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A Magazine Devoted to Literature, Science and Art.

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ty, firm glances, and to hear the slow, distinct words which required her to remain in the adjoining apartments, and only to come when the bell summoned her attendance. Mr. Elmsworth himself had no

Agnes was excessively annoyed, as An- fancy for meeting Agnes in what he called "her Davenant moods," still less Fanohon. tonio had said, when she discovered that

Count Serimia was to be so familiarly as-So Agnes's life became more and more reShe sociated with them, in their future travels. stricted within her aunt's sick room. Mrs. Elmsworth was scarcely less troubled could not but notice how many little offices than her neice, but they both knew it to be of considerate kindness and thoughtfulworse than useless to attempt any exposness were shown to both her aunt and hertulation with Mr. Elmsworth, who never self by the courier Frascati. He seemed consulted any will save his own, and re- to have a magical consciousness of their cently, Count Serimia's. Mrs. Elmsworth wants, and Agnes felt continually as if inhad grieved greatly at parting with the numerable little annoyances and discomfaithful Mrs. Lucy, and the substitution of forts were warded off, contrary to her anFanchon. It was a very serious discom- ticipations, by some strong unseen arm. fort to her, for Fanchon spoke very little She had a strange feeling of confidence in English, so that she was of little use to the unknown poor courier, and she really the poor invalid, who became consequent was most grateful to him for her aunt's ly more and more dependent upon her sake. Frascati had suggested to Mr. Elmsniece. Nobly did Agnes respond to the worth that it would be far more convenient calls of duty. She herself had conceived for him to occupy a carriage with Il Conte, a dislike and prejudice instinctively against and he (Frascati,) on the box, and to take the fawning, crafty, French maid, with another for madame, who was so ill, who her restless cat-like eyes. Fanchon was was best with the Signorina and Fanchon, always bright, active, ready to do all and than to have one huge post-chaise. Mr. more than was demanded of her, but Mrs. Elmsworth heartily concurred in this. SeElmsworth seemed to shrink from having rimia dared not object to the arrangement, her about her so much that Agnes quietly though it separated him almost entirely assumed all the duties which had been from Agnes, whom he scarcely ever saw. performed for her aunt by Mrs. Lucy, and He consoled himself by thinking it would Fanchon's place was little better than a sinecure. Fanchon attempted on several eccasions to intrude herself and her attentions upon the invalid, but Agnes, with all her womanliness, knew perfectly well how to keep people in their places, and Fanchon, after several essays, had no desire to risk encountering again one of those haugh


be better when they were stationary, as they travelled very slowly, stopping sometimes for a day or so, according as Mrs. Elmsworth's strength failed; but by some unaccountable means, he was balked even then, and yet in such ways that he could not suspect any design, and though dissatisfied, had nothing of which he could

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