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In this hour of national and personal loss, through our tears we thank Thee that such have been, though they are here no more. We rejoice in the assurance of our faith that death is but the portal to another room in the Father's many-mansioned house. Amen.

Mr. HOEY. Mr. President, it becomes my sad and painful duty to advise the Senate of the death of my friend of the years and my colleague in this body, Senator WILLIS SMITH, which occurred this morning about 5 o'clock in the Naval Hospital in Bethesda, after an illness of 3 days.

Senator SMITH was sworn in as a Member of this body on November 27, 1950, and therefore had been a Member of the Senate for 2 years and 7 months. That is a very brief space of time, yet it was long enough for him to have left an indelible impression upon his associates in the Senate and upon others who had an opportunity to contact him and to serve with him. Senator SMITH was robust in body and mind. He was vigorous and strong. He was the picture of health. He had a very healthful history. It was wholly unknown to him that he had heart trouble. A cardiogram which was made only about 10 days ago failed to reveal any heart affection of any kind. In the strength of his manhood and in the vigor of his service he was stricken down and his imperial spirit returned to the God who gave it.

Senator SMITH was 65 years of age and yet I think that anyone who knew him would hardly have imagined that he was that old. As I mentioned a moment ago, he had had a long, healthful career. But it is not the matter of his health or of his physical appearance of which I wish to speak for a moment; it is of the finer things of the mind and of the spirit.

Senator SMITH was genial; he was strong; he was patient; he was courteous. I do not know, if we come to add up the attributes of a man, that we could say that anyone possessed a greater degree of loyalty and courage or higher

integrity or had more devoted interest in the service of his country.

During the time he served in the Senate, Senator SMITH formed many fine friendships, the memory of which will linger through the years with those who were privileged to know him well. It has been most gratifying to me, as I know it would be to his family, to hear the expressions made by Senators in private conversation during the days of his illness, followed by his death.

It is worthwhile to live the sort of life Senator SMITH lived. His example has been an inspiration to those who knew him and who have been associated with him. He belongs to that select company of men who, with Byron, could tell Death, that omnipotent tyrant, to his everlasting face that he possessed no sting, and challenge his sleepless handmaiden, the grave, to dare proclaim a victory.

He was a good man. He was good in the sense that he loved his fellow men and his God. He respected the rights of people, of individuals, and of nationalities. He believed in his fellow man. He had faith in Amerca.

He was

a great North Carolinian, but he was a greater American. I know of no man who was more devoted to his country or more patriotic in its service than was Senator SMITH. There was never a time when he was not willing to go all the way for America, and for the ideals of our Republic. There was never a moment that he did not breathe the spirit of loyalty and devotion to the highest traditions of our land.

I have had the opportunity of knowing Senator SMITH well throughout his entire career. I am some 10 years older than he, but we have been friends through all the years of the past; and I shall miss him as a friend, as well as an associate and colleague and legislator.

I have had a rather sad experience in connection with my colleagues. This is the third death among my colleagues from North Carolina to occur even during my brief service in the Senate. Senator Josiah William Bailey died in

1946; Senator Joseph Melville Broughton died in 1949; and we now have on this date the death of Senator WILLIS SMITH. The passing of each of these great citizens has been a great loss to the people of North Carolina; but it is stunning and shocking to the whole citizenship of our State to learn of the suddenness of the going away of this masterful man and statesman.

Senator SMITH was big in body, in mind, in spirit, and in soul, and he fitted into a niche that made him a comrade of all his associates and friends. He had no enemies. He entertained no malice. He held no sort of ill feeling against anyone, but his was the open mind, the free conscience, the independent spirit coupled with love and service that marked the pathway of all of the activities of a busy life.

I am pleased to say that the leader of the Senate majority advised me that at an early date probably on Wednesday of next week he will set aside a time to afford an opportunity to Senators who may wish to pay tribute to Senator SMITH. I shall avail myself at that time of the privilege of making more extensive remarks about him.

I wish to send forward a resolution, though before I do so, I express for myself as I know I do for all Senators, the very deepest sympathy for the lovely wife of Senator SMITH, Who has lived so beautifully with him through the years, and to his dutiful sons and daughter, all of whom were at his bedside at his passing. May the God of all the earth keep and preserve them.

To lose our colleague is shocking and painful and grievous; but, after all, death is not the tragedy of life, it is merely a supreme sadness, and there will be an answer to the immortal inquiry made by Job, "If a man die, shall he live again?” We shall find a fresh justification and a complete answer in the coming together of the spirit of WILLIS SMITH with all of the members of his family, comrades, and friends who have preceded him to the grave. It will be the meeting of great and immortal spirits.

Mr. President, I send forward a resolution, which I ask to have read.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The resolution will be read.

The Chief Clerk read the resolution (S. Res. 122), as follows:

Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of Hon. WILLIS SMITH, late a Senator from the State of North Carolina.

Resolved, That the President of the Senate and 25 Senators, the latter to be appointed by the Presiding Officer of the Senate, be constituted a committee to attend the funeral of the deceased. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased.

Mr. JENNER. Mr. President, Senator WILLIS SMITH came to the Senate in 1950 after a long and very distinguished career in the law. In the few years he has been a Member of this body he has endeared himself to Democrats and Republicans alike for his warm and generous personality, his lofty idealism, and the mental clarity he has brought to every problem he considered.

We were especially happy to have WILLIS SMITH as a member of the Subcommittee on Internal Security, where his profound knowledge of our laws and deep respect for the spirit of the law have helped us immeasurably. I deeply feel his death as a personal loss, and I know the subcommittee will miss his wisdom and quiet courage for a long time to come.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the resolution submitted by the Senator from North Carolina.

The resolution was unanimously agreed to.

Under the second resolving clause the Presiding Officer appointed the following Senators as the committee on the part of the Senate to attend the funeral of the deceased Senator:

Mr. Hoey, Mr. Johnson of Texas, Mr. Clements, Mr. Wiley, Mr. George, Mr. Langer, Mr. Russell, Mr. Byrd, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. McCarran, Mr. Jenner, Mr. Eastland, Mr. Watkins, Mr. McClellan, Mr. Hendrickson, Mr. Johnston of South Carolina, Mr. Butler of Maryland, Mr. Holland, Mr. Dirksen, Mr. Stennis, Mr. Welker, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Hennings, and Mr. Purtell.

Mr. HOEY. Mr. President, as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased Senator, I move that the Senate do now adjourn until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

The motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 11 o'clock and 51 minutes a. m.) the Senate adjourned until tomorrow, Saturday, June 27, 1953, at 10 o'clock a. m.

MONDAY, June 29, 1953.

Mr. LANGER. Mr. President, pursuant to action by the Committee on the Judiciary at today's meeting, I submit herewith a resolution unanimously adopted relative to the Honorable WILLIS SMITH, late a Senator from the State of North Carolina. I request that it be printed in the Record.

There being no objection, the resolution was ordered to be printed in the Record, as follows:


Whereas the Honorable WILLIS SMITH, late a Senator from the State of North Carolina, became a member of the Committee on the Judiciary on December 11, 1950; and

Whereas his fine character and his outstanding legal ability soon became evident to the members of this committee; and

Whereas by reason of his sincerity, honesty, and integrity, his devotion to public service, his willingness for work, and his pro

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