MELODIES, SONGS, SACRED SONGS, AND National Airs. CONTAINING SEVERAL NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED BY THOMAS MOORE, ESQ. NEW-YORK: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY GEORGE LONG, NO. 71, PEARL-STREET. ............ PREFACE. Ar the request of the Proprietors of my musical compositions, I have rovin Saton his harp lo trgron gave, it weld; And said Why thereone, the 66 "So sweep mus dever's reeleing grave Thy theme, the fouts of hill S.... r Phonour of being translated into French by a --, learned English divine, I thought the sacrifice might ✓ appear over righteous, and have accordingly, for the present, indulged it with a reprieve. Robart P. Avery It has always been a subject of some mortification to me, that my songs, as they are set, give such a very imperfect notion of the manner in which I wish them to be performed, and that most of that pecufiarity of character, which, I believe, they possess 53216 Robert PREFACE. Ar the request of the Proprietors of my musical compositions, I have revised them for publication in this collective form, and shall be happy to find that those who like my Songs are numerous enough to justify the Publishers in such an expensive experiment. A few of my earlier Ballads have been omitted; one or two, that required but little alteration to make them unexceptionable, have been corrected; and, altogether, though but ill qualified to act the part of a Brutus to my own progeny, I should hope that nothing has been allowed to live in this collection, by which the common-weal of morals can suffer the slightest detriment. I had some momentary scruples indeed, about one song: but recollecting, in addition to its being particularly popular, that it had had the honour of being translated into French by a very learned English divine, I thought the sacrifice might appear over righteous, and have accordingly, for the present, indulged it with a reprieve. It has always been a subject of some mortification to me, that my songs, as they are set, give such a vey imperfect notion of the manner in which I wish them to be performed, and that most of that pecufiarity of character, which, I believe, they possess 53216 |