The Occasion of this Work.
YOU have frequently inquired of me, worthy Sir, (whom I know to be a Gentleman that highly deserves the Esteem of your Country, of the learned World, and, if you will allow me to say it, of myself also,) what the Substance of those Books is, which I wrote in Defence of the Christian Religion, in my own Language. Nor do I wonder at your Inquiry: For you, who have with so great Judgment read every Thing that is worth reading, cannot but be sensible with how much Philosophic Nicety (a) Ræmundus Sebundus, with what entertain
(a) Ræmundus Sebundus, &c.] These were the chief Writers upon this subject in Grotius's Time; but, since then, a great Number have wrote concerning the Truth of the Christian Religion, especially in French and English; moved thereto by the Example of Grotius, whom they imitated, and sometimes borrowed from him: So that the Glory of so pious and necessary a Method of Writing, chiefly redounds to him. Le Clerc.