Wealth, neglected Honour and flighted Ser. IV. Charmes. Let us then inquire 3. What can be the Reason why this Reward has not the Influence upon us it shou'd? Will you say 'tis too Spiritual and Refin'd for you to form'a Notion of it, or be taken with it? You had as good fay you are too Earthy and Sensual, and are resolv'd to continue such; for you cannot but understand that an Incorruptible and Glorious Nature is more Perfect than a Corruptible and Vile one. You cannot but understand that theGood, which is suited and proportion'd to such a Nature, which is Everlasting and Free from the leaft Mixture of Evil, is infinitely to be prefer'd before any thing here below. Will you say that you do not believe such a State? You had as good say, you are refolv'd not to believe it. Have you examin'd the Proofs of it, and are you able to shew that they are weak and inconclufive? If not, what do you mean? The Rich Man could say, Nay Father Abraham, but if one went unto them from the 30. Dead, they will Repent. God has done this for you, he has fent his Son from Heaven first, and afterwards from the Dead. In a word, he has given you feveral G3 Luke xvi, Vol. II. veral Demonstrations of Immortality and Glory; in vain should you expect fuller or greater Proofs, in vain should you expect new Prophets and new Miracles: I can think of no way left for God to work Faith in you, but fome extraordinary and surprising Judgment. Will you fay Temptations are prefent, but our Reward Future? Ought it not to be fo? Is it not fo in all other Cafes? Besides in the present Cafe, here's only the distance, but not the uncertainty of the Future. Here's Expectation, but if it be not our own Fault without Fear. And lastly the greatness of the Reward does sufficiently make amends for its Distance, fufficiently support our Patience, and abundantly outweigh that Advantage a Temptation pretends to, by being present. Will you then say that you do not confider a Life to Come as you should? I believe you will be asham'd to fay so, but I doubt, that this is the true Reason why it weighs so little with you. The Business and the Pleasure, the Honours and the Interests, nay I may add, the Cares and Fears, and the Anxieties of this present Life draw off your Hearts, and turn away your Thoughts Thoughts from that to Come. But this Ser. IV. is our Sin and our Folly, which if we will be fav'd we must Remedy. We muft have the Death and Resurrection of Chrift frequently in our Thoughts; or else they will never Influence our Lives: We must often meditate on the Joy and Crown that is set before us; or else it will never Captivate, never Purifie our Hearts. The End of the Second Sermon. G4 SER 89 SERMON V. The JUSTICE of that Sentence, [The First Sermon upon this Text.] Ром. іі. 2. But we are fure that the Judgment of God is I T is confefs'd by all, but Vol. II, as justly subjecting us to the Wrath of |