. Under such circumstances, Mr. A., who is a silversmith, thought it best to remove into the interior for a time, and is now settled at Aidin. There, while pursuing his avocation and labouring to provide honestly for his wife and child, he has not

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neglected to seek to enrich others with a knowledge of the Gospel, and by his walk and conversation to commend the doctrines he professes. I hear from him frequently. In his last letter he informs me that the Word of God is penetrating into the hearts of many. Among his inquirers are two Roman Catholics, two Armenians, and several Jews. He has established Divine service on the Lord's-day in Turkish. He says, They have agreed to come to my house every Sunday. Last Sunday I read Isaiah xlii. and Matt. vii., expounding a portion of the latter; and I delivered a sermon which I had previously prepared. You can well conceive the gratitude and joy I feel in seeing my spiritual Jewish children growing in grace, and becoming instrumental in the salvation of others, and how much I long to be again amongst them. But perhaps even this separation will prove a blessing to their souls, by teaching them to think less of the feeble and humble instrument, and more of Christ and the Spirit of all grace. Let me entreat your readers to pray for the Jewish converts and inquirers in Smyrna and its neighbourhood. Let them behold in this instance what may be expected from the conversion of the Jews in the district of the Seven Churches; how, as of old, they may be God's instru


ments in the conversion of the Gentiles | lies beyond the grave. Oh, may the energies around them."

Shortly after our arrival in Smyrna, Mrs. B. and myself were attracted by the amiable and intelligent qualities of the eldest son of our Jewish colporteur-Mr. M. Viliesiot, native of Salonica. Mr. V. was brought to a knowledge of the truth by the instrumentality of the missionaries of the London Society for the Jews; and himself, his son Joseph, and eldest daughter, were baptized at Constantinople by the Rev. H. A. Stern, on the 27th Nov., 1853. His wife was baptized about a year after by the same worthy missionary. He was subsequently employed as a colporteur in connexion with that mission, and approved himself a zealous and faithful labourer. In May, 1856, he engaged in the service of our mission, and has ever since continued to labour in Smyrna and its neighbourhood. Finding Joseph earnestly desirous of instruction, we took him into our house; and his progress under Mrs. Benoliel's instruction has been very sur prising and satisfactory. He can now speak and read English fluently, speaks JudeoSpanish, Italian, modern Greek, and a little Turkish. As a treat he used to receive lessons in French also. He writes a good hand, is a ready arithmetician, and has made considerable progress in English and biblical history, geography, &c.

Mrs. B., writing to a friend in Jan., 1857, says: "Jewish children do not hear of the Saviour's love unmoved. Their young minds, void of prejudice, are easily impressed by the force of simple truth. I have an interesting instance of this in the son of our native agent, an intelligent boy of eleven years of age, whose name is Joseph, and is under my care and instruction, and by his desire to learn, repays me for my time and trouble. His knowledge of Scripture history is considerable, and he is making sufficient progress to encourage me in this feeble attempt. A few days since, whilst reading the 15th chapter of Mark, he was deeply affected, and entreated me not to let him read about Christ's crucifixion, for he always felt so sorrowful afterward, when he thought of the cruelty of the Jews. He is fond of committing hymns to memory, and in repeating those verses, 'I'm but a stranger here,' his countenance glows with delight when he comes to the concluding lines, Heaven is my fatherland.' He always manifests the deepest interest in hearing and talking about heaven, and would fain, like many of us, wish to know more than is revealed of that state of existence which

of his youthful mind be consecrated to that Saviour who once took up Jewish children in His arms and blessed them, saying, 'Of such is the kingdom of heaven!'

The cruel persecution of Yeoryi afforded an opportunity for the manifestation of a pleasing trait in little Joseph's character. To stimulate him in his studies, Mrs. B. used to give him so many marks for every well-learnt lesson, which in due time became piastres; and that he might not spend the money in toys and trifles, promised him that, when he should have collected a pound, she would double it, and buy him a watch. One day he overheard Joshua telling me that, although Yeoryi was anxious to keep his circumstances from my knowledge, he felt it necessary to disclose to me the painful fact that he was so far reduced in his means as to be obliged to apply for the pittance which the Turkish Government gives to prisoners. I reminded him of the innumerable calls upon my limited means; to which he replied, "It is not right that you should bear it alone; we (the converts) must all assist in this case of distress.' Joseph went to Mrs. B., and, with tears rolling down his bashful cheeks, told her what he had heard, and expressed a desire to contribute toward the relief of the persecuted Greek. He had one-and-twenty piastres; and, on being asked how much he wished to give, he very liberally offered his little treasure, 3s. 3d., and would not retain any part of it.

Having failed to obtain the admission of this dear boy into the Malta Protestant College, I brought him with me to this country, and he is now in the house and school for the sons and orphans of missionaries, Blackheath, where he will be trained for a life of usefulness in the Master's service. The charge is very moderate, only 15l. per annum for board and education, and 5l. for clothing. We are anxious to raise sufficient to pay for two years before we return to Smyrna. We have already received towards this charitable object about 97.

Permit me, then, to appeal to the readers of Evangelical Christendom for assistance, that we may be able to secure for this child of Abraham the benefits of that excellent institution for at least two years, at the expiration of which I hope, if life is spared, to obtain his admission into some missionary college. Every one that sees him is pleased with him-he is such an amiable, teachable, and well-behaved boy. May God's


blessing rest upon him and his fellow-cerely pray that this child may, under the scholars!

I am, my dear Sir, yours very sincerely,

blessing of the God of Abraham, become an instrument of great Christian usefulness among his brethren. Post-office orders ** We shall be happy to take charge of should be made payable to Rev. Edward contributions for this object; and we sin-Steane, Camberwell (S.)

American Intelligence.



We are indebted to our American brethren for the following information respecting one of the largest empires in the world, with the religious condition of which, though nominally Christian, the Christians of this country are, we imagine, but very imperfectly acquainted. A series of articles in relation to it has been published in the journal of the American and Foreign Christian Union, which is kindly forwarded to us, and we propose to reproduce them in our pages. The manuscript, the editor says, from which they are taken was prepared by a gentleman now resident in Brazil, and whose education, position, opportunities for research, and personal observations, qualify him to write intelligently, and entitle his statement to great respect and confidence. A vast field for Evangelical labour is opened before the true Church of God in the South American continent, and we are only fulfilling our duty in calling their attention to it, and supplying them with the information that is necessary to a just estimate of its claims.


The empire of Brazil is the second country in the world, if unity of area be considered, as will be seen by comparison :

Area of Russia

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Square Miles. 6,006,010

British Empire. 4,131,333
Brazil .

U.S. and Territory 3,384,865 The total population of Brazil in 1850 was 6,150,000, and we doubt whether it has increased much in the last seven years, when we take into account the ravages of yellow fever and cholera, and the non-importation of slaves within that period. The black race does not increase as fast in Brazil as in the United States, nor are there as many marriages among the whites, in proportion to the population, as in the United States.

It is doubtful, indeed, whether in 1850 Brazil contained the number of inhabitants stated, as no accurate census has ever been taken. It was recently stated in the Journal of Commerce of Rio, that in 1856 the population of Brazil was certainly 7,800,000-an increase of 1,650,000 in five years, which is out of the question, since the whole emigration to the United States in that time was only 1,350,000, while the emigration to Brazil does not exceed, it is


believed, twelve hundred per year.
fact, Werneck, in his "Mappa Estatistica
das Colonias," gives but 17,891 between
1825 and 1854, stating the number of each
colony. Indeed, Brazilians have no taste
for nor do they appreciate the logic of
statistics, for most of their statements are
merely hypothetical. And it may be here
stated that nothing is so difficult as obtain-
ing correct information in regard to the
special affairs of Brazilians.

With these general remarks on the extent and population of Brazil, we will speak now of her


The Romish Church in Brazil is supported by the laws and treasury of the State. Art. 5 of the Constitution reads as follows: "The Catholic religion, apostolic and Roman, shall continue to be the religion of the empire. All other religions will be permitted, with their domestic or special worship (com seu culto domestico ou particular), in houses set apart for this purpose, without the exterior form of a temple."

This clause does not protect those who attempt to proselyte-at least, this is the general opinion.

By Art. 102, "The Emperor is chief of the executive power, and he exercises it by his Ministers of State. Their powers are

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