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This makes up the sum total of all that can be deemed ab. solutely scientific and certain in Medicine, and it will be observed that all this knowledge is essentially knowledge of facts derived from the diligent observation and study of Nature, consequently has no relation whatever with anything that is merely theoretical, speculative, or problematical. Thus considered, what then becomes of the popular idea concerning Medicine and the Medical Profession? Where is the place for the mere Physician to occupy who deals in drugs? What scientific, natural, and rational basis has he to rest on as a practitioner?

Eliminate Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology from what -among the ill-informed and unreflective of all classes- -passes for "Medical Science," and honestly consider what remains behind. What, indeed, but the Apothecary under the designation of a "Physician," with his pestle and mortar, still and crucible, for the preparation of pernicious compounds—unnatural and poisonous concoctions, recommended, unchallenged and unexplained, by crude theories and speculative fallacies unworthy of this scientific age, and all at eternal enmity with human health, happiness, and life!

Is there then a Science of Medicine? Yes, and-No! Yes! as regards the demonstrative facts, and philosophic inductions therefrom, of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, and their derivatives or branches, but, absolutely, No-as regards Medicine considered as the mere art of Physic followed by the Physician. In this sense Medicine is not, and never will be, a science, for it has no foundation in nature or truth. It is, therefore, exceedingly inexact, and greatly conducive to error, to use the term "Medicine as synonymous with " Physic." Medical men are so prone to indulge in loose, hazy, and illogical writing, that even the Lancet confesses-" In no assemblage for discussion do we meet with such proof of utter want of logical discipline of the mind, as at our Medical Societies."* And the observation applies with great truth and force to medical literature generally.

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*Lancet, Feb. 19, 1853.

Bearing in mind then the essential distinction between Medicine as a science and Physic as an art, it will be understood, at once, that it was not the former-as based on the demonstrative facts of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology—that the eminent Sir Astley Cooper contemplated, when he deliberately said "The science of medicine is founded on conjecture, and improved by murder!" It was clearly physic, or drug medication, that he referred to.

It was also of medicine, as identified with the pernicious art of drugging, that the celebrated Magendie spoke when addressing his students, he said-" Gentlemen, medicine is a great humbug. I know it is called science. Science, indeed! It is nothing like science. Doctors are merely empirics when they

are not charlatans!

In the same spirit of candour the Dublin Medical Journal said " Assuredly the uncertain and most unsatisfactory art that we call medical science is no science at all, but a jumble of inconsistent opinions; of conclusions hastily and often inaccurately drawn; of facts misunderstood or perverted; of comparisons without analogy; of hypotheses without reason, and theories not only useless, but dangerous."

In even more emphatic terms an esteemed author, Dr. Mason Good, wrote "The science of medicine is a barbarous jargon, and the effects of our medicines on the human system in the highest degree uncertain, except, indeed, that they have destroyed more lives than war, pestilence, and famine combined !"

There can be nothing uncertain in science, and hence the Medical Times admitted that "a scientific, as distinguished from an empirical treatment of disease (by drugs) is an idle dream !” * And the reason of this may be gathered from the clever author of Ourselves, Our Food, and Our Physic, Dr. Ridge, who frankly says—“ That medicines, administered with the best intentions, and according to all rules of art by the profession itself, as well as by all classes on their own responsibility, aggravate the disease

* When this was published, Feb. 7, 1863, the Medical Times was not incorporated, as it now is, with the Medical Gazette.

and suffering, is too clear to need any illustration." Even the Lancet has had its faith shaken in "Physic as a science." "The progress of true medical science has greatly qualified our estimate of the value of mere drugs in the treatment of disease. It has shown that in medicine, as in politics, the best course is often that of non-intervention."*

The conclusion is, therefore, irresistible-that Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology, as based on demonstrative facts, can alone be regarded as composing medical science. Hence an eminent authority, Sir Richard Owen, Professor of Anatomy to the Royal College of Surgeons, London, in addressing the students of St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, at the distribution of prizes in 1865, said "Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology, all three bodies of doctrine worthy of the name of sciences, must be cultivated-if possible mastered as the indespensable basis on which a lasting superstructure of a true science of medicine can be raised."

SECTION III.-Popular belief respecting Medical qualifications— Facts concerning present condition of the Medical profession The Medical Act of 1858-The General Council: its defective administration-Deplorable condition of Medical Education -The Licensing bodies—Their numerous licenses and titles rejected by Army and Navy as no test of qualificationOpinions of Medical authorities on shameful state of the Profession, and destructive character of Medical practice.

BEARING in mind the essential distinction we have established between Medicine as a Science, and the mere practice of Physic, a more correct appreciation and sounder judgment can be formed concerning the condition of the Medical Profession as it now exists. It is a popular belief that any one who ranks as a member of the Medical Profession must necessarily be learned

* Medical Annotations in Lancet, March 21, 1865.


and wise, accomplished and skilful. Popular credulity, indeed, runs so wild, in ignorance of the laws of nature, as to believe that "Doctor" is a name to conjure with-that "M.D.," half the letters of the alphabet appended to a practitioner's name, has some mysterious signification, and betokens a wizard's power to charm away disease and restore health!

The public willingly assume the existence of learning and ability. They take it for granted that a proper education has been received by all "regular" practitioners. They repose confidence in all diplomas, licenses, and degrees, which are supposed to have been acquired by an enlightened course of study, and after thorough competency has been honestly tested by impartial examination. They do not believe that very ill-informed persons can easily become, and, as a rule, actually do become, "M.D.'s"-obtain diplomas-are licensed to practice, and have their names emblazoned on the Registry as "duly qualified." They do not consider it credible that a scandal so grave could possibly exist, as entrusting to persons of acknowledged and notorious incompetency the serious concerns of life and health. Let us, however, again lift the veil, and look at facts as they glare before us.

The shameful admission first attracts attention, that the standard of Medical Education is so wretchedly low as to admit persons to the ranks of the Profession who do not possess even the ordinary qualification of a respectable English education! -who are incapable of writing a Latin prescription correctly! The evils that arose within the profession from such a scandalous state of affairs led to the passing of the Medical Act, 21 and 22 Vic., c. 90, in the hope that some improvement might be effected. But in every particular this Act is lamentably defec tive. It did not honestly grapple with the evils that lie at the root of the whole medical organization. It did not touch one of the manifold abuses that pervade the whole system ofmedical matriculation, education, examination, and licensing. On the contrary, it sanctioned and fortified them all.

A General Medical Council was established, but its very

composition precluded all hope of effective reform. It consisted of seventeen persons, elected by nineteen medical corporations, possessing licensing privileges, and all having mercenary interests in existing abuses. Six members are nominated by the Crown, so that assuming they are all anxious for improvement, there are seventeen against them. A Register is provided for, and no practitioner not registered is entitled to recover at law any charges whatever for his services, or to hold any appointment in the Army, Navy, or Civil Service. The authority conferred on the Council it has refused to exercise beneficially. Among its first acts was to dispense with a knowledge of Greek as unnecessary to form any part of the education of a learned and accomplished medical practitioner! In short, the conclusion now arrived at by the enlightened among the Profession itself, after an experience of ten years' working, is, that the whole Act, as administered by the General Council, is a pretentious deception-a solemn burlesque, and an expensive sham! Some little zeal has been displayed, it is true, in seeking to extinguish empiricism outside the registered practitioners, but no attempt has been made to effectively strike at the root of the equally gross abuses which exist and flourish within the charmed circle.

For instance, there exists nineteen separate and independent licensing bodies in the United Kingdom, empowered to confer no less than thirty separate licenses to practice, and fifty-four titles, which the Council is compelled to register without having any authority to test the qualifications of those who possess them. There is not, as there ought to be, one uniform standard of education for all students-one examination to which all should submit, and one title to practice which all should possess; but each of the nineteen licensing bodies is left to consult its own mercenary interests in admitting whom they please, and on whatever terms they please.

The consequence is, that unhealthy competition is encouraged, and as most students will go through whatever curriculum is shortest-will patronise that board of examiners whose examination is lowest, easiest, and cheapest, the inevitable

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