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Decora lux æternitatis au

The beauteous rays of light eternal splendidly,


Diem beatis irrigavit igni- Shone on that day with pure


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celestial brilliancy, Which crowned the Princes of

the Apostles gloriously, And shewed the sinner's path to bliss perpetual.

The world's great Master, and heaven's porter vigilant, Rome's glorious parents, and

all nations' arbiters,

One by the sword, one by the
cross victoriously
The crown unfading won in
realms of bliss above.

O happy Rome, thy two great
Princes sacrificed
Their lives, and shed their
blood thy soil to consecrate:
That blood empurples thee,

and thou excellest far,

Embellished thus, all beau.
teous things terrestrial.

Sit Trinitati sempiterna gloria, Blest Trinity, enthroned in

Honor, potestas, atque ju


In unitate, quæ gubernat


Per universa sæculorum sæ



V. In omnem terram exivit sonus eorum. R. Et in fines orbis terræ verba eorum.

realms etherial,
To thee be glory,honour,prais

Who rulest all supreme
mystic unity,
Through endless ages, great

V. Their sound went
forth into all the earth.
R. And their words to
the ends of the world.


Ant. Tu es pastor ovi





Ant. Thou art the

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If this Feast fulls on a Sunday, a Commemoration is made of the Sunday.

SECOND VESPERS, as in the Common of Apostles,

page VIII.

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Ant. Hodie Simon Pe

Ant. On this day Si

trus ascendit crucis pati- mon Peter ascended the bulum, Alleluia: hodie instrument of the cross, clavicularius regni gau- Alleluia: on this day the Idens migravit ad Chri- keeper of the keys of the stum: hodie Paulus Apo- kingdom went rejoicing

stolus, lumen orbis terræ,

to Christ: on this day the

inclinato capite pro Chri- Apostle Paul, the light of

sti nomine martyrio coronatus est, Alleluia.

the world, bowing down his head for the name of Christ was crowned with martyrdom, Alleluia.

PRAYER.-Deus, qui hodiernam diem, as above,

page 239.

JUNE 30.

Commemoration of St. Paul, Apostle.-Double.

SECOND VESPERS, as in the Common of Apostles, page VIII, to the Little Chapter: then of the follow ing.

Feasts of July.


Octave Bay of St. John Baptist.-Double. FIRST VESPERS, from the Little Chapter, as on the Feast, page 229.

Commemoration of SS. Peter and Paul.

ANT.-Petrus Apostolus, V. and R. as at the end of Vespers, page 16, with the Prayer, Deus, qui hodi

ernam, as above, page 239.

Then a Commemoration of the Sunday.
SECOND VESPERS, are the First of the following.


Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.—Greater Double



abiit in montana cum fe

Ant. MARY rising up

went into the hill country

3 te


stinatione in civitatem Ju- with haste into a city of


Ant. Intravit Maria in domum Zachariæ, et salutavit Elisabeth.


Ant. Mary entered into the house of Zachary, and saluted Elizabeth.

PSALM.-Laudate pueri, page 5.

Ant. Ut audivit salutationem Mariæ Elisabeth, exultavit infans in utero ejus, et repleta est Spiritu sancto, Alleluia.

Ant. When Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in the womb, and she was filled with the Holy Ghost, Alleluia.

PSALM.-Lætatus sum, and the others, as in the Common of B.V. Mary, page 1.

Ant. Benedicta tu inter mulieres, et benedictus fructus ventris tui. Ant. Ex quo facta est Vox salutationis tuæ in auribus meis, exultavit infans in utero Alleluia.


Ant. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

Ant. As soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy, Alleluia.

Little Chapter and Hymn, as in the Common,

page IV.

V. Benedicta tu in mulieribus.

R. Et benedictus fructus ventris tui.

V. Blessed art thou among women.

R. And blessed is the fruit of thy womb.


Ant. Beata es Maria,

Ant. Blessed art thou

Mary, who hast believed,

in te quæ dicta sunt tibi those things shall be acquæ credidisti, perficientur

a Domino, Alleluia.

complished in thee which were spoken to thee by the Lord, Alleluia.


Famulis tuis, quæsumus Domine, cœlestis gratiæ munus impertire: ut quibus beatæ Virginis partus extitit salutis exordium, visitationis ejus votiva solemnitas, pacis tribuat incrementum. Per


We beseech thee, O Lord, to bestow on thy servants the gift of heavenly grace: that for those

to whom the blessed Vir

gin's maternity was the beginning of salvation, the votive solemnity of her visitation may procure increase of peace. Through

our Lord, &c.

Commemoration of St. John Baptist.

ANT.-Puer, qui natus, V. R. and Prayer, as on the Feast, page 232.

Commemoration of the Sunday, then of SS. Peter and


ANT.-Petrus Apostolus, V. and R. page 16, and Prayer, as above, page 239.

Then a Commemoration of SS. Processus and Mar tinianus, MM. ANT.-Istorum est enim, V. and R. as in the Common,

page XXVI.


Deus, qui nos sancto

O God, who dost surround and protect us by Processi et Martiniani glo- the glorious confessions riosis confessionibus cir- of thy holy martyrs cumdas et protegis: da nobis et eorum imitatione grant us to profit f

rum martyrum tuorum


cessus and Martinianus,

proficere, et intercessione imitating them, and re

gaudere. Per Dom.

joice by their interces

sion. Through


our Lord,

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