The Truth of the Christian Religion: In Six Books by Hugo GrotiusJ. and P. Knapton, 1805 - 350 sider |
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... weigh the Force of their Testimony , make a Judgment , and I will stand by the Determination . 1 Paris , August 27 . CIO CIO XXΧΙΧ . HUGO GROTIUS . THE THE TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE TO THE CHRISTIAN READER . T HE TO HIERONYMUS BIGNONIUS .
... weigh the Force of their Testimony , make a Judgment , and I will stand by the Determination . 1 Paris , August 27 . CIO CIO XXΧΙΧ . HUGO GROTIUS . THE THE TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE TO THE CHRISTIAN READER . T HE TO HIERONYMUS BIGNONIUS .
... Testimony .. .... ibid . 88 89 90 91 94 -VII . The Objection drawn from the seeming Impossibility of a Resurrection answered ... The Truth of Jesus's Doctrine proved from his Resurrection 98 100 ..... ..... .... VIII . That the ...
... Testimony .. .... ibid . 88 89 90 91 94 -VII . The Objection drawn from the seeming Impossibility of a Resurrection answered ... The Truth of Jesus's Doctrine proved from his Resurrection 98 100 ..... ..... .... VIII . That the ...
Side 26
... Testimony of a great Number , who were Strangers to the Jewish Reli- gion , which shows that the most ancient Tradition among all Nations , is exactly agreeable to the Re- lation of Moses . For his description of the Ori- ginal of the ...
... Testimony of a great Number , who were Strangers to the Jewish Reli- gion , which shows that the most ancient Tradition among all Nations , is exactly agreeable to the Re- lation of Moses . For his description of the Ori- ginal of the ...
Side 44
... Testimony of all these Writers , whose Books were extant in his Time ; and be- sides these , Acusilaus , Euphonus , and Nicolaus Damascenus . Servius in his Notes upon the Eighth Book of Virgil's Eneid , remarks , that the People of ...
... Testimony of all these Writers , whose Books were extant in his Time ; and be- sides these , Acusilaus , Euphonus , and Nicolaus Damascenus . Servius in his Notes upon the Eighth Book of Virgil's Eneid , remarks , that the People of ...
Side 65
... Testimony of many Persons then alive , ( c ) Diodorus Siculus , and ( d ) Strabo , and Pliny , ( a ) Arabians , & c . ] Those I mean , that descended from Ismael . ( b ) Phænicians , & c . ] Namely , the Canaanites , and the ...
... Testimony of many Persons then alive , ( c ) Diodorus Siculus , and ( d ) Strabo , and Pliny , ( a ) Arabians , & c . ] Those I mean , that descended from Ismael . ( b ) Phænicians , & c . ] Namely , the Canaanites , and the ...
Andre udgaver - Se alle
The Truth of the Christian Religion: In Six Books - Primary Source Edition John Clarke,Hugo Grotius,Jean Le Clerc Ingen forhåndsvisning - 2014 |
The Truth of the Christian Religion: In Six Books by Hugo Grotius Hugo Grotius,Jean Le Clerc Ingen forhåndsvisning - 2015 |
The Truth of the Christian Religion: In Six Books - Primary Source Edition John Clarke,Hugo Grotius,Jean Le Clerc Ingen forhåndsvisning - 2014 |
Almindelige termer og sætninger
affirm agree amongst Christians ancient Apostles Appion Azoara Beasts believe Berosus Body called Cause Chalcidius Chap Christ Christian Religion Christians Church Circumcision City Clerc commanded concerning confess contrary Dæmons Death Deut Diogenes Laërtius Disciples Divine Doctrine Earth Egypt Egyptians Ephes Epistle eternal Eusebius Evil Father forecited forementioned Gemara Gods Gospel Greeks Grotius Heathen Heaven Hebrews History holy Honour Irenæus Isaiah Jesus Jews John Josephus Justin King Lactantius learned Levi Ben Gerson Love Luke Mahomet Mahometans Maimonides Matt Matter mentioned Messiah Mind Miracles Moses Name Nature Number Opinion Oracles Origen Phænicians Philo Place Plato Pliny Plutarch Porphyry Power Precepts profess Prophets Punishment Reason reigned Rites Sacrifices Sanchuniathon says Second Book SECT shew shewn Soul speak Strabo Tacitus Talmud Tatian Temple Tertullian Testament Testimony Things tians tion true Truth Verses viii whence Wherefore Words World Worship Writings
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Side 233 - And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession ; and I will be their God.
Side 304 - But be not ye called Rabbi : for one is your Master, even Christ ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth : for one is your Father, who is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters : for one is your Master, even Christ.
Side 70 - ... and laid up the stones in the mountain of the temple in a convenient place, until there should come a prophet to shew what should be done with them.
Side 301 - And sat down at the right hand of the Father, And will come to judge the living and the dead?
Side 225 - And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.
Side 140 - And it is the will of God, that those things which he would have us believe, so as that faith should be accepted from us as obedience, should not be so very plain, as those things we perceive by our senses, and by demonstration ; but only so far as is sufficient to procure the belief, and persuade a man of the thing, who is not obstinately bent against it : So that the gospel is, as it were, a touchstone, to try men's honest dispositions by.
Side 202 - Porphyry, who wrote so largely on the spurious Freemasonry, says, " They esteem him not fit to offer sacrifice worthily, whose body is not clothed in a white and clean garment ; but they do not think it any great matter, if some go to sacrifice, having their bodies clean, and also their garments, though their minds be not void of evil, as if God were not the most delighted with internal purity, which bears the nearest resemblance to him. It was even written in the temple of Epidauras — let all...
Side 39 - But among all these there were no weeds, no useless plants, none that encumbered the ground. Much less were there any poisonous ones, tending to hurt any one creature : but every thing was salutary in its kind, suitable to the gracious design of its great Creator. 10. The Lord now created " the Sun to rule the day, and the Moon to govern the night.
Side 225 - ... and it shall come to pass when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the Lord, they shall say no more, the ark of the covenant of the Lord, neither shall it come to mind, neither shall they remember it, neither shall they visit it, neither shall that be done any more.