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" Some bright idea of the master's mind, Where a new world leaps out at his command, And ready Nature waits upon his hand; When the ripe colours soften and unite, And sweetly melt into just shade and light; When mellowing years their full perfection give,... "
The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: With His Last Corrections, Additions ... - Side 118
af Alexander Pope - 1804 - 754 sider
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The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope, Bind 1

Alexander Pope - 1717 - 468 sider
...T)ryden be. So when the faithful pencil has defign'd Some bright Idea of the matter's mind, • / Where ; Where a new world leaps out at his command, And ready...nature waits upon his hand; When the ripe colours foften and units* •x, Arad fweetly melt into* juft lhade and light, When rneMfowing years their full...
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Miscellaneous Poems and Translations: By Several Hands. Particularly, I ...

1720 - 302 sider
...is, fhall Dryden be. So when the faithful pencil has defign'd Some bright idea of the mafter's mind, Where a new world leaps out at his command, And ready...nature waits upon his hand; When the ripe colours foften and unite, And fweetly melt into juft ftiade and light, When mellowing years their full perfection...
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Miscellaneous Poems and Translations, Bind 1

Alexander Pope - 1722 - 294 sider
...is, (hall Dryden be. So when the faithful pencil has-defign'd Some bright idea of the mafter's mind, Where a new world leaps out at his command,; And ready nature waits upon his handv When the ripe colours foften and unite, And fweetly melt into juft fliade and light, When mellowing...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esq, Bind 1

William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 392 sider
...Drydm be. VOL, I. F So" So when the faithful Pencil has dcfign'd Some fair Idea of the Mafter's Mmd, Where a new World leaps out at his Command, And ready...Nature waits upon his Hand ; „ When the ripe Colours fof'ten and unite, And fweetly melt into juft Shade and Light, When mellowing Time docs full Perfection...
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An essay on criticism. With notes by mr. Warburton

Alexander Pope - 1749 - 110 sider
...(hall Dryden be. So when the faithful pencil has defign'd Some bright Idea of the matter's mind, 485 Where a new world leaps out at his command, And ready...Nature waits upon his hand ; When the ripe colours foften and unite, And fweetiy melt into juft (hade and light, When mellowing years their full perfeftion...
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The Works of Alexander Pope Esq, Bind 1

Alexander Pope - 1751 - 244 sider
...benign, and then — fv'a thofe Clouds at laji adorn its ivay^ RtfltQ new glories, and augmtnt-tht day. Where a new world leaps out at his command, And ready...Nature waits upon his hand ; When the ripe colours foften and unite, And fweetly melt into juft made and light ; When mellowing years their full perfection...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. ...: Juvenile poems

Alexander Pope - 1751 - 236 sider
...and then — tvfn tbofe Cltu&s at laft adorn its ivaj/^ Rt.fle3 ne<w glories, and augmint the day. Where a new world 'leaps out at his command, And ready...Nature waits upon his hand; When the ripe colours foften and unite, And fweetly melt into juft fliade and light ; When mellowing years their full perfection...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Juvenile poems

Alexander Pope - 1752 - 396 sider
...fhall Drydcn be. So when the faithful pencil has defign'd Some bright Idea of the matter's mind, 485 Where a new world leaps out at his command, And ready...Nature waits upon his hand ; When the ripe colours foften and unite, And fweetly melt into jufl made and light j When mellowing years their full perfection...
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Poems on Several Occasions

Christopher Smart - 1752 - 264 sider
...is, fhall Dryden be. So when the faithful pencil has deflgn'd* Some bright idea of the mafter's mind, Where a new world leaps out at his command, And ready nature waits upon his hand ; 490 And De ARTE CRITICA. 75 Virtuti malus, umbra velut nigra, livor adhaeret, Sed verum ex vana corpus...
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The works of Alexander Pope. With his last corrections, additions ..., Bind 1

Alexander Pope - 1754 - 262 sider
...mall Dryden be. So when the faithful pencil has defign'd Some bright Idea of the matter's mind, 485 Where a new world leaps out at his command, And ready...Nature waits upon his hand ; When the ripe colours foften and unite, And fweetly melt into juft fhade and light; When mellowing years their full perfeftion...
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