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" But among all these there were no weeds, no useless plants, none that encumbered the ground. Much less were there any poisonous ones, tending to hurt any one creature : but every thing was salutary in its kind, suitable to the gracious design of its great... "
The Truth of the Christian Religion: In Six Books by Hugo Grotius - Side 39
af Hugo Grotius - 1805 - 350 sider
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A compleat collection of devotions, both publick and private [compiled by T ...

Complete collection, Thomas Deacon - 1734 - 292 sider
...overfhadow it, that the living creatures of this world might take their repofe. Thou haft appointed the fun to rule the day, and the moon to govern the night, and haft implanted in the heavens a choir of ftars to the honour of thy glorious majefty. Thou haft created...
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The Truth of the Christian Religion: In Six Books ...

Hugo Grotius - 1777 - 392 sider
...enlighten the thick Darkncfs of tbt Night. And Cbalcidius to Titmeus : " To which Thing the Hf.l>reivi ' agree, who affirm that God was the Adorner of the...the Day, and the Moon to ' govern the Night ; and fo difpofed the reft of the Stars, as « to limit the Times and Seafons of the Year, and to be Signs...
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The Works of the Rev. John Wesley, Bind 9

John Wesley - 1811 - 516 sider
...salutary in its kind, suitable to the gracious design of its great Creator. 10. The Lord now created " the Sun to rule the day, and the Moon to govern the night." The Sun was " Of this great world both eye and soul." The eye, making all things visible; distributing...
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The works of the rev. John Wesley, Bind 6

John Wesley - 1829 - 544 sider
...salutary in its kind, suitable to the gracious design of its great Creator. 10. The Lord now created " the sun to rule the day, and the moon to govern the night." The sun was Of this great world both eye and soul : — The eye, making all things visible ; distributing...
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Sermons on Several Occasions, Bind 2

John Wesley - 1830 - 568 sider
...salutary in its kind, suitable to the gracious design of its great Creator. 10. The Lord now created " the sun to rule the day, and the moon to govern the night." The sun was " Of this great world both eye and soul :"— the eye, making all things visible ; distributing...
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The American Quarterly Observer, Bind 1

1833 - 422 sider
...On the fourth day of his work, the Creator of the universe divided the day from the night, by making the sun to rule the day, and the moon to govern the night. In this division of time, he seems to have had reference to the future preservation of man ; for, in...
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Sermons on Several Occasions, Bind 2

John Wesley - 1836 - 582 sider
...salutary in its kind, suitable to the gracious design of its great Creator. 10. The Lord now created " the sun to rule the day, and the moon to govern the night." The sun was " Of this great world both eye and soul :" — the eye, making all things visible ; distributing...
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The Works of the Reverend John Wesley, A.M., Bind 2

John Wesley - 1840 - 564 sider
...salutary in its kind, suitable to the gracious design of its great Creator. 10. The Lord now created " the sun to rule the day, and the moon to govern the night" The sun was " Of this great world both eye and soul :" — the eye, making all things visible ; distributing...
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The General Baptist repository, and Missionary observer [afterw.] The ...

1853 - 588 sider
...appreciate the difference between a day and a thousand years ! This would be absurd. He who created the world and appointed the sun to " rule the day, and the moon to " rule the night ;" he who arranged " the lights in the firmament to be for signs and for seasons,...
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The Masonic Trestle-board: Adapted to the National System of Work and ...

Charles Whitlock Moore - 1846 - 134 sider
...maturity and perfection. OB the FOURTH DAY, the two grand luminaries, the Sun and Moon, were created. The Sun to rule the day, and the Moon to govern the night. And the sacred historian informs us that they were ordained for signs, seasons, days and years. The Almighty...
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