Vol. II. we our selves can bear them much long✓✓ er. Our Contentions and Divisions, our Frauds and Cheats, our Pride and Luxury, and above all, our Infidelity and Apoftacy, are so notorious, and so scandalous, that I cannot tell how to think but that God will visit us for them, unless the final Judgment be so near, that there needs no Temporal one in the mean time..." : L 7 The End of the Eleventh Sermon. f' SER AAAAACAЛЛАЛЛА 50099009900990099000990005 SERMON XII. The Duty of PRAYER and A Thanksgiving SERMON, Preach'd November 7. 1710. COL. IV. 2. Continue in Prayer, and watch in the fame with Thanksgiving. T HIS Direction may con-Vol. II. or English Men, in a Reli- Temporal Profperity, Conquest over : Vol. II. ~ Now of the First more briefly; of the James v. 16. 7,8. Second more fully. I. First therefore of Prayer and Thankfgiving, as the Means of Spiritual Profperity. And here, 1. As to Prayer. 1st, Prayer has many great Promises made to it in the Scriptures. The effectual fervent Prayer of a righteous Man availeth much. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, Matt. vii. and ye shall find; knock, and it sball be opened unto you. For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and Heb. iv. to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy, and find Grace to help in Time of Need. If any of you lack Wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all Men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 16. James i 5. 2dly, It renders us more spiritual and heavenly. Prayer is a drawing nigh to God, a converfing with him, and a withdrawing from the World. And will not a Soul derive from him Light and Life? Exod. 34 Mofes's Face shin'd when he had convers'd with God. And it is said of our Luke ix. Saviour upon the Mountain, that as he prayed 29. 29. Prayed, the Fashion of his Countenance was Serm. alter'd. F XII. 3dly, It is pleasing and acceptable to God; for Prayer is an Effect of Faith and Humility, an Acknowledgment of God's Power and Goodness, and our Indigence and Weakness. Now God resisteth the 1Pet... Proud, but giveth Grace to the Humble. 2. As to Thanksgiving; this also ought to be regarded as a great Means of Spiritual Success. For, 1st, It engages God to us. The Benefit is loft that is conferr'd on the Ungrateful. Ingratitude makes us not only unworthy of Mercies, but unfit for them. God delights indeed to do Good, but it is where he meets with a Subject proper to receive it. 2dly, This Exercise will make us better Men. It will nourish and increase the Love of God in us; it will strengthen our Faith in him, and dispose us to mark and observe those good Providences we meet with continually every Day, nay, almoft every Hour, and in every Place. And let not any one now think this Part of my Discourse impertinent to the Day. If it tends to make us better Men, it hath answer'd the chief Design of this Day's Solemnity; for what makes us good, will certainly make us great and pro Vol. II. profperous: Our Sins only can deprive us ~ of God's Favour, and only Repentance ...and Reformation can entitle us to the Continuance of it. But to come to what I propos'd more especially to infift on, let us, II. Secondly, Consider Prayer and Thankfgiving with refpect to our Secular Capacity and Temporal Profperity. I have chose such a Text as joyns both together, because the Times demand both. There is a Mixture in our State: Our Success is great, but is our Reputation Abroad or Credit at Home proportionably greater? We have fat down before no Town but we have taken it; and when ever the Enemy has dar'd to look us in the Face, we have defeated him; fo that morally speaking, the War grows nearer to an End, but can we say that we are nearer to the Enjoyment of what we fought for? Are we freed from Discontents and Fears? Are your Enemies more discourag'd? Do they make us greater Proposals of Peace? Are our Confederates and we more closely united? Have they a greater Value for us, and a greater Confidence in us? And as a Consequence of all this, have we lefs reason to be follicitous for our Religion, Property and Liberty? I am very defi rous |