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2 KINGS X. 15.—Is thine heart right?

THESE were the proud words of one, who little knew what was in his own heart. But they contain an enquiry, of no small importance to every fallen child of Adam. May I be enabled so to expound it, that we may all become savingly acquainted with our own real character in the sight of God!

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I. IN ITS Views of reLIGIOUS TRUTH? Has it formed a right judgment concerning thy natural condition, as a sinner against God; and respecting the way of bettering that condition?

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I am aware that many regard this as the proper business of the understanding, rather than of the heart. Hence they excuse their erroneous views in religion, by pleading want of ability to discover the truth. Hence the poor think it enough to say, I am no scholar!' and persons, far wiser than they in worldly wisdom, have pretended, that a man is not responsible for what he believes, and that it is not his fault if he be mistaken.' But the Scripture gives a very different account of the matter. A right faith is there represented as having more to do with the heart than with the head. Men are ignorant of God, simply because "they do not like to retain him in their knowledge." 1 On the one hand we are informed, that

1 Rom. i. 28.


corrupts the whole man; which, even when pardoned, will shew itself again and again, in fresh acts, words, desires, and imaginations of evil. Now many a man has endeavoured to cure this disease, by strong resolutions, by watchfulness, by mortification. These, I grant, are all very needful, and our bounden duty; but they will be of no avail by themselves. As well might you expect the Ethiopian to change his own skin, or the leopard his spots. No-a divine Healer is wanted, to effect this cure. Accordingly, it is here made the subject of a promise. The same Lord, who offers peace, promises holiness-" I will heal him." Most bodily cures, however, are gradual; so is that of the soul's disease. Yet the Physician is wise, experienced, kind, faithful; he will leave no work which he undertakes, unfinished; we may therefore safely put our souls under his care and keeping, for him to cleanse and sanctify them by his Holy Spirit.

Observe, finally, the order of the Gospel blessings. Holiness is not the cause of a sinner's reconciliation to God, but the consequence of it. Thy first task, O guilty soul, is to go to the "fountain opened for sin and uncleanness."1 As it concerns thy peace with God, Christ is all that thou to; and from him must come that fr



2 KINGS X. 15.-Is thine heart Tigh

THESE were the proud words of one, wat what was in his own heart.

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enquiry, of no small importance to every fallen child of Adam. May I be enabled so to expoundat, fit we may all become savingly acquainted with o real character in the sight of God!

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"with the heart man believeth unto righteousness;" 1 on the other, unbelief is ascribed to an evil heart—if men "depart from the living God," it is owing to "an evil heart of unbelief." 2

All this is easily explained. The Gospel is designed to humble us: Reason sees at once the fitness of such a design-but the proud heart of course opposes, and therefore will not believe. The Gospel makes known a salvation of God's devising: Reason might at once confess the right he has to do so-but the proud heart again stands in the way. The Gospel, in short, requires man to look on himself as nothing, and upon God as every thing and what can be more evident than the propriety of this? but the whole scheme is resisted by "the carnal mind," which is "enmity against God." Hence, and hence alone, all those mistakes in religion, into which different persons fall. They are not accidental-not unavoidable; but the perverse, self-willed, and guilty errors of men, who "love darkness rather than light," and therefore will not be taught of God.

How is your heart, then, towards Divine truth? Surely it is meet to be said unto God-That which I see not, teach thou me!" 3 Does your heart say 'Amen' to this? Are you willing to learn? willing to be cast down and abased? willing that God should have the entire saving of you? content to stand as a beggar at the footstool of mercy? and, while you desire nothing less than "a crown of glory," convinced that you are undeserving even of "crumbs from the Master's table?" All these are matters of feeling rather than of opinion; and they are indispensable to a right state of heart.

"Is thine heart right," secondly,

1 Rom. x. 10. 2 Heb. iii. 12. 3 Job xxxiv. 31, 32.

II. IN ITS DEPENDANCE? On what is it actually resting, as the ground of its hopes for Eternity?

"Other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." If you have adopted right views of religious truth, you will at once agree with this declaration; confessing that Christ's merits. alone can recommend you to God's favour-and that the Spirit of Christ alone can make you holy, and obedient to God's commandments. All this, however, you may readily acknowledge as the true doctrine, while (such is the deceitfulness of the heart) you may actually be "building on the sand" of self-righteousness and self-dependance. The lips are often right, while the heart is wrong. How is your heart? Has it fledis it daily and hourly fleeing-to Christ, for "wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption?" That is the sinner's first step-and he must continually be taking it afresh. As often as the Law condemns, as the conscience upbraids, as the flesh rebels, as Satan tempts, so often must we look, and that again and again, to Christ. No improvement which we may discover in our own character, must be put in the place of his atoning blood: no effort against sin must be made, but with an express regard to his Spirit, as alone able to make it effectual. What then is your experience in these particulars? Is your heart right— that is, not only persuaded that Christ "is able to save to the uttermost," but practically depending on him, for the beginning, the continuance, and the final completing of your salvation?

"Is thine heart right," again,

III. IN ITS CHOICE? In what does it delight? what does it esteem to be the chief good?

Many are driven to something like dependance on

1 1 Cor. iii. 11.

21 Cor. i. 30.

3 Heb. vii. 25.

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